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The Unofficial John Fuglesang Appreciation Page - News

December 12th:

If you want to know why I wasn't able to see most of Mr. Fuglesang's appearance on Politically Incorrect last night, please go to the discussion group for PI on dejanews. I believe I render the tale in an amusing way and, best of all, it involves the mention of wollybears.

That said, I also missed the Becker appearanceand his ep of The Michael Richards show, so at least I'm consistant. I'll be even more consistant when I move to London in two weeks, two days and an ever dwindling amount of minutes. On the plus side, go me for predicting the US version of Queer as Folk, which I boldy salute for being such an overt rip off of the much better British original. It could have been enhanced by my casting choice for the Stewart character (ahem), but what can you do? The roles I've actually written for him will have to wait until I have the clout to run my own projects, so this site can only be for the long shot choices. Oh Well.

August 12th:

So what do you do for fun when you work full time with seven-year-old girls at a Jewish day camp all summer? You go see films that involve hard rock tunes, butch chicks and plenty of alcohol. And if God wants to make up for the fact you just got screwed out of five hundred dollars and two weeks in Boston, He shows mercy by putting Mr. Fugelsang in it.

Info regarding it not on IMDB yet, but the scoop is it's a small, one-scene, role, but he's quite well wardrobed (it's a real word if I say it's is) and the movie's much more fun than Somewhere in the City.

May 12th:

On Monday, May 15th, NBC will announce it's fall schedule, hopefully including "The Peter Principle." This pilot was made with John Fugelsang by Hat Trick Productions (the same from Great Britain?). Naturally, we've got our fingers crossed.

Special thanks to the fellow supporters who were quick to drop me an email relating the info!

Also, Mr. Fugelsang also recently appeared on P.I. during their special "Scared Correct" week shot in prisons. Honestly, little happened. The prisnors on the panal took up most of the discussion, not that I blame them one bit. But it leaves little to report.

With summer re-runs upon us soon, let's keep our eyes open for a reshowing of "The Third Thing" of Providence (an episode title also used by Aaron Sorkin's finely crafted Sports Night).

(I apologize for the tardiness of this update. However, the way I used my time in the last couple months has enabled me to graduate. Anyone who disagrees on the wisdom of this choice can kiss my diploma).

Jan. 16th:

Well, I've been running this site about 6 months now and can honsetly say I've had the chance to get to know you a little better. For starters: you're the quiet type of fan group, you're sticklers for spelling (sorry for that and all my other shortcomings), you have better search engines than I do (or, at least the patience to wade through that Jeeves site) and you have, on the whole, an excellent sense of humor.

Did I mention your keen eye for detail? As of Mr. Fugelsang's Dec.27th appearence on Politically Incorrect, I recieved a deluge of email (for this site anyway, it was a deluge) enquiring if there wasn't a wedding ring on his finger. All I can say is that in looking back over the things I've mounred lately (my reception, grades, the fact my new Elvis Costello cd is scratched etc...) the wedding of the sexiest person on television was not on the list.

In short, if he is, I don't know about it.

(Such a wonderfull and blessed event would represent a serious shift in my current relationship. When someone does something anoying, the other likes to joke about going off to woo their celebrity of choice, his being Alicia Witt and mine...well, you can guess. Now who would I threaten to leave him for?)

The tips from the anonymous tipster recieved over the summer have proved spot on. The ep. of Providence graced by a performance from Mr. Fugelsang aired in September. It is called "The Third Thing," so look for it in reruns if, like me, you missed it. Also, the Chicken Soup for the Soul episode contained the stories "Joe's Place," "The Wallet," and "From heart to Heart." PAX tv reruns 'Soup' rather often, offers it's schedule on-line a month at a time and even offers an e-mail reminder service if you see a show you don't want to miss.

This info can be found in an updated TV appearence section.

In an important layout-related note: I have no idea why nothing is aligning to the center lately. I am trying to correct it, but my html abilities are limited at best.

Quotes from the aforementioned PI ep. will be a while in coming whilst I try and figure out a way to bring over a complete transcript (so we can avoid those nasty but creative spellings so many of you noticed :-) There will also be an interview section, as now we have some interviews (well, allright, one interview - but quality counts for something).

