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503rd Military Police Company
MP Unit Membership Requirements

Authenticity Guidelines: 

Below is the list of Authenticity guide lines members must follow to represent the common Military Policeman (MP). It is our goal to portray the average MP of WW

| Appearance | Weapons | Awards/Medals | Duties | Further Tasks | Ranks
| Unit Positions |Clothing & Equipment

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Facial hair: Moustache only no beards. You can have the average 2 day old 
growth to make your field appearance look better when in the field.
You must have a period haircut. 

Period glasses are mandatory. Wire rims only and you can obtain them very easy from numerous dealers online. Nothing looks worse than some modern glasses on a guy trying to portray a MP from WWII, 1941-1945. Modern wristwatches or pocket watches if they are of the size, shape and style of those available in the 1940's.

M1Garand original US military issue rifle. 
M1 Carbine
Grease Gun
Colt .45 is allowed on all ranks. 
M1903 Springfield Sniper Rifle

Note there is no required weapon. An M1 or M1 Carbine is preferred for enlisted below the rank of Staff Sergeant.



Purple Heart:
Awarded for any legitimate injury, requiring medical attention, incurred while in the filed under combat conditions and in contact with enemy forces. 

Bronze Star:
8 battle days and distinguish oneself in a major heroic manner that has directed a major impact on the enemy. Destroying an enemy tank with a hand held weapon
(Example: grenade, satchel charge, etc.) and survive. Knock out the enemy positions single handedly, lead assaults, knock out numerous enemies. You must survive the battle in order to qualify. 

Silver Star:
32 battle days and accomplish and exceed deeds required for the Bronze Star.

Distinguished Service Medal:
60 battle days required. Must accomplish several deeds worthy of the Silver Star. Requires unanimous vote by entire unit.

Distinguished Service Cross:
Save another club members life (for real) or a similar deed. Requires unanimous 
vote by entire unit. 



This unit performs the functions normally associated with the Military Police (MP) of the United States Army.

The most important duties of the MP is the employment of traffic control. This duty exists in addition to general oversight of traffic discipline and the enforcement of traffic regulations, especially in the orderly regulation of the traffic under difficult conditions where the organic resources of the units are insufficient and large troop concentrations or movements complicate traffic. 

The Orderly direction of traffic by MPs is especially necessary when:

On advance marches and return march routes, in towns, at intersections, one way streets, detours, bridges, under passes and narrow passes, at the sites of on coming traffic epically during operational moves, if in confining areas, motorized units or elements that come upon each other or must be maneuvered across large areas which necessitate traffic restrictions.

At the sites of heavier traffic on the supply routes and at larger supply installations (rail heads, storage facilities, vehicle parks, depots and loading points).

In all other situations in which, because of an unusual increase in the amount of traffic, traffic difficulties can be expected (e.g. as a result of any sort of enemy action, refugee movements).

To ensure firm control of traffic control elements, MP Officers may be appointed as route commandants for specific routes or traffic sectors. 

MPs are responsible for investigating all traffic in which armed forces personnel/vehicles are involved. In cases of automobile accidents within the nation in which civilian vehicles or personnel are involved, processing will be executed in cooperation with the responsible local police. At traffic accidents within the nation where neither vehicles nor personnel of the armed forces are involved, the MP responsibilities are limited to rendering assistance and recording the facts, providing that no local police can be contacted. Further processing is the responsibility of the local police to whom the MPs will report their findings. 


Further tasks of the Military Police are: 

Surveillance of the Armed Forces personnel as it applies to regulations and 
discipline, especially in locations where they are removed from the eyes of their direct supervisors, through the employment of street (or other sorts of) patrols in cooperation with the Army Patrolling service.

Preventing punishable behavior e.g. unauthorized actions, and robbing the dead and wounded.

Intervening upon suspicion of illegal behavior, such as preemptively arresting armed forces personnel who are absent from the unit without authorization.

Establishing prisoner assembly points in the area of operations.

Ensuring the removal of traffic obstacles, especially on advance-and-return as well as supply routes, in cooperation with Recovery and Route repair services.

