URGENT Announcement Regarding Delphi Future

Dear Delphi Member,

We can no longer continue to operate Delphi Forums using an advertiser-supported model. We are asking for your help to keep Delphi Forums alive. Please read this letter carefully and entirely.

Delphi Forums is the Internet's first and oldest Internet community. Yet after 17 years we are at a crossroad.

Advertising on the Internet has not been a windfall for anyone. You know it, and we know it. More importantly you have proven it by ignoring almost all Delphi Forums advertising efforts.

Internet advertising is interruptive and distracting yet, for an Internet communication and content company, it has been the traditional means of generating revenue, regardless of how inappropriate or counterintuitive it is. If you walked into the grocery store, in a hurry to purchase milk, bread, and eggs, and a stock boy grabbed you by the arm and kept distracting you from your list, instead trying to sell you fertilizer, you'd be furious. You would eventually quit coming to the store, ignore the help, or whack the stock boy.

Advertising on a community site like Delphi Forums shares some of the same distracting elements as the example above. Delphi Forums is like your grocery store; what do you want?

Delphi Forums represents the finest free communications technology on the web. Outside of AOL, we may be the only technology capable of hosting several hundred thousand discussion forums.

We can no longer continue to rely on advertising. Our community does not click on the banner ads that we attract (not that we blame you). Our community does not open or respond to email marketing. Advertising on the Internet has evolved into a bad idea.

So, what do we do? It requires enormous infrastructure to host our millions of members and hundred million plus page views per month. Greedy investors and an irrational public market paid for that good infrastructure for a long time. That well has gone dry.

Access to knowledge and information, and the ability to communicate instantly with millions of other like-minded humans is a good idea. Delphi Forums IS a good idea.

We recently introduced the finest information gathering, knowledge sharing, and communication service in the world. It's called DelphiPlus. We want and need you to pay for it.

DelphiPlus is worth more than the price of a movie ticket per month (and DelphiPlus costs less than most movies.) If you're not convinced of that, then we're in the wrong business. If Delphi Plus is worth more, say a movie and popcorn, but you aren't willing to pay for it, then we're still in a bad business.

For better or for worse, our decision is clear. We need your subscription to DelphiPlus and we are asking for it. We hope you decide to support our community - your community. With enough help Delphi Forums can be around for another 17 years. Now THAT'S worth the price of a Broadway show.


Your Delphi Team

Click Here to sign up for DelphiPlus today!



:: Forum Start Page :: Forum Message Board :: Forum Chat :: Eric's Webpage :: Alli's Webpage ::

On this page:
:: Special Announcement :: Welcome message :: Forum Announcements :: Forum Staff :: Chat Schedule :: Post Statistics :: Forum Rules ::

From November 2001 to February 2002, our forum topic
"Evolution vs. Creationism" was a featured discussion on Delphi's home page! Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this, and to all other, forum discussions!

The Breakfast Nook is your forum to discuss everything under the sun and beyond, from the funniest jokes to the most serious problems in society today. If you have something to share, something on your mind, or something to get off your chest, this is the place to do it. We're here listening and waiting with an open mind and open arms. If you haven't already, please take a quick look at our forum rules on this page. There aren't many - it's just a way of making your experience at The Breakfast Nook as pleasant as possible! You'll find all sorts of information about our forum on this page, so please feel free to come back as often as you'd like! We look forward to seeing you in The Breakfast Nook!

Is there something you want to talk about but don't see it on our forum? We're not limited to what already exists... Please feel free to start your own conversations and polls!


An urgent message from Delphi Forums has been posted on this webpage.

Posting statistics for February 2002 are now available.

Please read our chat schedule for new information about our new regular chats.

