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Our First Home


Hello, welcome to my web page.  Thank you for visiting.  This web page is going to explain some of what one must go through in buying a home.  I will also tell you about my first home that I just recently bought.

Link to My Resume!

Looking in to buying a home is a very tedious task!

What must be done!

Be sure to look at a home within your price range or you will see your dream going bye-bye!



Home Inspection

    Once you have decided on a home you must get a certified home inspector to come out and inspect the home for certain things:

Table of Contents

Pest & Termite Inspection                  

          Don't let the bed bugs bite!


  1. Wood Damage
  2. Termites under/around slab.
  3. Bugs inside the house.
  4. Places where bugs may enter from outside and how to seal these areas.

Table of Contents

Home Appraisal           

The appraisal must be done before the house can be finally sold!


  1. List home price in comparison with other homes around the area.
  2. Thoroughly check home for defects that decrease value.
  3. Add features  to appraisal that increase the home value.
  4. Make seller adjust price according to what he found in appraisal.  Meaning if the seller wants 90,000 dollars and the house only appraises for 70,000 dollars than the seller must come down to 70,000 or below, before the lender will agree to lend the money to the buyer.

Table of Contents