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Mah HoMiEz ShOuToUtZ

About ME

MaH hOmIez ShOuToUtZ: che: too much hott boys huh?? so little much guyz!! Devonne: U are a very great friend and U alwayz been there for me when I was down for just needed a friend. go to c house sometime ok?? Carina: U need to invite me to ur house to see FB even tho i don't like him no more. U are alwayz there when i need to talk to someone. miss ya!!! Savannah: You are a great friend to me. You were alwayz there to make me laugh. Loudres:Bsb rocks..well you think so. wayne: hey!! amanda: you are a true justin timberlake Katie: hey. meghan carroll: u are cool and ur mad funny too. Brian:whats up w/you now? noone is really at your house..when i ask to go ova ur house.. you too busy doing homework and stuff.. i mean..ur changed.. go back to your old self. your better like your old self..wild,crazy and def w/girls. Crystal: don't 4get that i love fricken Joey:don't talk shit about me or I'll be saying things about u. or i tell crystal our secret  Chris:hows things going on at the voke?? have you see  Eileen:HEY!!!  Tara: U are cool. You can alwayz beat up crystal for me when i say to only if i say so. miss ya!!  Stefan: I hope you get a very good singing carrer.  Charlie: good luck in 8th grade without me  Jami: I never got a chance to talk to you dat much but you are a cool person to talk too.  Shannon: Your a cool person to talk too. I hope we see each other in LHS. I'll e-mail you everyday next year too.  Sarah:you should join the science club.  Victoria: hey..lhs isn't that safe huh? Katrina: hey.. Josh:just wanted to say hi.. and everyelse i miss..sorrie!!

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