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New Year's Inquity

:/: The stage is set and the time is here.. From one generation to another, the dark force which surrounds us is thicking in... Our love ones can't fill the hole that they used too. As the time closes near, it's time for a new force of superstars to come over and run over the dying breed of professional wrestling.. Tonight, not only will one man walk out with the Cursive Heavyweight Championship but will find out his own inquity...

As the scene opens up, the cameras shine in the Pyramid as the crowd goes crazy and the pyro starts to shoot.. We see signs like "Genecide is my baby Daddy" to "Goldie Sux" signs. The cameras finally lower down on Funkadelic and Sir Reiko are sitting down and are ready to get the show ready...

Funkadelic: What's up kids. Welcome to the Curse first pay-per-view here from the Pyramid in Memphis, Tennessee!!

Sir Reiko: I am Sir Reiko, and I'm your offical Curse spokesman. It's has been a long run and a long time awaiting but now it's time for the Curse to unvail to you people from Memphis!

Funkadelic: But another thing that's so important on this night is the fact that this was the exact place where the Curse began six months ago Reiko!!

Sir Reiko: You are right my friend... Six months ago, Silkk and Genecide screwed the world when they took the TMW and uWa and created the Curse.. But due to contract reasons, the uWa left and the TMW was in the Curse hands. But tonight, will old ghosts from the past come back from last year and cost the Cursive Title to change from the Curse to the TMW?

Funkadelic: Well, we will have to wait and see here tonight. Tonight, six men are biding for the vacant Cursive World Championship. All six of these men have held World Titles before but that was the Total Mayhem Wrestling and Tough Man Wrestling titles. Silkk, Goldie, Goldebrg, Genecide, NwO Vader and Drake Ruhwen will fight to see who will survive as the champion... It's 6 men in 3 matches fighting for one title... Reiko, do you have any predicitons?

Sir Reiko: Well, this is going to be a pretty steep contest here Funk. The way that these men pulled their cards in the back eariler on today was in match 1 it would have been Genecide vs. Goldberg vs. Goldie. I would like to see Genecide win the thing but come on down, Genecide has a match right before this one against Manhattan in a Hell in a Cell match.. Genecide talked his shit and he wrestled and indeed earned his spot, but it's going to be pretty amazing to see what he can do tonight after meeting Manhattan for the Hardcore Title. So, saying that, my choices would be down to either Goldie or Goldberg. This would be one to see. These two men have never squared off before in the middle of the ring one on one. So this will be a must see..

Funkadelic: Any thoughts on the other three contestants?

Sir Reiko: Do you know what time it is? It's Vader time. NwO Vader has made the transition from being one of the toughest wrestlers in the game to becoming a teacher of the sport... He is in there with the self-proclaimed greatest techincal wrestler in Drake Ruhwen and the evil one himself Silkk. In this match, I beleive the edge is going to be on Vader, to lose first that is... Vader has not been the same that attack from the uWa and "When Worlds Collide" PPV from Silkk and Genecide.. As much as I like Drake Ruhwen success, this is a big man's sport and Silkk has been to the mountaintop before and he don't look like he's ready to leave it yet.. So Count me in for Silkk to carry the title home.

Funkadelic: Well, there you go folks, them are Sir Reiko thoughts on our main event here tonight.. Without futher notice... Let's got to the ring.


opening Match  
Dark Child   TwizTid

Tiphoni Taylor: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall, first coming down to the ring... He hails from the Bowery, he weight at 228 pounds, this is Dark Child!!!

[`] Dark Child hits the Virus-Tron as Dark Child comes down to the ring with his usual style. He is met with a parade of boos. He stands in the ring and walks over to the turnbuckles and get a cheap pop by wearing his offical Curse T-Shirt... After getting a small but cheap pop, the cameras go back on Tiphoni.

Tiphoni Taylor: And his opponent, he hails from Cameron, North Carolina, he weights at 226 pounds, He is one half of Sucidial Tendecies, he is TwizTid!!

[`] TwizTid musics blares on the P.A. system as he comes out to a standing ovasion. TwizTid then runs down to the ring and slides into the ring as Dark Child goes to the outside.. TwizTid goes to climb the turnbuckle and does his signature gun symbol.. As he comes down he stares Dark Child in the eyes as the match goes to start.

Sir Reiko: Well here you actually have two guys here to represented the Curse when they came to attack the TMW. I wonder what they must be thinking when they see this in the back?

Funkadelic: Well, they don't like TwizTid, but the fans love him and that's all that matters right? Or is it....

~ The match starts off with both Dark Child and TwizTid staring at each other. Dark Child goes over and checks him in a tie-up. Dark Child pushes TwizTid over to the corner with the extra pressure. The ref goes over to breaks the hold but as soon as Dark Child does, he hits TwizTid in the throat with a strong throat thrust. Dark Child then threw him into the ropes and caught him with a knee in the gut. Dark Child stands up over TwizTid and lifts him up... He swings TwizTid into the turnbucles and the effect of the move sends TwizTid to the outside and he hits his head on the steel ramp. Dark Child comes outside the ring. He lifts TwizTid, and applied to hit him but TwizTid ducks and kicks Dark Child in the chest and DDT's him unto the mat into the steel chair. TwizTid get's up and rolls back into the ring as the ref enters in also and also starts to count the men outside. TwizTid then enters the ring and climb the turnbuckle as Dark Child slowly gets up as we can see little bits of blood dripping from his head.

Sir Reiko: Oh my God. The match just started and Dark Child is now bleeding from his head.

Funkadelic: I haven't seen anyone bleed that quick since....

~ Dark Child sees he is bleeding and he immedially runs back into the ring and suddenly a slug fest starts out. Dark Child gets the little advantage as he swings TwizTid into the ropes. TwizTid bounces off and shoulder rushes Dark Child.. Dark Child falls down and then gets back up but is then dropped by a pretty ass dropkick by TwizTid. TwizTid then grabs Dark Child arm and rams him into the turnbuckle.. Dark Child hits the turnbuckle and TwizTid hits the "Art of Storytelling" on Dark Child. The fans errupt as Dark Child stumbles out of the corner and walks into TwizTid. TwizTid catches Dark Child and taunts with the fans. He then yelled for a Spinning Tornado DDT, but when he runs and springs off the Turnbuckle, Dark Child blocks it as the last moment and toss him from the turnbuckle and drops him outside to the mat outside! Dark Child then climbs the turnbuckle and jumps and hits with a double ax-handle on TwizTid on the outside!

Funkadelic: This match has came back into Dark Child way.

Sir Reiko: That's why those are called high-risked moves. You go for them and there is a fifty-fifty chance that you will hit it and you will not. If you hit it, you can hurt them a little more than yourself. But if you miss it, you fill all the effect of that move yourself. But with Dark Child out there, it's only one thing everyone thinks of...

Funkadelic: Weapons!!!

~ Dark Child then goes to pull up the arpon. Dark Child pulls out a trash can lid.. Dark Child lifts TwizTid up and goes for the swing, but TwizTid kicks Dark Child in the midsection. Dark Child stumps, thus causing TwizTid the opening and hits Dark Child with the Trash Can lid. TwizTid then rolls Dark Child into the ring and throws the Trash Can lid and Trash Can in the ring.. TwizTid then lifts Dark Child and nails a spinebuster in the middle of the ring and then he walks over to sit the can in the corner. He then goes for the cover.




TwizTid then gets on top of Dark Child and starts to give him stiff punches into the face. The ref goes over to try to break it up. He breaks the hold at the count of four... TwizTid then goes back to the outside and goes under the ring and this time pulls out a ladder!!! The fans start to erupt as TwizTid brings the ladder into the ring.

Sir Reiko: O, I got a good question here. I thought this was just a regular match, and I guess they made it turn into a Hardcore Match. Will the ref d.Q. TwizTid!?

Funkadelic: I don't think he should.. Hell this is PPV. Personally this been a pretty exciting match to me. I just love it when two lightweights take it to the air like this.. You think this is something... We got to see Kasino and Krome fight now that will just be great!!

~ Dark Child starts to roll as TwizTid comes in and set's the ladder up. TwizTid walks over to Dark Child and rakes his eyes... He throws Dark Child into the ladder and his back smacks the ladder hard! The fans start to cheer. TwizTid climbs the turnbuckle and jumps over the ladder and nails a lovely 5 Star Frogsplash onto Dark Child!!! The effect of the Frogsplash leaves TwizTid an opening and possibly an effect in the outcome of this match. Even though he is hurt, he goes for the cover.




Funkadelic: Damn I, thought that was it!!

Sir Reiko: I told you, TwizTid should stop taking all these high-risk moves. You see, he could have had the win. All he had to do was just cover him then.

Funkadelic: Well, these been a great opening match.

~ TwizTid couldn't beleive Dark Child kicked out of the 5 Star frogsplash. TwizTid then picked up Dark Child and swung him to the ropes but this time Dark Child reversed it into a Short-Arm Clothesline! Dark Child then picked up TwizTid and carried Dark Child into a turnbuckle and tied him into the tree-of-woe. Dark Child then ran over from one corner to another and connected with a dropkick dead to the face!! The fans then all said "OHH". Dark Child then got up and released TwizTid. Dark Child then walked with TwizTid and ran over to the corner with the ladder. Dark Child put TwizTid head between his legs and went for the "Dusk To Dawn" Powerbomb. He lifted TwizTid up and instead of dropping him down he releashed him and his chest and face landed across the ladder. Suddenly Dark Child peeled him off the ladder and landed his Even Flow DDT and went for the cover.




Sir Reiko: He did it!!

Tiphoni Taylor: Here's your winner of the match.... Dark Child!!

Funkadelic: Dark Child had to go through a tough match, but he did get the hard clean win. This was really a match I thought he was going to lose.

Sir Reiko: He tried all he could but there was nothing that TwizTid could do to kick out of that. That was one sweet ass move that Dark Child did with that "Dusk to Dawn". It almost reminds me of your old days in the LCW.

Funkadelic: Well thank you.. I know someone seen me in the ring before. But let's move one to our next match coming up. It's for the number oone contendership to the United States Title which will be won by Rocket Termantor or Undertaker tonight. Reiko, what are your predictions... Who will win? Kevin Nash or Sean LeCroux?

Sir Reiko: This is one of the guys that is not getting the respect he need. Instead of Kevin Nash his name should be Kevin Dangerfield. He has been in the business for a while and he was never given the shot to the World Title. But tonight he goes against the Canadian Crippler, Sean LeCroux. In my opinion, I beleive that Nash could actually get the victory if he stays determine and not go look in the crowds.

Funkadelic: Those are good plans, but I say the Crippler will win.

Sir Reiko: You think he'll win? We'll see.


2nd Match
Winner get United States Title Match
Kevin Nash   Sean LeCroux

Tiphoni Taylor: Ladies and gentlemen this match is scheduled for one fall and is for the number one contendership to the Cursive United States Championship of the World. First, coming down to the ring he hails from Tampa, Florida. He is weighing in at 304 pounds this is Kevin Nash!!

[`] Kevin Nash comes out to no music but just walks to the ring. He walks into the ring and looks at the crowd before go to the second rope giving his signature Wolfpac symbol. He ruhs his hands between his hairs and then rubs his hand on his face and waits for the challenger.

Tiphoni Taylor: And his opponent, standing at 5'10 1/2, he hails from Calgery, Alberta, Canada, this is "The Canadian Crippler" Sean LeCroux!!

[`] "Canadian National Anthem" plays across the P.A. system as Sean LeCroux comes out waving the Canadian flag but as he gets down to the ring, he comes into the ring but is quickly took down by a big boot from Kevin Nash as the bell rings!!

Funkadelic: Oh, oh, I beleive that Kevin Nash couldn't wait to start this match.

Sir Reiko: Well, Kevin Nash wants to get this match over with quick so he can get some respect back from this crowd.

~ Kevin Nash starts off as he lifts Sean LeCroux up and swings him to the ropes. Kevin Nash catches Sean LeCroux with another big boot. Kevin Nash then goes for a legdrop and goes for the cover.



Kevin Nash then lifts up Sean LeCroux head and then catches him in a swinging neckbreaker. Kevin Nash then taunts to the crowd. Kevin Nash recieves nothing more then a chrous of of boos from the fans. He turns back around, but Sean LeCroux catches him in a small cradle pin.



Funkadelic: Sean LeCroux almost had him there with that cradle rock pin!

Sir Reiko: I believe that Kevin Nash going to show him the works here tonight.

~ Sean LeCroux gets up first and runs into Nash with a brutal clothesline. Sean LeCroux then grabs Kevin Nash and throws him into the corner and starts to dish out some Flair chops. The chops don’t faze Nash and when LeCroux notices this, he grabs Nash and delivers a beautiful belly to belly suplex! Kevin Nash grabs his lower back as LeCroux then starts to kicks Nash in the back. Sean LeCroux then catches Kevin Nash and puts him in a Camel Clutch. Kevin Nash screams in agony as he reaches for the ropes. Kevin Nash reaches the ropes in time for the ref to get LeCroux off of Nash. LeCroux gets off of him but then drops an elbow into the lower back of Nash. He then grabbed Kevin Nash legs and arms and wraps them into the Canadian Masquarade!! Kevin Nash screams in pain as finally the fans start to cheer Sean LeCroux on in the match. Kevin Nash looks for a way to excape the hold. But thanks to the ref, LeCroux drops the hold and continues to stomp on Kevin Nash back.

Funkadelic: Sean LeCroux is going to kill Kevin Nash out there.

Sir Reiko: I will admit, Sean LeCroux is very focused out there in the ring tonight. Kevin Nash better rebound before he loses this match and start to whine again like a little bitch.

~ Sean LeCroux picks Kevin Nash up and delievers a standing dropkick. Kevin Nash again falls on his back. Sean LeCroux then goes to the turnbuckle and dives for a flying headbutt but Kevin Nash gives him a big boot straight into the head for the trouble. Kevin Nash then gets up and connects with a kneedrop to Sean LeCroux. He raises LeCroux and throws him into the ropes. Kevin Nash catches LeCroux and drops him with a Side Suplex. He then tossed LeCroux to the outside. Kevin Nash follows him and with his height, he grabs the steel stairs and rams them straight into LeCroux and LeCroux falls over the ramp into the aisle of the crowd. Kevin Nash then drops the steps and then steps over the rail and walks over to LeCroux. He grabs LeCroux by the hair but LeCroux then nails with a dangerous Low-blow! LeCroux then grab a chair and slaps Kevin Nash across the head with the chair!

Funkadelic: I can't beleive that the ref is letting this action happen here tonight!

Sir Reiko: Well, I beleive that the CEO of the Curse Linkoln Shakespeare is the man behind the maddness here in the Curse!

~ LeCroux then runs back while Kevin Nash stumbles up, LeCroux runs over and smacks Nash once again with the chair!! The effect of that shot sends Kevin Nash back over the rail into the mat! Sean LeCroux climbs over the rail and tosses Nash into the ring. LeCroux slides into the ring and goes for the cover.




LeCroux does not get the 3 count but Kevin Nash gets a second wind with the little eye guage. Kevin Nash then connects with a jumping DDT, and flats LeCroux into the middle of the ring. Kevin Nash then get's up and lean into the corner looking for a place to rest and get a little breather. LeCroux stummbles up and Kevin Nash runs over towards him but LeCroux moves out of the way and LeCroux drops Nash with a drop toe hold!! LeCroux then grabs the ankle and puts him in a ankle lock!! Kevin Nash screams in pain as LeCroux add the punishment towards the ankle. Kevin Nash overpowers LeCroux and kicks LeCroux in the face with the other foot. He kicks three times and LeCroux drops the hole and lays in the middle of the ring. The ref start to do the ten count and the both Nash and LeCroux gets up and stare at each other.

Funkadelic: Kevin Nash and Sean LeCroux are ready for round two!

Sir Reiko: I see you have noticed that Kevin Nash and Sean LeCroux have been beating the hell out of each other and no one looks like they are ready to give it up. Next month will be either a fight between Sean LeCroux and Rocket T. or Undertaker and Kevin Nash or vice versa.

~ Kevin Nash reaches his hand out in a contest for strength. Sean LeCroux comes in and reaches his hand in, but Kevin Nash sneaks in a very quick knee into the gut of LeCroux and connects with a spinning side breaker. Kevin Nash then taunts for the chokeslam but suddendly Hot Blast Termantor and Krome runs down to the ring. They comes in and attack Kevin Nash as Sean LeCroux has the ref on him. Kevin Nash leg is scooped to the outside and Khrome connects with a chop block to the knee and Hot Blast hits Kevin Nash with a shot into the stomach.

Funkadelic: Damn Sean LeCroux had a plan all the time. Sean LeCroux is being the decoy so they can attack Kevin Nash.

Sir Reiko: Well, I beleive that Sean LeCroux has learned the golden rule of wrestling and that is... Do unto others before they do unto you. But, hey Funky, why are these folks standing up and looking over to the left?

~ They drop Kevin Nash as the ref turns around.. The Ref turns around and tells them to leave. As they try to explain their actions, Stone Cold Steve Austin comes from the outside!! He comes into the ring and starts to go off at Sean LeCroux! He punches LeCroux six times and finally kills him with the Stone Cold Stunner!!! The ref turn back around and sees Sean LeCroux laid out flat. He looks around and don't see anything. Kevin Nash, now up off the ground, rolls into the ring and walks over to LeCroux and lifts him up. He put's his head between his legs and lifts LeCroux up. He then drop Sean LeCroux on the mat with the "Jackknife Powerbomb!" Kevin Nash plats him on the mat and then goes for the cover.




