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Britney Spears Backlash!

The Philosophy of the Britney Spears Backlash

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Eva's Personal Page

Another Anti-Britney Site

Yet another Anti-Britney Site

Please support the Britney Spears Backlash (BSB)!!

Please note that the Britney Spears Backlash does in no way support or condone physical violence against anyone, regardless of the quality of their music.

The BSB is no longer accepting new members. The truth is, we feel the best way to discourage crap like britney's "music" is simply not to buy it. So, don't buy it, and encourage your friends not to buy it. If you really feel strongly, don't drink pepsi either. Not that it matters, anyone who drinks pepsi vs. coke based on who their spokesperson is is an idiot anyways.

This Anti-Boy Bands/Britney Spears site owned by EvaMarie.
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