Angel Cloud Pancake

1/4 cup butter (not margarine)
3 eggs
3/4 cups milk
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
Powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place butter in a 10-inch iron (must be iron) skillet. Allow the butter to melt in skillet placed on middle rack in the preheated oven. While butter melts, mix batter quickly. Put eggs in a blender and run on high speed for 1 minute. While motor is running, gradually pour in milk. Slowly add flour and continue whirling for 30 seconds.

Remove skillet from oven and pour in batter. Return skillet to oven and bake until pancake is puffy and well browned, 20 to 25 minutes. Dust pancake with powdered sugar and nutmeg. Pancake may be cut into wedges and served with lemon slices to be squeezed over each slice. Two alternate toppings are sliced fresh peaches, sweetened to taste, or fresh blueberries with a dollop of plain yogurt that has been sweetened and flavored with vanilla extract.

Serves: 4.