Sir Reiko: And it's over!! What a great match.

Tiphoni Taylor: Here's your winner of the match and the number one contender to the Cursive United States Championship title is Kevin Nash!!!

Funkadelic: I will say Sir Reiko that you are 1 up on me in the match predictions. I really thought that Kevin Nash would have lost this match to Sean LeCroux.

Sir Reiko: Well, I told you Kevin Nash would win. Kevin Nash will be one of the Curse great underrated superstars who will try to be the top game again

Funkadelic: But Kevin Dangerfield had to get help from Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Sir Reiko: Well, You see you got to win a match in the Curse anyway you can and Kevin Nash won the match his way. Well next we have the first gimmick match in the Curse.

Funakdelic: It is the first ever Human Scaffold Match between Metalhead and Punishment. For many of you people who don't know these guys or don't know what a human Scaffold match is, we have our very own Antwon Jamerson Jr. to tell us what this match is. Antwon can you here me?

A.J.: Yes, I hear you loud and clear. Well a Human Scaffold match is defined as a match where both wrestlers fight on top of a scaffold hanging above the ring. Below them inside the ring are about 25 tables. The first person to cause their opponent to fall from the scafofld through the tables, will win the match.

Even though this match is very dangerous, both Metalhead and Punishment are no strangers to these type of matches. Metalhead and Punishment had a very heated rivial in the TMW and they fought in Street Fights and No Holdz Barred matches. This match tonight will add another chapter in their history of Hardcore Brutality. Wait a minute, I am hearing that the CEO will have a word to say about the main event following this match. So Funkadelic, keep it funky!

Funkadelic: Thank you for that news. Well as the cell from top with the scaffold comes down.. Reiko, is their anything you have to say about this match?

Sir Reiko: I must say that Metalhead and Punishment are going to be in the battle of their life. Punishment on the other hand haven't been seen wrestling on a pay-per-view since Anarchy Rules at TMW "In Your House". I will wait to see if Punishment can move from his jobber days and finally win a PPV match. But his opponent in this match Metalhead, is an Hall of Famer and wants to get his shot at the Cursive Hardcore Championship. Metalhead states that Genecide is a joke to the Hardcore Championship and that he'll win. Wait a minute, A.J. is telling me that Christian Jones our Commish has signed this match to be a number one contendership to the Hardcore Title!! Well with that big announcement, let's go to the ring!


3rd Match
Human Scaffold Match
Number One contendership to the Hardcore Championship
Metalhead   Punishment

Tiphoni Taylor: Ladies and gentlemen this match is scheduled for one fall and is a Human Scaffold Match for the number one contendership to the Hardcore Championship! The winner of this match will be the one that tosses his man 20 feet below into the tables below. First coming down to the ring he weighting 329 pounds. He hails from parts unknown this is the man known as Metalhead!!

[`] Metalhead music blares on the PA system as Metalhead comes down to the ring wearing his original clothing from TMW and he enters into the cell and climbs the ladder on the side of the cell and climbs to the top of the scaffold and gets accepted with a tenacious round of cheers. He then awaits Punishment.

Tiphoni Taylor: And his opponent, he represents the Curse. He stands 6'3 and weights at 300 pounds this is Punishment!

[`] Punishment comes out to the original Capital Punishment song as it blares on the PA system. He comes down to the ring with a 2x4 wrapped in barbwire. He runs down and notices Metalhead up there standing on the Scafofld and then he notices the weapons surrounding the cell. He then starts to hold the bat in one hand while climbing the cell in the other hand. Once he goes up there, he throws it on the scaffold and steps over and they stare at each other as the bell rings.

Funkadelic: Well I'm ready to see some explosive action in this match. I was fortunate to witness some of the wars between these two in the TMW. I wonder how it would be tonight.

Sir Reiko: Well quote, the great Flamboyant One, this is going to be 100% Flamboyant.

~ The fight starts out as Metalhead and Punishment just stare at each other from their respective sides of the cage. After a while they run into each other and start to fight. Metalhead and Punishment start to trade rights and lefts and after a while, Metalhead gets the advantage as he punches Punishment into the cell. Metalhead then grabs his head and rams it into the cage. Punishment falls too his back and Metalhead starts to stomp him in the chest. Metalhead then gets on top of Punishment and starts to ram the back of his head into the scaffold. He does it for three times before Punishment gets in a low blow that knocks Metalhead back to the cage. Punishment gets back up and rams his head into the gut of Metalhead. He does it three times and then grabs Metalhead head and gives him a bulldog into the Scaffold.

Funkadelic: This has been a little even fight so far.

Sir Reiko: Yes, I agree. This has been a great match so far here tonight. But this match is just beginning.

~ Punishment goes and grabs the 2x4 barbwire bat that he brought into the cell. He then goes over to Metalhead, and attacks Metalhead with the bat!! Punishment picks Metalhead up and throws him into the cell. Punishment then picks up the bat and runs into the cage. But Metalhead moves out of the way and Punishment runs into the cage and the force of his body with the cage connects the barbwire off the bat into his skin!! Metalhead then grabbed the back of his head and started scraping the face of Punishment to the cage!! He then picked him up and dropped him off with a reverse powerslam unto the scaffold!! As the blood starts to pour from Punishment face, the fans start to cheer Metalhead!! Metalhead!! Metalhead walks over to the other side of the scaffold and picks up a steel chair. Metalhead then walks back over towards Punishment and awaits for him to get up.. As he get up, Metalhead managed to make the correct shot and smacks Punishment across the skull!!

Funkadelic: Can you say headache city?

Sir Reiko: Well, I got to say that tonight one of these men if not both are going to go down and hit all of this tables below.

Funkadelic: Have you ever wondered how many weapons are up there in the cell? I wonder how in the hell do they expect us to pay for someone medical bills if one of these guys get injured..

Sir Reiko: Yeah.. You are right. The last thing we need is another Sky-Walker Accident.

Funkadelic: You low-down as fuck.

~ Metalhead smacks him with the chair one more time and then sits the chair up and walk on top of Punishment and gets the barbwire bat. He then gets the bat and drills the bat right into the chest of Punishment! Metalhead sits back in the chair and waits for him to get up. Punishment gets up and wipes the blood off his face and looks up. He looks up and he see Metalhead. Metalhead starts to laugh at him. Punishment afraid starts to run around the scaffold and Metalhead gets out of his seat and starts to run after Punishment. Punishment runs until he is stuck in the corner of the cell. Metalhead follows him and Punishment falls to his knees begging for mercy. Metalhead shakes his head at Punishment and looks at the crowd. Suddenly the crowd starts to chant, Do it!! Do it!! Do it!! Metalhead raises the barb wire bat up in the air but at that time Punishment sneaks in and gives a very dangerous low blow and Metalhead falls down to the scaffold. Punishment then finds some handcuffs and handcuffs Metalhead arm into the cage! Punishment gets up again and starts to punch Metalhead in the face with his closed fist. Metalhead tries to punch at Punishment but is unsuccessful! Punishment then finds some brass knuckles with some spikes on it! Punishment then begins to punch at Metalhead. Metalhead skin begins to shed due to the shots in the face. Punishment stops the punishment, and then makes fun at Metalhead.

Sir Reiko: I can’t believe what I am seeing here!

Funkadelic: This ain’t no wrestling match.. This ain’t about no titles, or no money. This is built all on respect and the fact that this is just a fight.

~ Punishment walks over towards the edge of the scaffold. He then looks down unto the tables below and as Metalhead starts to swing for him. Punishment then continues to pound on Metalhead. Punishment then goes to walk over to the edge again and grabs a kendo stick and then starts to use Metalhead as batting practice! Metalhead then uses his head and tells Punishment to continue the move on him. Punishment continues to do it but then stops it and lets Metalhead goes. Metalhead then spears Punishment near the edge of the scaffold!! Metalhead then hears the chant of throw him off!! Throw him off!! Throw him off!! So Metalhead, weaken with the loss of blood does so. He grabs Punishment and tosses him off of the Scaffold!

Funkadelic: This is off the chain right here boy!

Sir Reiko: This has been one hell of a match and I agree that ending this match now would be the best thing for not only both of these folks careers but for the rest of their life also.

~ But Punishment some how grabs on to the end of the scaffold and remains on top of the Scaffold. Metalhead then goes over and start stomping on his hand. Punishment tries to stay on the scaffold hanging on with his life and then he grabs a kendo stick from under the scaffold and connects with the shot to Metalhead! Metalhead staggers back to the cell as Punishment comes back over the scaffold! Punishment gets back up to his feet and as Metalhead sees him he runs over towards Punishment! Punishment ducks and he suplexes Metalhead on the scaffold and Metalhead rolls over to the edge of the scaffold! Punishment then gets on top of him and starts to choke the life out of Metalhead!! Punishment rolls Metalhead over the edge. But Punishment picks Metalhead up and holds his head between his legs and signals for a Powerbomb to the tables. But Metalhead at the last moment headbutts Punishment in the midsection and grabs him by his waist and tosses him 20 feet from off the Scaffold unto the tables below!!! Punishment hits the tables with a sickening thud as the bell rings!

Sir Reiko: Finally the nightmare is over!

Funkadelic: Metalhead has done it!! Metalhead has done it!!

Tiphoni Taylor: Here is your winner of the match...Metalhead!!!

Funkadelic: This has been one hell of a match here!

Sir Reiko: Both of these men here have given their blood, they have given their sweat and have given their tears and these two men deserve a standing ovation.

Funkadelic: I beleive that these two guys have lost more blood than a Atlanta Falcon! Metalhead and Punishment both are going to need some medical attention!

Sir Reiko: Well ladies and gentlemen before we go to our next match we heard from A.J. that we are going to have an annoucement from the CEO of the Curse. Linkoln Shakespeare go and do your thing!

Linkoln: Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I have a special stipulation concerning the main event of the night for the vacant Cursive World Championship Title. Tonight one of thesese six men, Bill Goldberg, Goldie, Silkk, Drake Ruhwen, Genecide and NwO Vader are going to leave the World Champion. But a special stipulation that I am adding to the main event is that the match will be a two out of three falls match.

The first fall will be a single one on one match with the two winners. Following that first fall, the next fall will be the Hardcore Heaven Match in which all weapons are legal in this match. In the third and final fall if they make it, it will be a ladder match for the Cursive Title. Personaly, I want to see these guys go out there and kill each other. This way it will show me and show you folks that the title means something of great importance.

One more thing that has came to my attention is the fact that Genecide is in more than one match. Well Genecide, I figure that you would think about how in the hell can you wrestle for the World Title and defend your Hardcore Title in the same night against Manhattan? Well I thought about it and I made this decision. Instead of having the Hardcore Title match right before the first main event I am deciding to have the Hardcore Title match before the United States Title match and I'm going to switch those two matches around. Plus you might already noticed this, but if you didn't Manhattan, I have listened to your bitching and complaining and I have decided that if you can defeat Genecide and become the Hardcore Champion of the world then you can walk into the Main Event matches and be one of the six wrestlers to fight for the World Title.. Now until then, I have spoken!

Funkadelic: Well The CEO has spoken and now we have the rest of the night set out!

Sir Reiko: I can't beleive the action these fighters going to go in. Check this out Funk, if Genecide makes it, he got to first go through a Hell in a Cell Match with Manhattan, then he got to go in a triple threat match against Goldberg and Goldie and then if he survive, he got to go in another hardcore match, regular match and then a ladder match!

Funkadelic: Well, I don't know... But The Rock is scheduled to fight Bryan Fury next. The Rock have been taunting Bryan Fury for the past week saying that he was the Ho-Bo's Champion. Bryan Fury stated that he rather be the Ho-Bo's champion then be the people's champion and he was going to beat The Rock ass here tonight. Well the Rock talks the talk but can he walk the walk. Let's find out.

Sir Reiko: I hope the Rock loses.. He sucks. I voted the Rock for the Worst wrestler of the year. Damn it, he just sucks!


4rd Match  
Bryan Fury   The Rock

Tiphoni Taylor: Ladies and gentlemen the following match is scheduled for one fall! First coming down to the ring representing the Curse, he stands 6'9 and weights 289 pounds, this is Bryan Fury!!

[`] "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" blares across the PA system as Bryan Fury comes out to a mix reaction of cheers. He walks down the ramp looking at the people and only slaps hands with the Ho-Bos in the front isle. He steps into the ring and run around the ring but the people there start to call him "Ho-Bo!" Ho-Bo!" Ho-Bo!" Bryan Fury takes off his Black Tank-top and flex his muscles as the camera goes back to Tiphoni.

Tiphoni Taylor: And his opponent, he hails from Miami, Florida.. He standing 6'5 and weights at 275 pounds he is the Peoples Champion... He is the Rock!!

[`] The Rock music blares across the P.A. system as The Rock comes out with blue lights flashing on him! He walks down the aisle as the fans chant Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! He comes into the ring and goes over to the turnbuckle and does his signature taunt. After doing the taunt he points towards Sir Reiko, but at that time the distraction is enough to make Bryan Fury powerbomb him from the turnbuckle down on the mat as the bell rings.

Funkadelic: The match finally starts with Bryan Fury starting off with a cheat shot, a Powerbomb to Rock off the second rope.

Sir Reiko: I'm glad that what he got. He think he can single handly take out the Curse himself? Who the hell this faggot think he is?

Funkadelic: Faggot? You can't say that on television!

~ Bryan Fury starts to mellow fun at the Rock as he kicks him in the ribs. The Rock start to hold his ribs as Bryan Fury is stomping on them. The Rock wobbles over and lands in a corner. Bryan Fury then runs over to the corner and connected with a clothesline. The Rock stays up and Bryan Fury gives him a blatant choke on the Rock. The Ref tells Bryan to break the hold and he does but when he swings for him, the Rock blocks the punch and lands a slap hit for himself! Bryan throws another one and Rock blocks it and again he hits him with a slap hit. The Rock then throws him in the corner and starts to continue the pounding. He hits him once, twice, three times, four times and then throws his hand out and smacks him across the fase with that open fist attack and Bryan falls out the ring!

Funkadelic: The Rock is taking control of this match!!

Sir Reiko: Who cares? Come on Bryan Fury! My mother-in-law hits harder then that!!

~ The Rock follows suit and comes outside the ring. He walks behind Bryan Fury. Bryan Fury sees him and runs from him. The Rock follows and they past the announcers booth. The Rock stops and looks at Sir Reiko, and walks over towards him. The Rock stares at Reiko but then is taken down by a standing side kick by Bryan Fury. Byran Fury throws him back inside the ring and goes for a sleeper. The Rock has the move on him for a while but The Rock managed to get some shots in and break the hold. Bryan Fury then runs towards The Rock and The Rock catches him with a Somoan Drop! The Rock goes for a pin.




The Rock then stands up and awaits for Bryan Fury to get up. Byran Fury gets up but due to his startness, he rolls the opposite way and the Rock runs towards him. Bryan Fury side steps Rock and throws him shoulder-first into the steel post! Bryan Fury then caught The Rock and drilled him to the mat with a Rising Shoulder Breaker! The Rock falls to the mat holding his shoulder as Bryan Fury smiles evily at the fans and the ref.

Sir Reiko: Now Bryan Fury is getting the time he deserves. Knock that stupid eyebrow off his face Bryan!!

Funkadelic: The Rock's shoulder can be broken here and Bryan smiles like it's nothing!

~ Bryan Fury spots smiling and run over and starts to stomp on the shoulder of the Rock. The Rock screams in pain, but Bryan Fury and Sir Reiko loves it! Bryan goes for a knee drop and lands dead on the shoulder. Bryan goes for another but Rock slides out of the way and Bryan hits the mat! The Rock then gets up and goes to punch at Fury and is successful at first but Fury hits him him a eye gouge and then hits his chin into his shoulder and that brings The Rock down on one knee. He then hits The Rock with a Jumping One-Arm DDT! The Rock lays flat on the mat as Fury gets back up and starts to smile again. Bryan Fury goes for an elbow-drop and after hitting it, he goes for the cover.




The Rock get's the shoulder up but is sore from the previous attack. Bryan Fury goes for another pin but The Rock kicks out before the ref makes the first count. Bryan pulls him up and pulls him in a grapple hold but Rock punches Bryan Fury in the chest and the gut. Bryan Fury let's go of the hold and The Rock throws him in a gut wrench into a gut wrench suplex. The Rock then starts to hear the chants of Rocky! Rocky! The Rock then stands up straight and Bryan runs over towards Rock and Rock catches him with a Spine Buster! The Rock looks to be going for his Peoples Elbow, but The Rock grabs his legs and raises him up. The Rock then spreads his legs apart and hit him with a punch dead into the groin! The ref tells him to stop as Bryan Fury is rolling across the mat holding his jewels. The Rock then spreads his leg out again and then puts on his version of the Sharpshooter!! Bryan Fury screams in pain as he tries to reach for the ropes.. The Rock holds the pain down on the legs of Bryan Fury. But the buffer, Fury powers his way towards the ropes and as soon as he is centimeters away, the Rock gets up and walks out into the middle of the ring and go for the Sharpshooter again, but Bryan overpowers him and pushes him off. The Rock stumbles back into the turnbuckle. Bryan Fury gets up and is took down by a clothesline from hell!!

Sir Reiko: I can't beleive it. Just a minute ago, Bryan Fury was beating the shit out of the Rock. But now the Rock has come back and for the moment looks like he is in control.

