Family Trees
By Thrythlind Hardwulf

Gaijin Dan Mastriani
Cyrus VanGuard (The (\/)ajin)
Triad (Insanity)
Xachary (Charles Boucher)
Kyo Hokushin
Noe Ch'ònggu (Yun Ch'òlsu)
Zenith Carcine (Jonatan Streith)

Added riffs by
Signus Megido

DISCLAIMER: MST3K & the related characters are owned and copyrighted by Best Brains Inc. The various characters and series mentioned in the story are the property of their various creators, too many to mention here. All MSTiers (mentioned above) are copyrighted their respective owners and may not be used without permission. "Family Trees" is copyrighted by Thrythlind Hardwulf, who can keep it for all I care. No insult towards the author was intended with this MST.

Onward to the riffing!

> Family Trees - Chapter 1
Dan [Jeff Foxworthy]: If your family tree DOES NOT BRANCH... you MIGHT be a redneck.
> A Pebble Tossed
Kyo: ...will risk putting someone's eye out.
Xach: But a stick will work so much better.
> Warning: taking this fic
Zenith: ...internally may be hazardous to your health.
Dan: Do not expose fic to extremes of heat or cold. Always store fic safely when not in use. Fic may have certain side effects experienced by a majority of readers. Roll a San check to see if this fic is right for you.
> too seriously could be
> dangerous to your mental health...
Zenith: Rats.
Xach: Close enough.
Noe: Hey, if I can put up with Yun, I, and Ch'oe...
> it is going to be
> intentionally unlikely and rather silly and bizarre...
Kyo: Translated, means overcomplicated and unfun- [glances at Xach]
Xach: ....ZAHR!!!
[Kyo glances at Xach again]
Xach: ...zahr.
Kyo: I can't say it now. Thank you.
> this fic is coming out of my Silly Product of Sleep
> Deprivation,
Kyo: +15% against Logic.
> with ideas pulled from the barracks scene
Kyo [Hitler actor]: They lose me after the bunker sequence.
> of Hot Shots, Tales of Ranma and Ranko, Amaya's
> Changes, slayers fics, and various comments on that
Noe [Author]: ...bathroom stall wall I read in Grand Central Station.
Triad: "Those who read these words of wit eat those little balls of s- HEY!"
> first fic (originally intended as a one shot).
Dan: Which, unfortunately, didn't hit any vital organs. Thussly, additional shots were deemed necessary, prolonging the readers' suffering.
Triad: So he's admitting that he's ripping off everything from other people with actual TALENT?
Kyo: Ooh... nasty.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Kasumi filled their guest's tea cup 
Zenith: With POISON!
Cyrus: So this is the bit where he rips off "Appearances"? We'd better note this down.
> and continued
> on serenely 
Zenith: ...pulling out her axe...
Kyo: No, Zenith.
Dan: Much as I enjoy the "Kasumi The Axe-Murdress" image, which I don't, I have to agree with Kyo.
> to fill Akane's, Mr. Saotome's and
> Ranma's.
> "Will there be anything else?" Kasumi asked calmly.
Noe: [exaggerating his accent] You buy me juicy?
> "No that will be all, thank you Kasumi," Nadoka
> turned with her nearly ever-present smile to face the
> other three individuals at the table.
Dan: "Kasumi waited patiently for her tip."
Zenith: [Kasumi] Heh, heh... this is the last time they walk out on the bill... wait 'til they find out what I put in their food...
> "If this is family business, 
Noe: [Godfather] We are here to discuss business.
> what's Akane doing
> here?" Ranma asked, 
Xach: Not you, that's for certain.
> trying to hide his worry under a
> veneer of impoliteness. His mom calling them 
Triad: A wimp, a loser, a good-for-nothing freeloader...
> for
> family business was NOT what he considered good news,
> he was keeping an eye on her wrapped katana.
Noe: [clutching his eye] AP'A!!!
Dan: [Roy Scheider] Keep one eye on the wrapped katana, and the other...
Zenith: [Rock] The Rock's going to take the Saotome Katana, shine it up nice and good, turn that sonofabitch sideways, and SHOVE IT UP YOUR ROODY-POO CANDY ASS!
> "As if I have any interest at all in the Saotome
> family affairs." Akane was also watching the katana,
> and she'd be damned if she was going to let Ranma know
Cyrus: The secret ingredient in McDonalds's special sauce.
> she was worried about him.
Zenith: [Akane] I mean... investing all our money in Pokemon cards? That's just plain wrong.
Triad: And somewhere else, Dr. Thinker sneezes.
