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Mashpee Charter Commission

Mashpee Charter Commission
Minutes of Meeting Held Wednesday, June 5, 2002
Mashpee Town Hall Meeting Room 2

Present: D. Arden, J. Bacigalupi, C. Bowmar-Perry, C. Gasior, R. Halpern, E. Larkin, R. Maney, J. Blumengarten, and E. Petti.

Audience: Bea Perkins, League of Women Voters.

Dr. Petti, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.



Juan Bacigalupi motioned to accept the minutes of last week as presented; this motion was seconded by Ruth Maney; and unanimously approved, with the exception of Jerry Blumengarten, who abstained.


Dr. Petti informed the Commission that she made arrangements to have the June 19 Hearing televised live. She said it will be taped and on cable.


Cathy Bowmar stated she and Dean worked up a draft of proposed calendar, copy of which was given to the Commission members for review and discussion.

In reviewing the proposed schedule Ed Larkin reiterated that Monday/Tuesday best for him to attend meetings; it’s difficult for him to be available latter part of the week. Following discussion and availability of all members, it was decided to continue with Wednesday just for now.

Dr. Petti noted that when subcommittees formed then our entire Commission meetings would be less frequent. She also noted that once subcommittees are formed they could request help from the group anytime if needed.

Topic was discussed regarding Dean Arden continuing on Finance Committee as well as serving as elected member of this Charter Commission. According to Dean, legal opinion is that he can serve on both.

The Commission reviewed and discussed at length the proposed calendar; made some edits; and listed the preferred order in which the meetings should be scheduled. Ed Larkin emphasized that it is important to meet with all elected Boards and Officials and then major Appointed Officials. Following lengthy discussion, the meeting order schedule decided is the following:

  1. Selectmen.
  2. Finance Committee, and Assessor.
  3. Planning Board, Town Clerk, and Moderator.
  4. Board of Health, and Sewer.
  5. School Committee.
  6. Library.
  7. Housing.
  8. Water Commission.

Cathy Bowmar reiterated that we’re trying to get from them what they want. Juan Bacigalupi commented that tone of the meeting with Selectmen should be: We’re here to listen to you. Ed commented that there are also issues he would like to see raised with the Selectmen to get their feedback.

Motion… Juan motioned to invite Selectmen to our July 10 meeting; Dean Arden seconded this motion for the purpose of discussion.

Discussion… Ed said he would hope we might consider going to Selectmen’s Meeting on Monday, July 8, if they have time on their agenda.

Chuck Gasior agreed and offered to see if they could accommodate us on July 8.

Jerry Blumengarten suggested we ask the Board of Selectmen which would they prefer…July 8 or July 10?

Motion… Ed motioned to amend in consideration of Selectmen’s schedule and to see which date is better for them to meet with us. Jerry seconded the motion.

Vote: Unanimously carried.

Motion… Juan motioned to amend his motion on the floor; it was seconded by Dean Arden; and the vote for this amended motion was unanimously carried.

Motion… Juan motioned to write a letter to the Selectmen offering the July 8 or July 10 options, and to write to any other Boards in the future; Ed seconded this motion; and it was unanimously approved.

Motion… Juan motioned we meet with Finance and with Assessor on July 23; Ruth seconded this motion.

Discussion… Richard Halpern asked: when we have Finance Committee meeting, which side of the table would Dean Arden sit at? Ed Larkin said if there was a vote, Dean has to abstain. Discussing what is the issue, one comment was that since Finance Committee is elected official and if they wanted to become appointed that would be conflict. Another issue raised is that the Town right now is governed by By-Laws that specifically state if you’re on Finance Committee you can’t be on any elected Commission.

Vote… Unanimously carried.


Dean Arden, Jerry Blumengarten, and Ruth Maney volunteered to serve on the Publicity Subcommittee.

Juan offered to provide fax numbers for all newspapers in Southeastern Massachusetts, and for radio and TV stations. Juan stated it works. You do a press release and then do phone call follow-up. He stressed it is important to do it as a public service; otherwise you have to pay tremendous cost.

In discussing subcommittees, Juan reminded the group that previously the suggestion had been made to formulate subcommittees by subject area…such as Public Safety. This would help that each subcommittee would draft section of charter pertaining to their area of expertise.

Jerry suggested we look at the charter section by section and then discuss at full meeting.

Juan suggested we use Harwich as a boilerplate since they are very similar to Mashpee and only 1,000 difference in population size.


Ed Larkin raised following questions:

(1) Where is the $5,000 funding? He stated that by State law we should have had this funding.

Dean Arden and Dr. Petti will again raise this with Joyce Mason.

(2) Is anyone going to the October Town Meeting to request funding for a municipal attorney who would save a great deal of verbiage, research, etc.?

Dean mentioned he called some of the charter commissions and we will definitely need funds to be requested at October Town Meeting. Dean said Tom Groux did the Bourne Charter. Dean feels it would cost us ½ of what an attorney would cost if we used Tom Groux.

Juan noted that we’d have to address this by July. Dean advised he already mentioned to Joyce that we’d need money. Ed suggested an Article be drafted. Further, he suggested we should also mention the need to the Selectmen and enlist their support.

Deadline for submitting Article for October Town meeting is July 10.

Motion… Juan moved that we submit an Article to the Selectmen for legal review of the Article by Town Attorney, Kopelman and Paige, that the Charter Commission be allowed to contract with a Consultant to review its process for an amount not to exceed $20,000. Richard Halpern seconded this motion.

Discussion… Chuck raised the question: Do we have to clarify that this is over and above the $5,000? Answer: This would be clarified and explained at Town Meeting.

Vote…Unanimously carried.


Dean stated the request for the link to Jerry’s Web Site was supposed to be on the agenda of the Selectmen’s meeting last Monday but didn’t get included on the agenda. Dean will again ask Joyce to put on the agenda.



Juan pressed the group to get a feeling from them as to what form of town government they feel individually they would like. End result was that this was unanswered…majority does not have opinion yet.


Wednesday, June 12, 2002, 7 p.m. at Town Hall. Marilyn Contreas and Bob Whritenour to make presentations at this meeting.


Ed Larkin motioned the meeting be adjourned; Ruth Maney seconded the motion; and it was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Giliberti Recording Secretary