
I will be the first to admit that I am not a financial wizard, nor have I gone through the state budget with a fine-toothed comb. As a result, I cannot debate specifics about the budget. I can present some information though.

I would start with cuts across the board. Remember back to when Dukakis was Governor. I've heard Dukakis called many things, but "tightwad" and "penny pincher" were not amongst them. If we roll the budget back to the levels at the height of "Dukakas' Folly", we can almost entirely eliminate the state income tax.

The state has far encroached the rights of the people by regulating parts of their lives that should not be regulated. I would take an axe to the budget by removing those portions of government. Do we really need things like state-run golf courses? By eliminating just the most extreme follies of the state government, we can now completely eliminate the state personal income tax.

So, while I applaud Gov. Celucci for sticking to his promise of attempting to roll the state income tax to 5%, I will say that I think he doesn't go far enough. To paraphrase a spokewoman for him at a rally in Lowell shortly before the 1998 Gubinitorial elections, "The [state] income tax is repressive."

To which I responded, "Then repeal it!", much to the amusement and agreement of the crowd.

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