News Archives

9/11: My thoughts on the tragedies today are in the Live Journal. Please read it, and please pay tribute to those Americans unfortunately involved in the attacks. It doesn't matter how, just do it.

9/9: No, no new chapter, just some basic stuff. First, And Then REALLY needs some fanfics! The quality doesn't matter, just send it to Pyro immediately! Now! Oh, and I've written a bunch of entries in my Live Journal, so check it out. And why is it NOBODY is voting in the Arena? I mean, the past two battles got into the 2-digit area, but this one barely has half that much! Come on people!

8/25: I spruced up the site a little bit. See all the new icons? That can only mean one thing. New chapter. A new chapter where lots of Pokémon leave. I tried to get an emotional feel in this chapter. Let me know if I succeeded, and what I could improve. I also added some stuff to the Intro and Inspirations, but go there AFTER you read the chapter, sign my guestbook, and vote for me. ^_^ Anyway, this site will be moving soon. And Then's server will be bought soon, and when it does, I'll start moving the chapters there. The site itself will stay because I'm the Vice President of the site and I say so. :Ţ

Speaking of which, Pyro is still taking any and all fanfics. Send them in, NOW! Hurry! Oh, one other thing. If, by some miracle, you can actually see the entries in my Live Journal, you will see a strange football penalty that makes no sense whatsoever. I update that a lot more than this page.

By the way, if any of these pages, for some reason, is not found, refresh the page. If it still says the web address isn't there, then e-mail me. Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

8/19: Just re-arranged some sections here and there. I added a Live Journal, which I update more often than the news page, and I can safely rant there about non-site topics which I used to post here. Cool, eh? Oh, and I also updated the Battle Arena. Now it's Flareon vs. Nidorino! Maybe THIS one will be close! -_-Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

7/15: Hehe. Sorry about that little hiatus. Well, this isn't much of a news update, but important nonetheless. First off, it's the all-new, super-special Otakon report! It's right here. It has a semi-detailed summary of what I did all three days, and proves that, as a fellow Light Rail passanger said, "this city is gonna implode one day." Amen. You can also check it out on Toonami Absolution as well. Cool, huh? Tell me whatcha' think! I'm also gonna try to go to Otakon 2002 as well, and I'll try to write a report on that as well. Maybe my scanner will be working by then. That will be posted on And Then.

Which brings me to another point, a release date HAS BEEN SET for! Although it's still a bit up in the air until Pyro gets his new modem, Andthen will be shown for the first time on September 30th at the LATEST. That means we gotta prepare. And preparing wouldn't do much without content, would it? Well, that's where you come in! We need you to send in fanfics. Any anime-related fanfics will do. Ranma, DBZ, Pokémon, Digimon, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors, Evangelion, Escaflowne, Slayers, you name it! Please try to send them in here: Right to Pyro. That way he can put up the fics. Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

8/10: Well, so long until Monday. I'm going out to Otakon 2001! When I get back, I'll put up a full report for all three days. This will be posted on both this site AND my old site Toonami Absolution, where MetalVegitto, NeoJericho, and Cyphon are starting to rebuild. Remember, if you wanna catch me, I'll be wearing a blue DBZ shirt today, a white DBZ shirt tomorrow, and a Japanese baseball jersey on Sunday. Check the archives for details. Also in the archives is the free sample of the newest Team Rocket song "Best at Being the Worst!" Check it out, and tell me what you think in the Guestbook!

Speaking of which, there's a new site out there, that I found out about through the Guestbook. PokéRealm seems to be the final place for the Pallet Gym fanfics that were transferred over to DMG Ice. You better go there, because they've got the newest chapter of Sibling Rivalry 2: The Wanderer! Go check it out!

