a mix of bad, bad puns written


It's a spin-off, or some would say


of the Bad Joke War written by


of Octagon Rumble fame, who, incidentally,


The Clash of Uninspired Humor was written by


But let's not stand around and gawk at the title! Let the punning begin!

This message was posted by NeoVid, posted on February 28, 2000 at 19:08:24 coming from
Mood of this message:

Unfortunately, it begins.

The rules are simple: anyone can join in, even Epsilon and his poison puns. All the jokes have to be Impro or videogame related. And remember to keep track of everybody's score at the end of your posts...

OK, a low quality opening shot...

What was the x-rated episode of Ultra considered?
An Improperfanfic.

Like I said, low quality.



This message was posted by Aaron Peori (Epsilon), posted on February 28, 2000 at 22:02:44 coming from
This message is a reply to The Clash of Uninspired Humor posted from NeoVid posted at February 28, 2000 at 19:08:24

> Unfortunately, it begins.

Yoi really don't want to do this. I mean this will turn Pretty Deadly soon. It's a Dan shame you opened you opened this can of worms. You'll only Marlo the beauty of this board. It's Shiro lunacy I tell you! You just Trei-selling this concept to anyone and they'll say "Tao shalt not do this thing!" VLAre you going to go through with this? It will never Do-gooders. So I suggest you don't Starter Sweepstakes it.

> The rules are simple: anyone can join in, even Epsilon and his poison puns. All the jokes have to be Impro or videogame related. And remember to keep track of everybody's score at the end of your posts...

Poison puns? Is that what you think of Mika? I've Mar-seen what you call humor and I'll Take(shi) mine over yours anyday. I geuss it's O-Keiko to call my puns poison... IT's not like I'm Fated to be a great Punlord or anything. You know what they say, Styx and stones and all that.

> OK, a low quality opening shot...

> What was the x-rated episode of Ultra considered?
> An Improperfanfic.

What happens when someone brings FFVI characters into the tournament?
You get Magical Troubleshooting Crossover Fighting Federation Ultros.



Pun Lord of the Sith


This message was posted by Myth, posted on February 29, 2000 at 16:57:21 coming from
This message is a reply to It begins (Epsi-LONG). posted from Aaron Peori (Epsilon) posted at February 28, 2000 at 22:02:44

What? And Yu(ki) were expecting a pun here?

Neovid: 1
Epsilon: 17
Myth: 1
Everyone else: -0

Oh yea, baby. ^.~


This message was posted by NeoVid, posted on February 29, 2000 at 17:56:40 coming from
Mood of this message:
This message is a reply to You guys are.... Evil..... posted from Myth posted at February 29, 2000 at 16:57:21

Ry you! I won't let a mere Henchiman leave me at a Heavy D!isadvantage! I'm just Lucky I can Kap hwan of your jokes... (Kalms down with an Epsi cola and some teriAki). Everyone else Ran(ma) for cover, but you Otto see that disaster Lumis! It's a sign of Impropriety to get so far ahead! You might say "So(fia)?" but you can't get ahead if you forgoku the video game jokes! I will leave you broken by Zangrief! Bi, son!

Extremely obscure jokes coming...

What's the name of the Super where Kakyoin squashes his opponent with a 60 foot gemstone?
The 20 meter Emerald Splat.

What does Justin of Grandia use to slice bread?
The Leaven and Earth Cut.

Eh heh heh...

NeoVid: 19
Epsilon: 17
Myth: 1
Everyone else: -0



This message was posted by Nathan, posted on February 29, 2000 at 19:10:22 coming from
Mood of this message:
This message is a reply to Wow... posted from NeoVid posted at February 29, 2000 at 17:56:40

MTCFF Ultra: Things go boom. Boom. boom. B*O*O*M. unboom. And Gambit has fleas.

GMCA: it's ultra with fanboys as fighters.

DG: It has nothing to do with ships. it has nothing to do with the sea of tranquility. it has everything to do with hurting.

H!F!: *shrug* i'm fifteen. do the math.

HHH: whatever yuki's on, i want some.

FFL: yuusuke learns that americans don't speak japanese, even the ones that like anime. then everyone gets amnesia.

FAQing: mad max with a bolo and a big mac.

C. Jack: a thougrougly boring tale of a respectable, upstanding citizen.

MGH: magical girl, bullet. bullet, magical girl. splat.

FFF: an altiverse where a werewolf eats sephiroth.

Slayers V: what is the matrix? it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes in order to turn you into a battery.

