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Mr. Connors
Tech Ed up a level
The purpose of this project is to:
  • Use internet resources to learn more about an aspect of the subject matter of this course.
  • Create a website that explains your topic.
  • Demonstrate what you have learned to the school community.
  • For this project, you will:
    Research a topic of your choice (see list for Internet and Mendocino Term 1, CAD and Robotics Term 2)
        The topic must relate to the subject matter of the project you are working on.
            (Web/Communications then Mendocino terms 1/3, CAD then Robotics, terms 2/4)
        You will create a total of four of these research websites during Principles of  Technology.
        The first and third will be due near the middle of the term, the second and fourth will be due before the end of the term.
        The research should be done outside of class, then assembled onto your webspace in school.
    Save the pages into your folder inside the server
    File Name:
        All files must be spelled with no spaces
        Each research project will be in a directory (YourName_r1, YourName_r2, YourName_r3, Yourname_r4)
        The pages for the research project will be called:
            Index.htm for a single, scrolling page or Index.htm and Subtopic.htm for a website in a directory
        All html and image files must be in their respective directory for the project.
        Graphics must be in the graphics directory within the research directory.
        Choose "leave image at original location" in Composer to keep from duplicating image files in the html directory.
        They must directly relate to the pages on which they appear.
        Write your text in a manner consistent with the writing guidelines in "How to Write in Teched"  Use normal sized text, left justified for the body, headlines may be centered, and should be larger.
       When you reach a point in your text that relates to a resource on the internet, you should create a link to that resource.
        You should also have a separate page of links that allows the user of the site to go to any resource that you have used
            or linked to.  Your links page needs to have at least 10-20 links to websites on different domains.
        Make sure that all links in your site work.
    Efficient use of space:
        Your pages should not have oversized pictures, the text should be of a normal size.  If you have a long scrolling page, you must not have huge blank spaces between the sections.  The space on the screen, or printed page, should be used with content to explain the idea of the page.
    Navigation sytem:
        Create a navigation system that gets the reader around your topic in a logical and useful manner.  The navigation system should not move around as the user follows the links.  Every page must have a link to the index.htm in the directory above.
        Colors and backgrounds must not conceal the content of your pages.  They must assist the user in finding information,
            and must be used consistently.
    Maintaining your research site:
        Test your pages regularly from computers in other parts of the school system.
        Analyze how the pages appear in different browsers, and on different machines.
        Check the links, make sure that they go to the proper information. Make sure that they work.
        Fix the things that either do not look or work right (wrong colors, bad links, pictures that don't load etc).
            Make your pages look and function perfectly!

    The following questions should give your research site some form.
    Each of these questions should form a separate page with Anchors to each subsection.
    Questions:  When researching a person, think in terms of the person's life and ideas answering the questions.
    1. What is (your topic)? Page is called "topic.htm"

    2. Define your topic in your own words.  Explain it so that others can understand.  What is it?  How does it work?
    3. What is the past this topic or technology? Page is called "past.htm"

    4. What technology does this replace?  When was this technology invented?  What is it similar to?
    5. What is the future of this topic or technology? Page is called "future.htm"

    6. Where is this technology going?  Are there legislative or court battles going on about this technology?
    7. What are the topic's implications to you and the world around you? Page is called "imply.htm"

    8. How could this technology affect your life for better or worse?  How will things change for you with this technology?  How would things be for you if it weren't available?
    9. How does this technology affect the user's privacy? Page is called "privacy.htm"

    10. How does this technology make the user vulnerable to people who would misuse personal information?
      How can users protect themselves from misuse of their personal information.

      How does this technology influence money or finances? Page is called "money.htm"
      What are the financial implications of this technology?  How has it affected finances in the past?  What is the potential for it to affect finances in the future?

    11. How can the reader/user get more information on this topic? Page is called "links.htm"

    12. Create links to resources in the body of your documents
      Create a links page that shows the whole address of the resource.
    In answering these questions, you should respond to the question in a thoughtful manner.
    Responses like "the future is looking up for (this technology)"  you will make your look unprepared.