What? You thought I would just leave without giving anything? Hardly. There's a couple new links in the Links section, including some new comics. One in particular has several annoying pop culture icons facing the wrath of the one known as "T". Watch out! His van is helluva fast and he can throw helluva far! I pity the foo' who gets in his way! But wait, there's more! Two new sections in the Stuff section. There's a bunch of reviews of various Pokémon items, including the Pop-Tarts CD. More should be added soon. Also there, because he's been bugging me about it to no end, is "Pyro's Side of the Story", where Pyro, creator of And Then, explains in his own mini-bio. -.-' Oh, and the Battle Arena has been updated. Golem pounded Zubat into the dust. I thought more people would have faith in Matthew's Zubat. -.-'' Well, this match is a bit more even. Now it's Raichu vs. Nidorina. Who will win? Oh, and a new chapter was posted. This time, the fanfic has been Iced! ^_~

Oh, as for Toonami on Kids WB, well, it's sucks. No new intros, no Toonami announcer, TOM doesn't talk, and the thing doesn't say that Toonami was created by Cartoon Network! Arg! Jaime Kellner! You will pay for this! As for the new Gundams, they're pretty good. Gokou doesn't agree, but I think 08th MS Team's ending kicked ass. I loved the whole sacrafice thing and how Aina's watch saved her life. Just as awesome as the episode where Shiro got court-marshalled for helping Aina and he & his team snuck off to destroy some Zakus. As for the original, it's pretty cool, but I have just one question. When the hell are they getting to the Federation Base!? And now they've sorta been made into scouts for the Feddies. Oy. And that episode where Amaro finally got to see his mom after so long was VERY touching and VERY sad. U.U Before I forget, check out the bottom of the page. Whoops, gotta go! Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

7/30: Hello everyone. I have taken the liberty of making a really short and sweet .mp3 download of the new Team Rocket song here. If you don't have an .mp3 player, you can download Windows Media Player right here. Tell me what you think of the song!

Eh, I might as well give my impressions of the two new Gundam series, even though this is a Pokémon site. As for Mobile Suit Gundam, I like it. Amaro sounds exactly like Quatre, but he panics WAY too much. Of course, if I was in his shoes, I would too, but hey, he's a cartoon character. Char is really cool, sounds like Zechs without the lisp and acts like him too. Of course, since Wing is basically a 90's version of the original, it seems right. The blonde guy on Luna II from Episode #4 sounds like Wufei, while the one guy from Episode #5 sounded exactly like Duo. Also, the captain guy who kept arguing with Bright sounded like Wolverine from X-Men: Evolution. Neat. Although the episodes aren't packing much punch, we still have over 40 episodes to go, so it'll get better. As for 08th MS Team, I like it. The action starts off hot and never stops. Plus, there's a lot of chemistry between the 5 pilots, and having the two main characters both enemies and in love with each other is just cool. Both series have their respective pros and cons. That's about it. Brief, but to the point. Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

7/28: Hey all. I'm back. No, no new chapter just yet, but this ain't just a news update like in the past few times. First off, I got a preview of my third of four fanfics for And Then...Fanfiction. This one's a Digimon one. My 4th one is a StarFox one, but it's too short to offer a preview here. By short, I mean chapter wise. Whereas my other three are going to be above 45 chapters (especially Arkana Force) this one will only be about 5. Oh well.

I got an interesting CD yesterday in the mail. After a month or two, I got this "Totally Pokémon Pop!" CD. Now, this ain't the same CD you can buy in Best Buy or Sam Goody. This one can only be gotten via Pop-Tarts and Kellogs. As a special treat, since I haven't seen many sites cover this, I'm offering a special offer. Right here is a sample of a song that can only be gotten on that CD. It's called "The Best at Being the Worst - featuring Team Rocket" and it's...intresting, so check it out. If you wanna know how I feel about the CD, my review should be posted over the weekend on DMG Ice. Check it out!

I'm still working on some stuff that is gonna show up along with Chapter 26 right before I leave for Otakon. You may be wondering what Venusaur and Staryu are doing down there. After all, I still have Sandslash and Machop from the main teams. Well, the answer is simple. I can't get any good icons on those two. I have icons of them, but those two are the crappy, washed icons from the first generation, and I only use the newer, more detailed icons on this site. If anyone has them, or knows where I can get those icons, send me an e-mail! While you're at it, sign my guestbook! Please? There's only 4 entries, and 2 are mine. That's pathetic. And don't forget to vote for me!

