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Komodo Dragon – (Varanus komodoensis)

Is the largest living lizard and belongs to the monitor lizard family Varanidae. This lizard can grow up to ten feet long. The komodo was not discovered until the start of the 20th century. There are only around 6,000 found on a few small islands in Malaysia. They can run as fast as a dog for short stretches. Prey is killed easily by the deadly bacteria in their mouths. The lizards have forked tongues and swallow their prey whole, just like a snake. Days are spent sunning and their nights in shallow burrows. Is found it the lowland tropical rainforest and the tropical rainforests of Indonesia. The ecosystems of Komodo Island include open grass-woodland savanna, tropical deciduous (monsoon) forest, and quasi cloud forest. The Komodo's preferred prey is deer, but it also eats pig, water buffalo, horses, long-tailed macaques, dogs, goats, sea turtle and bird eggs, birds, and other small animals. This species is endangered because the numbers are declining. Hunting and habitat loss are causes of this. The population on Komodo Island was estimated to be 1,061 individuals in 1998, down from 1,722 in 1997. The decline appears to be due to high mortality rates in the young and juvenile classes. The Komodo dragons are dull gray. They have leathery skin with occasional spots of red. They have short legs, a stout body and very long tails that they can use to crush other animals. At one time, it was thought that komodo dragons were poisonous. However, it is now thought that eating dead and decaying animals has deposited large amounts of bacteria in the dragon's mouth that causes dragon bites to become infected and eventually kill the animal.

Harpy Eagle: Harpia harpyja

The harpy eagle is an endangered species and is found near the equator in Central and South America. The harpy eagle is covered with slate black feathers, and the underside is covered with white. There is a black band across the chest up to the neck. The head is pale gray, and is crowned with a double crest. The harpy eagle lives in tropical rainforests and other forests. It has short wings, used for speed and maneuverability. They are able to weave in and out of the trees, launching surprise attacks on their prey. They use the trees for cover. They also have huge grasping claws, and these are used for perching as well as for trapping prey. In the neotropics it is endangered and globally threatened. This is because of human killing and also from loss of habitat due to clear cutting and urbanization. This is a top of the food chain predator. This bird can reach up to 20 pounds and a size of 2.8 ft long and a wingspan of 6.5 ft. Their talons(claws) can grow up to 5 inches long. This bird is among the strongest, it can prey on mammals such as the sloth. It will grab a mammal out of a tree and bring it to another to feed. Conservation is important because it feeds on large predators. There are not many large mammal eating animals in the ecosystem of Central and Northern South America.

Lemur - Eleven species of Madagascar's lemurs are considered critically endangered

This is being protected by many conservation efforts of primates. It is found in the dry forests of Madagascar. Much of its habitat has been destroyed. 14 species of lemur have already become extinct. The lemur is rare and only found in Madagascar. There are different species of lemur some are nocturnal, some not. Not only are the lemurs dependent on the fruit, but the plants are dependent on the lemurs. As the main eaters of the fruit each species of lemur is complexly bound up with the life of each species of plant. Should either the fruit or the lemur cease to exist then the survival of the other is placed in danger. Lemur is the genus, these are some species of lemur I have found: Eulemur mongoz coronatus
Lemur catta
Varicea variegata variegata
Eulemur macaco flavifrons


Agouti – is a herbivore. It lives in the rainforests of Mexico, Central America and Northern South America. They are important because they live on the forest floor and are key to seed dispersal. They are 16-25 inches long. They are brownish red, and look like a large rat or hampster. They can be found throughout the forest, but most often in areas of good undergrowth cover, around large tree falls, and near streams, rivers and swamps.