> "Wait a moment, I just remembered an important
> previous engagement." 
Noe: [counting on his fingers] Another one?!?!
>Genma started to stand and
> leave.
Triad: Then he realized someone had broken his kneecaps.
> "Sit," the command was a small chorus from all
> three of the others. 
Noe: Except Inu-Yasha who promptly fell over grumbling...
> Ranma and Akane didn't know what
> was coming, 
Xach: ...for dinner!
> but they were damn certain it was his
> fault somehow.
Dan: I have this odd feeling I've seen scenes nearly identical to this before...and before that...and before that...and before that...and...
Zenith: Cue stock footage!
Xach: Cueing the stock footage!
> "Now as I was saying, there is something I need to
> tell Ranma." 
Kyo: [Nodoka] Zip your fly.
Noe [Nodoka]: You've got a great big booger.
> Ranma and Akane both narrowed their eyes
> at Genma, who sweatdropped.
> ~I'm making sure you go ahead of me, old man, and
> what did you do to get Akane roped into this?~
Dan: Oh, sure, blame Genma. All he's ever done is get his son a Jusenkyo curse.
Xach: And engaged him to several different women without his knowledge.
Noe: And sold him for a bowl of rice and two pickles.
Dan: And... come to think of it, yes. Blame Genma.
> ~There is no way I'm letting you get away with
> this...uh...not that I care.~
> "Genma is not your natural father."
Dan: And there was much rejoicing.
Noe: [deadpan] manse manse manse...
Zenith: [Nodoka] He's your mother. I am your father.
Dan: And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Kyo: [Ranma] No! It can't be!
Zenith: [Nodoka] Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
Kyo: [Ranma] Never! I'll never join the dark side!
> "You don't have to do it..." Akane shouted. "Wait
> a minute."
Noe: [Ranma] I'll be generous! You'll get sixty seconds!
Triad: [Akane] Oh, thanks!
> "What did you say?!?!"
Triad [Akane]: I said, "You don't have to do it wait a minute!"
> "I said Genma is not your natural father." Akane
> and Ranma facefaulted, as did someone standing outside
> the door.
Dan: Fine, ruin the suspense. See if I care.
> "Nabiki!" Kasumi's muffled yet scandalized voice
Cyrus: That's a pretty neat trick to do.
Noe: [grinning] I'm having a sudden image of Kasumi and Dr. Tofu together...
> declared from the hallway. "It is not polite to
Triad: [Kasumi] wear cutlery on your head.
Xach: Eep! [looks around nervously] Whew.
> easedrop." The Saotomes and youngest Tendo
> sweatdropped.
Kyo [Nabiki]: I did not eavesdrop. I facefaulted.
> "He's NOT my natural father," Ranma repeated after
Dan: Genma's about as far on the other side of natural as one can possibly be.
> righting himself. He and Akane turned to glare at him
> again.
> "And I thought he was low before," Akane noted. 
Cyrus: Now he's a sub-basement!
Noe: He's lower than a snake's balls...
> Genma swallowed and looked for somewhere to disappear
> to.
Zenith [Ninjas]: We are hedge. Move along.
Xach: [Genma] You can't see me! I'm OBFUSCATING!
Kyo: I can suggest somewhere to disappear to.
[Cyrus thwaps him]
Kyo: ...that's one.
Cyrus: Huh?
Kyo: [smirking] Nevermind.
> "No, I met Genma while I was pregnant with you,"
> Nadoka calmly sipped her tea. "Your father and I had
> parted ways before I learned that you'd be coming,
Noe: Wasn't Ranma a little young to be coming at that point?
[Cyrus thwaps him]
Cyrus: Bad...
> and
> I couldn't find him again after that."
Zenith: Try looking under the seat cushions.
> "And you married HIM?" Akane said, shocked.
Noe: What were you thinking, Ajuma?!
> "Oh yes, I wanted my son to be a master martial
> artist like his father was, but I couldn't teach him
> all he'd need to know. And I was certainly not going
Kyo [Nodoka]: To dress in drag and do the hula.
> to show myself before my father and sister in that
> circumstances." 
Zenith: [Nodoka] But what a pretty circumstances it was...
> "And then along comes Genma and he promised to make
> my son a 'man among men' 
Noe: [snickers]
>and give him a lifelong
> training in martial arts."
> "And you believed HIM?" Ranma asked
> "Slight error in judgment," Nadoka said.
Noe: Gee, you think?
> "Gee, you think?" Akane put in snidely.
Xach: Only when it's otherwise unavoidable.
Noe: YA! She's stealing my lines!
> "You can discuss it with him later."