Genie: space aliens, phenomenal cosmic powers, itty bitty living space.

TGMBR: ... *nosebleed* ...

HHG: the world could use someone like this.

High Stakes: pokemon and eva and that one episode of ds9.

ScarMarq: dirty pair for one.

Senshi Muyo!: dg, only moreso

IDFRL: see mecha. see mecha fight. fight, mecha, fight!

NeoVid: 19
Epsilon: 17
Myth: 1
Nathan: 18
Everyone else: -0


This message was posted by Yun Cheolsu, posted on March 01, 2000 at 05:09:17 coming from
This message is a reply to Wow... posted from NeoVid posted at February 29, 2000 at 17:56:40

> Ry you! I won't let a mere Henchiman leave me at a Heavy D!isadvantage! I'm just Lucky I can Kap hwan of your jokes... (Kalms down with an Epsi cola and some teriAki). Everyone else Ran(ma) for cover, but you Otto see that disaster Lumis! It's a sign of Impropriety to get so far ahead! You might say "So(fia)?" but you can't get ahead if you forgoku the video game jokes! I will leave you broken by Zangrief! Bi, son!

Extremely obscure jokes coming...

Dan it! Yuu stole Mai Epsi-cola joke! Aika guess I need to learn to post my insane Skribulousings sooner. So I guess it's now just a cheap Replica of your idea.

I don't know what I have to Gaina from these ramblings since I'm not a Pun Mastriani like you 2f are.

Not like I Keori or anything but Ka-sue-me for feeling like I had to throw my hat in the ring.

Not that I'm disrespecting you and Epsilon. I thought I was going to Daisuke when I read your entries. I was about to Shingo insane when I said to myself "Self, can sit back and enjoy the show and laugh till you cough up a Lungfish, or you can Tejina these gais what itami means to really make an Eisu out of yourself." So, now that I've Bean here and made a myself look stupid and you'll all probably Cha-Spica Pelt me with rotten fruit when you read this I only have one Kyo-sing remark...


It's been an Illy-Lumi-Nate-ing experience.

NeoVid: 19
Epsilon: 17
Myth: 1
Nathan: 18
Yun: 24
Everyone else: -0


This message was posted by The Black Wyvern of Armorica., posted on March 01, 2000 at 07:43:02 coming from
Mood of this message:
This message is a reply to Re: Wow... posted from Yun Cheolsu posted at March 01, 2000 at 05:09:17

Oo...amazing stupid story joke time! :D


A certain facially-scarred RPG hero works at one of those underground gourmet restaurants (you know, the kind that make food out of endangered animals). While running out of the freezer, carrying some steaks made from a certain large feline, he trips on his shoelaces and falls flat on his face, causing Beastie Bits to go flying everywhere.

He is...Sprawl Lion-Part.


Very early on in the FF8 storyline, right after a certain trenchcoated delinquent was supposedly executed, we have a scene where said delinquent contemplates his future very seriously... Realizing the hell that he's about to put himself through, he drops in on the protags, kidnaps Rinoa, and runs off, leaving everybody else thouroughly confused.

He and Rinoa are married in Las Vegas by a preacher dressed as Elvis, and they live happily ever after.

He is...Swipe-'Er Almasy.


After the FF8 storyline is complete, all the characters end up having a dive in economic opportunities. One of them, an ex-Garden instructor, goes into theater and tours with a group that produces one of the crappiest dramatic series known to man, wherein she plays a badass, butt-kickin', gutter-mouthed hussy. And the dialogue sucks too.

She is...Kiss-This Tripe.


In the world of Final Fantasy: Fated, Jenova's Fireteeth servant realizes (halfway through the plot) how badly he's gotten kicked to the side by the story and how his life has gone downhill after being forced to work for an interplanetary plague. He quickly removes himself from the continuity and goes on to make his own genre of movies, which revolve primarily around hard-boiled characters blowing things away with high-powered guns amidst grim humor.

He is...Iovi-Tarantino.


They're dogs...dogs like any others. But they have been brough together by [FATE], by the will to FIGHT until the end.

One is a rabid Rottweiler, born in pain and oppression, trained to kill on command. His mutant blood has given him a shock of bright red hair, and he sports an amazingly brief black jacket that came from God-knows-where.

The other is a purebreed German Shepard, raised with love and fed with the tastiest Kibbles N' Bits. He wears a spotless white collar and little green doggie socks on his front feet.

The year is 199X. And New Hong Kong is not big enough for the two of them.

They are...Iori Doggone-i and Kyo Poochanagi.

