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The first Snowsteeds litter was born in 2002 and produced four beautiful live pups that were dubbed the "Mighty" litter as those amazing pups survived both a tiger snake bite while they were still in utero and a week’s premature birth. Bear 'Ch Snowsteeds Mighty Warrior WTD WLD ROA'(top right) was the first born male at Snowsteeds. The other members of the Mighty litter were Suka "Snowsteeds Mighty Mouse" owned and loved by Amanda (top left), Snowsteeds Mighty Marvel 'Barney' (left & bottom left) who was born three days after the others and gave us quite a marvelous surprise. Barney is the much loved boy of the Schmidenberg family. Last but not least is beautiful Star "Snowsteeds Mighty Tiger" (right & bottom right) who was the first ever Snowsteed puppy to be born. Star is owned and loved by Leonie, Craig, Jaz and Ryder.