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Mashpee Charter Commission

Mashpee Charter Commission
Minutes of Meeting Held Thursday, October 23, 2003
Mashpee Town Hall Meeting Room 2

Present E. Larkin, J. Bacigalupi (arrived 7:07 pm), J. Blumengarten, R. Halpern, C. Gasior, D. Arden, and W. Freeman.

Absent: R. Maney, and C. Bowmar-Perry.

Invited participant: Attorney Mike Curran, Consultant.

A quorum being present, Ed Larkin, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Approval of Minutes

Warren Freeman motioned to accept the minutes of October 16, 2003 as presented; this motion was seconded by Jerry Blumengarten and was unanimously approved, except Dean Arden abstained and Juan Bacigalupi was not yet in attendance.


The Commission reviewed comments and suggestions posed by the various groups and individuals and reached a consensus on the following items. These items are to be voted on at a future Charter meeting when all members of the Commission are in attendance. Sewer Commission… Should be appointed until Water District Commission incorporates Sewer Commission into Water District.

Board of Assessors… Appointed by Board of Selectmen; and Director of Assessing appointed by Town Manager.

Board of Health… Should be appointed.

Finance Committee… Appointed by Moderator. One Commissioner felt a committee of three consisting of Moderator, Chairman of FinCom, and Chairman of Board of Selectmen should make the appointment.

Planning Board… Elected for 3-year term. Associate Member also elected for 3-year term.

Mike Curran was then given changes to be incorporated in various sections of the Charter…these changes reflected comments from various groups, as well as correction-type edits.

Action Items

Next Meeting… Thursday, October 30, 2003, at 7 p.m. at Mashpee Town Hall.


Juan motioned to adjourn the meeting; Jerry seconded the motion; and it was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jean Giliberti, Recording Secretary