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DragonBallZ RPG
Todays Date Is:

Green Summer Dude 6:45 P.M.- February 15, 2004
Subject: -sigh-

wow...watsup? its been two years since I last updated? geez thats a long time. lol what happened huh? goin to college next year...haha scary stuffs...i remember i made this website when i was in what...7th grade? hehe o well. maybe in college ill have time to update like crazy huh? eh...ooh but check out the hits! there are over 80,050 hits now. thats insannee. thanks a lot for visiting pplz...and o ya. lol check out the site that i TRIED to work on but never finished (another one!) [Dragon[Ball]Haven]so...thats it for now...hopefully ill update again? thx for comin... - Keith

Blue Summer Dude 2:24 P.M.- November 24, 2002
Subject: Bandwidth problems anybody?

hey my site has been down a few times now due to bandwidth problems. Alrighty...I dunno how this thing happened. Maybe people are jus stealin my GIF's or sumtin? I dunno...I guess I dont mind if you take some of them to put on your sites...but come on people! You can just link them from my site! Its gonna kill my please PLEASE please save them and then upload it to your own server ok?? Its gonna help me and the other people can come to this site...thanks a lot :) Oohh yea before I forget...look at the number of hits we have here! Isnt that awesome?? Thx a lot for all the hits! I hope you all like the site...and I think I already mentioned it before but ive uhh...sorta kinda been working on a different one. lol so if you wanna check it out, just go here. Its pretty cool and has a nice layout! *cough* PLEASE DONT STEAL IT. IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO MAKE!! *cough* so till next time...cya! - Keith

Green Summer Dude 11:20 P.M.- August 20, 2002
Subject: woops!

Heh woops...would you look at that. Its almost school again. Im sooo sorry that I havent updated anything on THIS site...hint hint? LoL anyhoo...guess what? Ive been working on a different site! Wanna check it out? Go to Dragon Ball Haven! I worked on it for a loongggg time (making the layout and stuffs. So I hope that you all like what I have so far. Oooh! Before I forget...Thanks so much for visiting my site people! I've reached over 50,000 hits!! Whoo hoo! You all rule! Thanks again. Cya! - Keith

Blue Summer Dude 5:58 P.M.- May 24, 2002
Subject: New Link

Sup people. I just put up a new site in the links page! Its a Final Fantasy X site called The Other World. Be sure to check it out ok?? It has an awesome layout (the colors match with the game!), good info, nice pics, and more. Cya! - Keith

Green Summer Dude 6:51 P.M.- May 23, 2002
Subject: LoL Woops!

Haylo peoples...I just realized something. I changed the site of the month in the links page but not on this front page. Hmm...ok sorry about that. Anyways...plz visit the new site of the month ok?? Its an X-Men site called Rogue Unlimited. More info on the site can be found here. Be sure to check it out ok?? Ooh! Before I forget...guess whats coming up soon?? Summer vacation!! Whoo hoo! LoL I can't wait till then. And I think I'm gonna be updating the site a lot! Ooh yea! Hehe I get to brush up on some of my mediocre (is that how you spell it?) HTML skills. LoL okee. Bye for now! - Keith

Blue Summer Dude 5:25 P.M.- April 26, 2002
Subject: Yet Another New Topsites List

Haloo again. I just joined a new topsites list. It was made by DaBlackGohan. Its called Anime Mafia. I think that its gonna be big! So its good that I joined it when its still new. Hopefully this will attract more people to come to my site! To help make this happen, please vote for me!! Okay? Thanks. Bye! - Keith

Green Summer Dude 4:24 P.M.- April 21, 2002
Subject: New Topsites List

Hoi! Whats up? Im updating today! I just joined a new topsites list called Saiyan Bloodline which looks pretty good. Please vote for me and help the site grow! Recently, the site has been getting a lot of hits! I dont know what it is, but I got 300 hits one day. It usually takes about 1-2 weeks to get that! Thanks to everyone that visits my site. And as usual...sign the guestbook! Bye! - Keith

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    This DragonBall Z website is only a fansite. I did not create or make DragonBall, DragonBallZ or DragonBall GT. All DragonBall characters and stories are © by Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, TOEI Animation, and FUNimation. If there are any problems please let me know and I will try my best to fix it ASAP. Thank you.