(Pretty weak, huh? It gets worse.)


After his inevitable victory over Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami hits a very low point in his life... Finally, he's reduced to finding entertainment by dressing up as an inconspicuous nerd, going to parties, and getting girls drunk so that he can take Polaroids of them when they start dancing with lampshades on their heads.

He has become...the Maiden Smasher.


In an ultra-rare, supersecret Limited Edition European release of KOF97, Iori Yagami was given a hard-to-execute secret move wherein he turned around and unleashed the Mexican Smog on his opponent, accompanied by a loud roar of, "Asobi wa owari da...BEAN-E!!" This moves causes instant knockdown and several seconds of revolted writhing.

In Britain, this secret attack is known as...the Bum Gale.

(Poor taste? Wait 'till you see what comes next. ;P)


A new scandal hits the front pages of newspapers across the world... It has been revealed (on Jerry Springer, no less) that Clive Barker, sick n' twisted horror author extraordinaire, has actually been the longtime lover of Yashiro, formerly of the New Face KOF team. Clive decided to leave Yashiro to pursue a more productive relationship with Chris.

Heartbroken, Yashiro retreats to his apartment and quickly writes up an extremely long novel, based rather obviously on his now defunct relationship. For some reason, he chose to pull most of its badly-executed and incomprehensible symbolic content from Catholic imagery, especially that of [HEAVEN] and [ANGEL]s.

Yashiro's attempt to market his book is naturally called...Barker-Ex Sell Paradise Schlock.

(YES! Do I get a prize for most insanely complex move-name pun? DoIdoIdoI?? :D :D)


Well, that's all from me for now... Man, I need a Vacation. I think I'll wander off somewhere and stay in a Holiday Inn, so I can kick back with some (mura)Saki and watch some MacGuyver.

Scores are now...

> NeoVid: 19
> Epsilon: 17
> Myth: 1
> Nathan: 18
> Yun: 24
The Black Wyvern: 13

...That's counting those pathetically obvious SilDark, 2Dark, and PBA refs up above. That covers my Ching refs that are required for every piece that I write. :) If I could have somehow fit in Purple and MRB95, I would have...

...Just goes to Sho you that you can't do everything. But putting in bad jokes is no reason to Makoto people suffer. >;)

(That's for you, Yuu...anybody else get those??)

Ex Animo
The Black Wyvern of Armorica.


This message was posted by Skribulous, posted on March 01, 2000 at 13:10:46 coming from
Mood of this message:
This message is a reply to a view on impro posted from Nathan posted at February 29, 2000 at 19:10:22

DISCLAIMER: Is is partly gag, and partly rant, all just for fun, I'm gonna prove that I'm the Totally Surreal Author of the Impro Community. Don't be offended, just sit back and enjoy.

> MTCFF Ultra: Things go boom. Boom. boom. B*O*O*M. unboom. And Gambit has fleas.

Gally... No(e), I DON'T wanna know how Yu(n) found out that rather obscure fact.

> GMCA: it's ultra with fanboys as fighters.

Read as, "Ripping of our fave idol anime charas." Then again, they'd probably con-Cid-er it a compliment. Perhaps.

> DG: It has nothing to do with ships. it has nothing to do with the sea of tranquility. it has everything to do with hurting.

Not to mention that unless the Captain Life-Savior of Impro and crew bail it out, the series will sink.

> H!F!: *shrug* i'm fifteen. do the math.

Then stay A(m)way. Hell, I'm legal, and I'm doing the same thing too.

> HHH: whatever yuki's on, i want some.

Ask the Goddess of Impro. I'm sure she'll have time off here busy schedule to fit you in her whipping sessions. *CRACK!*

> FFL: yuusuke learns that americans don't speak japanese, even the ones that like anime. then everyone gets amnesia.

Language has nothing to do with Bean appropriate. And this part is everything BUT. Mikan't understand what the author was thinking.

> FAQing: mad max with a bolo and a big mac.

Am I hostile? Well FAQ U 2. ;p

> C. Jack: a thougrougly boring tale of a respectable, upstanding citizen.

Fortunately for the rest of us, this isn't it.

> MGH: magical girl, bullet. bullet, magical girl. splat.

Wanna see what color 's liver is? No? Aw, too bad. And here I Taoght Yo(i) don't mind the gore.

> FFF: an altiverse where a werewolf eats sephiroth.

And wasting over 20+ episodes, only to have Aeris die.

> Slayers V: what is the matrix? it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes in order to turn you into a battery.

