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Global Order for the Recognition and Elimination of Conspiracies

In today's world of instant communications and rapidly advancing technology, conspiratorial organizations are being formed more and more quickly to take advantage of the opportunities afforded them by these new technologies- the ability to create sharp, reliable surveillence systems, the new endorsements being offered by governments to keep track of both domestic and foreign enemies, the gullibilty of American consumers, and countless other factors.

But you don't have to lose hope- there is an answer. The Global Order for the Recognition and Elimination of Conspiricies (GOREC) is working night and day to protect the common man from conspiricies now in operation. At the same time, we work towards the collapse of these cospiracies and remain constantly vigilant against the establishment of new ones.

Federal Express

International Helicopter Guild

MacClellanite Order

"And if there's one kind of piracy I don't like, it's a CONS-piracy."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~Otis