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1. And So It Begins...

The "Digi-Destined" are transported to the Digiworld. There are seven kids: Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Mimi, Joe, and TK. They first find their digimon here.
Tai: Koromon/Agumon
Matt: Tsunmon/Gabumon
Sora: Yokomon/Biyomon
Izzy: Motimon/Tentomon
Mimi: Tanemon/Palmon
Joe: Bukamon/Gomamon
TK: Tokemon/Patamon

2. The Birth of Greymon

Agumon digivoles into Greymon and saves the children!

3. Garurumon

Kids sleep in the trolley car on an island. Its really seadramon and it later attacks the kids. Gabumon evolves and saves TK and the day!

4. Biyomon Gets Firepower

Birdramon defeats Meramon (It had a black gear in it) and saves the gloopy things.

5. Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker

Everyone finds themselves at a factory run by no one. Tai, Joe, and Sora stumble across Andromon who is controlled by a black gear. Meanwhile, Izzy finds a secret of making his digivice to work. Tentomon digivolves into Kabuterimon to help Greymon and Garurumon kill the black gear in Andromon. He then says to get out thorugh the sewers.

6. Togemon in Toy Town

Talk for a bit while running around in the sewers. They are soon attacked by Numemon (the slugs that chuck poop) and a Monsaemon. (Teddymon - evolved from a Numemon) Mimi is the only one who escapes and frees everyone else when Palmon digivolves for the first time into Togemon. She also kills the black gear from Monsaemon.

7. Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo

All i know is that Gomamon digivolves and turns into Ikkakumon!

8. Evil Shows His Face

First meet Devimon and he splits all of the Digi's up! ANd Leomon turns bad!

9. Subzero Ice Punch

Frigimon, with black gear, gets freed my Agumon and brings them from the little floating piece of ice that they are in, to ground!

10. A Clue from the Digi-Past

11. The Dancing Digimon

12. Digi-Baby Boom

13. Legend of the Digidestined

14. Departure for a New Continent

15. The Dark Network of Etemon

16. The Arrival of Skull Greymon

17. The Crest of Sincerity

18. The Piximon Cometh

19. The Prisoner of the Pyramid

20. The Earthquake of Metal Greymon

The group discusses how to save Sora. Tai, Izzy, and their digimon invade the pyramid while everyone else tries to create a distraction. They lose against Etemon but run away. Inside, while Greymon and Kabuterimon distract the evil mons, Tai saves Sora and his Crest of Courage begins to glow. Meanwhile, Datmon does a suicide attack to kill Etemon. However, Etemon gets more power this way. Kabuterimon and Birdramon are powerless to stop him but... Tai shows extreme courage by charging with Greymon. Greymon suddenly digivolves to his ultimate form, Metal Greymon! Metal Greymon easily disposes Etemon with a Giga Blaster but Tai and Metal Greymon get sucked to a portal back to his home town.

21. Home Away From Home

Small side story when Tai discovers he's home but that no one else is. Metal Greymon turns back into Koromon. He also sees that very little time has passed since they entered the digiworld. Go home and finds his little sister Kari. She can recognize the Digimon for some reason. (yeah, we all know what happens) Orgemon attacks the town while Koromon digivolves into Agumon to save Tai and Kari. The portal opens again and Tai decides to leave Kari to go back to the digiworld.

22. Forget About It!

Tai and Agumon return to the Digiworld and wander around until they see Tokemon (TK's Digimon) all by itself. He tells them that everyone split up while TK got really mad at Tokemon. Meanwhile, a new enemy, DemiDevimon, (small flying thing) tricks TK into hating his Digimon. Tai finds TK and DemiDevimon but TK still won't talk to Tokemon. Meanwhile, Demidevimon tries to confuse them with these mushrooms that are poisonous but Agumon saves them in time. (with a little unseen help from Sora who refuses to show herself) When they discover DemiDevimon's lies, Tokemon digivolves into Patamon again and blows DemiDevimon away. At the end, TK and Patamon make up and join Tai and Agumon to search for everyone else.

23. Weregarurumon's Diner

Starts out with Matt looking for help. He finds a restaurant where Joe is working at. After talking with him, he learns that Joe has to work at the restaurant because of the dishes he broke. Matt decides to help Joe but DemiDevimon causes trouble by breaking dishes and blaming Joe. Matt gets infuriated by this. Meanwhile, Tai and TK find the restaurant. They talk to everyone and tell them that DemiDevimon is a bad guy. DemiDevimon brings Veggiemon and DigiTamamon to fight against Garurumon and Ikkumon. When Joe saves TK during the fight, Matt realizes how important his friends are. This causes his Crest of Friendship to glow and... (tada!) Garurumon digivolves to the ultimate form, Weregarurumon. Weregarurumon easily defeats the Digimon while DemiDevimon runs away. At the end, the four guys split up (Tai with Joe and Matt with TK) to find everyone else.