And here's another reason to e-mail me. Do you like the way the story is in the Arkana Force, with the spaces between people's spoken words and paragraphs, or how Digimon & Pokémon are, with no space. Let me know! Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

7/22: Wow! News updates TWO days in a row! Amazing! Well, I just wanted to give little mini-rants and stuff. To start off, I watched that Rugrats special thingy. Except for the final part where they showed the scenes with everyone still babies from the earlier episodes. The rest of it sucked. You know, I woulda thought Chuckie and Angelica woulda gotten together. They seem to be a perfect fit. Kinda like Betty & Howard. ::cough:: Anyway, it sucked. Has ever since they made new episodes. In news you actually CARE about, Crystal comes out soon. Even without the Mobile Phone adapter, it should still be cool. I'll definately get it, if not to add to my collection of Pokémon games.

On a completely un-related note: I hate Congress and Metallica. Damn them for shutting down Napster. I don't care if it WAS stealing, the sales didn't drop THAT much. If anything, blame the store prices. I mean, a CD should NOT cost $14. -.-' But whaddya gonna do? Oh, before I forget! In a few weeks, Otakon will arrive in my hometown of Baltimore! Luckily, I'm not that far away from the Convention Center. Only about 10 minutes or so. I'm gonna be daring and try to attend all three days. I really wanna go Saturday & Friday, and I would save $5 if I registered for all three days. ^_^ If you are there, try to spot me! I'll be wearing A) a dark blue DBZ shirt with Goku, Vegeta, Krillin, and Piccolo on the back with Janemba (I have no idea how to spell that name.) showing his evil grin, or B) a white DBZ shirt with Goku, Trunks and Vegeta in Super Saiya-jin mode or C) a see-thru Japanese baseball Jersey with the number 5 on it. Try and spot me! Before I go though, I'm gonna leave a little something for you guys to go through. When I'm done all three days, I'll give a special report.

Oh, and one last thing. A shout out to Cyphon, the newest staff member at Toonami Absolution. Good luck guys! Oh, and I finally saw both Matrix and Spaceballs. ::hangs head in shame:: Anyway, Matrix is kickass cool while Spaceballs just plain kicks ass. Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

7/21: Nothing really new going on. I just got the Pokémon 3 soundtrack. Why? I have no idea. The feature song, "To Know the Unknown," is actually pretty cool. Unlike many of the songs in the past soundtracks, this one is GOOD. Also, they cut out almost all of the crap tracks from "Totally Pokémon" except for "He Drives Me Crazy" and "Biggest Part of My Life." Those two suck. HDMC isn't as good as "Misty's Song" and BPOML isn't as catchy as "You & Me & Pokémon." Oh well. What amazes me is, while syncing the video of the intro with the original TV version I had burned onto a CD, I find that the TV version of "Pokémon Johto" is actually longer by a couple seconds than the intro! Not only that, but BOTH versions were made by the SAME people. The same guy, PJ Lequerica, sings both versions, and both are backed by the BG vocals Johto. Only difference is the movie one is downbeat and there's a female vocal. O.o Oh, I also got some new cards. Can't beat a Japanese Foil Tyranitar for just $5! Soon, hopefully, I'll finally get Lugia!

Oh, and one more thing. A shout out to my old site Toonami Absolution as GMD finally managed to get some help in the form of MetalVegeitto and NeoJericho. Both are working hard at trying to restore my old site, and MV seems to want to convert it into "Toonami Unsensored" or something. ::Shrugs:: Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

7/18: Second Update: Found out the name of the new female hero in Crystal. It's Kris. So, I changed the name in Chapter 24, as well as added a little piece of forshadowing near the end. Check it out! And vote for me!

First Update: Well, it's update time. This time I did more than just update the usual chapter. In order to get more visitors and to get them to actually send me e-mail and sign my guestbook, I have put up a "Stuff" section. It has such cool stuff as a Pokémon Battle arena and a preview of the Jolt League! Cool! Also, I put up a preview of my greatest fanfic, the Arkana Force! It's sorta a mix between Dragon Ball Z and Ronin Warriors with a dash of other animes in some parts for fun. Enjoy!