Searching buildings and areas previously occupied by enemy staffs for documents, signal arrangements, etc. If documents are found they will be brought to Army HQ without delay.

Disarming and surveillance of the civilian population.

Forming local police units composed of willing and responsible members of the enemy civilian population.

Accomplishment of missions and requests by responsible duty stations in police related matters.

MPs assigned to the field or a local commandant are responsible for the following task: 

Control the men on leave and examine their luggage.

Secure the identity tags, valuables, etc. of the dead.

Search the enemy dead or wounded for orders, sketches, and other important documents.

Retrieve leaflets, etc, dropped from enemy aircraft , and search for persons who were inserted by enemy aircraft (I.E. agents or spies).

Ensure the demolition of unexploded ordnance.

Discover and report enemy stock piles that may be of use to the enemy.

Organize work-capable enemy civilians for work parties (burial of the dead, road repair, supervision of the execution of measures for civil air defense in enemy territory, etc).

Generally the following task are assigned to the Guard Battalions, Regional Defense Forces, security Regiments and construction battalions: The Military Police will only intervene as an exception and in situations where there is a danger. 

Protect rear area communications, command and logistic installations, guard and general security duties, and fighting partisans and irregulars.

Guard and evacuate prisoners.

Provide assistance and guard friendly aircraft which have conducted emergency landings as well as securing shot down enemy aircraft, taking their crew prisoner and guarding the wreckage and dead.

Clear the battle field (Burial of the dead and animal carcasses).

Collect discarded equipment and weapons, etc, both of friendly units and captured material.

Commanders of MP units will, in so far as they don't have other orders from their next superior command authority, establish a regular patrol service in their assigned areas of operations. 

MPs will acquire the necessary knowledge (physical characteristics) of their assigned area as rapidly as possible and will gain the trust of population through local custom's and practices. Command authorities will insure that, if possible, every MP will be in possession of a map of his assigned area; to this end, maximum use of commercial maps is to be made. 

All information important to the conduct of the combat operations obtained from the local population, or conclusions or discoveries of their own will be reported by the MP to their next higher duties station which will in turn report to the IC (Intelligence Officer) of their higher command authority. 

MPs perform security police related duties either of their own accord or at the request of the Military Intelligence (G2). In cases of unilateral action, especially important incidents should be reported by the immediate superior direct to the responsible Commander. He will make the determination as to the further handling of the case. Encounter espionage cases, actions are limited to the direct report to the next higher Commander. To the security police related duties, among others, belong: Defense against espionage and sabotage, combating treason and subversion, and investigating all cases suspicious of political or criminal conduct. 



Ranks in the unit are the same as those in the Army of 1941 thru 1945. The Military Police did not use Warrant Officers. Battle days are each day you are on the field in uniform participating in a event. 

Enlisted Ranks: 

All new members who join.

Private First Class (Sixth Grade):
Automatic after 26 battle days, or appointed by Unit Command at any time.

Technician (Fifth Grade):
This is a Unit Command decision rank, you will be promoted to this rank only by the unit command. You must also have a technical skill.

Corporal (Fifth Grade):
Automatic after 42 Battle days.
Or the position may be appointed at anytime by Unit Command. 
Or the purchase of a authentic vehicle or crewed served weapon.

Technician (Fourth Grade):
This is a Unit Command decision rank, you will be promoted to this rank only by the unit command. You must also have a technical skill.

Sergeant (Fourth Grade):
This is a Unit Command decision rank, you will be promoted to this rank only by the unit command.

Technician (Third Grade):
This is a Unit Command decision rank, you will be promoted to this rank only by the unit command. You must also have a technical skill

Staff Sergeant (Third Grade):
This is a Unit Command decision rank, you will be promoted to this rank only by the unit command.

Technical Sergeant (Second Grade):
This is a Unit Command decision rank, you will be promoted to this rank only by the unit command.

First Sergeant (Second Grade):
This is a Unit Commander decision rank, you will be promoted to this rank only by the Unit Commander. Maintains records of all members, accomplishes all administrative paper work.