Then again, being a power source is a much better fate than ending up as a piece of machinery for a artificial planet.

> Genie: space aliens, phenomenal cosmic powers, itty bitty living space.

And just like the premise, an empty queue. SUMBIT, I TELL YOU! SUBMIT!

> TGMBR: ... *nosebleed* ...

Eww. You better clean that mess up... Here, have a spork. By the way, you'd better hurry and clean the garden. Be seeing you... (makes a break for it)

> HHG: the world could use someone like this.

Especially this one. Although I doubt Gaia will survive the encounter. Both of them. Oh, well, time to practice the funeral march...

> High Stakes: pokemon and eva and that one episode of ds9.

Tap for Plot Bullsheet. And lot of intense, hot, sweaty CARD-TO-CARD ACTION!!!

> ScarMarq: dirty pair for one.

With double the supporting cast. And none of the Mughi.

> Senshi Muyo!: dg, only moreso

More or less. Especially on Uzume. Or rather NOT on Uzume. Then again, this is a clean, PG impro, so I'll keep my maw shut.

> IDFRL: see mecha. see mecha fight. fight, mecha, fight!

Note to future authors: This is NOT Gundam X. Or TA Gundam. Or BrainPowered.

You missed some more:

RECBT: You Mai-ke Fuu-n of this series, and I'll Kap Hwan yo Ash!

THAB: What I feel like going through after marathon Impro writing sessions. But the piece of Impro heaven is worth it.

CW: After I'm done with it, there won't be anything left to choose. Then again, no one else seems to Kayin.

> NeoVid: 19
> Epsilon: 17
> Myth: 1
> Nathan: 18
> Yun: 24
> The Black Wyvern: 13

Skribulous: 30

Although I could have Mized Samo along the way. I Sak(ura) at Math.


This message was posted by Aaron Peori (Epsilons), posted on March 01, 2000 at 15:04:16 coming from
This message is a reply to The Clash of Uninspired Humor posted from NeoVid posted at February 28, 2000 at 19:08:24

First... ULTRA!
It's time for my opening Gambit. Don't
Remy-ain becauses this will LeBlow your
mind out Iori it will make Yagami puke
into the Johnny. You Maiden (masher) feel
like you're in a Cage. I'll Lil-list the
puns that don't suck-ubus. But I'll fight
Mar-low and chair my evil with you. The
sem-age of these puns is more(igan) than
enough Ban(ma) me from this MB. Don't
send flames (sao) to me for I am but
1/2 the problem. I'll put all my puns
in a sack(ura) and Cuss(anago) when they
Show(tokan) up anyway. You can't miss(ter)
what I'm say(tan)ing. I'll kick you in the
shin and Goku place a bet at my (Ya)Bookee.
So(fia) what you going to do (toshin)then?
I've (wolver)been in worse punwars then this
and lo(gan) I will be again. It's not (yoh)OK
if I have to do this, X-Mano. It'll make my
(gam)ma cry to see how hard(core) I'm trying
here. But you're all like Lamb(da)s to
the slaughter. You're dreams will go up in Ash
as I Ketchum and pun'em. Then I'll get Misty
eyed in rememberance but I've Bean there done
that before and I will band it all together to
defeat you. So listen up (road)buster you've
been Riding this too long and they don't get
Tifa then me. I have the (Lock)heart of a
punlord so I'll remove this Final Fantasy you
have that you do anything but draw a Blanka
when I Pick(achu) up the pace. I'll Poke(mon)
fun at you when you lose because I Ken, I'm
the Masters of the Pun. My talent doesn't
Sag(at) over time. I don't have to Bi-some
puns. I Kunou what I'm doing and Hoah(maru)
will you deal with that. It's not the same(urai)
when you face me, I'll daishow you what a punwar
is all about. Mai skill is unsurpassed, the
sheer(anui) volume of punning potential is a
Fatal (fury) combination. Andy I don't need a
Bo(gart) staff to win a fight. My Mousse lips
will Shame(poo) you into leaving. I'll go
Psycho on you and Sei whatever I want (Ken)so
you know what you're dealing with. I have
a-theme-a to all this you know. I'll team with
pride while I rock(et) the MB with Jessie the
right puns and watch as the James roll in.
Sure(mei) I could stop while I'm ahead and
Ya(shiro) all might thank me. But that would
B-ko unfair and I would just Die(tokugi) if
I failed now. It's time for (O)Mega-puns to
begin! Let's get Dan and dirty before one of
you goes (hib)EEK(i) and runs away. Then again
that might be to Dark if you find yourself
covered in (Schnei)dirt. As(uka) of now I
think I've one. I've Lain(gley) down the gauntlet
and been(ji) more than proflific. I mean,
I-care(i) about your feelings and if you just
Rei so I will stop. I won't (Aya)name names
but some people here know I'm a (evange)lion
when it comes to puns. You don't have the
Gal(ly) to face my pun (i)fury(ta) because
your puns are too leana to fill up as much
(in)verse as I have. Are you (ga)brave enough
to face me? (Mega) Man was not meant to
read these puns. I'm on a Roll. Throw me
a freackin (tron) Boonne people so I can
stop. I know Mewtwo want this to end and
I don't mean to nag(a) but why(te) haven't
you stopped me yet? Don't get (ser)bent
out of shape. It's not my Xelloss if I stop
now. You may think I'm Orocheap but I'm not.
I suggest you (voi)duck and cover from my puns.
Ack(uma) I'm almost out of Ultra competitors.
Maybe I should Washuu my hands of the whole
affair? But I don't feel(ica) like it just yet.
Maybe I'll ryu(gi)se some of the retired people?
Yes that (yama)zaktly what I'll do. I'll cast their
Shadow(cat)s across Impro once again. I'll
Tow(guro) them out of the netherworld and when
A-need them they will serve. I might be
(a)Tar(u)ed and feathered for this but I
couldn't be More(obishi) Happi with the results.
Really however, my Bart is worse than my bite.
This could Rico-chet badly on me If I contine so
I'll stop with the Ultra puns. I'm already
Pant(yhose)ing from the effort, but I dare-ou any
to follow that up.

