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Sequence for Research Projects in Teched

Read the project description.
This document has been written to provide you with consistent answers to many of the questions you will have.

Choose a topic
Look at the list of possible topics.
Pick a few that look interesting to you.
You will have to narrow them down from there.

Get Links
Do a some internet searches to gather links that help you understand the topic.
You should find at least 10-20 quality links before you settle on your topic.
You will need to have a half dozen good links that explain the topic and discuss the history.

History page and how it works page
Read the info on the links you made in the previous step.
Understand the info.
Collect more links for the links page.
Write the text for these pages.

Future/Implications/Privacy/Money Pages
Look for info that will help you answer the questions of these pages.
Collect links for the links page
Write the text for these pages.

Fine tune the writing
Read "How to Write in Teched"
Check your spelling and grammar.
Connect certain words in your textt to websites that explain the concepts.

Check for consistency
Read "Elements of Design for Print and Web Pages"
Make sure that you make good, consistent use of color, graphics, fonts, and fontsize throughout the project.
Use the entire computer screen to maximum effect.