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All I Have To Offer

Turn around,
Look at me.
Open your eyes,
Do you see?
All I have to offer….

You are looking in the wrong direction,
I am worthy of your affection.
What you want is not what you deserve,
Why does she tease you, it strikes a nerve?

She leads you around right by the neck,
You over look the cruelty, and pay the check.
Why, when you could lead me by the heart,
I'd return the love you gave from the start.

Turn around,
Look at me.
Open your eyes,
Do you see?
All I have to offer…

You're not a possession, someone to own,
You're merely neglected, kicked like a stone.
I'd never hurt you or push you away,
I'd do anything to love you for a day.

But you do not see me, Quiet I sit,
In your eyes I'm nothing, I guess that's it.
I care more for you, than you'll ever know.
My words must mean nothing, and so I'll go.

Turn around,
Look at me.
Open your eyes,
Do you see?
All I have to offer.

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