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C & M - Alright we got the cigars.
R - You're not smoking them here
D - Ok, where are we going to go?
R - Let's go park down the street and walk into the woods.
All - Ok, let's go
(We drive for a minute and park on a little street next to some woods with very few houses around.)
(Everyone gets out and walks into the woods and start lighting their cigars.)
M2 - Oh Shit there's a car!
C - Whatever
M2 - It's a cop!
D - Run!
(Everyone starts running.)
C - Wait, our cars are there, they're going to take are plates...we're not doing anything wrong!
(Everyone but C is still running.)
(C walks out to meet the 2 policemen in their cars)
Cop - Hey how you doing?
C - Not bad just decided to go take a walk.
Cop - A walk?
C - Ya, we got bored.
Cop - Ok, no alcohol out there right?
C - No sir
Cop2 - What's the story?
Cop - They decided to take a walk...
Cop2 - A walk?
Cop - Ya.
Cop2 - What's your name?
C - "C"
Cop2 - any of these cars yours?
C - That one.
(H, M2, & K start coming out of the woods.)
Cop2 - Ok, I'm going to go check it out in there.
H - What's going on?
C - Nothing they just want to make sure we don't have alcohol.
C - Where are the rest of them?
K - They were way ahead.
Cop - How many more people are out there?
C - 3?
H - 4.
(M3 walks out of the woods now.)
Cop - Who's driving here?
C - Me
H - Me
M3 - Me
Cop - Nothing in these right?
H - Nothing, you can check mine, all you're going to find is trash. Unless a saw in the trunk is illegal, but that was for a physics project.
Cop - You want to open your trunk for me (To C)
C - Sure no problem
(C opens trunk)
(Cop looks in trunk, nothing.)
(Music is coming from the Cop's car)
C - Good music.
H - Ya.
K - Where are they?!
H - You'll never guess what I had tonight that I thought I never would!
C - Uhhh...
H - Duck. It kind of tasted like chicken AND turkey, but it wasn't what I expected.
Cop - Well that's what it is.
Cop2 (over walky-talky) - I still can't find them.
Cop - Taking a walk huh?
C - Ya well we were at a friends house and we were pretty bored and we all had jackets and blankets so we decided to take a walk.
K3 - Ya, we were watching Legally Blonde. (To Cop) Have you ever SEEN Legally Blonde? 
H - Ya, it's not a guys movie.
Cop - You know you scared the neighbors over here.
K - We did?
Cop - Well is you saw 4 cars pull up and 8 kids get out and walk into the woods what would you think.
C - Uhh ya I guess that was our fault. Learn something new every day!
Cop - So who's with you in your car (To M3)
M3 - I'm by myself.
Cop - Who's with you (To C)
C - I'm by myself, well I'll probably have a couple others because we were at a friends house and they got dropped off by their parents. 
Cop - Ok, (To M2) Who are you with?
H - He's with me in that car.
Cop2 (Over walky-talky) - Uhh, I think they're in Holliston somewhere...
H - Holliston?
Cop - Ok your friends are way out there, I don't think he's going to catch up to them.
Cop - Ok guys, pack it up, get out of here.
K - "C"
C - K get in the car
K - "C"
C - K just get in the car. (C shuts his door, K gets in the other side)
(Driving away)
C - Holy shit!
K - Ya no kidding!
(Taking a turn to try and possibly find the other 4, C sees 4 people emerging from the woods approximately 100 yards from where the cops were.)
C - Holy shit.
(Stopping and rolling windows down.)
C - M you have to go back the cops are waiting for you...don't worry about it.
(K2 gets in the car followed by D. M and R start walking back to the cops)
(C drives away to get K2 home by 11:15)
(As C approaches K2's house across town, C's cell phone rings. K picks up)

K - (To C) It's M. Hey M. What's up?
M - Umm, they need the other 2 back to account for everyone.
K - They need K2 and D back.
C - Oh, Shit!
(C makes a very pretty 3 point turn. [This 3 point turn will come back later])
(C starts to drive back to the cops)

K2 - (As the clock turns to 11:14) Shit, I have to be home by 11:15!
C - Well I'll get you back as fast as possible.
(C drives back to cops and parks along side curb near cops. C, D, and K2 get out.)
Cop - Ok, you're the last 2? Everything ok?
D & K2 - Yup.
Cop - Nice exercise huh?
K2 - Ya.
Cop - Ok guys see ya later.
K2, D, & C - Ok, thank you.
(C pulls away, and successfully makes his worst 3 point turn ever, backing onto the curb. C takes K and D to D's house and then takes K2 home by 11:24)

(Sunday before thanksgiving. 11:30 at night)
(On the way to MHS, J talks to C)

J - Wouldn't it suck if the cops showed up?
C - Ya, but we're not doing anything wrong.
J - Ya well it would be the second time this weekend for me.
C - What are you talking about?
J - Well I was at Choate Park the other night....and I wasn't alone.
C - Oh
J - Ya.
(C and J unload the contents of the truck in the light of the MHS parking lot, and begin the trials of it.)
C - Oh shit a car.
J - Yup, it's a cop.
(Cop pulls up and gets out.)
Cop - Hey guys what's up?
J - Nothing just testing this thing out before tomorrow.
Cop - Well what is it?
J - It's a medieval weapon called a trebuchet, want to see it go?
Cop - Sure
(Up to this point, C and J had successfully thrown golf balls with no problems)
(C and J get the Trebuchet ready and fire it. The golf ball gets thrown backwards and hits a brick wall and bounces off the wall flying over the cops head missing his cruiser by just a few feet.)

C - Well, that one wasn't so great.
Cop - What are your names?
J - "J"
C - "C"
Cop - Ok guys, it's 11:30 at night...Who's truck? 
C - Mine.
Cop - Ok, I'm just going to take the plates and make sure everything's ok. 
C - Alright.
Cop - Ok guys, don't stay too late, are you leaving this thing here?
J - Umm, ya.
Cop - Where
C - Over there.
Cop - Ok, I'll keep an eye on it for you tonight.
C & J - Thanks.
(Cop gets into his car and drives away.)
J - That was awesome!
C - Hell ya!
(C&J stay until 12:30 firing off their trebuchet with no problems.)