In other news, Wizard's Anime magazine has released their Top 50 Animes that have been released in the US. You can find the list here. Scroll down about 2/3 of the way down. It was released on the 14th, but I didn't see it, so I decided to post it on this update. ^_^ Although some people, who are reading this late, may have to head to the archives to see it. The number one spot was Akira. Toonami's newest Gundam series, Mobile Suit Gundam, was #2, while fan favorites DBZ, Sailor Moon, and Tenchi Muyo! were #6, #27, & #14 respectively. Sorry Gundam Wing fans. Pokémon was placed at #47, and Digimon isn't even on the list! Monster Rancher and Outlaw Star, as well as all the other Gundam series weren't on the list either. Shame. I liked MR. Combined the deep plots of Digimon (actually expanded a LOT on it.) and also had the cool monsters similar to Pokémon. The dub was a lot more serious than either Digimon or Pokémon. Oh well. Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

7/14: As you can plainly see, I changed the counter on the page. was really irking me. I mean, the thing didn't show up half the time, and now they got this Premium crap, so I got a Beseen counter. Anyway, how do you like my new Squirtle? Unfortunately, they didn't have my favorite Pokémon (Blastoise) but oh well. Also, according to the Pokémon Top 50, with the hits I'm getting, I could be 277! ^_^! Pretty good considering I get about 3 visitors a day. Plus, I'm ranked 671 in the Pokémon village out of over 11,000! ^_^!!

OK, small rant time. While watching Invader Zim yesterday (it was my favorite episode, the water balloon episode.) I saw a commercial for the worst TV show ever made. Rugrats: All Growed Up. Now, I enjoyed the original 65 episodes. I still like watching those episodes. (My favorite was the Mega Diaper Babies episode.) When the new episodes started, I watched a few of them, but I didn't like them. I haven't seen either movie, and I never will, because I'm not a big Dil or Kimmy fan. Now they are making them GROW UP!? Who's bright idea was this? Oh well, at least Nick still has 40 episodes of Zim coming soon, so there's at least one good show on there. What ever happened to the good shows, like the original Double Dare, Hey Dude, What Would You Do?, Nick Arcade, and those? -.-'

Oh, and Digimon Tamers sucks. Big time. Those that say that Digimon is a Pokémon rip-off now have bigger ammunition. Shoulda stopped with the first season, although some of the Digimental Digimon look OK. Blastoise could kick their ass though. Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

7/13: Second Update: Well, the Links changed again, but not the way I woulda liked. It seems Friday the 13th got to me, as I accidentally deleted all the links after Zero & Chewy's! Fixed though. Oh, and I joined a bunch of lists, so please vote for me! Plus, I adopted a Pokémon! Aqua's down near the bottom of the page. Well, got to go! Invader Zim is on!

First Update: Nothing much. Added some banners to the Links page as well as a link I am still banging my head over forgetting. Arg! Chapter 25 will come sometime next week. It and Chapter 26 are done, but well, it's Friday! The 13th! Ahhhhh!Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

7/7: Added some links to the links section. That is all. However, next update I'll give you a sneak peek at my biggest fanfic yet, The Arkana Force! Also, for all new people, the new chapter is marked by Kingdra & Scizor. I almost forgot! I'm now accepting Sailor Moon and Tenchi Muyo! fanfics once again in preparation for "And Then...Fanfiction"! Until next time, bai bai for now!