I'm sorry it's been so long since the last update. I decided to take all graduate level courses last semester. This left me pondering many questions, namely, what the h*ll had I been thinking (or drinking)? This semester, that's not the case. I'm currently taking only *3* graduate level courses.

I'm also sorry I couldn't be a more diligent page master for you. You all seem intelligent and dedicated, and you deserve the best.


Sept. 9th:

I'm afraid there is only bad news to report today. The first bit of bad news is that USA Network appears to have stopped any and all airings of "HappyHour." I deduce this from the fact they have pulled it from their official webpage.

What this means to us is that the picture that so perfectly gaced the welcome mat to this site has been removed from internet accessability.

As it was the best possible picture for said location, and no other one comes close to matching it in quality, the premier page of the site shall carry on gif free.

The other sad bit of news is that in the midst of moving and having my parents visit, I did not have time to put together a fitting Birthday tribute on this page. You have my apologies for this. I know other people who run appreciation sites and have wrestled with this problem. Some have the fans send in birthday greetings and letters and post them, or forward them on to the individual. This seemed intrusive to me, but I did not intend to let the occassion go unmarked! (After all, if your appreciation site doesn't remember your birthday, it may not say much for their appreciation).

Toward that end I now offer, on all our behalf, a simple happy birthday. Happy Birthday. We hope you have as much fun with it as we've had from your performances. We may be a small group but we do see and appreciate what you try to do for us.

Awww....MushMush,sniffsniff. I'm surprised Hallmark doesn't have fan Birthday cards yet. Think of the millions they'd make everytime a Backstreet Boy gains a year.

Back to actual J.F. appreciation news, we are now 5 DAYS away from the video release of Somewhere in the City. If I have the money, I will rent it and give you all a review. Remember, I'm not watching a movie where Mr. Fugelsang plays a one night stand because I want to...I'm just doing it all for you. (I gave up italics for lent, but rest assured, that was sarcasm mode).

And finally, has anyone seen this mythical Chicken Soup appearence? Anyone? Anyone? Buller?

I have not been watching lately due to aforemention move, parental visitation and my wacky new class schedule (I *wish* we had all the sleep with your R.A. and go play with paints kind of free time "Felicity" has). If anyone saw it, or even taped it, let me know and I'll pass the info on to you all.

That's all for now. At the conclusion of my first season running the page, I'd just like to say you all have been charming and I hope to talk to all of you at some point in the near future.

Aug. 17th:

Well, did you all see the recent tv appearences? To recap, Mr. Fugelsang appeared on Comedy Showcase where he did his trademark Ghetto Shakespeare and on the Donnie and Marie show. Marie speant the whole time telling him he was nuts/wierd/bizzar, but her fav. was nuts.

There appears to be nothing on the horizon TV wise, but First Run features will be releasing "Somewhere In the City" on Sept. 14th. Orders will be taken from 1-800-229-8575 or online at

I will be in NY for almost a week starting on the 21st. If you need a quick reply on something, I suggest trying the Mailing List organizer Carrie. She can be reached via the Mailing List page of this site.

In the meantime, if you miss your regular, albeit AFV related, does of JF, try watching " It's Like, You Know" and squinting at Chris Eigeman.


Sometimes this htmling things can be very interesting... This morning, I awoke to find someone had sent me some valuable info anonymously. As I see no reason not to belive what it says, I offer it here for your perusal:

1. John Fugelsang has made an appearence in an episode of the new NBC hit "Providence." I'm not sure if this was a new ep filmed for the fall or a last season ep. Anyone with any info, feel free to let us know.

2. Mr. Fugelsang will soon begin writing and hosting yet another show for VH1 England, to be filmed in London. This was arranged by the Irony Gods who know I just returned from 4 mo.s in London.

3. In making decisions for the upcoming fall schedule, Mr. Fugelsang turned down the position of host for a new late night talk show from Merv Griffin and a USA game show.

4. But just so we all don't move to England (or at least curse the British) he will be appearing on the new PAX tv series "Chicken Soup for the Soul." I'm not sure when his ep is set to air, but the show itself will air at 8:00 pm on Tuesdays. It is being done by the same Vin Di Bona productions that brought us all AFV. This small piece of info was enough to convince me the source in on the level. You can decide for yourselves.

Either way, I'll give you all the further details as I recieve them (if I recieve them...).

Questions? Comments? Muppets?
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