Funkadelic: Well the Rock always been like that. He always played that Rope-a-dope style.

Sir Reiko: Well this ain't no damn Ali fight!

~ the Rock starts to regain some strength and throws him into the ropes again. The Rock goes for a chothesline but Byran ducks it! Bryan Fury bounces off the ropes and goes for a Big Boot but The Rock ducks that move! The Rock this times bounces off the ropes and connects with a Dragon Leg Sweep! The Rock then attempts to put on another Sharpshooter. But Bryan Fury catches Rock and rolls him in a cradle pin.




The Rock kicks out the move and Bryan gets up at the same time and Rock kicks Bryan Fury in the gut and hits with a spike DDT! The Rock then walks towards his head and he kicks his arms... to his side. The Rock then takes off his elbowpad and throws it to the crowd!

Sir Reiko: Hold my seat for me right quick!

Funkadelic: Wait, where the hell you going?

~ The Rock starts to go for the Peoples elbow and he runs over to the opposite rope and he bounces off of it, he comes off the other rope and is smacked dead in the back by Sir Reiko with that steel chair!! the crowd boos but the Rock don't fall! The Rock turns back around and stares at Reiko and grabs him by the shirt collar. While that's happening, Bryan Fury starts to get back up. Reiko screams for his life and the Rock lifts him up but the ref tells him to stop and when he stop, he turns back around and Bryan Fury knocks him down with a big boot into the shoulder!! Bryan Fury then picks Rock up and knocks him back down with a deadly European Uppercut. He then tells Reiko to give him the chair and Reiko does it, and Bryan grabs the chair and picks it up and attempts to hit the Rock! The Rock gets up and Bryan Fury raises the chair but before he could hit The Rock, Bryan Fury was connected with the Rock Bottom!! The fans start to cheer!! The Rock then went for the pin but sees Sir Reiko, The Rock points at Reiko and catches him, he then threw Sir Reiko into the ring. Sir Reiko comes in and started punching at The Rock. The Rock then grabs Reiko and starts to put the Rock Special on him in the corner! The fans start to scream! The Rock sees Bryan Fury running over and The Rock side steps and he hits Sir Reiko in the corner! Bryan Fury turns around and get the Rock Bottom for the second time in the match!! Sir Reiko then stumbles out of the corner as the Rock taunts him on.. He comes and he is laid out flat by the Rock bottom on the Steel chair! The Rock then dragged Bryan in the middle of the ring and noticed his pad was already off, so he went to the ropes and he connects with the Peoples Elbow!! He goes for the cover!




Funkadelic: The match is over what a finish to a special match!! Ain't that right Sir Reiko. Oh I forgot, he's laid out in the middle of the ring.

Tiphoni Taylor: Here's your winner of this match... The Rock!!!

Funkadelic: The Rock over come the odds and win the match for the People! But wait what is this...

~ The Rock is in the ring celebrating his victory when all of a sudden a mask man comes into the ring and attacks the Rock!! The masked man throws the Rock into the ropes and catches him with a overhead belly-to-belly suplex that almost throws Rock across the ring. The Rock comes back though and starts to fight with the masked man. He stagers the masked man and he knocks him into the turnbuckle. He hits him once, twice, three times. But when he went for the four time the masked man, caught the Rock and hit him with his own Rock Bottom!! The mask man then dragged him into the middle of the ring and then walks over to the rope and climbs the turnbuckle. The Mask Man then leaped off with a Gigantic Splash and connected with the splash. The man then walks over to the turnpost and mocks the Rock by doing the Rocks taunt. The masked man takes off his mask and it reveals... The Frost!! The Frost then takes off the shirt revealing a Curse T-Shirt. Then with a chorus of boos, He leaves the arena going through the crowd with Bryan Fury as the E.M.T.'s come out to get Sir Reiko as the cameras go back to Funkadelic.

Funkadelic: I can't beleive what I just seen. This might be the start of another war between these two men! I remember their first two encounters. The Bhrama Bull/SnowBunny Signapore Cane match and the infamous Iron Man match. What will this lead too now. Ladies and gentlemen before we go to our next match, we going to take a break and show you what's in store for next month!!


5th Match

Cursive Light Heavyweight Championship Match

Tiphoni Taylor: The next match is scheduled for one fall and is for the Cursive Lightweight Championship title. First coming down to the ring he comes from Battle Creek, Michigan. He stands at 6'1 and weights 224 pounds he is the Cursive Light Heavyweight Champion of the World... Kasino!!

[`] Kasino comes out to a standing ovation! He runs down to the ring slapping folks hands and then he runs into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle and do his signature "peace sign taunt". The music finally ends when the crowd start to chant his name!

Tiphoni Taylor: And his opponent, he comes from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He stands 5'10 and weights 215 pounds. He is one member of the Canadian Foundation he is Khrome!!

[`] Khrome comes out to the ring walking down the ramp receiving a chrous of boos. The boos quicking change to a mixed reaction as Diamond follows him to the ring. As they make their way to ringside. Khrome comes up the steps following Diamond. Khrome sits on the ropes as Diamond steps under the second rope in the ring. After she comes in, he steps in the ring and finally the bell rings to start off the match.

Funkadelic: I am going to be doing all the commentary for this match myself. So sit back and listen to the Funky one himself.

~ The match starts off with Kasino and Khrome circling each other. They face of in the center of the ring. Khrome shoves Kasino and Kasino pushes him back. This happens again before Khrome swings at Kasino with his fist, Kasino ducks the clothesline and connects Khrome with a stiff clothesline. Khrome bounces back up off the floor and runs past Kasino to the ropes, he bounces back off and hits a hard elbow. Kasino doesn't go down, instead he runs to the ropes himself. Khrome sees this and throws a clothesline, Kasino ducks the attemped clothesline and pulls his neckdown in a neck-breaker!! Kasino then climbs on top of him and hits him with a series of rights and lefts.

Funkadelic: This match is pretty cool so far but I beleive that Kasino has Khrome beat in the act of strength. I'm so happy that Diamond is back!! I can't beleive it!

~ Kasino gets up and starts to stomps away at Khrome's midsection for a while while Diamond looks on in disgust. Kasino stops and Khrome runs into the the ropes. He then goes for the kick in the gut but Kasino catches the leg. Before Kasino can attempt a move, Khrome hits a solid inseguri to the back of Kasino's head. The force of the inseguri knocks Kasino outside of the ring to the ground. As Kasino try to get back up he is kicked in the groin by Diamond. Khrome then runs of the ropes and springs back sliding out of the ring, at the same time he grabs hold of Kasino's head and slams it down to the gate. The fans in the arena all say OOH!! Khrome then stomps on Kasino outside. He picks Kasino up and throws him into the ring apron. After dropkicking him in his chest he throws his opponent back into the ring. He climbs through the ropes and makes the cover.




Both men get up at the same time. Khrome runs towards Kasino and hits him with a clothesline. Kasino gets back up and Khrome agains run towards him. This time however Kasino picks up Khrome and plants him with a Russian leg sweep. As Khrome hits the ground he rolls out of the ring. Kasino sees Khrome walking with Diamond back up the ramp. Kasino then listen to the fans as they tell him to jump. Kasino goes and jumps to the turnbuckles and jumps off the turnbuckle with a cross body knocking Khrome down. The fans in the arena start to chant USA! USA! USA!.

Funkadelic: What elevation there from Kasino!! He had to be 30 feet up high in the sky!

~ The referee tells both men to get back in the ring. Kasino picks up his opponent and throws him into the ring. He then jumps up onto the turnbuckle but Khrome gets up straight away and Kasino rolls over Khrome's back planting him with a neckbreaker in mid air!! The fans start to chant USA! USA! USA! again. Kasino goes for the cover.




~ They lye on the floor for a few seconds before rising to their feet. Kasino runs off the ropes and comes back planting a sleeper hold on Khrome. Khrome starts to fade as the sleeper is locked on tightly. Khrome stumbles and walks Kasino into the turnbuckles. Khrome starts to ram his back into the turnpost. He does it once. He walk out a little bit and does it again! He goes out and he does it again, but this time he was unable to walk out. Kasino jumped up at the right time and did a split on the top rope. When Khrome ran out, Kasino yanked his hair and Khrome fell out and Kasino did a rolling Thunder off the top Rope!! The fans go nuts! the effect of the move hurts Kasino a little and he slowly gets to his feet and start to hit a couple of elbows to Khrome's chest before running of the ropes and knocking him down with a swinging DDT! Kasino then puts him in a sleeper in the middle of the ring as Diamond and Funkadelic looks on.

Funkadelic: WHoa!! This match is all Kasino! Khrome can put some good moves on but there's no way he can make a good move on Kasino!

~ Kasino continues to put the pain on Khrome. But Khrome finds some strength to get up and he reverses the sleeper into a thunderous high angled backdrop bringing Kasino down to the ground on the back of his neck!!! Khrome taunts to the crowd. He then goes to the ropes and connects with his own version of the Rolling Thunder. Khrome gets major heat from the crowd and starts to go up to the top of the turnbuckle. He goes to the top and jumps off the turnbuckle with a majestic leg drop, however Kasino rolls out of the way!! This leaves Khrome with nothing but mat to fall on. Both men get up after one or two minutes lying down on the canvas. Kasino picks up Khrome and whips him into the ropes and hits a spinebuster!! Kasino then follows up with an inverted DDT on Khrome.

Funkadelic: I think Khrome should just let this match be over. He has done too much.

~ Kasino picks him up and backs him into the corner, He then sets Khrome up for the ten punches. The crowd start to count; 1-2-3-4-5-6- but Khrome being the true Canadian he is, gets in a low blow and reverses sending Kasino down with a big powerbomb. Khrome then catches his legs and roll them over and makes the cover.




Khrome pulls Kasino back up and attempts another powerbomb. As Kasino is up in the air on his shoulders, he punches Khrome in the head and the force of the shots makes Khrome drop the powerbomb and Kasino jumps back down in one motion hitting Khrome with the "Slot Drop"!!! The fans cheer for the longest as Diamond suddendly comes up to the ropes. She catches the attention of Kasino. Kasino walks over to her. Kasino watches as she starts to strip. She takes off her blouse showcasing nothing under but her Canadian Red and White bra. Canada never looked any better. Kasino looks at her and he suddenly grabs her. But Khrome sneaks under him and kicks him in the kidneys and drops Kasino with the "Unprettier". Khrome then climbs to the top rope. He leaps off and connects with a 450 Frog Splash!! He then goes for the cover.




He is still unable to get the victory. Khrome can't beleive his eyes. Khrome then tells Diamond to bring in a chair into the ring. She does and he sets it up in the middle of the ring. Khrome then walks over to the chair and he stands near the chair. He drags the head of Kasino and he lifts him up for the piledriver onto the chair but Kasino overpowers him and flips him over. Khrome lands on his feet but is taken down by a drop toe hold into the chair. Kasino then gets the chair and await for Khrome to get up. Khrome get up and Kasino runs to the opposite rope... Khrome runs towards him but Kasino throws the chair in his face. Khrome staggers and Kasino sees this and this is the opening he needed to deleiver the "BlackJack". He lands it and Khrome lay out flat in the middle of the ring! Kasino then grabs the chair and goes to the top of the rope himself and leaps off and goes for the "6 Star Frog Splash" and connects!! He then goes for the cover.




Funkadelic: Finally, this match is over. Kasino has won this match and keeps the Cursive Light Heavyweight Championship.

Tiphoni Taylor: Here is your winner and STILL the Cursive Light Heavyweight Champion.... Kasino!!!

Funkadelic: Khrome gave his best in this match indeed but at the end it was Kasino who won the match!! That was a great match. Before we go to our next match, lets go to the back where I understand A.J. is back there with the Rock.

A.J.: I'm back here with the Peoples Champion. I'm here with the Rock!! Rocky first I got to say that that was a great win that you had tonight...

The Rock: Why don't you Shut the hell up!! A.J., I am here in the New Year's Inquity, the Curse first PPV and this is the way I get treated!? I get the win and I beat one of there henchmen and all of a sudden this jack-ass comes in the ring and lay the Rock out with his own move!? Of all the people in the world that Linkoln Shakespeare chose to attack the Great One, they went and got the folks piss!! Do you know who the hell the Frost is A.J.?

A.J.: Do I know who the Frost is.. Hell yeah I know who the....

The Rock: It doesn't matter who the Frost is!!! The Frost want to come out here tonight in the Bluff City, in the home of Blues. We are in Memphis, Tennessee!! (fans start to chant "Rocky, Rocky") I know that it's January and it's the Near Year and hell, I haven't made my New Year's Resolution. My New Years Resolution is too make The Frost life a living hell. That's right, Frosty I beleive that you struck the wrong time to mess with me. I'm not hear to make jokes, fuck that, this is not Apollo. Frost I thought you would have figured out how much trouble I would be in the latter part of 1999 when I threw your ass from Memphis to United Kingdom!! Frost, this is a new year.. And this year will be filled will little bastards like you that will ...

~ All of a sudden, the camera man is pushed towards the Rock.. The Rock shoves off the cameraman and turns around and gets laid out by The Frost!! The Frost then starts to stomp on The Rock as A.J. looks on. The Frost then gets the steel pipe and attacks the ribs of the Rock.. The Frost grabs the mike and says this...

The FrosT: It's not over. It's just begininng!

Funkadelic: Ladies and gentlemen, the next match is for the Tag Team Championship!! And I'm going to let you know what the deal is.... (all of a sudden, a man comes up to the announcing booth) It's The Flamboyant Johnny Steele!!!

Flamboyant: What's up man!! It's a long time since I kicked the booth with ya.. This been a good show tonight. Lots of surprises and more. I'm finally glad to say I'm here in Memphis and I fin to see the team I brought in become the Tag team champions here tonight!!

Funkadelic: You are right.. They are about to face the Stenier Brothers in the first ever PPV title defense against the two.

Flamboyant: Let's hit it!


6th Match

Cursive World Tag Team Championship Match
Tables Match
Cru Thick
  Stenier Brothers

Tiphoni Taylor: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall and is for the Cursive World Tag Team Championship... First coming down to the ring, they come from Memphis, Tennessee! (the fans cheer) They are at a combined weight of 506 pounds, this is the team of J Roc and Fire 1, they are Cru Thick!!

[`] The fans start to cheer crazy as their hometown heros comes down to the ring off of LudaCris "Roll Out" they come into the ring and unzip their jackets reveiling Memphis Grizzles jerseys. The fans cheers suddenly turn to boos once the music cuts off.

Tiphoni Taylor: And their opponents... they are hailing from Detroit, Michigan. They are at a combined weight of 583 pounds, they are the Cursive World Tag Team Champions of the World, they are the Stenier Brothers!!

[`] The Stenier Brothers walk out to the ring with their Bull-Dogs and the World Tag Team titles wrspped around their necks as if they were neckalaces. By the time that they make it to the ring, security comes out and takes the dogs to the back. The Stenier brothers come in and await for the bell to ring!

Flamboyant: Cru Thick might have the biggest advantage here tonight. They are the hometown heroes in Memphis. But can that beat the Steniers?

~J Roc and Rick Stenier lock up and Ric quickly gets the upper hand with a knee to the gut. He hits J Roc with a few right hands and then whips him to the ropes. J Roc bounces off the ropes and Ric nails him with a clothesline. J Roc stumbles but doesn’t go down and Rick goes to bounce off the ropes and as Fire 1 nails him in the back of the head with a kick. Ric Stenier, dazed staggers into the middle of the ring and J Roc grabs him and drops him with a Chokeslam!!

Flamboyant: I told you he would make the difference!!

Funkadelic: I guess so! Hey wait a minute... when?

~ Ric rolls over to their corner and tags Scott Stenier. Scott comes in piss and nails J Roc. He takes J Roc by the arm and throws him into the turnbuckle. J Roc hits the turnbuckle. Scott Stenier does the same but J Roc puts a big foot up and a clothesline to take him down. J Roc makes it to his feet but so does Stenier. J Roc grabs him and whips him to the corner but Stenier reverses it and the big man hits hard. Ric Stenier holds him as Scott charges at him and nails him with a splash! Scott then makes the tag and Ric Stenier comes in. He stomps on J Roc. He throws him to the middle of the ring and he attemps a spine buster. J Roc jumps on Rick Steniers shoulders and delivers a Hurricanrana! The fan cheers!! J Roc looks to one of the tables outside and he then picks up the big man, and sets him on the ropes. He takes a few steps back and goes for a Super kick but Rick Stenier ducks the kick and he gets tangled in the ropes. J Roc sees Fire 1 for the tag and gets it!

Funadelic: Oh the "royal" jewels have to hurting after that!

Flamboyant: Fire 1 is in and it’s making it worst as he shakes the ropes up and down!!

Funkadelic: I bet you he wish he had the cup on now!

~ Fire 1 then runs towards the corner, jumps and then comes back nailing Rick Stenier with a missile drop kick that sends him to the outside crashing through a table! The crowd and J Roc cheers after seeing that move. Fire 1 goes outside and picks up Rick Stenier and then gives him a body slam onto the broken table. This brings Scott Stenier around the corner but J Roc jumps off the apron and nails him with a clothesline! Both men go down as Fire 1 sets Rick Stenier onto another table, he then climbs back in the ring and walks over by the corner. The crowd stands as they know a crazy move is about to be delivered. Fire 1 looks down at Rick Stenier and then delivers a Frogsplash sending Rick through another table!!