6/25: Happy birthday to me! ^_^! Yep, today is my birthday! Hooray! I'm now 17! Even with that fact, I decided to work on the page and spruced it up a little. I also added a cool links section. :) Tell me in the Guestbook how much you like it! Oh, I also added some stuff to the intro. Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

5/19: Nope, you're NOT seeing things! I'm back! Because "And Then...Fanfiction" isn't done yet, and the webmaster, Pyro, is now obsessed with beating Konidas and his Pokémon Online game by making a game of his own, I decided to re-open this thing. -_- Pyro's gone crazy again. Oh well. Anyway, with the re-opening, I give you Chapter 24! The best chapter yet! Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

5/19: This is a special one-time only update that concerns my favorite cartoon action-animation block: Toonami! Well, it seems Jamie Kellner, the new CEO of Time-Warner, and the guy who cancelled Animaniacs, Freakazoid!, and Pinky & the Brain, also creating Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain as well as Histeria, wants Kids WB! & Toonami to merge sorta. DBZ, Gundam, Sailor Moon, etc. will stay on Toonami, but shows on Kids WB! like Pokémon, Jackie Chan, & Cardcaptors will go on a "Toonami Kids" like block on the station. I am VERY angered by this. And it couldn't come at a worse time: during E3 while drooling over Super Smash Bros: Melee. For more info, click the link below.

We MUST save Toonami!
Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

5/5:Happy Cinco de Mayo! I would put some good news up here, but I can't, not yet anyway. See, this is the final update to the site. Yes, Chapter 23 is the final chapter you will see on this site here. That's because the Pokémon fic is moving to my friend's fanfic site, which will look a LOT better than this one. Anyway, once it opens in Late May/Early June, I'll post Chapter 24, which is basically Kataki vs. the Grand Masters! I'll also open up my Digimon fanfic as well as a few other fics. In the meantime, I need your help. If you are a Sailor Moon fan or know of one online, write one or tell your friend to write one, then send it here, so it can be posted in the Sailor Moon section on the fanfic site. Happy writing! Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

4/15: Oy, This Spring Break has not been any break for me! First I gotta finish a Power Point Presentation, then I gotta finish a Research Paper. Arg! >.< Anyway, I'm halfway done with Chapter 24, which is half done and almost as long as Chapter 23 so far! This is gonna be a BIG chapter! And finally, I put up a small tribute to my late grandfather. As a memorial, I put up some drawings he did after he got out of art school. He was very talented. You should see his Garfield! I'll try and get a picture of him to put up the memorial. In the meantime, if you like the pics, say so in the Guestbook! Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

4/8: I put up Chapter 23! The first NEW, never-before-seen chapter on this site! ^_^! I would have put it up a week ago, but I was busy because of my grandfather contracting pneumonia and eventually dying on Friday. ::Gives a silent prayer:: Also, don't forget to visit the RPG Maniacs! And soon I'll be off Angelfire and will be on a server twice as fast. This fic will also be on a new Fanfic site along with a Digimon one I'm making. If you are a Pokémon, Digimon or Sailor Moon fan, write up a fic, then send it to me when I say so. Once Pyro gets the server, then I'll tell ya and you can send it in. Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

3/19: "A Brand New Journey" is finally online! Chapters 18-22 are up, and the newest chapter, 23, will be up shortly. In the next chapter, Kataki tests out his control over his newest Pokémon against our heroes, and decides the time is right to go all the way. You'll be able to catch it in a couple weeks! If you never read the latest chapters, well, our heroes train at the Orange League in preparation for the Jolt League, but Matt unwillingly starts to refresh his team. Meanwhile, Jesse & James are out (finally!) and a new guy comes in, Kataki, who is almost as strong as the Grand Masters! After their first encounter, Matt & Zach are in the hospital, where Zach recounts his training days. Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

3/4: I updated with Chapters 11-17 of "A New Journey" effictively closing out the Indigo League & the first series. The sequel, "A Brand New Journey" is gonna show up soon with Chapters 18-22. Then, once those are done, I can finally start putting up NEW chapters. Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

2/24: I got me a new award! However, it's not because of the site. -.-' It's based off of a bunch of questions a made for a new trivia game called "Who Wants to win some Money?" Check it out below.

Download The Hottest Quiz On The Net

And don't forget to visit my partner site, the RPG Maniacs, where a group of AOL buddies, including me, role play a bunch of different topics in AOL Chat Rooms, including Gundam, DBZ, Pokémon & Mega Man. Check it out! Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

2/19: Site now launches! ^_^! Hooray! Chapters 1-5 of "A New Journey" are up as well as the Intro. More updates soon. Well, until next time, bai bai for now!

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