> "Oh, I will." Ranma cracked his knuckles.
Kyo: [Ranma] Oww! My hands! MEDIC!
> "I did raise you to be a master martial artist
> after all," Genma suggested nervously.
> "You neglected to place much emphasis on the
Zenith: Fluffy bunny feet.
> sword,"
Zenith: That, too.
> Nadoka noted. "And that has been my family's
> art for generations."
> "Not to mention the cat fist," Akane noted.
> "And Jusenkyo, and the fiancees."
Zenith [Dorothy]: And what about Scarecrow's brain?
Cyrus: And where in the world IS Carmen Sandiego?
Xach: You got questions. ...that's understandable.
> "I need a place, date and time!"
Zenith: A date? I'd love to. You're paying, right?
Kyo: Who are you talking to?
Zenith: Not sure.
> "Nabiki, what did I just tell you?" 
Cyrus: I think it was "And Jusenkyo, and the fiancees".
Noe: [eyes glazing over, grinning pervertedly] Zenith just agreed to a date with Nabiki.
Zenith: [grinning slyly] Does that bother you?
Noe: [eyes widen for a moment]
>Akane and the
> Saotomes sweatdropped again.
Xach: The place is flooding!
Triad: The Saotomes and Tendos then drowned in the sweatdrops. The end.
> "So who is Ranma's father?" Akane asked. Nadoka
> retrieved an old photograph from inside her kimono and
> displayed it formally. The man in the picture wore a
Xach: ...corn-blue blue dress, white apron, and ruby slippers.
Triad [Nodoka]: Your father is none other than Dame Edna.
Kyo: ...manly pink gi.
Dan: Surely Dan Hibiki would not compromise his warrior's code by-
Kyo: Compare and contrast: Ranma Saotome; Dan Hibiki.
Dan: ...there's some similarity. But-
Kyo: I rest my case.
> white gi with torn sleeves and a red headband, and he
> was obviously a masterful martial artist.
Noe: O_O
Kyo: [shocked] I was close.
Cyrus: Because NO ONE would DARE wear a gi and headband unless they were masterful martial artists. Yeah, right.
Triad: That narrows it down to... oh, say, five-thousand?
Zenith: Wonderful. If this crosses over to Street Fighter, I'm outta here.
> "Looks familiar," Akane admitted.
Dan: I guess all he cares about ISN'T his two fists. Oh, my tarnished hero! I have only Dan Hibiki left to admire!
Noe: [Shaking his mighty forearm] ABÒJI!!!*
Triad: I weep for your fandom.
Dan: Look who's talking, little miss Wind-Up Toy.
Triad: Why, you...
Kyo: Will you PLEASE keep it down? If you keep yapping, I can't watch the fic, and... wait, never mind.
*-Korean for "OYAJI!!!"
> "At any rate," Nadoka returned the photo to its
> hiding place without giving a name. "Genma adopted
> you and took you on that regretful training trip,
Xach [Nodoka]: And not once did he ever take you to "Hooters."
> knowing what I do now I would have taken you to meet
> my family much earlier."
Zenith: Urgh... run-on sentences... feeling sick...
Xach: Woah, thirty words... What's the record again?
Dan: [W4] Prevent comma abuse!
> "Meet your family," Akane repeated. ~A chance to
> meet more of Ranma's family?~
> "I still don't see why Akane has to be here," Ranma
> complained.
Kyo: The way he complains, anyone would think he's female.
[ALL glare]
> "Shut up Ranma."
Triad: Okay, I'll shut up Ranma. [pulls out her Buster Beam cannons] BUUUSTER B-- [gets tackled by Zenith] AUGH!
Zenith: Does "Point-blank range" mean anything to you?
Triad: [grumbles]
Dan: Life is cheap. Especially mine. THIS FIC ISN'T NEEDED IN OUTER SPACE!
> "Well, I'd like you and Akane to take a trip with
Noe [Criminologist]: I would like... if I may... to take you on a strange journey.
> me to meet your grandfather and cousin. I myself
> haven't seen them since before my sister graduated
> school, and none of us have seen or heard from our
> brother after his last letter from China," 
Xach: Because he, too, was obfuscating.
> she sighed
> wistfully for a moment. "I should have at least gone
Cyrus [Wakko]: To the potty! It's a potty emergency!
> for my sister's funeral, but I couldn't see them yet."
Xach: They wouldn't uncross their arms.
Zenith: Gee, how soon can you run a joke into the ground?
Xach: I dunno, cutter. You mind spilling the dark?
Dan: I find the premise of the joke hard to see.
