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Griffin Thomas

Arrived Friday, April 19, 2002
3 lbs. 14 oz. - 16 inches long

Griffin was born at 31 weeks after he and his Mama
lived at Brigham & Women's Hospital for 2 months.
He was 2 months premature and very tiny,
but perfectly healthy. He was only intubated for 1 day
and on a feeding tube for only 2 weeks.

Here's Griffin at 1 week old in his isolette.
He is only a little longer than this Beanie Baby.
Yes, it's one of the small ones!

Big Brother, Justin with his "Baby Bruzzah".

Mama doing what she does best. X O X O

Dada and Griffin lounging around.

Griffin in his swing.
We can't turn it on yet, because he's too light...
it goes too fast.

Sleeping in the bouncy seat.

Here's Griffin's new bedroom.
Much nicer than the NICU.

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