Give Love...24/7 and 365

Love is...

I Give You the Moonlight !!! I Give You the Moonlight !!!


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"Faces of Love"

If I say I Love You...

It only means I do..

If I say, I am in Love with you

It truly means I will...

If I use the Love, when I speak to you

It sincerely means I can...

I can, I will, I do...

So can you Love me too?


They say we are a people who replace one addiction with another, I say we are people trying to be happy and fill a void... We are like hungry fish, if u throw feed in the tank, they will go after it in a frenzy good or bad, addictions are result of the frenzy...

Right know I'm hungry, I'm hungry for a hug, I am hungry for the pleasure of a smile, I am hungry for the gentleness of a touch...But most of all I am hungry for companionship...How u gonna feed me, what kind of an addiction are u?

I am surrounded by drug addictions, alcohol addictions, food addictions, abuse addictions. I done seen it all…

I don't want another Love Hangover, I wanna feel your arms draped around my back, I wanna see that seductive smile as u lay in my arms under a tree in the park, I wanna feel the gentleness of your touch, as u take a splinter out of my finger, that's causing me so much discomfort, but most of all, I wanna feel the excitement rush through my body as I wait for u to walk through my door, because, nothing can happen through words on paper…

Loneliness is an addiction, that can bring the best to their knees...How ya gonna feed me baby, be gentle with my frenzy, for if u are not, the addiction of loneliness, might be yours and yours alone...


You have given me a reason to strive for excellence

I think about your smile, your laugh, your voice…

Is this a trap, am I justified for feeling so good?

Or is loneliness my only choice….

Whatcha gonna do….

Anticipation is making me wait, or is it heartburn that I feel?

I don’t think so, I think this things for real….

Whatcha gonna do….

LWD (Love, Warmth and Desire)

Is what your breakfast of champions should be

Sitting on a blanket under a tree, a Dream for you and one for Me…

Whatcha gonna do…

I’ve found that Love on a two way street,

Is dangerous if you don’t land on your feet…

Walking in the rain with the one you love,

How sweet it sounds, if feelings not just push, shove, shove…

Whatcha gonna do…

The intensity of love, can make you say…

If loving you is wrong I don’t want to be right…

Just think if the feeling is strong, it can never be wrong.

Not to heavy and not to light…

Whatcha gonna do…

So lets sit back enjoy the ride, spend time together

Laugh, joke, listen to Stylistics, Moments and Dells…

Share a second, hug a minute, talk for hours, make love for days and

Build a bond tougher than leather…

Excellence, Anticipation, LWD (Love, Warmth and Desire)

And Intensity can keep us together but…

Inspiration keeps us alive and able to feel,

Thanx for the Inspiration!

Sites of Interest

Pleasure's Hip-Hop World