Excerpt from the Chronicles of General Padraig, the Spring campaign

Excerpt from the Chronicles of General Padraig, the Spring campaign


(or Greenskins Must Die!)

"… It has been a week since we came drove the Greenskins from the Border Vale of Green Meadows, and recaptured the Vale. We have reason to believe that the Orcs we attacked were a scouting/ foraging unit attached to a larger invading army. Scouts have been sent out to track the few surviving Greenskins who fled, in the hopes that they will lead us to the main army. Messengers have also been dispatched to the advise the Council of our findings. While we wait for our new orders from the Council, some of the troops have been assigned to helping with the clean up and rebuilding of the vale….

Next entry, a few days later… "… have been successful! Returning scouts report following the survivors to another larger band of Orcs only a few days march away. The orcs were slain before they could report our location to the larger band, and the bodies hidden. I feel we have stumbled on the beginnings of a major incursion of the Greenskins, and for once we have the advantage of surprise.

While we have not yet heard from the Council, this opportunity is not one to passed on lightly. If we can get into position before the Orcs realize we are here, perhaps we can bloody their noses enough that they will rethink invading Athel Loren. If nothing else, we can gather information and perhaps keep this horde from getting to much of a foot hold in the forest, while the Council can raise the troops needed to address this threat.

I am ordering the troops to break camp and make ready to march at dawn. We will teach these Greenskins not to venture into the Sacred forests of Athel Loren!"


 War General Rotfang Badgutz was in a foul mood lately – He is always in a foul mood, but lately it had been even more foul than usual. The foraging party he had sent out last week had been expected back yesterday, and had not been heard from. This was most unusual, as Warboss Snaggletooth was normally not one to miss an opportunity to trumpet his achievements, sending back messengers to report on his "victories" in the field. Rotfang had long suspected that these battle reports were nothing more than the drunken ramblings of an ambitious underling, and had sent Snaggletooth out to forage in the forests of Athel Loren in the hopes that he would meet with an "unfortunate accident". Rotfang had even ordered his a squad of his trusted elite guard to follow Snaggletooth’s troops, with orders to ensure that he met with just such an accident. The thought of Snaggletooth getting eaten by the Wyvern he insisted on dragging around brought a brief glint to Rotguts’ eye….

The last report he had received had mentioned Snaggletooth finding a small Elven settlement, and that he had every expectation of taking the settlement the next day. No further word had been received since then – but surely even Snaggletooth could handle a village of unarmed Pointy-ears! "Dat Rat-bastid’s probly trying to figger out a way to keep all de booty for ‘imself", Rotfang grumbled.

Kicking his Goblin body-servant into a corner, Rotfang went in search of his scout Captain, for the morning report. As he exited his tent, Rotfang noticed a commotion on the perimeter – perhaps his scouts had found something after all. With a bellow, he pushed his way through the gathered mob to discover two goblin scouts carrying a body – it was all that remained of one of the shaman who had accompanied Snaggletooth’s raiding part! "We finded it, we did! Yes, we did! Just over the rise, we did, we finded it! Was buried under leaves, it was, but we finded it anyway! We bringz it to Rotfang, we do!" burbled the Goblins as they dropped their burden at his feet. While the shaman looked like he had run through brambles, the thing Rotfang noticed first were the double hand-full of arrows that stuck out of the Shamans back – Wood Elf Arrows! Apparently Snaggletooth had run into a little more than an "undefended Village of Pointy-ears". What a shame.

"Boyz, dere’s some pointy-earz out dere! Break camp an’ get ready to march!" Still bellowing orders to his sergents, Rotfang strode back to his tent to start putting on his armor. It was turning out to be a good day after all!

This is a pitched battle between Wood-elves vs Orcs & Goblins. 2000 pt armies, magic limits taken from WD 222. No Special Characters were allowed. The Wood Elf army was allowed to use the Wood-Elf magic spell deck as published in Citadel Journal #18.