Flamboyant: Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!

Funkadelic: That’s it right! Through two tables!!??

Flamboyant: No, each opponent has to go through a table, so now all that Cru Thick got to do, is put Scott Stenier through a table!

Funkadelic: Oh cool!!

~ J Roc picks up Scott Stenier and whips him towards the steel steps but Scott reverses it and J Roc hits hard. Scott Stenier shake the webs on him and he grabs a fire extinguisher from under the ring and then nails J Roc with it. Fire 1 tries to sneak from behind Scott Stenier but he gets caught and Scott Stenier shoots off the extinguisher blinding Fire 1. Scott puts the hose back in place and then hits Fire 1 with the extinguisher sending him down at the moment. Scott Stenier walks back towards Fire 1 and picks him up, he hooks him in from of a table for a suplex and delivers a Front Face Suplex and sends Fire 1 through a table!! ~

Funkadelic: Now it’s even right!?

Flamboyant: Right on… Scott Stenier is saving the match and the titles over Cru Thick right now but trust me, my boys will win!

~ Scott Stenier knowing the rules walks back to where J Roc is and picks him up, he tosses him inside the ring and then he follows him. He tosses his hands up to the crowd and they answer him with a chorus of boos!! He picks up J Roc and nails him with a couple of right hand shots. Scott Stenier then points to one of the tables outside! The crowd starts to boo but Scott Stenier ignores them and throws J Roc over the top rope! But J Roc some how hangs on to the ropes and Scott Stenier charges at him! But J Roc goes through the middle ropes and nails him with a shoulder tackle! Scott Stenier staggers backs a little and J Roc attacks him with another. Scott Stenier is stumbling as J Roc jumps on the ropes. J Roc then jumps on Stenier and takes him down with a flying head scissors! The fans cheer!! J Roc points to the corner and then climbs it, but as he does Scott Stenier makes it to his feet and shakes the ropes causing J Roc to fall down back to the mat. Meanwhile on the outside Ric Stenier is seen getting up and Scott Stenier tells him to come in the ring.

Flamboyant: My boy Fire 1 better get up or the Steniers are going to double team on J Roc and remain the Cursive World Tag Team Champions!

Funkadelic: You're right, they have been fighting too hard to get to this point and lose to the Stenier Brothers. They are just the better team! Hell they defeated Armageddon!!

~ Rick Stenier gets in and both stomp on J Roc. Rick Stenier tells Scott Stenier to pick him up and hold him. Scott Stenier does and Rick Stenier takes a few steps back and goes for the Stenier Driver, but he misses as J Roc slips and Rick nails Scott Stenier!! The fans cheer as Rick Stenier puts his hands on his head in shock, J Roc sees the opening and turns him around, kicks him in the stomach and nails him with a "J Stunner" sending him to the outside!! Meanwhile, Fire 1 gets up and rolls into the ring!! Fire 1 grabs Scott Stenier off the mat and sets him on the table and begins to pound on him! J Roc then tells Fire 1 to go up and Fire 1 climbs the corner. Again the Hometown crowd stands and cheers as J Roc holds Theriot on the table. Fire 1 dives off and connects with his Shooting Star press he calls "Great Balls of Fire"!! The crowd erupts as the bell rings!! Fire 1 holds his ribs and is seen spitting out blood. J Roc stands with his hands in the air as they are being awarded the Cursive World Tag Team Titles.

Funkadelic: Well you were right Johnny Steele, Fire 1 was the difference!!

Flamboyant: I told you my boys would pull through with it!! They are the new Cursive World Tag Team Champions!!

Tiphoni Taylor: Here are your winners of this match and the NEW Cursive World Tag Team Champions of the world they are....Cru Thick!!!

~ As Cru Thick are celebrating their victory and new Title reign, the lights go out and all of a sudden, the words Intoxication comes out on the Virus-Tron! Cru Thick wonders what the hell that mean and as soon as the lights come back on, two guys in all black comes in and attacks Cru Thick with baseball bats!! The fans in the arena boo heavily as the two men attacks them. One of the men takes J Roc and tosses him in the air. The other man takes J Roc and throws him outside of the ring to the guardening rail!! then they turn their heads over to Fire 1 whos holding his ribs and coughing up blood. They see a table and set it up... Then they get another table and set it on top of it. Finally one of the men sits on the top turnbuckle, and the other one gives him Fire 1. The mystery man grabs Fire 1 head and lifts him up for a powerbomb! But the powerbomb turns into a Cruifix Powerbomb and he drills Fire 1 through two tables!!! The crowd starts to chant Holy Shit!! Holy Shit!!

Funkadelic: Who the hell is this tag team?

Flamboyant: I don't know but the fans seem to hate them. I don't blame it. They are just killing our Cursive Tag Team Champions. Fuck, do they even have a contract!!

~ After their path of destruction, one of the men grabs the mic and starts to speak.

Mystery: Hello, ladies and idiots it is the next generation of Hardcore maddness. We need no introduction, we are Jim Bean and Jack Daniels we are the team of Intoxication. We come all the way from the middle of no where and this is the top competiton in the Curse.. I see that this Tag Team division will be no problem. So listen up, Cru Thick, Steniers who ever, if you want some of us, there's no problem. We are easy to find, but until then, we are going to have a little soevenier to take home.

~ Jim Bean drops the mic as him and Jack Daniels continue to stomp the hell out of Fire 1 in the middle of the ring. They then grab the Cursive World Tag Team Titles and excape through the crowd as the officals come down to the ring. The cameras then focus back on Flamboyant and Funkadelic!

Funkadelic: I can't beleive what the hell we just seen!!

Flamboyant: I can't beleive that they fools are named after liquor!!

Funkadelic: Liquor, Johnny what do you know about Liquor?

Flamboyant: What are you talking about. Everybody has had their little taste before.

Funkadelic: Well, before we go to the next match, lets show you what the next month PPV is going to be!

In February, the Curse have took all the punishment, and have endured all the pain. Now witness the Curse relinquish the Fury!! Live on PPV!

Funkadelic: Well Folks, coming up next we got a sloberknocker for you.

Flamboyant: The winner of this match will become the Cursive Hardcore Champion and will walk into the World Title Hunt. Who will it be Genecide or Manhattan?

Funkadelic: Let's see.


7th Match

Cursive Hardcore Heavyweight Championship Match
Hell In a Cell
Winner Advances into World Title tournament

Tiphoni Taylor: Ladies and gentlemen this match is scheduled for one fall, and this is for the Cursive Hardcore Heavyweight Championship of the world! First coming to the ring, he hails from Detroit, Michigan. He stands 6'8 and weights 300 pounds, this is Manhattan!!

[`] Manhattan comes down to the ring walking with a steel chair in his hand. He walks down the ramp as the fire pyro blazes outside the stage. He walk through the steel cage door and enters the ring and goes over to the turnbuckle and climbs it, looking for boos. But to his advantage, he was receiving a mixed reaction of cheers and boos.

Tiphoni Taylor: And his opponent, he represents the Curse. He hails from Memphis, Tennessee. He stands 6'7 and weights 279 pounds. He is the Cursive Hardcore Heavyweight Champion of the World.. This is Genecide!

[`] "Weak Ass Bitch" plays as Genecide comes out to the arena. The fans in the stadium, gives Genecide a huge pop as he comes out with the Cursive Hardcore Championship around his shoulders. He walks down the ramp as the pyro blasts off. He comes down the aisle and walks around the cell looking at it's structure. Manhattan is also in the ring and looks as Genecide circles the ring. He then go over to the bell ringer and grabs a kendo stick and walks into the ring. The bell rings and the match gets under-a-way.

Funkadelic: Here we go!! It's time for this match to start!!

Flamboyant: I'm happy to say that this is going to be one hell of a match. These two men are stuck inside this cell, there's broken pieces of wood on the ground, splinters everywhere, and there is blood soaking into the mat. I love this shit!!

~ The match starts as they tie up. Manhattan has the power advantage and gets the push into the corner. The ref tells him to stop and Manhattan does. Manhattan then lays off and walks back. Manhattan and Genecide then stop and start to exchange words as they walk towards each other. After a while, both men are done talking and begin to exchange blows. Neither Genecide nor Manhattan seems to take control as the punches continue to fly. After about ten seconds Genecide appears to be weakening. Manhattan winds back really far and goes for the knock out punch but Genecide ducks it at the last second and Manhattan swings around, Genecide grabs him, picks him up and connects with an atomic drop!

Flamboyant: It's about time we seen a move here in this match. Genecide hits a very beautiful atomic drop on Manhattan.

Funkadelic: Well, Genecide is going to try to take this match slow. He gots to fight for his life to remain the Hardcore Champion and then he got to fight against another family member in the next two matches.

~ Manhattan holds his rear and Genecide grabs a kendo stick and runs him over from behind with the shot to the head! Manhattan is laying face down and Genecide comes over and drops an elbow on the back of his head. He quickly flips him over now and makes the pin.




Genecide picks up Manhattan by his head and brings him up, he then takes a running start with him and throws him against the steel cell!! Manhattan bounces off hard and falls to the mat. Genecide picks him back up and does the same thing again, then again!! Manhattan hits harder this time and stays down. Genecide is relentless!! He picks him up once again but this time he whips him to the corner. Manhattan hits the corner hard. Genecide grabs goes to the outside and grabs a chair. Genecide rolls back into the ring and charges at Manhattan in the corner. He runs over towards Manhattan but Manhattan big boots the chair into Genecide face!! Genecide stumbles backwards and Manhattan explodes out of the corner with a flying clothesline! Instead of going for the pin, Manhattan gets on top of Genecide, grabs him by his head and starts to pummel him with his closed fists!!

Flamboyant: This match seems to be getting a little pep up now! Hey Funk, when was the last time you were hit by a chair like that?

Funkadelic: Not since Musical Chairs.

Flamboyant: Musical Chairs? Well let's go to the ring...

~ Manhattan stops the pummeling and picks up Genecide. He whips him hard to the corner and then follows it up with a splash! Manhattan now climbs to the second rope and starts to pummel Genecide with right hands. The crowd counts along until he reaches 10! He hops down and Genecide stumbles out of the corner. Manhattan then sees the opening and gives Genecide a bulldog and he falls flat on his face. Manhattan then lay the chair on the back of Genecide head and bounces off the ropes and drops a huge leg drop on the back of the chair and Genecide’s head. He flips him over and goes for a pin!




The tables have turned on Genecide now. Manhattan picks him up and hooks him for a suplex and he gets him up and delivers it perfectly. He goes for another pin but Genecide kicks out almost right away. Manhattan brings him to his feet and he drags towards the corner. Manhattan then smashes Genecide’s head against the steel post that connects both sides of the cell! Manhattan goes to do it again but Genecide puts on the breaks and elbows Manhattan in the stomach, causing him to fold in pain. Genecide quickly uses his strength and hooks him and drops him with a Russian Leg Sweep unto the chair!! The fans go nuts!! But Genecide isn’t able to go for the pin though as the move took a lot out of him. But Genecide starts to get up before Manhattan does. He pulls himself up with the ropes and then stomps on Manhattan. Genecide picks him up but Manhattan surprises him with a hard right hand! Genecide stumbles a bit and Manhattan nails him again. Genecide stumbles some more but as Manhattan try to nail him with a third right hand, Genecide blocks it and gets in a kick and DDT's him down to the mat!

Flamboyant: This Hell in a Cell Match has been going both back and forward since the ringing of the bell.

Funkadelic: No one has actually gained any advantage in this match and this has been a very equal match.

~ Genecide grabs Manhattan right leg, he hooks it under his arm, turns him around and applies a painful half Boston crab! Manhattan is in obvious pain and quickly tries to reach for the ropes. They are very near but Genecide is pulling back really hard on the leg. The ref asks Manhattan if he gives it but Manhattan shouts “no!” Genecide pulls back on the leg harder and Manhattan screams in pain but is able to reach the ropes. The ref tells Genecide to break the hold but he refuses and the ref gives him the 4 count. Genecide finally breaks it but gets right back to work on Manhattan. He picks him up and gives him a hard kick to the gut.. Manhattan folds in pain as Genecide goes to the corner and climbs to the second rope.. He stands there waiting for Manhattan to come up. Manhattan does and Genecide dives off, but Manhattan blocks it and hooks Genecide on the way down and drops him with a inverted diamond dust! Manhattan quickly makes the cover and the ref counts.



Th.. kick out!!

“OH!” Is heard from the crowd followed by loud cheers. Manhattan yells out “fuck it”!! Manhattan shakes his head and then tells the crowd is over, he is going for the kill, he is about to become the Hardcore Champion! Manhattan picks up Genecide and then puts his head between his legs. He then swings his arms under his and then jumps in the air and attempts to jump but Genecide blocks it and flips him over! Genecide then runs and catches him and puts him in the “Weak Ass Driver”

Funkadelic: Oh my God!! When the last time you seen Genecide do the Weak Ass Driver!?

Funkadelic: I haven't seen that move since September of 2000!!

Funkadelic: Tell me, who you think will win this match.

Flamboyant: I can't really just say!

~ Genecide then goes to the outside and grabs a 2x4 with the barbwire on it. Genecide then raises it in the air in the temp of the folks cheers!! Genecide then goes over to Manhattan and he lifts him up and kicks him in the stomach. Manhattan is staggering as Genecide nails with with the bat in the chest! Manhattan falls to the ground and holds his chest as blood starts to slowly fall out. Genecide sees the opening and starts to ram the stick into the ribs of Manhattan!! Genecide then goes back to the outside and grabs a table! Genecide brings the table back into the ring and he then grabs Manhattan and puts him on the top turnbuckle.. Manhattan has something up his sleeve! Genecide starts to pound him in the stomach numerous times and then climbs the turnbuckle along with him. Genecide goes to lift Manhattan up but Manhattan blocks it!! Genecide tries it again, but Manhattan blocks it and he grabs Genecide by the gut and throws him over the turnbuckle and Genecide backs smacks the corner of the cage and his head fall down and smacks the mat hard! The fans in the arena start to hollar Holy SHIT! Holy SHIT!! Holy SHIT!!

Funkadelic: I can't beleive this!! This match is really exciting. Neither man can get the advantage, both men are going back and forth in this match!!

Flamboyant: I admit, Manhattan had a great move right there. I mean I have never seen anyone ever do a move like that before! Genecide is folded like an accordian right in front of us, and there is no way we can help him!!

~ The ref tells Manhattan to hold back as he goes outside and checks on Genecide. Manhattan though, pushes him out of the way and he walks over and grabs the 2x4 in the ring. He then climbs up on the top rope and awaits for Genecide to get up. After about three minutes, Genecide slowly gets up and is staggering back very badly, Manhattan then jumps off the turnbuckle and nails Genecide in the face with the Barbwire bat!! Manhattan then stands over him and receives a chorus of boos from the crowd! Manhattan then grabs Genecide and runs him into the cell!! Manhattan then steps back and grabs Genecide and rams him into the cage again!! He then drops Genecide and rolls back into the ring and walk over to the corner and throws his hands in the air!

Flamboyant: The folks here in Memphis, do not like this! They wish Manhattan would die. I have never seen Manhattan like this before. Manhattan is on a killing spree!

Funkadelic: I believe that Genecide really needs medical help. (laughs) Well he shouldn't never decided to take this match or even win the Cursive Hardcore Heavyweight Championship.

Flamboyant: Oh shut the hell up!! Come on Genecide!

~ Manhattan then rolls back outside after noticing the Table still set up in the center of the ring. Manhattan grabs Genecide and rolls him back into the ring and he lays him in the ring. Manhattan then grabs the table and brings it in the middle of the ring. He then tells the ref to get him two chairs and another table. The ref shakes his head and he goes to get the table and the chairs and Manhattan grabs Genecide. He picks up Genecide and lifts him up for a tombstone but at the last moment, Genecide punches Manhattan in the nuts and reverses it over into a reverse Powerbomb through the table!!! The fans goes nuts over this move!! Genecide then lays out in the ring. He puts his hand over on the chest of Manhattan and the ref makes the cover.




Flamboyant: Damn, I thought that was going to be it!!

Funkadelic: Manhattan wants to become the Hardcore Champion just like Genecide wants to keep it. Remember the winner of this match still has to wrestle later tonight!! Genecide come on you can do it.

~ Both men, remain on the ground. Suddenly, Manhattan gets up and stumbles over to the corner, he sees the steel chairs in the ring. Manhattan then awaits for Genecide to get up. Genecide gets back up and Manhattan runs over near him! Genecide gets a foot up in the stomach though. Manhattan staggers and Genecide hits him with a hard shot to the face. Manhattan though responds with a hard shot of his own. The two continue to throw punches and all of a sudden they hit each other at the same time! They both fall to one knee. Manhattan gets up first and wobbles over to the two chairs and Genecide gets up and walks over towards him. Manhattan and Genecide gets into a fist sight once again and Manhattan suddenly gets in an eye gouge, but Genecide at the last moment kicks Manhattan in the nuts and lifts him up and drills him with the "Genetic Jackhammer" through the two chairs!!! The fans go nuts as Genecide rolls over to get the cover. The ref starts to count.




Funkadelic: It's over!! It's over!!!

Flamboyant: Genecide has done it!! Genecide has won the match!! Genecide has retained the Hardcore Championship title over Manhattan and is going to go in the World Championship Web!!!

