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My Home Page

Hello My Name is Alissa I Am 17 years old,and I love tigga and love lamborghinis,I enjoy going to movies with my friends. I love writing poems, dancing and singing. And they call me la vampira Because I love to a good way, Hola mi gente latina me llamo alissa, tambien me llaman la vampira por que tengo cormillos como los vampiros y me gusta morder.especial mente el cuello.Soy una fanatica a los caros lamborghinis,Y en mi tiempo libre la paso con mis amistades. Me encanta bailar y cantar tambien escrido poemas y super romantica,y aveses me dise la romantica.
My baby Tigger

My Favorite Car's

La Vampira
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Sound of Music
Dominican Republic Map
Thanks Giving
Movie clip of Life

Take the What animal best portrays your sexual appetite?? Quiz

Super bowl Cocacola Commercial
sports college
Italian Restaurant