NeoVid: 19
Epsilon: 132
Myth: 1
Nathan: 18
Yun: 24
The Black Wyvern: 13
Skribulous: 30

Shall I move on to MGH next?




This message was posted by Jonatan, posted on March 01, 2000 at 15:56:35 coming from
This message is a reply to Okay (cracks Knuckles) posted from Aaron Peori (Epsilons) posted at March 01, 2000 at 15:04:16

I think I'll stay out of this. Why?

B-kos I'm out of my league. Aikan't top something like that... I just calls 'em as I sees 'em. My Fate(game) isn't to Rock the punlord's powerbase. It takes someone with more Gall(y) and (Zeit)geist to accomplish a (tittilating) task like that.


NeoVid: 19
Epsilon: 132
Myth: 1
Nathan: 18
Yun: 24
The Black Wyvern: 13
Skribulous: 30
Jonatan: 7


This message was posted by NeoVid, posted on March 01, 2000 at 19:27:16 coming from
Mood of this message:
This message is a reply to Re: Okay (cracks Knuckles) posted from Jonatan posted at March 01, 2000 at 15:56:35

I see we come from Rival Schools of humor. Since I Lina toward a different style, it makes my ears Aika to hear your puns. It's a Mythstake to make me want to put a (Dro)gun to my head. You Mai have quantity, but your skills are only MultiMediocre. Yuu just suk. Yuunce again(a), you will fall before my NeoVidiocy. Though I'll never get my lead Baxter, once you Reader what I've got, you will regret creating your Nemesis.

What do you call an annoying magical girl who fought Yoi?
A statistic.

What do you call an annoying magical girl who fought Itami?

What do you call an annoying magical girl who fought Sailor H?
Stomach turning.

What do you call an annoying magical girl who uses a sword?

What do you call one that works for Interpol?
Chun Li Xianghua.

One that works for the Outworld?
Xiang Tsung.

What do you call the one who worked for the Outworld and ShinRa?
Shang Tseng.

> NeoVid: 40
> Epsilon: 132
> Myth: 1
> Nathan: 18
> Yun: 24
> The Black Wyvern: 13
> Skribulous: 30
> Jonatan: 7


This message was posted by Yun Cheolsu, posted on March 02, 2000 at 02:27:15 coming from
Mood of this message:
This message is a reply to Can't keep this to one thread, huh? posted from NeoVid posted at March 01, 2000 at 19:27:16

So(tokan) you've decided to throw down the gauntlet! This makes me so H!appy. Now I could Sakura-mble on like I did in my last post. But that would be NeoVid-iotic! I can just i-(\/)ajin what would happen a-then-a.

So here are my lilith-le pieces of art-aru.

Hope these make you happi.


What did Sakura say to David when he tried to hide a tin of sardines from her mentor.

Did you hear that Tron Bonne was arrested for causing a public disturbance...