Padraig's Patrol

General Padraig, riding Warhawk. Long Bow, Lance, Shield, Magic War Paint, Bow of Loren, Potion of Strength (251 pts)

Mage Randthlfr, riding warhawk, long bow, Skull staff. Spell: Ravenwing (Allows the caster to transport any friendly model within 24" any where on the board. R24" P1) (117 pts)

Mage Deirdre the Dire (with archers), Long Bow, Destroy Magic scroll. Spell: Cape of Thorns- (Surrounds either the mage or one friendly model with thick thorns. Enemy can only hit in HtH on a 6, R8" P1. Remains in play until dispelled) (112 pts)

Chariot "Blue Iris" (Blue), 4 steeds with Scythed wheels, 2 crew. Lt Armor, spear, shield, long bow, Standard of Shielding (137 pts)

Chariot "Rose Bud" (Red), 4 steeds with Scythed wheels, 2 crew. Lt Armor, spear,shield, long bow (112 pts)

Chariot "Kudzu Express" (Green), 4 steeds with Scythed wheels, 2 crew. Lt Armor, spear, shield, long bow (112 pts)

T'Luren, Warhawk Champion, warhawk, lt armor, shield, long bow, spear, Hail of Doom arrow (100 pts)

4 Warhawk Riders, warhawk, lt. Armor, shield, long bow, spear (176 pts)

6 Glade Riders, Steeds, shield, lt. Armor, long bow, lance, Standard bearer w/ War Banner (312 pts)

6 Wardancers, additional hand weapon, Standard bearer (140 pts)

5 Waywatchers, long bow (90 points)

10 Archers, Standard, long bow (121 pts)

9 Archers, Standard, long bow (121 pts)

10 Archers, long bow (99 pts)

Total: 2000 pts Magic: 225 pts.


Badgutz’ Waaugh!

General Rotfang Badgutz,, War boar, 2nd Weapon, Crossbow, Armor of Meteoric Iron, Elf biter, Axe of Grom, Potion of Strength (237 pts)

Black Orc Battle Standard, War boar, Spear, Light Armor, Shield, Mork’s War banner. (169 pts)

10 Orc Boar Boyz, War boars, Standard Bearer, Spear, Light Armor, Shield, Dread Banner (398 pts)

Orc Shaman Master (lvl 3), Book of Ashur (Chaos Dwarf Spells), Dispel magic Scroll (x2), with Orc Boyz (312 pts)

31 Orc Boyz, Standard bearer, Spear, Light Armor, Shield. (348.5 pts)

Black Orc Big Boss, 2nd weapon, Crossbow, Lt armor, Shield, with Night Goblins (98 pts)

40 night Goblins, Standard Bearer, Musician, two-handed weapons, Bad Moon Banner.

1 Night Goblin Fanatic. (212 pts)

16 Black Orcs, Standard Bearer, Musician, second weapon, Lt armor, Shield, Standard of Shielding (223 pts)

Total: 1997.5 pts Magic: 395 pts

 The league plays with a "Highlander" rule ("There can be only one"), so that duplicate items (other than Dispel scrolls) are removed from play. The only items duplicated are the potion of strength and the Banner of Shielding.



Looking from the Wood Elf’s Viewpoint, The field was seperated by a woods on the far right edge (approx 12" in from the edge), and on the left by a Hill and an adjacent stand of woods. There was a hedge on the woodelf edge of the hill. There were also some walls on the right side of the Orcs side of the field, out of the way (placed there by the crafty Orc General, to keep them out of the way)

There was also a steep hill centered in the Wood Elf Deployment zone.

My thinking during terrain placement was to try to funnel the Orc advance through a relatively narrow front, so that my archers could concentrate fire on individual units, while the chariots positioned themselves to hit from the flanks. Luckily I managed to roll a Woods and a Hedge/ Wall that with my free section of woods would accomplish this. I also was lucky in rolling a steep hill, which I placed in one deployment zone. If I managed to get to choose, it would be a bonus, and since the Orcs had little or no missile weapons, I wouldn’t be hurt if he chose the side with the hill.

The Orc player rolled two sections of walls and a hill. The hill he placed right next to the hedges, prety much nullifying any advantage I might have had if I had chosen to try to defend from behind the hedge. He also placed his walls off in an out of the way corner, so they wouldn’t hamper his advance (da’ bastid!). I was lucky enough to win the roll and get to chose which side of the board I wanted. No surprise, I chose the side with the steep hill (What the heck, my models were already on that side, I was standing there anyway, why make everyone move their stuff. I was just trying to be considerate. Yeah right!)

