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the newTAKE ACTION website


Saturday, July 13 @ Robinson's (the old Cafe Mio) 15 School Street Taunton, MA Starts promptly at 1:00 PM all ages- $6 or $7 with NINJA DEATH SQUAD (2 man grind from VT) AND I CAN'T WAIT (female fronted straightedge hardcore from Boston) and 2 or 3 more bands to be listed later


we are playing a show and you should check out the shows page for details- new songs will be played- 211- open wide- eastern chaos- independent- and another new one that we still have to finish. hope to see you all there ----- stay smart ~ paul


well not much to say right now. we have a basement show in sharon pretty soon and we've got some new songs that are actually good. yup thats about it. -sean


hey everyone, we have made some new songs that are really nice(not just power chords like "anonymous" in the guestbook said we play) we are trying to play some shows soon so keep checking the shows page. we were going to record a new demo at battle ship grey but the money situation never panned out, but we will be making a new recording that is of pretty nice quality( so much better than the old demo) which will probably be a split with another band: Until Tonight, whom you can check out at anyway, it should be good and thanks alot. speak because you can, -Paul


I (Jovan) have put some pictures up, some of them are broken, but that's because i havent done them yet. I'll try to get them all up ASAP for all you Take Action fans dying to see some sexy men


Hey, everybody, sorry about our shitty performance on friday, we could have done alot better. we didn't practice for like a month and a half before the show. We wont be playing anymore shows at that location(LSIS) ever again, due to arogant cops and LSIS employees. anyway, thanks for coming. keep standing up.-Paul


yes i know the demo sounded like crap...yes i know we need a better one. thats why we are rerecording our demo at battle ship grey records (buy second to go's new demo to hear sound quality..good quality) some time im march...possibly the 19th. there will be a few new songs maybe a few taken out who know but expect almost a full lenght cd a.k.a 10-12 songs. - sean
Also, I (Jovan) finally got Take Action's music online. Click on Music


We have a show soon, check out the shows section for date and directions. Also, lyrics are finally fixed.


Our demo's finished. thank god because it was torture. 3 hours of garage recording 2 hours of silent recording from the tapes to the computer and another 5 of folding/taping cases equals hell, but its done. its called d.i.y. if you cant understand why then you suck. selling for 2 bucks a piece. demo includes songs police, anthem, capitalist agenda, no sympathy, independent, look with in and (shhhh its a secret) fuck you. talk to me or any of the band members to pick yourself up a copy. other than that we are trying to get somes shows together thats about it. -sean


well time for a new start. We have been working very hard to get our songs perfect on the demo. demo will include 6-7 songs. Deseased, Capitalist Agenda, Look Within, and Police are sure to be on the demo and we are having minor lyrical dificultys with the other songs (meaning i dont like some of them there for i have to write new ones). demo wil be sold for about 2.00-3.00 dollars. be ready for it in about a month. other than that Jovans helping us with the site (cause we suck at it) thanx - sean

thanx to all the pat joes and to all the yeah no bands for making this possible- paul