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Final Fantasy VII

Age: 21
Height: 5'7"
Birthplace: Nibelheim
Bloodtype: AB
Occupation: Mercenary
Description:Cloud, the main character of Final Fantasy VII, firstly appears to be a cold-hearted mercenary who is on the side of the highest bidder. When he joins with Avalanche, a small rebel group, his world appears to be thrown into termoil as his dark and tragic past is revealed.

Age: 22
Height: 5'3"
Birthplace: Nibelheim
Bloodtype: AB
Occupation: Mercenary
Description:Cloud, the main character of Final Fantasy VII, firstly appears to be a cold-hearted mercenary who is on the side of the highest bidder. When he joins with Avalanche, a small rebel group, his world appears to be thrown into termoil as his dark and tragic past is revealed.

Age: 20
Birthplace: Nibelheim
Bloodtype: B
Occupation: Member of Avalanche
Description: Tifa is a member of Avalanche along-side Barret. Although she is close to Barret, she seems to know Cloud from her past, which she keeps well hidden. As Cloud starts to learn more of himself Tifa becomes increasingly enigmatic.

Age: 35
Birthplace: Corel Village
Bloodtype: O
Occupation: Leader of Avalanche
Description: Barret is shown at the beginning of the game as Cloud's latest employer. With strong protective views towards Tifa, Marline (his daughter) and the planet Barret comes across as a outgoing character. He quickly takes the back seat as Cloud becomes the reluctant hero.

Age: 48
Birthplace: Cosmo Canyon
Bloodtype: Unknown
Occupation: Experiment Specimen at Sinra Inc.
Description: Red XIII is introduced at Sinra Inc. as a research specimen Dr Hojo is working on. Although he is the oldest member of the group in comparison with his grandfather he is still a child. Red is shown as one of the most interesting members of the group, been caring, cooperative and understanding. Like the other characters he has his own past which has previously brought him shame. But can that be changed?

Age: 32
Birthplace: Unknown
Bloodtype: B
Occupation: Pilot
Description: Cid is a loud mouthed brash pilot who is the best at what he does and has never shaken off his dream of being the first man in space. Ever since the Sinra space program was scrapped he has been wallowing in self-pity, but when he meets Cloud and the others he embarks on his final shot at his dream.

Age: 27
Birthplace: Unknown
Bloodtype: A
Occupation: None
Description: An enegmatic man who cannot be truly understood, even by himself. He is inroduced with a past connection to Shinra Inc. which persuades him to join Cloud and the others. This connection begins to manifest itself as you explore the sub-quests and discover his dark and powerful inner power.

Cait Sith
Age: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Bloodtype: Unknown
Occupation: Robot
Description: Cait Sith is one of the strangest characters to join your group. He is introduced, it would seem, by chance however he has a much larger role to play than is initially apparent. All I will say about this one is watch him. He is a lot more than he seems.

Age: 16
Birthplace: Wutai
Bloodtype: A
Occupation: Ninja
Description: Yuffie is a sly, selfish, arrogent and rude character. She joins your group to steal your materia......which she tells you! Having said that she emerges as one of the characters you come to rely on in a fight, and she even relies on you.