Tiphoni Taylor: Here is your winner of the match and STILL Cursive Hardcore Heavyweight Champion of the world and will advance to the World Championship web later tonight... Genecide!!!

Funkadelic: Genecide has won the match but don't count Manhattan out here Johnny.

Flamboyant: BAH! He should have won, point blank. He didn't do it and in the process got his ass kicked.. Simple.

Funkadelic: Well ladies and gentlemen, while we pull the cell up and sweep the table debris out, let's go to the back where we understand something is going on.

~ Our cameras takes us to the backstage arena. We see a black limo pulls up. The limo pulls into the arena and the letters S-W-O is seen on the licence plate. The cameras circle around the limo to search and see who is inside the car. All of a sudden, we see Silkk walk out to the limo. Silkk opens the door and out walks out a dark shadowly figure wrapped in black fur coat. Silkk then shuts the door pushes the cameraman down, the camera stays on though and the camera gets the guys foot as he and Silkk walk back through the door. The cameras then go back to Funkadelic and Flamboyant.

Flamboyant: What is Silkk up to now.

Funkadelic: I don't know but by the look of it, It don't look pretty.. Anything can happen before the end of tonight.

Flamboyant: Well, now it's time for the Sub-Main Event. It is going to be Rocket T defending the United States Title against Undertaker.

Funkadelic: I think, that Rocket T. wants to make that title Canadian.

Flamboyant: Well enough small talk, lets go to the match. We seen Kevin Nash become the number one contender eariler tonight, who will be the Champion?


8th Match

Cursive United States Heavyweight Championship Match
  Rocket T.

Tiphoni Taylor: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall and is for the Cursive United States Championship! First coming down to the ring, he is from Death Valley, California. He stands at 7'0 and weights 330 pounds. This is the Undertaker.

[`]The Undertaker theme starts to play as the lights in the arena dims and fire start to come out the posts. Undertaker make his way to the ring.. The fans start to boo as he makes his way down to the arena. He steps in the ring as the lights come back on. He looks around at the crowd and gives his signature eye roll and awaits for Rocket T.

Tiphoni Taylor: And his opponent, he stands at 6'3 and weights 276 pounds. He is the Cursive United States Champion of the World.... He is the leader of the Canadian Foundation.. This is Rocket T.

[`] The Canadian Foundation theme plays as Rocket T. comes out to the ring with his title wrapped around his waist. He walks wide-legged trying to hold his ego. Never cracking a smile, he goes to the top turnbuckle and taunts. He then jumps down into the ring and gives the title to Tiphoni as the bell rings.

Funkadelic: Get ready for this match Flamboyant. You got a good one right here.

Flamboyant: Hell, I'm ready!!

~ Undertaker and Rocket T. looks on and on at each other trying to size each other up. Suddenly, they tie up and Undertaker gets in a knee to the gut. He goes for another but Rocket T. sees it and decks him with a right hand. Undertaker in return decks him with another. Rocket T and Undertaker keeps going blow for blow until Rocket T. gets a rake to the eyes. He whips him to the ropes but Undertaker reverses it and connects with a big boot that sends Rocket T. to the outside. The ref begins the 10 count as Rocket T. gets up and rolls back in the ring. But Undertaker gets the upper hand this time and grabs Rocket T. and lifts him and flats him with a vertical suplex. Undertaker then falls down on Rocket T. and gives a choke for his troubles! The ref looks on and notices that the choke is illegal and starts to count on Undertaker. The count reaches to 4 and Undertaker gets up. He then grabs Rocket T. and whips him to the ropes. Rocket T bounces off the ropes as Undertaker swings for a clothesline, instead Rocket T. ducks and gets behind Undertaker and drops him with a neck breaker!

Funkadelic: I know one thing, just like eariler on tonight with Sean LeCroux and Kevin Nash, if this turn into a wrestling match, Rocket T. got this baby won.

Flamboyant: That's right, too. But remember that it was Kevin Nash who won the match for the number one contendership. Undertaker can pull off the unthinkable and become the United States champion, as he beat him in this match.

~ Rocket Termantor gets on a neck hold as he brings Undertaker in the middle of the ring. Undertaker however,reaches the ropes in time for the hold to break. Rocket T. don't break the hold however and starts to get up with the Undertaker. The Undertaker starts to regain some life as he elbows Rocket T. in the stomach. Rocket T, being the Canadian he is, switches the move over into a Sleeper!! The fans really hate both of these guys but starts to chant U.S.A. to get Undertaker pumped up. Undertaker pumps up a little and using Rocket T weight, flings himself into the corner post!! The crowd likes this and start to cheer Undertaker on as he rams him into the corner again. Undertaker then turns around and connects with a throat thrust that causes the Champion to jump in the air. Undertaker fury allows him to take control, and he locks on another illegal choke on Rocket T. Rocket starts to kicks his legs up in the air as the ref calls for the break. Undertaker turns around at the the ref and the ref moves back and he turns back around and continues the choke again!!

Funkadelic: I can't beleive that Undertaker is trying to win a match by choking out Rocket T.!?

Flamboyant: Undertaker understands what Rocket T. is capable of doing. I just hope that he can continue so he can bring the title back to the United States!

~ The ref starts to count again as he gets in and try to break the hold. Again, the Undertaker looks at the ref and moves him out of the way. This time he turns back towards Rocket T, and Rocket T. gets in a kick to the groin area of Undertaker and knocks him down with a strong larriot! Rocket T. then lands on one knee and take a moment to catch his breath. He gets up and targets Undertaker with another fist followed by a DDT!! Rocket T. then stands up and goes to the ropes. He bounces off the ropes and jumps and connects with a flipping Senton Splash on Undertaker. He then stands up and spits on the Undertaker.

Funkadelic: He just spitted on the challenger Johnny!

Flamboyant: I told you, he is ready to fight. Lets get it on!!

~ Rocket T. then pulls the Big man up. He then starts to smack Undertaker with rights and lefts, chopping away at the Evil Bastard in front of Memphis. He then leaves the challenger standing, as he goes to the corner. He then climbs the top and turns back, leaping off with a jumping roundhouse kick! But Undertaker sees it and dodges it and catches him with a chokeslam. He raises Rocket T. up but Rocket T. gets in some kicks and Undertaker drops him. But he didn't for long as Rocket T. grabs him and hoists him into a bearhug, crushing the life out of him! The ref moves in, watching for any sign of submission. But Rocket T. grunts and struggles against the tremendous pressure being applied by the Evil Bastard Undertaker. Rocket T. slowly starts to fight out of it as he gives Undertaker right hand head shots! Undertaker though lifts Rocket T. slightly in the air, before shoving him back down with a bearhug slam! He raises his arms in the air as Rocket T. lands on the ground, hurting, as Undertaker moves in. Undertaker goes for a leg drop to the back of the head and connects! He goes for it again but Rocket T. sees it and is able to roll out of the way as Undertaker comes crashing on the mat, hitting it hard! Rocket T. then rolls to the outside taking his time and getting his air back, as Undertaker suddenly raises up, watching him. Rocket T. scared for his life begins to run around the ring to the other side as the Undertaker has exit the ring and is chasing Rocket T. around the ring.

Funkadelic: What the hell is Rocket Termantor doing.

Flamboyant: I don't know but I would also run away from the Undertaker wouldn't you.

Funkadelic: Of course I would.

~ Rocket T. has now slid in the ring and Undertaker slides right in after of him and Rocket T. begins to stomp down on Undertaker's helpless body. Rocket T. picks Undertaker up and whips him into the corner but Undertaker reverse it sending Rocket T. into the corner. Undertaker goes to follow in behind Rocket T. But as he gets close he catches a superkick straight to the jaw. Rocket T. goes to the top turnbuckle and waits for Undertaker to get up. Once Undertaker has reached his feet Rocket T. drops him back down with a Missle Dropkick. Rocket T. gets up and begins to stomp on Undertaker. Rocket T. then grabs Undertaker's left leg and puts him in a Half Boston Crab. Undertaker begins to scream as he reaches for the ropes. He struggles amd he finally reaches them. The ref tells Rocket T. to release the hold and Rocket T. does so. Undertaker struggles to get to his feet as his left knee is hurting. Rocket T. then dropkicks the left knee of the Undertaker as he falls to the ground. Rocket T. then goes to work on the left knee as the Undertaker tries his best to fight Rocket T. off. Rocket T. picks up the Undertaker and whips him into the ropes. Undertaker with all his strength returns and tries to clothesline the hell out of Rocket T. but he ducks and catches the referee(you know these guys becoming out of nowhere). Undertaker turns around and is caught by the Rocket Launcher courtesy of Rocket T. Rocket T. then goes for the pin. But relizes the ref is out.

Funkadelic: The ref is out, and Rocket T. had this thang won.

Flamboyant: Those bastards are always in the way. We should get rid of all refs around the world.

Funkadelic: Well said there brah.

~ Rocket T. gets up and tries to revive the ref as from the crowd we can see Inferno entering the ring. He grabs Rocket T. and drops him with the Brimstone. Inferno grabs Undertaker and puts him on top of Rocket T. The ref slowly crawls over and makes the count.




Rocket T. kicks out as Inferno is on the outside irrate. He climbs back into the ring as he and Undertaker begin to stomp down on Rocket T. The crowd errupts cause down the aisle come Khrome, Hot Blast, and Sean LeCroux of the Canadian Foundation come out as Undertaker and Inferno exit the ring and leave down the side of the ramp.

Funkadelic: Those fuckin cowards.

Flamboyant: Ain't that the truth.

Funkadeilc: Wait a minute I'm getting word that Kevin Nash will be facing Rocket Termantor for the Cursive United States Heavyweight Title at our next Pay Per View Fury. Oh that will be a match I would like to see.

Flamboyant: I will also be looking foward to seeing that match. But now it's time for the first Main Event!! And the main thing is... Genecide is in this one!!

Funkadelic: That's right, Genecide survived a beating in the Hell in a Cell Match to be the third man in this tournament and to remain the Cursive Hardcore Champion.

Flamboyant: What an end to this match we just seen huh? Rocket T. and Undertaker had a pretty good match. But when it's two heels in the ring fighting, it get's pretty lame because the fans don't know who to cheer on. This match gave Genecide breating room about a total of 25 minutes. It's now main event time. Can Genecide beat another brother of Manhattan. He now has to go in the ring with Goldberg and Goldie.

Funkadelic: Whoa!! I hear something is going on in the back right now as we speak. Take us back there!

~ We take you to the back to a hallway. It is pearl and white and quiet. All of a sudden you hear the thunderous sounds of chairs moving, glass breaking and the groans of a man enduring punishement. All of a sudden a door opens and we see a man thrown out to a wall. THe man has been bleeding because when he fell, a blood apot was on the wall. Suddendly two men come out and start to stomp on this person. The camera makes it up to one of the man faces and it was Manhattan!! The other man was none other than Silkk!! Silkk and Manhattan continue to stomp and pound on the man. All of the sudden, Silkk lifts the man up and drops him with the SILKK REVOLVER on the Concrete Floor!! Manhattan and Silkk gives each other a high five and then Silkk states..

Silkk: Ha, Ha, One down, two to go. Manhattan, make this man happy.

~ With that, Silkk tells Manhattan to go and make him happy. Manhattan gets the man leg and wrap his leg around his leg and twists it. The move almost look like a one leged Finger-Four. Manhattan takes the man leg and all of a sudden, he jumps in the air and landed the opposite way and with that, a loud snap was heard!! The man on the ground starts to Scream out and starts to yell for help!! Manhattan looks at Silkk and says his job is done let's leave. Silkk and Manhattan starts to leave as the cameraman finally gets the shot of the person, who seems to be none other than NwO Vader!!! The cameraman views him lying there yelling my leg!! My leg!! Silkk and Manhattan realize this and Silkk tells Manhattan to go and grab the tape. Manhattan then runs over to the cameraman, and this time he opens the cameraman camera and snatches the tape and throws it against the wall and breaks it! He then walks off trailing behind Silkk. As the cameras go back to Funkadelic and Flamboyant at Ringside.

Funkadelic: Oh my God, what the hell have we just seen?

Flamboyant: Total Domination of the great NwO Vader at the hands of Silkk and Manhattan.

Funkadelic: What's the fuckin' Deal with Silkk and Manhattan being together? I thought these two hated each other!!

Flamboyant: Well, you never know unless, you see it for yourself.. These two guys seem to have broken his leg. If so, there is no way that Vader will be able to compete at a stage like this.. This is truely brains of Silkk.

Funkadelic: It is brains.. That he got rid of NwO Vader. But now all he has to worry about is Drake Ruhwen. Or is Drake Ruhwen already finished in the back. We haven't heard from him.

Flamboyant: It's time for the first main event!! Let's go to the ring.

Winner goes to World Title Main Event


Genecide Goldberg Goldie

Tiphoni Taylor: Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for our first Main Event match of the even. The winner of this match will be the first man to enter into the World Title match. First coming down to the ring, he stands 6'7 and weights 279 pounds.. He is the undisputed Cursive Hardcore Heavyweight Champion of the World, he is Genecide!!

[`] "Weak Ass Bitch" plays as Genecide comes out to the arena. The fans in the stadium, gives Genecide a huge pop as he comes out with the Cursive Hardcore Championship around his shoulders. He walks down the ramp as the pyro blasts off. He looks kinda weak though,as he is still feeling the effects of the Hardcore title match with Manhattan. He comes in, and sits over into the corner.

Tiphoni Taylor: And his first opponent, he hails from Tulsa, Oklahoma. He stands 6'1 and weights 291 pounds, he is Goldberg!!

[`] Goldberg theme plays as he comes out to the music. He steps out and afterwards is hit with a Pyro shower w/ smoke. Goldberg then marches to the ring and sees Genecide. Goldberg then looks in the air and does his rope taunt as Tiphoni announces the final wrestler.

Tiphoni Taylor: And last but not least, he hails from the South Side of Chicago, he stands 6'0 and weights 245. He is the self-proclaimed king of Extreme, this is Goldie!

[`] Goldie hears his music and he runs out to the ring.. As soon as he got into the ring, he stares and then take off his robe as the others start to get up and waiting.

Funkadelic: I beleive that this is going to be a hell of a match

Flamboyant: Trust me, I beleive Goldie is going to be the victor in here with Genecide so over in the country

~ The bell rings and Goldie and Goldberg starts to get into a fist fight. Goldie starts to control it until Goldberg nails Goldie with a knee to the gut taking control of the brawl. Goldberg grabs Goldie by the head and tosses him out the ring. Goldberg follows him and knocks him down. Goldberg picks Goldie up and rams his head up against the guard rail!! Again, again and 3 times the charm! Goldie drops to one knee and Goldberg gives him a swift kick to the ribs! Goldie, hurt badly now folds over in pain. While all of this was happen, Genecide got up out the corner and rolled out of the corner. Genecide goes over and takes a seat and start enjoying the match. Goldberg picks up Goldie and whips him hard to the ring! Goldie hits and stumbles towards Goldberg. Goldberg gets in a kick now in the gut and hooks him and drops him with a snap suplex! Goldberg stomps on Goldie again and picks him up. Just as he is picking him up though, out of nowhere comes Genecide flying with a cross body block! All 3 men go down but Genecide is quickly to get up. he is laughing hard as he picks up Goldie and then rams his face against the apron. Genecide then rolls inside the ring and grabs the chair he was sitting on and comes back out. He attempts to hit Goldie but Goldie slides out the way and Genecide hits nothing but the steel! Genecide is shaken up for that.. Goldie sees the opening and pulls back on the head of Genecide and drills him with a reverse DDT!!

Funkadelic: Oh oh, It looks like Genecide making a little movement in this match!!

Flamboyant: I loved the way that he waited until the right time to attack. This is lovely!

~As Goldberg starts to regain his feet, Goldie moves in, catching Goldberg with a few quick shots to the jaw. He then kicks Goldberg in the stomach, bendng him over, then goes for a ax kick. But Goldberg shows his power, standing back up and flipping Goldie upside down. Goldie shows some agility, managing to land on his feet, but Goldberg moves in, and picks Goldie in the air and slams him on his back. Before he can do more, Genecide rolls back in, hammering Goldberg with a series of right hands. He ends it with a stunning uppercut, which snaps Goldberg back, then sends him falling forward on his face. Genecide then turns to where Goldie has gotten back up, and waves him back in. They both smash their heels into Goldberg’s back, kicking away at him, trying to get him out of it at first. Genecide then picks Goldberg up and throws him to the ropes and Goldie hits him with a knee into the gut! Genecide goes to pick Goldberg up but Goldie sees the opening and gives a low blow to Genecide!! Genecide falls to his knees and Goldberg gives a sharp kick to the face of Genecide. That move knocks Genecide right out of the ring into the ground! Goldie then picks Goldberg back up and attemps a suplex but Goldberg blocks and scores with a Vertical suplex of his own!!

Funkadelic: They are trying to keep Goldberg down Johnny.

Flamboyant: I don't blame them.. Goldberg is one tough S-O-B. If they keep Goldberg down then this match might be a little easier.

Funkadelic: Really?

~ Goldberg gets to his feet first, having been the closest to the ropes, but Goldie is up quickly as well. He turns and runs at Goldberg, but the Goldberg side steps him and throws him over the top rope to the floor! Goldberg moves towards the rising Genecide rolling into the ring. He grabs Genecide but he pushes off, running to the ropes and coming back with a flying forearm to the jaw. Goldberg staggers back, but doesn’t go down. Genecide runs for the turnbuckle, wasting no time in springing up to the top. He then turns and takes flight, connecting an flipping neck breaker in the air! . As Goldberg hits the mat, Genecide succeeds with an elbow drop unto Goldberg’s chest. He then grabs the legs, making the first cover of the match.


