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Think, Then Act

Can you take the time to look around?
You're falling fast, right for the ground.
You have no way to stop your path,
The force you're feeling is gravity's wrath.
Pulling you faster and faster as you come down,
You're going so fast, your face begins to frown.
But don't cry, no, you don't have time for that,
Cause' in 30 seconds, your body will splat.

Oh no, Oh god, What will you do?
If you survive great!, If you don't you're through.
But why take the chance?, Why should you jump?
What will you prove?, That you're a pathetic chump.
So, I tell you this my friend,
Suiside is not the way,
Step away from that cliff, that ledge,
And don't make this, your soul's last day.

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