
This is the section of the site where we make entire pages for the bands we like. These pages will include Reviews, Bios, and Lyrics for each band. The rating system for these reviews is the well known Claps reviewing system created by Matt-o and Chris at Mystic aqaurium during a school field trip. This system was later refined by Matt-o and Kal and implimented as the sites reviewing system. Bands and Cd's are rated from 0-5 claps, if they should get 5 claps they get the "revolving clap award" (copyright Mattsterpiece Industries). Cd's may be reviewed by more than one person in which their will be seperate links for each seperate. Lyrics will always stay the same though despite are(note from kal: I think he means "our") attempts to release "Lite My Fire" as our own song. Below is a evergrowing plethora of links to our band pages.

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The Doors
A Perfect Circle
System of a Down