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Sean's Way (Members Only)

Welcome to my homepage! This is basically a member-only page. The links below take you to fun quizzes and stuff. In order to do the quizzes and anything else listed below, you need a member name and password. The only way to get one is by registering with Sean (Anyone in my family probably has one already, you simply need to ask Sean what it is). If you do have one you can only get into the area you requested with Sean. The FAMILY section has some stuff for my family only. The FRIENDS section is for my friends only. The BOOK CLUB is for people who register with Sean only. You may be a friend or family member, but that does not mean you have immediate access to the Book Club. You need to register for this special. Another section called WHATEVER YOU WANT is the place where you can give me ideas and if I like it I'll come up with questions and put them here. In order to take part in those quizzes, you will need to be a member. Please see Sean special to register. Have fun! :)