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Executive Session July 30, 2002

Mashpee Charter Commission

Executive Session


Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Mashpee Town Hall Meeting Room 1


Present: D. Arden, E. Petti, C. Bowmar-Perry, R. Halpern, R. Maney, J. Blumengarten, J. Bacigalupi, E. Larkin, and C. Gasior

A roll call was taken to go into Executive Session as requested by Dean Arden for the purpose of discussing personnel issues, commencing at 9:30 p.m. as follows:

Gasior – yes

Blumengarten – yes

Maney – yes

Bacigalupi – no

Arden – yes

Petti – abstain

Bowmar – no

Larkin – yes

Halpern - no

9:30 p.m. Juan Bacigalupi motioned to go into Executive Session; this was seconded by Dean

Arden; and unanimously carried.

Dean stated that he was disturbed by the Cape Cod Times article. He said he would like to review very quickly what the parliamentary procedure is for a recall vote. He said a recall vote which rescinds an earlier motion requires a Motion, a Second, and two-thirds majority. But peculiar exception to that is if you announce the intention to make such a move at a later meeting, it requires only a majority. Dean said he sent a letter to Elizabeth, hoping she’d resign.

Juan stated he is upset that unapproved minutes were given to the press. He said that he often disagrees with Dr. Petti but he still supports her as Chair and will not vote for her removal. He thinks that other members also live in glass houses and should not throw rocks and he thinks that also needs to be addressed. Dean stated he thinks the release of unapproved minutes should also be addressed.

Dean said he believes resignation would help and would like to hear from the Commission. Dr. Petti said she’d also like to hear from the Commission. She said what we have to do now is to rise above this; she is not going to resign.

The following issues were brought up by various individual members and discussed:

Motion: Juan motioned to go out of Executive Session; Ruth seconded this motion; and it was unanimously carried.

Adjournment: Dean motioned to adjourn; Ruth seconded the motion; and it was unanimously carried. Meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Giliberti
Recording Secretary