Ah... these puns will be the Darth of me, see you Vader.


> > NeoVid: 40
> > Epsilon: 132
> > Myth: 1
> > Nathan: 18
> > Yun: 37
> > The Black Wyvern: 13
> > Skribulous: 30
> > Jonatan: 7


This message was posted by Reader in Invisible Fanfics, posted on March 02, 2000 at 06:51:46 coming from
Mood of this message:
This message is a reply to Re: Can't keep this to one thread, huh? posted from Yun Cheolsu posted at March 02, 2000 at 02:27:15

Throwing my hat into the ring...

Whaddya call the Road Buster should he join this thread?

What do you say 'bout Henchi's sister after she was dunked in Nannichuan and learned Anything-Goes?

The great thing about Impro, is that even to a Mew-bie it's no Myth-tery that " even MewTwo can be a contender". Rally, Yoi guys are the greatest, Vilyn to give any Sakur(a) a chance. Yoshi, these fics have kept me going through Dark Times, being the Davin-ate cure for being Blue(Nothing). I don't think I'm gonna find a Nagah place like this Lina long time, I've Lum-med a lot from you guys.

Mai, did I just write all that? Maybe I was a bit over-Xelloss in this? Oh well, 'Stine to go now.

> >
> > > NeoVid: 40
> > > Epsilon: 132
> > > Myth: 1
> > > Nathan: 18
> > > Yun: 37
> > > The Black Wyvern: 13
> > > Skribulous: 30
> > > Jonatan: 7
Reader: 19


This message is a reply to Re: Can't keep this to one thread, huh? posted from Reader in Invisible Fanfics posted at March 02, 2000 at 06:51:46

What do you call Charles's Technology-Based Fighting Style?
Indiscriminate Washuu.

(/me dodges tomatoes)

> > > > NeoVid: 40
> > > > Epsilon: 132
> > > > Myth: 1
> > > > Nathan: 18
> > > > Yun: 37
> > > > The Black Wyvern: 13
> > > > Skribulous: 30
> > > > Jonatan: 7
> Reader: 19
Chaobino: 1


This message was posted by Reader in Invisible Fanfics, posted on March 02, 2000 at 09:13:24 coming from
Mood of this message:
This message is a reply to Might as well throw my hat in with the only bad joke I can think of... posted from Chaobino posted at March 02, 2000 at 06:56:37

A Naru-ther set that came to me over lunch

What was the Road Buster's excuse to Tifa when he said he was gaining weight?

And now that she's chasing him about with a giant mallet?

Gaaah, this is bringing out the Kurst in me, I think I need to Amelia-ate the situation by taking a nap...

> > > > > NeoVid: 40
> > > > > Epsilon: 132
> > > > > Myth: 1
> > > > > Nathan: 18
> > > > > Yun: 37
> > > > > The Black Wyvern: 13
> > > > > Skribulous: 30
> > > > > Jonatan: 7
> > > > > Chaobino: 1
Reader: 24


This message was posted by NeoVid, posted on March 02, 2000 at 16:56:08 coming from
Mood of this message:
This message is a reply to Re: Might as well throw my hat in with the only bad joke I can think of... posted from Reader in Invisible Fanfics posted at March 02, 2000 at 09:13:24

Now I'll have to Ketchum up with Epsilon. We're not playing for High Stakes, so his Doninating the Game makes me want a bottle of Jin. The frustration makes me want to (Kat)su ya! Well, if I play my Cards right, I can Tyrell you in knots... Even though recycling jokes from each other or the Bad Joke War shouldn't be allowed, I'll see if this one's good enough...

Did you hear that the Black Wyvern's been mistaken for a bird?
It must have happened. Why else would so many people who see it yell "CHEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!"

What's the move Zangief used to beat the undead guy from Killer Instinct?
The Spinal Atomic Buster.

NeoVid: 50
Epsilon: 132
Myth: 1
Nathan: 18
Yun: 37
The Black Wyvern: 13
Skribulous: 30
Jonatan: 7
Chaobino: 1
Reader: 24



NOTE: GMCA the Music Vol. I--by Yun Cheolsu--



Random PokeShit...:

The tabs off the soda cans holds a special significance to us. It may or may not be a well known fact that young girls, about 15 to 17 (apparently James' age, although we don't believe he's a day below 20) will often attempt to remove the tab from a soda can completely. If they fail, they can give it to a boy and get a kiss, but if they succeed they give it to a boy and get sex. James has many. Interesting, no? It is to us.

I'm not really certain who wrote the last bit... -_-;;