Best of the Battle Glade Forum

Welcome to the "Best of the Battle Glade Forum." General Machiara peruses the forum and, if he sees a particularly worthy post, will move it here for easier access. If you have an idea on how to use the Wood Elf Army more effectively, post it at the forum and perhaps you will gain fame and glory at the Battle Glade by making the "Best of" page!

Notable Posts

Julian on Treemen
Julian on Fighting Vampire Counts
Calimehter and Lord Althuir on Converting Wood Elf Chariots
Julian on Fighting Against Skaven with the Storm Banner
Julian on Fighting the Skink-Heavy Lizardman Army
Machiara on What Kind of Army Beginners Should Buy
Julian on Fighting Khemri Tomb Kings
Machiara on Using Glade Riders
John Hurley, Julian, and Calimehter on Fighting Stegadons