> ~Ranma's relatives,~ that thought was followed by
> an almost audible kching sound as Nabiki considered
> the profit opportunities. 
Zenith: That's a girl after my style.
Noe: You mean, greedy, power-hungry, and devoid of ethics and caring of other people's feelings and needs?
Zenith: Exactl-- HEY!
Kyo: Maybe Zenith will date her after all...
> "Hey I'll go!" She stepped
> into the room, unconcerned about appearances suddenly.
Dan: I don't suppose anyone wants to hear about how Nabiki really doesn't act anything like this in the manga?
Kyo: Not really. OOC is what OOC does.
Noe: Unfortunately, Nabiki wore nothing but a towel, just having finished her shower.
> "What?" Ranma blinked. "I don't want to..."
> "Nabiki, they didn't invite you," Akane protested. 
> ~Wait a minute, did I just confirm I want to go...damn
> it!~
> "Actually that is a good idea," Nadoka decided. 
Noe: [Nabiki] She don't know me too well do she? [puts his pinkie on his chin a la Doctor Evil]
> "This way there is a chaperone from both families."
> "See sis," Nabiki smirked. Ranma looked around and
> tried to judge as to whether he had any say in this
> happening. 
Kyo: Fat chance of that happening.
> "Besides it will give you and Ranma some
> time to decide what to do with him."
Noe: [cracks his knuckles] heh heh heh...
> "I'll go pack."
Triad: ...some heat.
> *******************************************************
> Nabiki felt a familiar sensation as she entered her
> room.
[Noe and Kyo start chuckling]
> She had been about to start packing, but it
Xach [Old Man]:'s...
ALL: Monty Python's Flying Circus!
Dan: And now for something completely different!
> wouldn't be a good idea to give him too much of an
> idea of her plans. She smirked without turning to
> face the materializing cloaked-man.
Cyrus: The Shadow makes an appearance.
> "Long time no see," she said in a bored manner. 
> Then she turned to face him, leaning against her
> dresser. "So what brings you to this neck of the
> cosmos?"
Triad [Man]: Funny that you should mention necking...
Kyo: [Man] The Interdimensional Greyhound Bus, of course.
Zenith: Oh, I see! The man is actually Drogn-san!
Dan: Or NeoVid.
Zenith: Since when did he wear a cloak?
Dan: Since when did Drogn?
Xach: [Angrily] Oh, sure. I travel the omniverse for five years, with nothing but a notebook, a retractable pen, and a rudimentary understanding of Chaos Physics, surviving off the fruit of the lands, but who gets the credit? WHO? Godboys, that's who! You all make me sick. (Sulks)
Kyo: You want to be compared to Xelloss?
Xach: On second thought... No.
[A can of spam falls on Xach's head.]
NeoVid [looks in]: Hey, if you went through what I did, you could do what I do! Drogn... *him* you can pick on all you want. [leaves in a huff (a nice way to get around)]
> "Ah, nothing important," he said cheerfully through
> closed eyes. 
Triad: Oh, right. It's Brock.
Kyo: watch that series?
Triad: [turning red] N-n-no!
Kyo: Pokefan.
Triad: [growls]
Dan: You read the manga, too? It's pretty good. What? Why are you all looking at me like that? Would it help if I said I prefer Digimon?
>"I just came to visit a talented girl of
> my acquaintance."
Xach: [Man] Know where she is?
> "Really, Xellos" 
ALL: ...
Zenith: Okay, this is just messed up.
> Nabiki drawled, arching an eyebrow
Noe: [Nabiki as the Rock] If you smellalala... what the 'Beek... is cooking.
> and crossing her arms. 
Xach: And now she's obfuscating, too...
Kyo [Hadji]: Zim Zim zalavim!
[Kyo vanishes.]
> "Is it too much to ask that I'd like visit my
> children?"
Dan: If that were true, you'd think she'd give the DoV better booking in Ultra.
Zenith: BOO! [throws a seat cushion at Dan]
Dan: [Parry, into super. The Chohatsu Densetsu, to be exact.] Yoyuchi!
> "You expect me to believe that, Xellos?"
> "Not especially," her visitor answered smiling. 
Xach: [Xelloss as Bond Villain] No, miss Nabiki, I expect you to die.
> Nabiki waited. "You know, you really should get out a
> little more, go on a vacation or something." 
> "And for what reason do you want me out of town?"
Noe: Kùgòs-un pimir-iya!*
*-Korean for "Sore-wa himitsu desu"
> "Actually I was hoping you'd take your sister with
> you as well."
> "You don't want someone to see us?"
