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Drumming for Purim 2002 in Warwick, RI

Stan Freedman Sounds of Simcha (Joy) Band
performs at our Purim Party
at the Hampton Inn (near the airport)
in Feb. 2002 in Warwick, Rhode Island.
The Chabad CHAI Center will be a place to call home. 401.884-7888 Fax 401.886.7375

Stan Freedman's Drummer smiles to Purim Party Audience

Stan Freedman
was our Music Master
and his Sounds of Simcha (Joy)
band played Chassidic,
Israeli and Yiddish
as well as Broadway music
for our Purim Party 2002.

Contact Stan Freedman at 401-822-1479 for booking or information

Visit Stan Freedman at his website

Jewish Friends

Purim Party is for Jewish families and friends. Remember that the Chabad CHAI Center will be a place to call your Jewish home. 401.884-7888 Fax 401.886.7375

Special Events

The two Passover Seders was well attended at the Rabbi's House in March 2002.