Eric (ERICDN) Forum Host
Alli-aka-Xev (MENOLIE) Head Assistant Manager,
Mistress of "The Steam Room"
Minki (MINKI) Assistant Manager
Mindleak (MINDLEAK) Chat Administrator
Drumguy (DRUM001) Chat Moderator, Forum Editor

Chat Moderator - Would you like to help us moderate our new regular chats? We'd be glad to have you help! The only requirement is that you're already a regular member of this forum. You can choose to host chats in either our IRC chat room OR on Delphi's chat server in our forum. Email Eric or leave us a post in the forum to apply!


General Discussion Chat
Friday Nights starting at 9 PM Eastern
Hosted by Mindleak, Drumguy

Chats are conducted on the Digital Perk IRC server. The server address is irc.digitalperk.net. If you have an IRC client, you can connect to our server by typing
/server irc.digitalperk.net and then to our room by typing /join #breakfastnook . If you don't have a client, click here for the web-based version. If you're using the web-based client, you will join our room automatically.


In order to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect on the forum, and to deal with any problem that may arise, we ask that the following rules are considered at all times while posting in the forum. Any disputes, questions, or concerns may be brought to the forum management. To contact a specific member of the management, simply click on their name on the chart to the left.

1. You must be a registered Delphi or Prospero member to participate in our forum. Non-registered guests are allowed in the forum on a read-only basis, although availability of this privilage is subject to management decision. Registration is free and allows full access to this and all other Delphi/Prospero forums.

2. Keep it respectful. People naturally have different viewpoints about pretty much everything. While it's okay to disagree and to express your own ideas, please don't attack, harass, flame, or threaten anyone. Violations of this rule will not be tolerated and may result in the offender being gagged/banned from this forum.

3. No heavy obscenity. In normal talking, strong language may occasionally be used, especially in a heated and passionate discussion. However, as there may be members under 18 in the forum, please limit excessive strong language to the private folders. See rule #4 for more information. Exessive improper use of strong language may result in the offending post edited, or expulsion of the offending member.

4. About adult topics: Topics that are clearly adult-oriented and inappropriate for children under 18 should not be posted in the main forum. One private folder for adults only is offered - "The Steam Room", which is moderated by assistant manager Alli (Xev). To be eligible for access, your correct age must be in your profile and you must already be a member of this forum in good standing (meaning you have not committed serious infractions of the rules or that you're not a known troll). Access is granted based on member request from the forum management. Please note that pornography in this folder and the whole forum is strictly forbidden and will be reported to Delphi.

5. No spam, pornography, commercial advertising, etc. Any messages of this sort not only violate the rules of this forum, but also Delphi's rules. At the first violation, the offender will be permanently locked out and reported to Delphi for violating their rules. If there is any doubt as to what constitutes the above, the forum management has the final word.

6. The forum management reserves the right to remove problem posters at any time. Problem posters, those who continuously harass other members of the forum, start fights for no reason, continue to post material inappropriate to the forum, or otherwise violate these forum rules will be either gagged (given read-only access) or locked-out (given no access) at the sole discretion of the forum management. Any concerns may be discussed directly with the forum management. If you have already been gagged or locked out from this forum, do NOT return to this forum with a different alias! It is very easy for forum management to keep track of this, and you will immediately be reported to Delphi for harassment and violation of the rules.

7. Be prepared to have fun! This forum is designed for you, so you decide what we talk about! Feel free to enjoy yourselves in a respectful atmosphere!

Yr 2000 3166
Yr 2001 27663
Yr 2002  
Nov 2000 1197
Dec 2000 1969
Jan 2001 3585
Feb 2001 2566
Mar 2001 2564
Apr 2001 1374
May 2001 2657
Jun 2001 1013
Jul 2001 213
Aug 2001 288
Sep 2001 1070
Oct 2001 2192
Nov 2001 4871
Dec 2001 5270
Jan 2002 6266
Feb 2002 4166

Last updated: March 01, 2002 11:31 PM Eastern Time
Created on: November 18, 2000
Forum host / Webpage author:
Eric Norton (Delphi username: ERICDN)