Triad [Xelloss]: Bingo. You eat like a horse, you oaf.
> "Well," Xellos smirked. " a secret."
> "And the favor...has a price," she riposted. 
Zenith: Doesn't everything?
Kyo: Air's still free.
Zenith: For *now*.
> Xellos smirked in pride.
> "Which..."
> "Depends on the reason why you want me to do it,"
> Nabiki noted.
> "Well the gate that brought your mother here is
> going to stablize enough for human use again," 
Zenith: Cue generic plot device!
Xach: Cueing the generic plot device!
> he
> explained. "Some of our old companions are going to
> come and try to visit her."
Zenith: To have come all that way to visit a woman dead for a decade. That's... almost touching.
> "Well I don't see...oh...SHE's coming isn't she,"
> Nabiki smirked.
> "That is a..."
> "Doesn't she know about me and..." Nabiki
> interrupted. She gave a predatorial smirk. "She
> doesn't know about Akane, does she."
Xach [Xelloss]: No. And with Akane's bad cooking, we will RULE THE WORLD! BWA HA HA HA HA HA!
> "It shouldn't be too long," Xellos said. "We plan
> on visiting our daughter later."
> "Well, I suppose I can find a way to get me and
> Akane out of town for a while." Being empathic,
> Xellos DID hear the kching sound, or at least in
> detected the emotions connected with it, and smiled.
Cyrus: Like he doesn't do that all the time anyway.
> "And what is the price?"
> "Can you teach me that teleport thing?"
> *******************************************************
> "Hmmm, interesting," the old man turned the
> postcard over in his hand and investigated.
Dan: [postcard] Bringing Ranma from China. Saotome.
Zenith: [postcard] Wish you were here, instead of me.
Kyo: [postcard] This text says nothing.
> "You wanted to talk to me grandpa?" 
Zenith: [Hick accent] Well, if'm wanna see me grandpa, you'm betta go see 'im on yer own, dontchaknow.
Dan: [W4] Commas are your friends!
Cyrus: Commas will not bite me and throw me in the basement!
> he turned to
> the polite young boy, who seemed almost relieved to be
> pulled out of the chaos of his normal life.
> "We'll be having visitors soon," the old man said. 
Kyo [Old Man]: Get the shotgun.
> "Family."
> "I didn't think any of father's relatives wanted to
> come back after that incident with..."
Noe: ...the kimch'i, the cheese grater, and the silk scarves.
> "This is your mother's family, my other daughter
> and her son," the old man interrupted.
> "Mom had a sister?" the young man blinked.
Dan [Old Man]: Plenty! I've been around the block a few times, boy! (Nudge, nudge! Wink, wink!)
Cyrus: So... he said that in morse code?
Xach: We have people who speak through their eyeballs, and another one who blinks in Morse. Some of my boys would be right at home in this 'fic.
> "And a brother, I've been on Earth for many human
> life times" the old man explained. For a moment the
Zenith: Story looked like it wouldn't have more twists then a box full of pretzels, but to hell with THAT...
> young boy seemed to be considering possibilities. 
> "Don't hope to much for a relief from the girls, it
> seems your cousin's fiancee is coming along as well."
Kyo [Old Man]: And we will make her yours. Oh, yesssss... we WILL make her YOURS...
> "It wouldn't have been fair anyway," he said
> reluctantly. "So what's my cousin like?"
> "He apparently is a martial artist of some skill
> and power, perhaps you can learn something from him." 
Triad: [Old man] Like how to pick up excessive amounts of violent girlfriends.
Noe: No... if my suspicion is right, he's rather good at that himself.
> The boy shrugged humbly, as if that was no surprise. 
> His grandfather smiled, knowing he was much better
> than he pretended to be. "Now perhaps you should
Zenith [Old Man]: Start singing showtunes.
> return to the fields, before Sasami starts looking for
> materials for tonight's dinner.
Zenith: Looks like you were right, monkeyboy.
Noe: No, you're referring to Yun.
Triad: He's hiding when she looks for foodstuff?! Good god, what is she COOKING?!
Zenith [Sasami]: Tenchi gets like this every time I fix "Earthling Stew"...
Kyo: [cringing] Oy...
Noe: What?
Kyo: If you're right, then there may be cabbits later. [shudders]
> ******************************************************
> "Get back here before I call a spirit to wrap that
> thing around your head!" 
> The woman shouting seemed almost like a young girl,
Xach: Because she was one, maybe?
> standing just barely five feet tall with short brown
> hair tied with a ribbon. Her long pointy ears
> twitched angrily as she shouted. She was wearing 
> a
> red leather jerkin that looked like it was something
> out of a dungeons and dragons convention.