The Wood Elves deployed the two standard bearing units of archers on the steep hill, each in two ranks of 5. The Mage Deirdre joined the smaller of the two units. The wardancers deployed at the base of the hill. The third unit of archers deployed to the right of the steep hill lined up with the front edge of the hill, while the Blue and Red Chariots deployed to the archers right, at the forward edge of the Wood elf zone. The General took position behind the Chariots, next to the archers. To the left of the steep hill were placed (from left to right) the Warhawks, next to the Green Chariot. Behind them stood the Glade Riders, and the Warhawk mage Randthlfr. The Waywatchers took position inside the woods next to the hill in the center of the field, 3" back from the edge, so they were out of sight (they can’t start the game hidden, and didn’t want them run over immediately if he got first move).

The Orcs deployed (from the woodelf viewpoint) the Black Orcs behind the hill, next to the Boar Boyz who took position behind the woods. Behind them (from left to right) stood the Orc Boyz and the Night Goblins. His strategy was to set up behind the woods and the hill in such a way as to limit the amount of archers who could target his units in the event the Wood elves went first.

The game would last at least 4 turns, then rolled to determine if it would continue. The Orc player won the roll-off and moves first.




The only Orc unit subject to animosity tests, the Orc Boyz, pass easily and the Orc army advances – The Boar Boyz pivot to their left, and start to move around the woods in front of them. The Black orc unit advances up the hill, stopping on the crest. The night Goblins and Orc Boys follow closely behind. As they have few archers, and all are out of range or don’t have line of sight to any targets, there is no Bow fire. The Shaman attempts to cast a spell (which I don’t remember at the moment) but it was dispelled by the Skull staff wielding Randthlfr.

The wood elves started to move out. The Warhawks took wing to their left flank, managing to get far enough around the hill in front of them that most of them could target the Black Orcs on the hill. (We play that hills are round topped, and as such units on the "back" half of the hill are out of sight from enemy units. 3 of the 5 hawks were able to get around to the back side of the hill far enough to "see" the unit). The Glade riders also advanced, preparatory to a quick run around the hill. The Green Chariot advanced and turned to it’s right, bringing the gap between the trees into its charge arc.

The Mage and the General take wing, flying to the far right (upper right? NE?) quarter of the board, and turning to face the now exposed Boar Boys. The Red and Blue Chariots advanced and turned to face the gap, ready to charge anything which presented itself. The Waywatchers advanced to within 2" of the edge of the woods, hoping to shoot a few arrows and lure the Boar Boyz into charging into the woods (or at least spoiling their march moves)

Now that the Black orcs were on top of the hill, all the archers on the steep hill but for two could target them, as could the Warhawks. The Warhawk champion unloaded with the Hail of Doom arrow, which split into 15 (!!) arrows, of which 12 of them hit the Black Orcs. The 2 remaining warhawks and the 18 archers who could shot at the Black Orcs as well. Combined, they killed fully ½ of the Black orc unit, forcing a panic check which they failed. Their fleeing move puts them on the other side of the Orc Boyz behind them. The remaining archers, the red and blue chariots, the Waywatchers, Randthlfr and the General all target the Boar Boyz, killing 5 of the 12. They pass their panic check.

The winds of magic blow strongly, and Randthlfr successfully casts his new "Ravenwing" spell on the Red chariot, transporting it across the board and into the fleeing Black Orc unit. (For some reason the Orc Shaman decided not to use one of his Dispel Magic Scrolls. His loss.) The sudden appearance and charge of the chariot on their flank completely startled the unit, and it was destroyed. Also, the sudden appearance of the Chariot within 8" of the Night Goblin unit triggered off the Fanatic, who went spinning off in a random direction, roughly towards General Padraig and the Mage Randthlfr, but falling far short of their position.



The Orc boyz advanced towards the hillside in front of them. The Boar Boyz catch sight of the Waywatchers, and charge into the woods, ignoring any possibility of traps. The Waywatchers, who had succeeded in luring the Boars into the woods, tried to out run the Porcine advance, but were run down and destroyed. The front row of Boar Boyz emerged on the other side of the Woods, but the rest of the unit was still bogged down in the woods. Since the Waywatchers had fled, they were unable to trigger any of the traps they had laid.

The Night Goblins turned 180 degrees, to face the Red Chariot. The shaman wa again unable to get any spells off.

