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Thy's Page=-=STiCkYiCkY FaMiLy HoMePaGe=-=

mY cuZzin FraNk PaGE=-=FraNklIn pAgE=-=

Check out more pictures @ my==-=Photo Page=-=

Dis sIte iS deDicaTed To aLl mY Nig-CuHZz n Nig-Cuh-eTzZ frOm StiCkY-iCkY or fRom WheRever...Stay TruE to MeEh n ilL dO mY bEst to StaY tRuE to U...ProMiSE!!!**

sUp PeEps

tHis NikKA iS hElLa GaNgSta wItH iS "G.I. Joe" gEar

and hIs coMbaT bOotzZ!!! WatCh OuT NoW!LOL

==AreN't tHesE bAbIeS KyuTe...rUns iN da FamIly i GueSS!!!==

==LOL==they My nIeceS n NePhEws==

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!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy! !sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy!===!sTicKy-icKy! ==cRacK-BaBy-SeWarD====SiaMeSe-tWinzZ-vIpaReY-n-sOmaLY====NigGa-liPzZ-KroUS====ForehEad-SaMmY====bIg-nOse-Fat-CheEkzZ-One-eyE-BigGer-daN-Da-oTha-Thy==

TrY noT to StarE @ DIs fo ToO lonG...U miTE Get DizZy!

-=DanG diS grL is "sEck-C" ayE???BeSta HOlLa!...My hOmecHIcK DaRLA-aka-nAncY=-

==Dis is For U peOplezZ whO is ReAlLy BorED!!!==

==iF u Dun knOw, thiS is A gaME==Press Start==

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Name-SeWarD...bUt foR suM ReasOn EveRyOne cAlLs mEeH *Phakin DORKY*!!! =}

Sex-SurE y NoT!!!*pLeaSe BE GenTLE...*=P

Ethnicity-CamBodIan-KhMeR PrYdE tILL i Die!

Location-L.B.C. KilLaH kAli

School-rEpPiN tHat RaM pRyDe nINjAzZ...MilLikAn!!! *WhoOP wHoOp*

Hobbies-sPortS!!! n kIckIn iT wiTh thE PeEps!!!=-=Im aLso a GamE-aHoliC=-=

Personal Quote-

tHey aRe aLwAys tHerE foR U

NeEd a fAvoR,thEy wiLl alWaYs dO

Da beSt tHaT thEy cAn,tO maKe u A beTtA mAn

sUppoRtiN U aLl dA waY

ThRouGh thE bAd tYmes To a BriGhtEr daY

mAkIn U hApPy WhEn u ArE dOwn

Da onLY tHiNg That MakES thE wOrlD go ROunD

ThEy aRE wAt u CaLl *FrIenDzZ*

thRouGh It aLl TilL tHe EnD!

*NeVer GivE uP YoUR fAmiLy oR fRIeNDs...foR tHey aRe ThE oNlY thInG WorTh lIviNg fOr!!!*

tHanX foE *peEpIn* aT mY paGe!!! cOme BaK neXt TyMe aiTezZ!!!=-=Don'T ForGet To siGn mY GuEstBoOk=-=
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