But before the second count can hit, Goldie is back in the ring, breaking up the attempt. He kicks Genecide repeatedly, taking advantage of having the injured man on the ground, even as Goldberg rolls to his stomach, trying to recover. Goldie pulls up Genecide and drops him with a standing side kick. Goldie then goes to the outside and walks over to the ring announcer and grabs a chair. He now rolls back into the ring and awaits for Genecide to get up. Genecide stummbles up and Goldie smacks him dead on in the head with the chair. This has to be like the third or fourth chair shot in the head tonight for Genecide. Genecide falls short to the outside and the cameras show you that Genecide has been busted open again from the chair shot! Meanwhile the ref tries to decide wether to DQ, Goldie or not and Goldberg gets up and runs over to Goldie and starts fighting with him. But Goldie sticks a stiff chair shot into the stomach of Goldberg and drills him with a techincal chair shot that send Goldberg down!!!

Flamboyant: Goldberg and Genecide has just been decimated from Goldie and that steel chair!!

Funkadelic: That is true. You might wonder why the ref haven't DQed Goldie? The ref wants to give the people what they want!! This is cool!! and Extreme!

~ Goldie sees both men are down in the match and goes over to Goldberg knees and start to bash at them with the chair. Goldberg screams in pain as the cold steel hits the leg of Goldberg. The ref gets in the middle in time and tells Goldie to stop the pounding. The distraction is enough needed as Goldie went for another chair shot and Goldberg kicked the chair in Goldie face!! Goldberg then popped up and started nailing Goldie with hard lefts and rights and then catches Goldie and drills him with a dangerous overhead belly-to-belly suplex!! Goldberg then gets down in the three point stance ready to deleiver the Spear! But on the outside, Genecide goes under the ring and pulls out a Stop Sign! Genecide then leans up on the apron with his face filled with blood leaking.. Genecide sees Goldie and swings for him but at the same time Goldberg ran over going for the Spear. Goldberg runs towards Goldie and Goldie moves out of the way and Goldberg hits the stop sign that Genecide attemped for Goldie!!

Funkadelic: Goldberg is out again Steele!!

Flamboyant: Yeah he is, by that hard shot by Genecide with that stop sign. I got a question for you though, just how much shit is under that ring!? They are pulling out all types of weapons!

Funkadelic: It's a whole lot, I can tell you. The ring crew always leaves some type of great thing you can use to knock the hell out of your opponent with.

~ Genecide sees that he knocked out Goldberg and Goldie does also. Goldie then runs to the ropes and shoves him off the ropes and Genecide hits the mat hard. Goldie then goes for the cover over Goldberg.



The ref leg is pulled by Genecide as he gets in. He gets in and starts to punch away at Goldie. He throws Goldie into the ropes and catches him with a spine buster!! He then goes and pick up the chair that was in the ring and starts to open Goldie up by giving him numerous head shots! Goldie now bleeding is tossed by Genecide outside of the ring. Goldie staggering starts to walk up the ramp as Genecide follows him. He catches up to him and starts to pummble on him by the stage near the pyro launcher. Still a little warm from the last entrance of this match, Genecide tries to throw his face on top of it. Genecide goes for a take down but Goldie blocks it! Genecide then elbows Goldie in the spine and goes for it again! Once again, Goldie blocks it. Genecide goes for it a third time and again Goldie blocks it. But this time Goldie gets in the low blow and lifts Genecide and gives him a atomic drop. Genecide holds himself but Goldie kicks him in the spine and drops him with a Reverse DDT on the ramp!!

Flamboyant: Good Lord, we are seeing damnation from Goldie.

Funkadelic: Yes, it's true Goldie is really taking control of this match and he owns both Goldberg and Genecide. Just what will happen next?

Flamboyant: Well, with Goldie, you'll never know.

~ Goldie then really notices he is on the ramp now as he wipes the blood from his face. He then notices Goldberg who is now just getting out of the ring and going up to the top. Goldie goes into the back of the stage curtain and pulls out a Kendo Stick as Goldberg comes up. Goldie goes for the shot but Goldberg ducks and kicks Goldie in the midsection. Goldberg then gives Goldie a pickup DDT on the Ramp!! Goldie lies out flat on his back as Goldberg now picks up the Kendo Stick. He walks over behind Goldie and now starts to attack the back of Goldie with the Kendo Stick!! The ref is standing on the ramp trying to avoid getting hit with a wild punch at all cost. Goldberg suddenly stops as he sees Genecide slithering trying to get up. Goldberg then looked as if he was in a trance, and walked over and attacked Genecide with the damn kendo stick in the already injured back!! The fans boo at Goldberg as he is redicously beating the hell out of Genecide with the kendo stick!

Funkadelic: What the hell is up with Goldberg? He knows Genecide has been injured and he is just beating the hell out of him with that Kendo Stick!!

Flamboyant: I really don't know but this is one hell of a good time. I love to see the faces turn heels for a change! Now this is entertainment!

~ Goldberg attacks Genecide a total of 15 to 20 times before stopping the attack. Goldberg then lifted up Genecide and prepares to put him in a powerbomb but Goldie gets up and gets in a low blow into Goldberg. Genecide seeing his opening lifts Goldberg up and drops him with the "Weak Ass Driver"!!! Genecide then stays on the ground after doing the move which took some of his energy away also. Goldie sees this and then runs towards Genecide who is off guards and nails him with the "RaZorWire"!!! A move we haven't seen since the TMW days! Goldie goes for the pin.



But then Goldie lifts Genecide head up and walks with him down to the ring and tosses him in. He then goes back underneath the ring and pulls out a ladder. The first ladder of the night!! He picks the ladder up and throws it in the middle of the ring. He rolls into the ring and picks Genecide up and puts him on the turnbuckle. He then climbs to the top also and he goes for a SuperPlex but Genecide blocks it. Goldie goes for another one. He blocks that one. He goes for a third one, he blocks that one. Goldie punches Genecide in the nuts and goes for another Superplex and does it having Genecide legs nail the ladder in the middle of the ring!! Goldie then sees the stop sign from earlier in the match and lay it on the middle of the mat.

Flamboyant: What is Goldie going to do to Genecide now? He has had too much punishment here tonight. Genecide went here to entertain the folks outhere.

Funkadelic: Yeah, well, he won the match and when you fighting in the Curse anything and everthing can happen to you. Remember what happened to Sir Reiko?

Flamboyant: You know I do. That's why I'm out here!

~ Funkadelic and Flamboyant share a laugh while in the ring Goldie has Genecide and signals for the "GoldStrike" but at the same time we see a person walking down the ramp! the person walks pass Goldberg who is just really sitting on the ramp still feeling the effects of that RaZorWire. The man then comes ringside and comes into the ring. Goldie sees this and drops Genecide to see who it is.. Goldie walks over towards the masked man and takes off his mask. Goldie sees who it is and he steps back!! The cameras turn towards him and we see that this man is none other than Justin Sane!!! Justin Sane then takes tha mask fully off and starts to fight on Goldie. the red can't do anything because it's a three man match and he don't know who Justin Sane is here for. Justin Sane takes Goldie and throws him into the ropes. He then catches Goldie and drops him in a Reverse Death Valley Driver into the stop sign in the middle of the ring!! He then goes to the ropes and leaps off nailing Goldie with the "10 Point CLimax"!!! Justin Sane then picks up Goldie and looks around at the crowd as the fans are cheering him on! He then drops Goldie with the "INSANITY"!!

Funkadelic: Justin Sane is cleaning house on Goldie in this one Steele!!

Flamboyant: Yeah and this one is about over!

~ Justin Sane then puts back on his mask and walk back up the ramp as officals now come down to the ring to escort him out. Genecide meanwhile in the ring finds a way to pull himself up and lifts Goldie up. He then drops Goldie with the "Gentic Jackhammer"!!! He then fall on top of him and the ref counts..




Funkadelic: What the hell!! That son of a bitch did it!!

Flamboyant: He won the match!! Wow!!

Tiphoni Taylor: Here is your winner of the match and is the first finalist to the World Title match... Genecide!!!

Funkadelic: What a fight!! What a fight!! Genecide is the luckest son of a bitch it is here tonight!

Flamboyant: O, I beleive that Genecide might make it all the way. But concerning the next two wrestlers Drake Ruhwen and Silkk, the odds might still against him. But like they say, the underdog always win.

Funkadelic: Well, while the ring crew come and sweep out all the trash, we are going to run a little recap of why Vader isn't going to be in this next match.

Flamboyant: Really? This should be cool!! Hey wait, don't show it!!

~ We take you to the back to a hallway. It is pearl and white and quiet. All of a sudden you hear the thunderous sounds of chairs moving, glass breaking and the groans of a man enduring punishement. All of a sudden a door opens and we see a man thrown out to a wall. THe man has been bleeding because when he fell, a blood apot was on the wall. Suddendly two men come out and start to stomp on this person. The camera makes it up to one of the man faces and it was Manhattan!! The other man was none other than Silkk!! Silkk and Manhattan continue to stomp and pound on the man. All of the sudden, Silkk lifts the man up and drops him with the SILKK REVOLVER on the Concrete Floor!! Manhattan and Silkk gives each other a high five and then Silkk states..

Silkk: Ha, Ha, One down, two to go. Manhattan, make this man happy.

~ With that, Silkk tells Manhattan to go and make him happy. Manhattan gets the man leg and wrap his leg around his leg and twists it. The move almost look like a one leged Finger-Four. Manhattan takes the man leg and all of a sudden, he jumps in the air and landed the opposite way and with that, a loud snap was heard!! The man on the ground starts to Scream out and starts to yell for help!! Manhattan looks at Silkk and says his job is done let's leave. Silkk and Manhattan starts to leave as the cameraman finally gets the shot of the person, who seems to be none other than NwO Vader!!! The cameraman views him lying there yelling my leg!! My leg!! Silkk and Manhattan realize this and Silkk tells Manhattan to go and grab the tape. Manhattan then runs over to the cameraman, and this time he opens the cameraman camera and snatches the tape and throws it against the wall and breaks it! He then walks off trailing behind Silkk. As the cameras go back to Funkadelic and Flamboyant at Ringside.

Funkadelic: That is what happened eariler tonight when Silkk and Manhattan attacked NwO Vader.

FLamboyant: I understand that Linkoln Shakespeare is standing in the back and has something to say.

Linkoln: You know what Silkk, I don't know what the hell is wrong with you. I don't know if you're still on Crack, or what! What you did tonight was totally wrong. You had no business breaking Vader's leg in two like that. Don't you know that your attack by you and Manhattan could have a possible ending of Vader's career!? Well Silkk, I hope that you are happy, because an act like this won't go unpunished. In this next match, this will be anything goes!! There will be no D,Q's. You know the history of Drake Ruhwen and he is the king of Hardcore here. So, I want to see you take it to the Extreme with him. With that, I have spoken!!

Flamboyant: Oh, we are going to see another hardcore, blood thirty match!

Funkadelic: Yeah, and these fans are going crazy over it!!


Main Event 2
Winner Advances to the World Title match
Silkk   Drake Ruhwen

Tiphoni Taylor: Ladies and gentlemen this next match is scheduled for one fall, and it is a no Disquafication match to determine the second finalist to the World Title tournament. First coming down to the ring he stands 6'4 and weights 269 pounds, this is Silkk!!

[`] Silkk comes out to a standing ovation of boos from the crowd. Seeming that they pump him up, he extends his arms out as the Pyro shoots from both sides!! He walks down the ramp still looking at the crowd clutching his fists, he slides in the ring and get on the turnbuckle as the fans continue to boo him. The fans then quiets down as Tiphoni gets back in the middle.

Tiphoni Taylor: And his opponent, he is from Toronto, Canada. He stands 6'2 and weights 264 pounds, this is the King of Hardcore this is Drake Ruhwen!!

[`] Drake Ruhwen music plays as he comes out pushing a shopping cart, filled with all types of Hardcore goodies. Drake Ruhwen then runs down the ring as Silkk comes out and Ruhwen rams the basket into him as the bell sounds to start the match!

Flamboyant: Here we go!

Funkadelic: Let's get it on!!

~ Drake Ruhwen with vengence for Vader takes the advantage and starts to bang Silkk’s head against the mat on the ground. Ruhwen then stands up and looks around at all of the weapons in his basket. He first grabs the top of a metal trash can. He raises Silkk up and nails him right between the eyes! This sends Silkk stummbling and he rolls into the ring. Ruhwen follows suit and Silkk run into him again and Ruhwen decks him with the garbage lid and sends Silkk to the corner. Ruhwen nails him one last time and then tosses the lid to the side. Ruhwen then climbs to the second rope and starts to pummel on Silkk. The crowd counts along until Ruhwen reaches ten! Drake hops down and then puts his head under Silkk’s chin, and drops to his knees nailing him with a jaw breaker!! The fans go nuts as Silkk stumbles out of the corner holding his mouth. Then Drake comes from behind and nails him with a knee to the back that sends Silkk flying to the outside!! The fans cheer Drake on as he is simply beating the hell out of Silkk. Drake goes outside and looks around in his basket again and grabs a pair of brass knuckles!

Funkadelic: Drake Ruhwen has brought out the goodies!!

Flamboyant: Yes he has and he is controling this match now!! But for how long?

Funkadelic: I really don't know..

~ Drake Ruhwen picks up Silkk and nails him right in the mid section with the brass knuckles. Silkk holds his stomach and Ruhwen measures him and nails him again, this time in the face! Silkk drops, and Ruhwen drops the knuckles. He picks Silkk back up and attemps to throw him towards the steel steps! But Silkk reverses it though and throws Ruhwen towards it! Ruhwen smacks the steps hard as Silkk laughs at him. Silkk then taunts at him and tell him to bring it. Ruhwen get up and run towards Silkk but Silkk picks him up and drops him with a Spinebuster! Ruhwen falls dead on his back!! Silkk then grabs Ruhwen and tosses him back into the ring. He now picks the items out of the cart and throws them into the ring! He then picks up the cart and throws it into the ring also!! Silkk, still wussy after the shot he received to the head grabs a paper bag that has something inside of it. Silkk looks inside the bag and then smiles. He open the bag and walk towards Ruhwen and pours it all over it Ruhwen! It's thumbtacks!!

Flamboyant: Oh, oh. It seems to me Drake Ruhwen is about to become the human pin cousion!!

Funadelic: The who? A what?

Flamboyant: My bad, I don't even know why I said that!

~ Drake Ruwhen tries to roll out of the way and get up but Silkk grabs that trash can lid and nails Drake Ruhwen driving some of the thumbtacks inside his skin!!! Get it!! Silkk nails him again and again! And each hit is followed by an “OH” from the crowd. Drake Ruhwen is now in grave pain and you see him desperately trying to remove the thumbtacks from his skin!! Silkk drops the lid and sees that Drake is a fire and you can feel the heat from those thumbtacks!! Silkk then walks over to a fire extinguisher. He grabs it, and cools Drake Ruhwen off with it. He then drops that weapon and lifts Ruhwen over his shoulder. He then takes a running start and rams Ruhwen against the ring steel post over the turnbuckles! He does this once more and then drops Ruhwen!!

Funkadelic: Silkk is getting control of this match-up now!

Flamboyant: Yeah plus, he is going for more weapons!! Drake Ruhwen brought them out here and now he's getting to test them! I didn't think Ruhwen wanted this to happen.

~ Silkk then go outside the ring and looks for another weapon. He finds a leather strap! He smiles and flips off some of the fans and then slides back inside the ring. He always for Ruhwen to get up as he hides the strap around his back. Ruhwen gets up and Silkk sees it and nails him with the strap! Ruhwen drops to his knees after the first shot and Silkk nails him again and he drops flat on his face! Silkk hits him a couple of more times and then ditches the strap. Silkk then picks up Ruhwen in a Gorilla Press Slam and tosses him to the outside! Silkk comes outside and sees the Spanish announce table. Since Silkk can't speak a lick of Spanish, he takes Drake Ruhwen over and tries to piledriver Ruhwen through the table. He lifts Ruhwen up but Ruhwen blocks it with an elbow to the gut, Ruhwen then somehow hooks Silkk up over his shoulders and drops him with a Somoan Drop through the Spanish Announce table!!

Funkadelic: Oh, Ruhwen has just gained the advantage with that move right there!!

Flamboyant: And smashes the Spanish Table in the process.

Funkadelic: We don't need them anyway. We don't have nothing but these young Hispanics Causin Panic around here and they don't do anything but make and sell things for a dollar and then take our ladies.

Flamboyant: Uh, Funk.. Those are not Spanish Americans that sell us the dollar mania stuff. That's those Bin Laden type of people!!

Funkadelic: What difference does it make, they all talk the same.

~ Both men stay down, with Drake Ruhwen feeling the effects of the thumbtacks and Silkk feeling the effects of having just gone through a table with the Somoan Suplex. Drake Ruhwen starts to move and makes it to his feet somehow. He walks over to the ring, looks under and slides out a table. He slides out a second one! The fans in the arena start to go nuts and you know what? The fans go tell him to slide out a third table!!! The crowd roars as they can feel the suspense of something crazy is about to go down. Drake Ruhwen goes to set up the table but it’s stop by Silkk who gives him a forearm shot to the back. Silkk then grabs him by his head and tights and then rams him against the guard rail! Silkk goes to do it again and make Ruhwen the human battering Ram! Silkk stops and then goes back in the ring and grabs two items out of the shopping cart, one is a torch can, and the other one is a jug of what looks to be gasoline!! The fans boo Silkk as he starts to walk to the outside! He sees the announcers on the English table and points his finger towards them.