Dan: TM Wizards of the Coast and TSR. All rights reserved.
Xach: [checks his vast supply of artifacts from Sigil, and hits the leather armor under his jumpsuit] Is there anything wrong with that?
Dan: Well, mustn't let one's guard down in this legal age!
> Hooked at
> her back was a short, three foot stave with spear
> points at either end. Her eyes showed a deal more age
> than her body, however.
Zenith: [girl] I've got my mother's eyes, you know. [mimics showing a small box] See?
> "I was just going to find something to drink."
Dan: [bartender] Frosty mug of water, sir?
> "Man you're a jerk!" the girl shouted again. "I
> swear, you are such a moron.
Kyo: [Man] Sticks and stones may break my bones...
Xach: And can puncture the brain, if you throw them right.
> I miss the gate home and
Dan [Girl]: I'm cold, and I'm hungry, and people are looking at me funny, and... (sniffle) I WANNA GO HOME! WAAAAAAH!
> what do you do, send her into the world as a child on
> a vendetta!"
Zenith: I had a vendetta when I was little.
Xach: Really?
Zenith: Yeah. Me and my buddies fixed it up, painted flames on the sides, and cruised around town.
Cyrus: Somehow I don't think that's the same vendetta they're speaking of.
> "Well I thought you were dead, and the family honor
> needed to be...."
> "BAKA!! Do you realize that she has like three
Cyrus [Woman]: Little pigs? The first one made its house of straw...
> months before she has to choose mortality or
> immortality? AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW IT!!!!" (its a
> Tolkien thing)
Triad: *snort* Thanks for pointing it out, oh wise and omnipotent author. We really needed to know.
Noe: [Tolkien] Has anyone seen my thing?
Kyo: No... I'm sure it's wherever he last put it.
Dan: [flips through the Silmarillion] Maybe he meant "Leaf by Niggle"?
> "Well I didn't see the need to, with you dead..."
Noe: ...kinda made it hard to let you know.
> "You didn't even SHOW her the books of magic I left
> for her to study! ARGGG!!!"
Triad [Woman]: ARGGG! And I, Captain Cavewoman, will make you pay! GRAAAGH!
> "Well..."
Kyo: It's a hole in the ground.
ALL: ...
Dan: That will never be funny.
[Kyo crosses his arms]
Dan: You're obfuscating too?
Kyo: ...
Xach: Good one, Dan.
> "Shut up, shut up...let's just find her and then I
> can give her a crash course of being born with elf blood."
Xach: [Sagely] We're all born naked, screaming, and covered with elf blood. The lucky ones can die that way, too.
Dan: ...I think I understand you a bit better now. And with that comes the realization that I didn't WANT to understand you any better.

> Family Trees - Chapter 2
Zenith: Electric Boogaloo!
> A Splash in the Pond
Dan: Hopefully, that's the sound of someone drowning the author before he can write any more.
Kyo: [Author] Oh no! My computer was still plugged in! I'll jump in after it...
Zenith: Wishful thinking.
Triad: [singing] Starlight, starbright, first transsexual I see tonight...
> Last Episode: Ranma learned that Genma isn't his
> father,
Kyo: ...which now poses the question to Ranma, "Who's yo' daddy?"
Triad: [GLARES] Are you supposed to be funny?
> and he and Akane are off to meet his mother's
> family. Nabiki was visited by Xellos who wants her
Noe, Kyo: Woo-hoo!
Cyrus: Perverts...
Zenith: Night after night, day after day...
Cyrus: O_o I'm all alone here, aren't I?
Xach: Ayup.
Triad: [starry eyes] Insani-chan *.*
> and Akane out of the city while certain people are
> coming to visit. A elfin girl(??) berates a man about
Zenith: Author, you if anyone should know whether she's elfin or not.
Cyrus: Elfin? I wonder if she is one of the Keebler Elfs.
Kyo: No relation to Grahammy.
Triad: Geshundheit.
> sending a girl off on a vendetta.
Dan: Could be worse. He could have sent her in an Edsel.
Kyo: Or a Concorde.
Triad: Or an Ugo.
> -------------------------------------------------------
Cyrus: Isn't there supposed to be a letter grade before this?
Zenith: Look, it's the author's line of thought!
Kyo: More likely a visual representation of the continuity of this story.
Triad: They're flattened cars.
> "Hmm, there's a lot more to this place than it
> looks like there is," Ranma noted.
Cyrus: Yeah, like Washu's lab.