The Red Chariot crew, suddenly aware of belligerant looks the Goblins were giving them, whiped their steeds and wheeled around to the flank side of the night goblin unit, out of its charge arc. The Glade Riders, unable to see the Boar Boyz for the woods, run through the same woods, positioning themselves for a charge into the Night Goblin rear. The Bue and Green chariots both advance with plans of charging the Boarz next turn. The Warhawks take to the air and fly over the woods to join the General and Randthlfr in facing and targeting the Boar Boyz.

The Boar Boyz were suddenly realized that they were drawing the attentions of every remaining archer on the field with the exception of the glade Riders and the Red Chariot crew. The sky was darkened by the shafts flying toward the Boarz – When the skies cleared the last 7 Boar Boyz, including General Rotfang Badgutz, had been turned into pin cushions and their blood fertilized the trees. (I had 33 regular BS4 S3 archer shots and 4 BS7 S4 shots from the General. A goodly sized handful of dice to roll at once – Schwee-e-e-t!)

The destruction of the Orc General caused a general panic in the ranks, and the Orc Boyz paniced and flew the field, carrying the Orc Shaman with them, despite his screamed orders to stop. The Night Goblins, who as it turned out had never really cared for Rotfang all that much, redoubled their concentration on catching the Red Chariot.

Drawing the Winds of Magic around him, Randthlfr once again cast Ravenwing, this time on the Blue Chariot, and transported it into the rear of the Night Goblins.


The Night Goblins were suddenly very aware of how desperate their position had become – as the Blue Chariot rampaged through their ranks, they frantically pulled the crew out of the chariot and chopped them up with their two handed weapons, while others chopped at the horses legs, killing one of them in the traces. The Chariot was now out of control as the frightened steed reared and plunged, trying to escape the little greenskins. The Goblins lost the combat, but made their panic test.

As there were no archers or mages left, there was no shooting or magic. The Woodelf Mages dropped the Dispel and Drain magic cards they had been storing, and stocked up on Power cards instead.

With the end in sight, the Red Chariot charged into the Night Goblins, as did the Glade Riders. The stampeding Blue Chariot ran in a random direction – right back into the night goblin unit! The ensuing melee was extremely bloody, seeing the Night Goblins lose by 5 (despite causing 4 wounds and having a standard and 2 ranks). Despite outnumbering the elves by more than 2:1 they still failed their panic test and fled, only to be chased down and caught by the Red Chariot and the Glade Riders.

At this point, with the only surviving member of the Orc and Goblin army being the lone fanatic frantically spinning itself into the ground, the Orc player conceded the game.




Woodelves: 2050 pts (2000 pts + Night goblin Standard(50 pts))

Orcs: 90 pts (Waywatchers)

This was by far the most successful league battle I’ve ever had, as well as the most successful battle period! It was also one of the fastest, taking only 1-1/2 hrs from placing terrain to final dice rolls! I was able to concentrate fire of all my archers on one or two units at a time, to devastating effect. Normally I have enemy troops crawling up my posterior by the end of the 2nd turn, but this time the O & G Player was unable to get across the board due to charging into the woods, and failed panic tests. In fact, afterwards the Orc player commented that he had no idea why he ever challenged a shooty Wood Elf army with his H-t-H Orcs and Goblins – he shoulda known how it would end up. What made it especially sweet was that he was the League Organizer, and had been playing at least 10 years more than I have!

It was also the first time that I was really able to use one of the spells from the Wood Elf Spell deck to good effect – "Ravenwing" rocks when you’re transporting Chariots around the board. Especially into fleeing units of Black Orcs! Between charges and Ravenwing, the 112 pts of Red Chariot was instrumental in the destruction of 533 pts of Blac Orcs and Night Goblins! Talk about a good buy – I guess it’s true that the red chariots go faster!

Without getting the chariot into his backfield, he would have had a decent chance of rallying his Black Orcs, and possibly getting them back into the fray. If he had ignored the Waywatchers and instead had swept past the woods with his General’s Boar Boz and gotten safely stuck in with the chariots and Wardancers (safe from the archers anyway), he would have probably mauled my ground troops and caused Break and Panic tests all around with the Dread Banner. Getting his Shaman on top of the hill, and getting clear line of sight to all my troops with whatever nasty Chaos Dwarf spells he had been dealt would also have made life difficult for my two 1st level mages.