Flamboyant: Oh, what the hell do he want to do to us Funk?

Funkadelic: Hell, I don't know but we seen what he dd to NwO Vader and what he's doing to Drake Ruhwen, we might as well be good as dead.

Flamboyant: Well, ladies, if you don't see me.. You can go tot he back and one of them will tell you where your bra and panties are.

~ Silkk walks over to Drake Ruhwen and picks him up, but Drake surprises him with a right hand! Silkk raises him up again and Ruhwen decks him with another and one more punch! Drake grabs him now by his head and tights and throws him over the guard rail into the concrete floor! Drake Ruhwen then goes back to his tables! The fans give a slight cheer, as he takes all 3 tables to the front of the Announcer's table. He then sets two open on the bottom and sets the other on the top! Drake Ruhwen then walks to where Silkk is and grabs him by his head and brings him back over the rail to the table.. Drake Ruhwen nails Silkk with a sharp right hand and then another one. Silkk comes back though and fight Ruhwen back. Silkk stuns Ruhwen with a wild punch and then throws another one. Ruhwen ducks it and catches Silkk with a jawbreaker!! Ruhwen using his knowledge goes under the ring again and this time he pulls out a ladder!! The fans in the arena yelled "Ruhwen" "Ruhwen" as Ruhwen had the 20 feet Ladder! Drake then lays Silkk on the tables and he start to climb up the ladder!! But then Drake walks off the ladder and goes back under the ring again, this time he stays for a while, after 10 seconds he comes back out with a barbwire bat! The fans, the announcers and Silkk all wonder where Drake Ruhwen was at, Drake comes out from the opposite side and rolls into the ring.. Silkk turns around and Drake jump through the middle ropes and connects with the Bat right between Silkk's face!! Silkk falls over on the ground. Drake Ruhwen then lifts Silkk up and tosses him on top of the ladder stacked on the other two! He then climbs the ladder! He goes up to the ninth rung and finally to the top! He throws up his gun like movement (Jeff Hardy taunt) and leaps off and falls unto Silkk with a 5 Star FrogSplash! The force of the move sends both him and Silkk through the tables!!

Funkadelic: The fans and I both agree Steele, "Holy Shit" "Holy Shit" "Holy Shit"

Flamboyant: Silkk is broken in half!! What a hell of a move from Drake Ruhwen!! I can't beleive it!! The streak ended here tonight!! Drake finally did a high risk move right!

~ Drake Ruhwen lays down for a while, gets up and then looks down at Silkk who is totally and completely out.. He then looks towards the stage area of the Virus-A-Tron and starts walking towards it. Drake Ruhwen reaches the beginning of the ramp and looks back at Silkk who is still out! Drake Ruhwen smiles and then starts to walk up the ramp. All of the sudden the lights in the arena starts to dim and on the Virus-A-Tron you can see a strange looking symbol. This is a symbol that we haven't seen in a while and all of the sudden the words, "I'm Coming" is on there. A weird music plays as a rather large figure appears in the entrance way. He’s wearing all black and you can’t make out nothing on him. Drake Ruhwen sees him and realizes that this must be no other than Manhattan!! Drake Ruhwen pulls off his shirt and throws it to the ground and tells Manhattan to come down! The crowd cheer trying to warn Drake Ruhwen that Silkk is getting up and is coming behind him. Silkk walks back up the ring way and grabs that bat the one that was used to lay him out! Silkk runs and then turn Drake Ruhwen around and nails him right in the mid section with it!! Silkk then hits Drake Ruhwen in the back and he drops to the ramp!

Funkadelic: Silkk just got the advantage again with that shot to the stomach! But what is Manhattan out here for?

Flamboyant: I really don't beleive that was Manhattan. Manhattan has already been in a match and I seen the guy, he is big like him but he is a little smaller than Manhattan.

~ Silkk carries Drake Ruhwen over his shoulder back towards ringside and then drops him right in front of the announcing table. Silkk then grabs the gasoline container and starts to pour it on top of the announcers table!!! Funkadelic and Flamboyant have been here the whole show and nothing has happened to them. So they all stand up and stay away as far from the table as they can. The mystery Man follows down the ramp and hands Silkk the torch. Silkk grabs the torch and turns it one with one small click, he then grabs the sparker and sparks a flame and throws it on top of the table and the table is on fire!!! The mystery man and Silkk smiles and then Silkk kicks up Drake Ruhwen. He grabs him by his neck and he picks up Drake Ruhwen! Silkk then hestitates and throws Drake Ruhwen over to the Mystery Man! The Mystery Man grabs Ruhwen and with one swift move powerbombs him on top of the burning table!! The chant of "HOLY SHIT" 3x is heard once again!! Fire scatters everywhere but the ref and Flamboyant luckily finds an extinguisher and puts the fire out with the quickness. But the damage has been done as we see the table broken down, and Drake Ruhwen too. Both of the table and Silkk are smoking.. Silkk smiles evily as he falls on top of Ruhwen and the ref makes the count.




Tiphoni Taylor: The winner of this match and will advance into the finals.. Silkk!!!

Funkadelic: What the hell is wrong with that sick bastard!! I never seen Silkk like this!

Flamboyant: Silkk has compete control over this match. He is on a violent streak and has took out both of his challengers!!

Funkadelic: Yeah but he had help to do it! Manhattan and him took out NwO Vader and breaks his leg and now Silkk and this mystery man who we thought was Manhattan has took out Drake Ruhwen with the Gigantic Powerbomb through the lake of fire!! And what's even worse is, we don't have no place to sit!!

Flamboyant: WHAT!? I know we got some chairs or something!! We got another match to go.. It's going to be for the vacant Championship Title!! This might be the best match of the evening!!

Funkadelic: Well, we got a two minute waiting period as we clean this mess up out of here.

Flamboyant: Did you ever wondered how the Ring Crew feels about this? They been having to clean up in each and every match so far!!

Funkadelic: What are you talking about? They get paid hell loads of money!! Well ladies and gentlemen, when we return, we will go down to the ring.

~ The cameras point to the Virus-Tron and we watch as we take a look at the action that transpired through out the evening. The first shot takes us to the Cursive Hardcore Championship match in which Genecide won a hugh match over Manhattan. They also show a clip of Genecide being tossed from the corner into the cage and his head bouncing off the steel steps causing him to suffer a concusion. Then the final clip of that match shows Manhattan and Genecide in a fist fight and Genecide hitting him with the "Gentic Jackhammer" through the two chairs. Then another clip takes us to the parking lot arena where you see a limo pulling up with the letters S-W-O on it.. We then see Silkk walking out to the car meeting someone who has one a mask and a black fur coat. Then we go to a hallway and we see NwO Vader on the ground getting gang attacked by Silkk and Manhattan. Manhattan finally grabs NwO Vader leg and jumps into the air and lands on the knee, breaking the leg of Vader. Then the words Second Round appears as Goldie, Goldberg, and Genecide are fighting in the ring. They show when Goldie is single handing defeating both Goldberg and Genecide with the kendo stick. Then another shot shows when Goldberg turns on Genecide and starts attacking him with the Kendo Stick and finally in the ring it shows Justin Sane coming out of no where and knocking Goldie out to let make Genecide get the duke. Then the Virus-Tron goes to an irate Linkoln Shakespeare punishing Silkk for his actions and make his make with Ruhwen a No-DQ, match and in the match it shows Ruhwen soaring through the air and falling with a 5-Star FrogSplash On Silkk through the table. Another shot shows you the Mystery Man that walked out through the curtains and looks at Drake Ruhwen. Finally the last shot shows Silkk holding Ruhwen over to the Mystery Man and him PowerBombing Ruhwen through the lake of fire! The Virus-A-Tron finally takes its last shot as the Cursive Championship Title is seen in the middle of the Tron and under the belt the words "WHO WILL SURVIVE" is on there as we go back to the ring for the beginning of the main event!!!


Main Event 3

The Curse World Heavyweight Championship Title Match
Silkk   Genecide

Tiphoni Taylor: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for two out of three falls with a 2 minute resting period between each fall. This is the final match of the even and is for the Curse WORLD Heavyweight Championship of the World. First, already in the ring this is Silkk!

[`] Silkk is already in the ring and he has his arms raised up high in the air as the fans boo Silkk and call him an asshole.

Tiphoni Taylor: And his opponent, he comes from Memphis, Tennessee, he is the Cursive Hardcore Heavyweight champion, this is Genecide!

[`] The crowd cheers loudly as Smoke emits from the entrance way, and as the lyrics of the song kick in. there you see Genecide standing. He begins walking down the ramp and stops about half way, as the blue pyro goes off behind him and with that the lights come back on. He, never taking his eye off of Silkk in the ring. He continues to walk down and rolls under the bottom rope inside the ring. He stands up and walks over to a corner, he climbs to the second turnbuckle and looks around at the crowd. He then raised his title in the air and gives it to the ref. Then the anticapation builds as the bell rings to start the match.

Tiphoni Taylor: This first fall will be a regular wrestling match.

~ Genecide and Silkk lock up, Silkk quickly applies a headlock and then turns that into a hammer lock. Genecide tries to get out of it and he goes for an elbow but Silkk ducks it and then hooks Genecide around and drops him with a belly to belly suplex! Silkk goes for a quick pin but Genecide kicks out after one, he rolls to the outside and tries to regroup. Silkk makes his way out and then turns Genecide around and nails him with a right hand! Silkk throws Genecide back in the ring but Genecide makes it to his feet though and as Silkk comes in he begins to stomp on him! Genecide picks up Silkk and hooks him for a DDT and he connects! Genecide then goes to the ropes and goes for a leg drop and after connecting it, he goes for a pin.



and Silkk kicks out!!!

Flamboyant: Genecide trying to win this match and win the first fall here.

Funkadelic: Yeah, but in matches like these, if you win one fall, that's cool. You get to relax a little but if win 2 falls than your job is complete.

~ Genecide picks up Silkk and whips him to the ropes, Silkk bounces off and Genecide drops him with a big boot to the face! Genecide bounces himself off the ropes and goes for another leg drop but Silkk gets out of the way and Genecide hits nothing but the mat! Silkk hops to his feet and gives Genecide a few kicks to his back working on the injured back of Genecide. Silkk then picks him up and gives the big man a Modified Spinebuster!! He shows his muscles off to the crowd, as the boo as usual, and then goes back to work on Genecide. He picks him up and applies a headlock. Silkk quickly wraps his arms around Genecide and picks him up and delivers an DDT, but Genecide blocks it and then turns around, picks up Silkk and he gives him an inverted atomic drop!! Silkk holds his jewels as Genecide bounces himself off of the ropes and nails Silkk with a flying forearm that takes the big man down!!! The nuts go wild while Genecide goes for a pin.



Kick out by Silkk!!

Flamboyant: This is a pretty good wrestling match between the two.

Funkadelic: You're not lying. I can't beleive that we said wrestling. Have there even been a wrestling match here tonight?

Flamboyant: Well besides Kasino vs. Khrome and Sean LeCroux vs. Kevin Nash, we haven't had one.

~ Genecide picks up Silkk but Silkk gives him a thumb to the eye. Silkk nails him with a German uppercut that sends Genecide to the ropes. Silkk hooks him and whips him to the other side, Genecide bounces off and Silkk sends him flying with a Strong Larriot! Genecide stays down after the effect as Silkk stands over his head and drops the huge leg across the neck of Genecide!! Silkk then taunts and the fans boo. Silkk sits him up and then applies an headlock. Genecide is in pain but somehow makes it to his feet. He tries to reverses it and does but Silkk quickly pulls him in and drops him with a short arm clothesline! Silkk goes for a pin but only gets two. He picks Genecide up again and hooks him for a Spinebuster. He tries to bring Genecide up but Genecide blocks it, and instead somehow manages to do a jumping DDT on Silkk!

Flamboyant: What a match here by these two superstars.

Funkadelic: This is a see-saw battle between these two and it's really good.

~ Genecide catches his breath and slowly makes it to his feet. So does Silkk. Both men come face to face. Silkk swings and Genecide blocks it and gives Silkk a kick to the gut followed by his patented "Gentic Jackhammer"!!! Genecide flips the big man over and goes for the pin.



Kick out by Silkk!!!

Genecide can’t believe it and he looks at the ref. Genecide now picks up Silkk once again and whips him to the ropes. Silkk hits the ropes but hangs on to them. He points to his head as if to say, too smart. Genecide charges at him though and big boots him over the top! Genecide jumps to the outside and he picks up Silkk. He grabs his head and goes to slam it against the steel steps but Silkk blocks it. He nails Genecide in the gut and then throws him into the steel steps! He does it two more times and Genecide is dazed not to mention in pain as Silkk continues to work on the lower back of Genecide. Silkk picks up Genecide and DDT's him hard on the floor! Silkk picks up Genecide again and whips him to the steel steps again, but Genecide reverses it but Silkk reverses it again and whips him towards the other side where Genecide hits head first on the steel post! Genecide is down and appears out as Silkk picks him up and throws him inside the ring. He then goes in himself.

Funkadelic: After that move right there, Genecide looks like he is about to lose this one.

Flamboyant: Well, I know Silkk is getting smart. Because ever since that Mystery Man left Silkk finally has fought in a match tonight. A real one at that. But Silkk and Genecide know that winning this first fall is important.

~ Silkk makes it to his feet and sees Genecide not moving a muscle. He then turns away from the ref and grabs some Brass knucks out of his trunks. He bounces himself off of the ropes and goes for a diving elbow drop but Genecide moves and Silkk falls hard!! Genecide uses the ropes to get up and begins to regain some strength. The crowd starts to get behind him as he makes it to his feet by saying "Genecide". Silkk slowly gets up too only to get nailed by a hard right hand! Genecide nails him again and again! Silkk is stunned as Genecide whips him to the ropes. Silkk bounces off and Genecide delivers a powerful foot in the gut. Genecide then lifted Silkk in a powerbomb position and then gets extra leverage and raises him higher in the air and drops him with the Super Weak Azz Driver!! The crowd erupts and Genecide jumps to his feet, he picks up Silkk and gives him a Spinning NeckBreaker!! Many of the fans then start to chant Genecide!! But that quickly changed into "Oh" as the fans in Tennessee see Genecide lifting Silkk back up. Genecide then grabs Silkk and then spins, lifting them up over his back, while reaching under both arms, extended Silkk arms out. Genecide then go to slam Silkk down face first into the mat but Silkk somehow manages to connect with a shot to the face with the brass knucks. Genecide suddenly falls to the mat with Silkk on top. Silkk put his brass knucks back in his trunks and goes for the cover!




Flamboyant: What a cheap way to win Silkk!!! You could have won this fall.

Funkadelic: I don't know.. Genecide looked like he was going for the kill but Silkk just beat him to the punch and got the duke.

Tiphoni Taylor: Here is your winner of the first fall... Silkk!!! There will now be a two minute break and then the next fall will start.

Funkadelic: Oh yeah!!

Flamboyant: Silkk is the devil and we are watching the devil take us apart here. Hey, I wonder what was his New Year's Resolution?

~ The ref tells Silkk that there is a 2 minute recess. He tells Genecide the same, but he is out at the moment. The crowd is on their feet, clapping and stomping trying to pump both men up. The two minutes go by rather fast and you see Silkk hanging on the ropes, waiting. Genecide has pulled himself up, using the ropes but it’s obvious that he is still feeling the effects of that brass knuck shot in the face by Silkk. A countdown is started and the fans count along the last 10 seconds of recess. They reach 1 and the bell rings again, Silkk is like a hunter to it’s prey. He rushes over but Genecide sees him coming and drops, pulling the top rope down with him! Silkk goes flying over them and lands hard on the outside!! Genecide hops to his feet and now he appears almost recovered. He looks down at Silkk and then jumps over the ropes and nails him with a diving clothesline! Genecide then goes for the pin and the ref slides out of the ring and makes the count.



Kick out!

Funkadelic: Need I remind you more that this is a Hardcore fall right here which means anything goes.

Flamboyant: Well, Silkk and Genecide have been in a total of two matches. Silkk has won one and Genecide has won two. This is now Genecide fourth fall tonight. This is Silkk's second.

~ Genecide makes it to his feet and picks up Silkk.. He whips him to the guard rail and Silkk crashes on it! Genecide walks over and picks Silkk up over his head and then drops him chest first into the guard rail! The fans cheers as Genecide is now in control of the fight. Genecide walks over to the ring, looks under it and looks for a weapon or two. The Memphis crowd cheers as they love this hardcore brutality- shit! Genecide comes out with a kendo stick. He walks back to where Silkk is crawling on his knees, trying to come back. Silkk crawls over to were Genecide is at and Genecide quickly nails him in the back and Silkk drops flat to the ground. Genecide starts to nail him time after time and Silkk screams in agony after each shot! Genecide finally stops the onslaught and picks up Silkk. He puts him against the steel post and then swings trying to nail him in the face! Silkk ducks however and Genecide hits nothing but steel, thus causing him to drop the stick because his hands suffer the shock!

Flamboyant: Genecide is going for the kill!! I wished he would have connected with that shot!!!