24. No Questions, Please

Starts out with Izzy and Tentomon exploring a mountanous area. Stumbles across some weird brain Digimon (can't remember name) who is interested in Izzy's curiosity. Izzy is forced to give it up when dropped into another dimension and turns into a zombie. Tentomon can't do anything and de-digivolves back to Motimon (In-Training) and even to Pabumon (baby). Izzy later gives everything to the brain guy including his crest. Meanwhile, the brain guy and DemiDevimon get into a fight to see who gets to keep the crest. Back in the dimension, Pabumon shows Izzy what happened and Izzy snaps out of his trance. He and Pabumon go steal everything back (the curiosity and crest) while the brain guy is still arguing with DemiDevimon. The brain guy chases them into the pit when Izzy's Crest of Knowledge starts glowing. While fighting, Pabumon digivolves into Motimon into Tentomon into Kabuterimon and suddenly into ultimate Megakabuterimon. Megakabuterimon blasts the brain guy into space dust and flies out of the dimension pit while DemiDevimon runs away yet again. At the end, Matt and TK find Izzy.

25. Princess Karaoke

26. Sora's Crest of Love

27. The Gateway to Home

28. It's All in the Cards

29. Return to Highton View Terrace

30. Almost Home Free

31. The Eighth Digivice

32. Gatomon Comes Calling

33. Out on the Town

34. The Eighth Child Revealed

35. Flower Power

36. City Under Seige

37. Wizardmon's Gift

Starts with Kari surrendering herself to Phantomon. Matt and Sora decide to head over to the TV station where Matt's dad and Izzy are. Meanwhile, Joe and TK finally go across the harbor with Zudomon and Wizardmon. Everyone meets at the TV place while Tai finds Mimi at the convention center. Wizardmon decides to attack Myotismon right when he starts talking with Kari. Everyone then arrives and has their digimon evolve to ultimate minus TK. Kari then gets her crest and digivice to evolve Gatomon in Angewomon. Everyone combines their attack into Angewomon's arrow, and kills Myotismon (the first one)

38. Prophecy

Everyone learns Myotismon is not dead yet. Izzy then gets an e-mail from the old guy (geni?) and tells them a prophecy with something about angels shooting arrows of light and hope into loved ones to make a miracle. Everyone ignores this for now while they go to the convention center where all the parents are. They are all asleep and acting like zombies. Meanwhile, Myotismon returns... except he digivolved into Venommyotismon! Everyone thought Ultimate was the highest level, but they are wrong. Metal Greymon, Weregarurumon, Angemon, and Angewomon try to fight him but he is too strong. Izzy then realizes that Angemon and Angewomon are the two angels in the prophecy. (TK and Kari's crests are hope and light) He tells them to have them shoot arrows at the loved ones that they have in common. Their brothers. Tai and Matt hesititate but the arrows do produce a miracle. It causes Agumon and Gabumon to digivolve past the Ultimate level into their Mega levels: Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon!

39. Battle for Earth

The two Mega Digimon are now able to damage Myotismon but it isn't enough. It takes everyone's attack plus a drill from Wargreymon to get to Venommyotismon's core being. Everyone's crests then start producing a force that makes it so Venommyotismon can't move. Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon then fire their attacks into the core and kill Myotismon once and for all. Just as they beat him, the sky turns dark and some image is in the sky. The Digiworld! Everyone realizes that something really screwed up the Digiworld and it was probably some new enemy. The kids say goodbye to their parents and all go back to the Digiworld.

40. Enter the Dark Masters

Apparently, there are four evil mega Digimon (MetalSedramon, Puppetmon, Machinedramon, and Piedmon) who call themselves the Dark Masters. They are the ones who screwed up the Digiworld. Meanwhile, all the kids land in some swamp, only to found Chumon alone and without his friend (who was killed). They are then attacked by MetalSeadramon. Every Digimon digivolves into Champion but they get wasted. MetalSeadramon then sends them to Machinedramon. Everyone Digimon now digivolves to ultimate (except TK again since Angemon got wasted right away) and they all knocked into a pit below the ground. They stop falling in mid-air where they meet Puppetmon who can control them. Puppetmon then uses his "puppet bomber" to turn all the Digimon back into rookies (except Gatomon). They fall into yet another pit and meet the last Dark Master: Piedmon. Agumon and Gabumon digivolve into their mega level (Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon) but they get wasted by Piedmon's "trump sword". Piedmon then kills Chumon (who was saving Mimi) and gets ready to kill another when Pixiemon comes to the rescue. He uses a barrier to let everyone escape while he sacrifices his own life.

41. Sea-Sick and Tired

42. Under Pressure

43. Playing Games

44. Trash Day

45. The Ultimate Clash

46. Etemon's ComeBack Tour

47. Ogremon's Honor

The DIgi's defeat Puppetmon and Sabreleomon dies! And so does Metaletemon! Great episode!

48. My Sister's Keeper

49. The Crest Of Light

50. Joe's Battle

51. Crest of Friendship

52. Piedmon's Last Jest

53. The Final Battle

54. The End of Summer

I will add more summaries later! SOrry they are so brief but its a start!

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