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The Pale Reflection of Matthew

well well well bet you web jockys never thought youd see me again right? well sadly i am here and i am not going.... see the whole thing is my old web page got deleated when the server for bolt hompages got uppidy and droped all us bolt page users so this is my hopeful replacement ............ anyways i hope you guys understand well enough.... any wayz go on and explore and dont for get to keep all arms/legs in the car at all times during this tour or some one just might rip them off and hand them back to you......... ok well then i guess i go bye bye.............see ya now i do have a big favor to ask of all of you visting here if there is some way i could inprove this place mail me so and i would like you to rember that the info on this page belongs to me or to other people the storys that will be put up soon and all that stuff i would ask you respect this and dont rip us off...thank you and good bye. . . . Gothic Punk~

Links to the rest of this little hell

The loving info about yours truely
Links to other (better) pages
The Vampire Page for all you white wolf fans
the page with the storys and mabey a poem or two if anyone will submit!
mummys alive!
look in on me and my brothers secrect world of the Green Courts