Funkadelic: Finally, for the first time, we agreed on something.. I wanted Genecide to knock the shit out of Silkk!

~ Silkk is trying to catch a breather on the side, Genecide goes after him but Silkk stops him with a side kick followed by some heavy right hands! Silkk then grabs Genecide and whips him against the steel post but Genecide reverses it and Silkk’s head bounces off the cold steel!! Genecide smiles and then looks under the ring, he takes out a metal can and a steel chair. He drops the chair and then with the metal can goes after Silkk. He picks him up only to nail him with it!! Silkk doesn’t go down but is dazed and confused. Genecide turns the can sideways and he puts it on top of Silkk so half of his body is inside it. Silkk moves around trying to figure out what’s going on. Genecide smiles and then grabs the steel chair and the fans starts to chant... "HIT HIM" "HIT HIM" Then Genecide without any remorse starts to bang the metal trash can like if it was a pinata!! The crowd loves it and approves by cheering loudly. Silkk must have a hell of a headache. He drops to his knees but Genecide doesn’t stop the banging. After a few more shots Silkk finally falls to the ground and Genecide quickly removes the trash can and goes for a pin!



Some how in the hell Silkk kicks out!!

Funkadelic: Genecide has did something that no one else could do... He has beaten the hell out of Silkk.

Flamboyant: Well Genecide has beaten on Silkk, but he is still unable to pin him... SO don't give him that much credit.

~ Genecide looks under the ring again and this time he pulls out what everyone wants to see, another table!! But then everyone must be thinking..... How man tables are under the ring? This is like the 28th table here tonight!! He sets it up and he points to Silkk, then motions for the end. Genecide picks up Silkk who out of nowhere gives him a low blow!! Genecide folds in pain and Silkk hooks him by the head and delivers a DDT to the metal trash can! Silkk somehow has found new energy, as he flips Genecide over and pins him.



kick out!!!

Silkk sees the table and picks up Genecide. He hooks him for the Silkk Revolver but this time Genecide is able to block it, and reverse it into a spinning DDT! Silkk goes through the table and the fans go wild as they start a “GENECIDE!” chant! Genecide is about to go for the pin but decides that instead he wants to do something else!!! He goes to the outside and grabs a chair! He puts it on top of Silkk’s face and then jumps up on the apron. Genecide then climbs the corner. He signals the crowd as they all come to their feet. Genecide dives off and delivers a supreme frogsplash !! Another chant gets started, this one a “HOLY SHIT!” one as the fans witness the devastating frogsplash ! Genecide then moves the chair and goes for the cover.




Flamboyant: Now it's getting even!

Funkadelic: Genecide has pinned Silkk!! It's down to only one more fall and this is sudden Death!!

Flamboyant: The winner of this fall will become the Cursive World Heavyweight Champion!

Tiphoni Taylor: Here is your winner of the second fall... Genecide!!!

Funkadelic: Well, it's any man ball game now!! It's down to Sudden death and the ladder is about to be brought out to the ring so lets get this show on the ball.

Flamboyant: I wondered if that move took anything out of Genecide that's left in it now?

Funkadelic: I don't know. Now, I normally don't do this, but now I'm going to have to.. (reaches for a black bag) Yeah, this is the shit. Well, I saved this for Sir Reiko, but since you out here, there you go..

Flamboyant: Whoa, some papers.. You got some Mawi-Owei in there? You know, the good shit?

Funkadelic: I don't know about you, but I fin to get my high on!

~ Two minutes past by, very rapidly as the third and final match of the night starts. Genecide goes outside and a few minutes later he comes out with a ladder!He’s going for the title! Meanwhile, Silkk is in serious pain still. Genecide folds the ladder up and slides it inside the ring. Genecide starts to climb up the ladder but is stopped by Silkk! Silkk gets between Genecide’s legs and slams him down to the floor with a Powerbomb like move!!! Genecide again falls on his back!! Silkk walks over to the chair laying on the ground and picks it up and drops it on Genecide!! Silkk goes inside the ring and grabs the ladder. He stands it up and then looks at the World title hanging above. He starts to climb as Genecide shoves the chair out of the way and slowly makes his way up the ring. Silkk reaches the fourth rung of the ladder but doesn’t realize that Genecide is up now and climbing the corner. Silkk reaches the second to last rung just as Genecide reaches the top turnbuckle. Genecide stands and then jumps off oding a luchadore type move and nails Silkk in the back with a drop kick that sends Silkk flying off the ladder and into the ropes!!!

Flamboyant: That was great by Silkk! Hitting the ropes like that.

Funkadelic: (taking a puff) What you say man, Silkk hits the ropes.. Wicked dude!

Flamboyant: You alright man?

~ Genecide hops to his feet and sees Silkk dangling in the ropes, he walks over and simply tosses Silkk over the top to the outside. Genecide walks back to the ladder and stands it up. He then lifts the ladder and throw it down on the ground right on top of Silkk!!! The fans go nuts!! He sees Silkk and he climbs the corner, and taunts to the crowd! He then goes tot he outside and grabs Silkk and holds him up!! Genecide hesitated and then start running around in a circle and drops Silkk onto the ladder crushing his spine!! Genecide then falls to the ground and hold his hand over his face as the move took something out of him also! The crowd shows it’s appreciation by chanting the Genecide’s name. Genecide eventually makes it to his feet and he looks inside the ring and sees nothing, he then grabs the ladder off of Silkk and puts it into the ring. Genecide then points up in the air and looks at the title. Genecide then lift the ladder straight up in the air and then he started to climb it. Meanwhile Silkk is down on the ground laid out!!!

Flamboyant: No one has treated Silkk this way in this match before!! Go head Genecide!! You're the hometown hero.. You can bring it all back to Memphis.

Funkadelic: Really? Since we are in the Dirty South, I wonder do any of these guys have some Weed? If not, I got some Beer.. You want one?

Flamboyant: I can't beleive you man! Look at you, you are a professional broadcaster. You have loyalty to this position. You have a wife and three beautiful kids at the home, you don't need to let drugs and alcholol influence you... Well It does makes fat chicks look good now and then. Oh what the hell pass me the beer. Got any Budwisers?

Funkadelic: Yeah!!

~ While Funkadelic and Flamboyant are having a field day, Genecide starts to climb the ladder. Silkk once again make it to his feet, something he has been doing the whole match. He sees Genecide almost up and jumps on the apron. Genecide now comes in the ring and start climbing the ladder right after Silkk!!! The fans scream as they see how close this match is. Genecide tries deseprately to hold on while Silkk pulls on him to make him fall. Genecide finally gets in a move when he kicks Silkk in the head numerous times. Silkk finally loses his grip and fall down to the mat!!

Flamboyant: Come on Genecide!! Come on!!

~ The fans start to cheer greatly once Silkk falls. Genecide then starts to finish climbing the ladder. He gets all the way to the final rung when the ladder was shoved and Genecide fell from 20 feet in the air!!! The fans boo and start to chant “HOLY SHIT”. "HOLY SHIT" chants echoed the arena and the camera pans towards the arena ring where we see none other than Manhattan coming down, bandaged up and all from the Hardcore match eariler with Genecide. Manhattan comes in the ring and starts to pound on Genecide!! The fans boo even louder. As Silkk is still down in the ring and has now rolled out of the ring. Manhattan swings Genecide into the ropes and catches him with a boot into the Midsection. He squats down and hooks Genecide for the "Pedi-damn-gree" but Genecide manages to get a block and a overhead suplex out of the deal!! Genecide then rebuilds his energy and swings Manhattan into the ropes. He catches Manhattan with a kick in the gut of his own and is about to put the “GENETIC JACKHAMMER” on Manhattan when Genecide was low-blowed by none other than the Mystery Man!! The Boos get even louder and paper was thrown from the fans into the ring. The Mystery Man pumbles Genecide for a while and then hooks Genecide for what looks like a Gigantic Powerbomb, signs of what happened eariler tonight with Drake Ruhwen! He brings him up and when he does Manhattan grabs Genecide by the neck and together they drive him hard to the mat with a Powerbomb/Neckbreaker combo! The crowd boos loudly!!

Flamboyant: What the fuck is this!? Silkk is the master of assistance!!

Funkadelic: I know and the most important thing is that Silkk guys continue to pound on Genecide and focus on one part of the body and that is the back!!

~ At that moment Manhattan and the Mystery Man walks outside and picks up Silkk and throws him back into the ring. But this time, Genecide had some help and this was Drake Ruhwen!! Drake Ruhwen comes down to the ring and battles with Manhattan and Mystery Man. They quickly double team Ruhwen though and tosses him into the steal rail! Manhattan then lifts Ruhwen up and go to toss him over to the steel post but Drake Ruhwen some how reverses it and Manhattan hits hard! The Mystery Man grabs a chair, folds it up and walks over to where Ruhwen is. He swings but Drake Ruhwen moves out of the way and Mystery Man hits nothing but guard rail. He drops the chair holding his hands in pain. Ruhwen turns him around and lands some heavy right hands! Mystery Man is dazed and Ruhwen goes to hit him but Manhattan comes with a chair and nails Ruhwen right between the eyes knocking him out!!! The crowd boo again as Manhattan knocked out Ruhwen with the chair. Manhattan then tosses the chair in the ring with Silkk! Silkk catches the chair and starts pounding on the lower back of Genecide!! He then drops the chair as both Mystery Man and Manhattan comes into the ring. After about 20 hits he sees Genecide laid out. Now, finally Silkk decides to climb the ladder. Rung by Rung by damn rung he climbs and finally he reached the title and grabbed it. The ref seen the title fall and the ref calls for the bell signaling the end of the match!!

Flamboyant: WHAT!! That bastard Silkk!! He has won the match!!

Funkadelic: That son of a bitch did it!! He won the Title, and the match. You cheating bastard!!!

Flamboyant: What the hell is this!! Silkk won the Curse World Heavyweight Championship Title. He won it will help from Manhattan and Mystery Man.

Tiphoni Taylor: Ladies and gentlemen.. Here's your winner and the NEW Cursive WORLD Heavyweight Champion....Silkk!!!

Flamboyant: This suck!! Give Genecide all the credit in the world, it was just all Silkk and the number game that cost Genecide the World Title.

Funkadelic: Not to mention the mulpitle chair shots!!

Flamboyant: Wait, a minute, it's not over!! Let's go back to the ring...

~ After the match finishes, we see Genecide slowly getting up leaning against one set of ropes, regaining his composure. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Manhattan nails Genecide from behind, knocking him down to the ground. Manhattan starts to stomp away on the fallen Genecide, who is riving in agony on the ground. Manhattan continues to hammer away on Genecide with some right foot stomps, then picks him up by the shoulders, and yells something to the crowd which is met with some heat. Manhattan then low blows Genecide, thrusts his head between his thighs, and nails the "PEDI-DAMN-GREE", to some huge crowd heat. Silkk watches, wraps the title around his arms and turns around, to face the crowd, then yells at the top of his voice..

Silkk: "There’s your Hometown Hero!"

~The crowd respond with some more heat. Silkk now walks across to Genecide, now totally annihilated, and starts to stomp away on him again. Suddenly, we see The Frost & Bryan Fury run down the ramp to some heat. Bryan Fury is seen with 2 kendo sticks in a large black bag. Frost and Bryan Fury enter the ring side by side, and Silkk turns round to face the newly arrived superstars, with an initial look of shock on his face. the Frost & Bryan Fury stare down Silkk, but slowly and strangely, the looks on all 3 men’s faces turn to wide grins, as Silkk and The Frost shake each others hands, followed by the same hand shake with Bryan Fury. Fury drops the bag, then hands Frost one of the Kendo sticks, and suddenly, both men turn round and start to pound on Genecide with the weapons while Silkk, Mystery Man and Manhattan look on!! Genecide’s broken body shows slight signs of movement as this 2 on 1 beat down ensues, to the disgust of the booing fans. The beat down continues for a long 15 seconds, but suddenly, "Goldberg" theme hits over the PA system, and the fans in the arena erupt when they see Bill Goldberg!! Goldberg slides under the bottom rope, and The Frost and Bryan Fury turn around, then notices Goldberg standing there, right in front of them. Goldberg then sits in his ready position ready to take on any comers. The anticipation of the fight starts to swell in the arena, and everyone is on their feet. Just in the heat of the cheers however, Silkk turns behind, unzips the bag he was carrying, and pulls out some t-shirts. Manhattan starts to applaud Silkk, and suddenly Goldberg's face turns to a huge grin. The crowd’s cheers turn to a sort of confused noise, as Silkk throws both Frost and Bryan Fury each one of the two shirts he was holding. Silkk grabs a shirt and holds up the shirt in front of his eyes, it reads “SwO – Silkk World Order!” Goldberg sees the shirt, and then looks down to his T-Shirt and rips his T-shirt off and pulls the shirt over his head! The crowd still sounds confused, as Manhattan walks over to the other side of the ring, demands a mic, which is thrown to him by Tiphoni, and caught perfectly. Manhattan turns around, throws over the mic to Silkk, who catches it, raises his hands, then starts to talk.

Silkk: "Now.. I know that a lot of you punkass fans in this crappy little arena, the Memphis Pyramid are probably thinking what the hell is exactly going on here huh?"

~The crowd respond with a mixed reaction of boos and a sort of “YEAH!” sounding noise as Silkk continues...

Silkk: "Well, you want answers, you got your damn answers! You see, you scumbag fans have just witnessed the coming together, of what will be the end of every other damn stable in The Curse, you have just witnessed the coming together, of The Silkk World Order! I know that you may have seen Manhattan and myself earlier on in the week, talk about the possibilty of the sWo and how we are going to change the landscape of The Curse forever, and now, the final pieces of the puzzle are in place. It would seem to me, that Goldberg has accepted our generous offer.

~ Silkk motions over to where Goldberg stands, who nods with a big grin across his face, as Silkk Continues.

Silkk: And it seems like the new tag team of The Frost and Bryan Fury have joined the elite and already made a name of the Rock.. Who I have beaten about 2000 times. But that's nothing...

~ The crowd boo the hell out of Frost, Fury and Silkk. Bryan Fury paces the ring slowly once round as the boos continue, then takes the mic from Silkk. Bryan Fury raises the mic to speak, but the boos get louder, and Fury’s face turns to a look of disgust, then he starts speaking.~

Brran Fury: So you want an explanation to why The Frost and Bryan Fury turned their backs on The Curse for Silkk and his World Order huh? Well, to be completely honest, I think the reason is fairly self evident, but hey, I suppose you dumbassed fans can’t work it out in your think little minds yourself, so here’s Frost to explain a little more!

~ Bryan throws the mic over and The Frost catches it. The crowd boo even louder for Frost than they did for Bryan, and Frost starts to laugh heinously. Once the boos fade a little, Frost raises the mic to his mouth, and then starts talking.

The Frost: "You know ever since I joined the TMW, and ever since The Frost joined The Curse, something has been at the back of my mind, digging away at my thoughts. Something has been wandering back and fourth in my head, and that thing is payback!

~The crowd respond with a sort of confused noise, Payback? What The Hell?

The Frost: Yeah that’s right, payback. And you wanna know what the hell I mean by payback? Well, even if you don’t, I’m going to tell you anyway. You see ever since I joined that pathetic group known as TMW where I rose to fame, I had been held back as being a no body. I have been held as been scond to The Rock! I have beaten the Rocks ass plenty of times and there is nothing I need to prove! You see, the combined talent of The Curse now doesn’t even equal half of the talent that The FROzen One and or the sWo equals.

~The crowd start to boo again, The Frost talks over them.

The Frost: “Ah sahddup!”

~The crowd respond with some louder boos, and then they start to chant ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE. The Frost turns behind, and then passes the mic to his brand new stable mate, Goldberg. Goldberg raises the mic to his mouth, and starts to speak out.

Goldberg: Yeah Frost, that’s right. Now, the sWo can boast some of the finest superstars to ever hit Curse, and with Silkk as our leader, the sWo will finally get the respect we deserve! You know what... Enough small talk.. It's time we prove a point.

~With that said, Goldberg tosses the mic over his shoulder and into the crowd. All members turn around, and circle the still motionless Genecide who lies on the ground. The sWo stand and stare at him for a few seconds, then Fury springs into action, and picks up Genecide. Fury knees Genecide in the gut, and Goldberg runs and nails a Spear into him, to the applause of the sWo and the boos of the fans. The Frost steps up to Genecide next, picks him up, and nails The FrostBite, to even more boos. Manhattan picks up one of the kendo sticks form the canvas, and starts to pound away on Genecide, for about 15 seconds. After Manhattan has had his fun, Silkk picks up Genecide and hits a backbreaker, but keeps Genecide wrenched on his thigh as Fury climbs up top. Silkk holds Genecide, as Fury stands up on the top rope, yelling something to the ground, then flies off crushing Genecide with a huge elbow drop! Silkk gets up, and all members of sWo walks over to the Mystery Man and unveils him to the World.. it's Triple H!!!! Triple H grabs Genecide and flats him with the "PEDIGREE! on the mat! The fans are booing and throwing paper as Silkk, Goldberg, Manhattan, Triple H, The Frost and Bryan Fury stand aside each other along the center of the ring. All 6 men raise both arms in the air at the same time, as the fans start to boo loudly, and "Let The Bodies Hit the FLoor" kicks in over the PA system. The sWo walk around the ring a few times as the cameras take as last shot on the fallen, beaten, battered, destroyed Genecide.. As the show finally comes to an end!