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My verry own FUCKING web page

i bet your thinking this site is pretty pointless right about now. well, for one its my homepage, so it does have a point for me no mater what. But serousaly tho, if anyone EVER vists here, which i doubt anyone will, but i have started uploading som stuff onto my web site, nothing much, but so just so u will know (and so i wont forget if i ever update this thing), im gonna set up my own page of sum of my art and drawings, wich right now aint amazingly awesum, but i do have pretty damn good picture ive drawn that ill put on the site. Also, of course the ramdom shit folders: . The first one is just some dumb pic i made as a joke on my computer, and the second one is just a bunch of funny pictures ivee found on the interweb over the years, more to come, and maybe even some good stuff too! -Peace out and always blaze on -"Turd Furgisin"
Speak Out to Legalize Marijuana
Speak Out to Legalize Marijuana

ramdom shit in the hizze

blaze on bro, just blaze on
this is just some funny shit ive found on the interweb, some is stupid and some are pretty funny
some of my art and drawings ive done, some of them suck (i know), but some are acualy pretty good