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Miss-Trina's Territory

Hello! Black Planet audience welcome to my webpage. My name is Trina (Miss Trina if your nasty) I am a Philipino and Portuguese Pre-Op TRANSEXUAL yes I said TRANSEXUALl If you don`t like what you see fine B***H!, it won`t cost you nothing, but to those who is willing to explore and THINK! you can handle this please continue on reading. Anyway moving on, for my younger and innocent audience who don`t have a clue to what I just said, let me rephrase that, In english terms yes I was born a male and have transformed myself and continue to appear as a women. So once again ladies and gentlemen welcome to my page where HATERS! are not allowed. I am happy with my life right now, it is my decision to choose to live like this, I`m comfortable with the way I am so haters if you have a problem you can leave my page no one`s stopping you.

My Photo galleries

Me and my girl Patty

Me and all about me

My one and only truly best friend James