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The Feeling Inside Me

When the people around you change,
There are things that you know to be true.
Like love, freedom, and warmth inside you,
These are things that cause men to hurt.

When the good times are gone,
That is when the pain is the most real.
When you know things will not be the same,
Then you know you should give up.

There is a feeling inside every man,
That keeps them searching for some one else.
They know that there will be one out there, who will stay forever,
But it is finding them that makes it hard.

No matter how we try,
The pain never seems to subside,
Until the next girl comes along.
Then the feelings start again.

There comes a time in our lives,
When we say that one thing.
The thing that seems to sum up all our feeling and thoughts,
That thing that I have felt so much this last month,
I Love You…..

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