> "Yeah, it feels,"
Noe: o/~ And it feels like / Heaven's so far away o/~
Xach: It feels. And that's it. Huh.
Zenith: I can give you more feeling than that.
Kyo: Back off, miss Moneybags. No marketing tonight.
Zenith: Hmpf.
> she thought about it. "Well it
> feels like Nerima actually."
> "Really, Akane,"
Zenith: Really Akane! Available to you for only $19.99! Purchase now!
Kyo: Didn't I say--
Zenith: Did I listen?
Kyo: Fine, whatever.
> Nabiki huffed,
Xach: ...the fumes from a can of spray paint.
Dan: She huffed, and she puffed, and she blew Nerima down.
> trying to keep up
> with the other three was becoming rather tiring. 
Kyo: Yeah, I bet they can keep it up for hours.
Cyrus: Kyyyyyo... [menacing aura]
Noe: This is Ranma and Akane we're talking about.
> Nabiki had new respect for Nadoka after all this
> climbing. "Do you think there is anywhere that
> attracts as much trouble as our little hometown?"
Kyo: Famous last words.
> "Yeah, Akane, that's silly," Ranma agreed. 
> "Nothing could be as bad as Nerima." A series of
Dan: NEVER, E-E-EVER say lines like that.
> explosions rocked the top of the hill they were
> climbing.
Kyo: Uh oh... seems like Card is doing her workout.
Noe: Happosai meets Keori...
> "I can't stand it ANY longer!" the shouting voice
> drifted in from the end of one explosion. There was a
> distinct note of haughtiness to it, similar to
> Kodachi's but MUCH softer.
Cyrus: Ya know, I thought they were about the same volume.
Kyo: [Spock] It is illogical, Captain.
> "I'll teach you to chase after MY Tenchi!!"
Dan: I'm surprised they haven't torn Tenchi apart years ago.
Zenith: A king Solomon kind of way to settle it, you mean?
Dan: No, just... a lot of tugging.
> "Oh why would Tenchi want a stuck up girl like
> you?" Several more explosions sounded and faded into
> the distance. The Nerimans sweatdropped.
Dan: My fanfic convention sense is tingling! There must be stock dialogue nearby!
Cyrus: You know with the amount of persperation going on in this fic someone should have drowned by now.
Xach: [News Anchor] Despite global cooling, the sea level worldwide has risen several feet over the past ten minutes. Back to you, Stone Johnson!
Triad: Have you ever experienced 2nd Impact? THAT is rising seas.
> "You were saying," Akane put in, as they continued
> up the stairs. They found themselves
Cyrus: After years of of meditation, introspection and soul-searching.
Zenith: What about mind-enhancing drugs?
Cyrus: I frown upon that sort of thing.
Zenith: I don't. ^_^
> at the top of
> the hill standing before a large, comfortable looking
> house.
> "Now I suppose we should call at the shrine first,"
Dan: I think the house would be more likely to have a phone. [rimshot!]
Zenith: Crappy joke! Boo! [tosses a cushion at Dan, who dodges]
Triad: Where did you get those from? This is a theater!
Zenith: Shh! Don't ask.
Triad: No, where do you get those from?
Zenith: [pulls one from behind her back] I told you not to ask.
[bonks Triad with it]
> Nadoka said, turning away from the house. Akane and
> Ranma turned
> to find more steps and shrugged. Nabiki
> facefaulted.
> *******************************************************
Cyrus: This fic doesn't deserve this many stars, even on a one-hundred star scale.
Triad: [sings] Starlight starbright, first Tran--[cuts off]
> Six figures found themselves
Xach: [figure] Wait a sec... if that's me, then who-- AAAAH!
> standing on the edge
> of a town just in front of what seemed to be a
> circular rip in the fabric of time and space.
Dan [figure]: What a weird thing to put a town in front of.
Xach: [figure] Watch what happens when I spit in it!
Zenith: [Ralph] Remember: If you end up in space, hold your breath and dive right back in.
Triad: Heeey! It's the Giant Plothole!
> "How long will that remain open?" one of them
> asked, a short man with what seemed to be blue skin. 
Dan: My god! Somebody get that man some oxygen!
Zenith: Looks like air's not free after all.
> The red-head in front of him was
Kyo: Busy rearranging his furniture.
> much shorter than he
> was. She hmphed irritably at the question.
Zenith: [red-head] How many times do I have to tell you, it's open 24/7.
> "For us or for them," the red-head jabbed her thumb
> at the tall blonde woman
Kyo: ...and removed her eye.
Zenith: [red-head] Maybe Lee Press-Ons weren't such a good idea after all.
