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LoVe ThOuGhTs

There are times in our lives
When things change because we grow wise
But then why
Do I lay awake at night and cry

If there is a God
Why does this pain seem to increase with every breath?
The pain that comes from the depths of my body That I can’t seem to stop from growing

Why are there holes in the hearts of men?
Ment only to be filled by the company of one woman
That he can’t ever have
No matter how hard he may try

Why do men bother to get close?
If only to have their heart ripped out again and again
Is there a time
When men learn to not bother with love

Why is there nothing like the feeling of being near someone you love?
The warmth of their skin against yours
That look that appears in their eyes as they gaze into yours
That feeling in the pit of your stomach
When you know that it won’t last

Pain: it is an ongoing part of life
And yet no one can accept it
Why is that?
It is too much for one mind to comprehend
But we try anyways, Why?

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