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Making comments and starting rumors;
Sneering at me and calling me names.
What do you all hope to accomplish?
What do you hope to gain?

Constantly putting people down,
And "Sticking them in their place".
It's done mostly behind their backs,
But how could you do it to their face?

Why would you want to?
How could you be so cruel?
A difference in personalities,
Always ends up in a duel.

One fight after another,
What's the point of going on?
Would anybody notice,
If I were dead and gone?

Who would really care?
Who would wonder where I went?
Would they send out or search party?
Would even a single person be sent?

The loneliness that surfaces,
The pain that dwells deep inside.
When all of you are near,
These are the feelings I hide.

For if I were to let them out,
If I were to let you see,
The biggest fear I have,
Is what you might think of me?

All of your thoughts and ideas,
They all come together.
Some are as heavy as rocks,
Others are as light as a feather.

Emotions floating around,
I keep wondering what to say.
What words could I speak to you,
So that I may end this awful day.

Regardless of what happens,
It all stabs me like a knife.
Just ask yourself one question,
Why are you apart of my life?

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