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Once Again...Closed



Once again like every fed I start, We never get successful. But there was one

federation that I loved and Was actually a great hit throughout

E-Wrestling History, and that was the World of Xtreme Wrestling...

WOXW Had everything, Backstage actions, Great Interview transactions, etc.

You name it we had it all. But after that I started up a few feds that went sour.. So then came

another great federation.. The MWF!! Oh yeah The

Megastar Wrestling Federation!!

I loved working with the fed, we were gonna get down the road and bring in the nWo

and everything, But then me and Blaze realized that we need a break from E-Wrestling.

Blaze and I have been e-fed partners 4-Ever, And we never have had a good sized

break,So we decided to start it now.


I would like to thank a few people throughout the MWF.


Blaze: For holding up and helping the MWF Get back up on its feet.

The Rock: For doing kickass Results Writing and attepting to start the MWF Magizine, Thanx man.

Mark and Ian AKA Hogan and Raven: At least trying to get in the fed while being extremely busy. Thank you guys.

Fylth: Thanx for making my kickass Danger logo and being a good wrestler in  the MWF.

Staci:Even though you did advertise on my board Thanx for holding out on being the only Diva in the MWF.

Ronnie Styles:You were a kickass Roleplayer and A good Champion.

If I forgot you I'm really sorry Cause I am in a hurry.


Thank you all for being a good wrestler and especially for having fun in the Megastar Wrestling Federation!

Id you wanna talk my contact info is

E-mail -

MSN Messenger -

Yahoo! Messenger - kane_1020

AOL Instant Messenger : Da Kane 102

is my pager/message board if you want to contact me there.

