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Loch ness has always fastenated me. The thought of "What if?" just makes my imagination flow!
I mean, "What IF" a creature from the prehistoric ara actually survived and either survived all these years or her off spring still live on. True, this would most likely mean that there are more than one of these little creatures swimming about the Loch...but thats a really COOL thought don't you think? I think its awsome!

My friends roll their eyes at the thought...mostly disbeleavers. But dreamers, artists, musician...this is what keeps our minds alive and free. I have noticed that people that don't believe in Nessie, even the possabilities of UFO's and aliens, their mind are closed to ideas and have a hard time pretending, creating and imagining. Its what we don't see, the search to find it, the hope that it's out there that keeps creativity flowing in us all. If we just's possable!

Loch Ness Video Cameras

The ledgend of Nessie
Loch Ness Project
Video cam #1
under and above water sites
land cam

The ledgend of Nessie
Loch Ness Project