Master Sergeant (First Grade): This is a Unit Commander decision rank, you will be promoted to this rank only by the Unit Commander. Responsible for keeping the unit looking correct and maintains a period look for the unit. 

Officer Ranks:

Second Lieutenant:
This rank will only be in effect per 25 men in a unit. 

First Lieutenant:
This rank will only be effective when there are 32 men in the unit.

This rank will only be effective when there are two platoons.


Unit positions:

Unit Leader:
Highest ranking member, and must be filled by a highly motivated and knowledgeable member. The unit leader must try to attend every event and show excellent leadership ability on and off the field. The unit leader must always set an example and lead the unit on and off the field.

Assistant Unit Leader:
Must have the same qualities as the unit leader and is the second in command of the unit. This person must have strong leadership qualities. Second highest ranking member.

Unit Safety Officer:
Is the designated safety officer of the unit and must have extensive knowledge of weapons and safety rules. The unit Safety officer is 100% responsible for the units safety in the field.

Publications Editor:
Prepares the official unit newsletter, and distributes it to the membership. Newsletters to come out at least 6 times a year. This person must work hand and hand with the unit treasure.

Unit Treasurer:
Collects all unit funds and maintains records of current members and dues. 

Authenticity Officer:
Responsible for keeping the unit, looking correct and maintains a period look for the unit. He must have a extensive knowledge of uniforms and gear.


Clothing & Equipment:

The following is a list of basic items which are recommended for all MP Unit members:

M-41 field jacket-An original or approved repro.

OD Wool Shirt- Original or approved repro, no epaulets.

OD Wool trousers- Original or approved repro in correct shade of OD (mustard) wool

Wool "Jeep" cap-original or approved repro in correct shade of OD.

Wool Overcoat-original

Overseas Cap-Original or approved repro in Wool in yellow and green piping or no piping.

Leather palm wool gloves-original or approved repro or wool five fingers gloves.

Cap toe service shoes (low quarter), 2 buckle boot, or paratrooper style boot, brown russet color.

Wool scarf- original or approved repro. From Red Cross or cut from blanket style.

Web belt Khaki or OD with brass (for class A) buckle or black (combat) opened buckle for trousers-original or approved repro

Wool service tunic "class A" four pocket enlisted original or approved repro.

Wool M1944 field jacket (Ike Jacket)-OD original or approved repro

Service Cap (with visor) to be worn with Class A with russet visor and eagle disc emblem

Wool OD socks and cotton OD t-shirt and shorts

Blanket OD wool-original or approved repro.

Khaki wool or cotton tie-original or repro.

MP dark blue armband with white MP lettering-original or approved repro.


Web pistol belt- M1912 khaki or OD- original or approved repro.

M1923 cartridge belt- Original or approved repro-khaki or OD.

Suspenders-khaki or OD-WW 2 style.

M1910 or M1942 first aid pouch- original khaki or OD

M1910 canteen and cup-original khaki or OD.

M1910 canteen cover-original khaki or OD.

Mess kit-M1926-original with knife, fork & spoon.

M1938 dismounted leggings-original Khaki or OD.

M1940 ID dog tags- original or approved repro with "tooth" notched tags with chain

Brass whistle-military style with chain.

M1 steel helmet with liner-original-helmet must be the correct color and have split in rim located in front. Liner should be of WW 2 vintage and have khaki colored HBT suspension and leather chinstrap with MP logo and white band around helmet.

Gun holster-russet brown leather-original or approved repro.

Baton-original or approved repro. Black or brown color.

Baton holder-original or approved repro-brown or black leather or khaki web.

Collar disc-US on round disc and 2 Crossed pistols on round disc.

The above items can be obtained at: flea markets, military vehicle shows, Lowell, MA patch meet 1st Sunday of each month, Plain St., Lowell connector, online At The Front- toll free number: 1-866-213-3946, "World War Two Impressions "online: Tel. Number 1-562-803-6080.


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