Triad: o.O Why is Touga in this fic?
> standing next to the short
> blue-skinned man. Then she jabbed a finger at the
> purple-haired man
Triad: Remember, always color-coordinate your main characters.
Triad: Especially if they have as many personalites as me.
Triad: And Me.
Triad: And me too.
> standing next to a tall slim,
> black-haired woman with a generous figure and a look
> of righteousness on her face.
Dan: Then she indicated the mime, the clown, and the passing opera troupe.
> ~Not fair, why can't I
> get tall and big like that? Well at least she doesn't
> look hideous like her sister did.~
Dan: There it is again! My fanfic convention sense...
> "For all of us, of course," the blue skinned man
> answered irritably.
Triad: Like, DUUU-UUUH.
Triad:[valley girl] What's, like, with you?
> "I think it will be about a month before the gate
> turns unstable again," she answered. "Are you certain
> she lives around here?"
> "Well," the purple haired man started.
Zenith: But he forgot to hold down the clutch.
> "Oh, Xellos's certain all right," the black haired
> woman next to them, confirmed. Xellos sweatdropped.
Dan [Heero]: Black haired woman, confirmed. Proceeding to destroy target.
Triad: Aaaand... we have sycophantic gimmick side character.
Kyo: Do you know who she is?
Triad: Would that stop me from making snide remarks? If you try you die.
Kyo: Good point. Let's taunt her.
[ALL but Cyrus stand up and perform various taunts at the screen, then sit down again.]
Kyo: That was fun.
Cyrus: [rubs temples] Oy vey.
> "Well let's go find her then," the sixth person
Dan [first person]: Then? I want to find her NOW!
> piped up suddenly, he was a tall, blonde haired 
Xach: Mime.
> man standing protectively next to the red-headed woman. 
> The black haired woman began concentrating and
> gathering power.
Cyrus: Hey! Stop hogging all the power!
Zenith: [Amelia] Ow... heartburn... ow...
> "What are you doing, Amelia-san?" the blonde woman
> asked, curiously. Amelia glanced at Xellos and arched
> an eyebrow.
Noe: [Amelia] The 'Melia is gathering power, Jabroni.
> "I'm trying to find MY daughter, of course," she
> explained. Xellos sweatdropped again.
Cyrus: Last time I checked she was too young to have one.
Zenith: And how, pray tell, did you check whether she was too young for that?
Cyrus: Uh, I meant--
Xach: Man, is no girl safe from dimension-hopping perverts like you?
Cyrus: ...forget I said anything.
[Zenith and Xach high-five]
Triad: I've put up with perverts but you people are sick! Sick!
> "Man, she's angry," the blonde man said.
> "Gourry, if I found out that YOU had children
> across half the cosmos, I'd be mad too."
Kyo: Why would someone be mad when they found out someone ELSE had children across the cosmos?
Dan: Think about who's talking.
Kyo: Yeah, but still...
> "How can you have children across a comma, Lina?"
Zenith: He's stupid, NOT hard of hearing.
Triad: The artist must have forgotten to draw his ears too.
Dan: So...Batman's in this fic, too?
Kyo: [Robin] Holy transparency! It's plain to see!
[ALL leap behind their seats. A split second later, a barrage of throwing stars embed themselves in the front row seats.]
Dan: Whew. That was a close one.
Noe: Damn ninjas.
Triad: Yea... HEY!
> "Excues me, can you tell me
Xach: to get to Sesame Street?
> the way to the Tendo
> dojo?" Ryouga embarrassedly scratched the back of his head
Dan: Assume the Godai position!
> as the pair turned to face him.
Zenith: They immediately aimed their guns at him. The Lovely Angels had a lot of pent-up stress and anger to deal with, and he was just in time.
Dan: lovely Angels? Don't you mean the Dirty Pair?
[A cannon shell vaporises Dan's seat. Dan's bar decreases 7%.]
Dan: ...right. [coughs up some smoke]
> The girl was
> kind of cute, though those pointy ears were weird. 
Cyrus: Vulcans aren't weir...OK, so maybe they are.
Kyo: [Spock] Dressing like this was the best course of action.
> Then again, he had fangs so who was he to talk. 
Triad: I think... yes, he's Ryouga to talk.
> There
> was something familiar about the man's weapon, 
Triad: You know what they say about men with big weapons...
Cyrus: [extremely calmly] Yes, what do they say about men with big weapons?
Noe: [Feigning innocence] They have big holsters?
Triad: No. It's funner to beat them up.
> it looked like a giant fly swatter, though something was
> telling him he should recognize it as something else.
Zenith: It doubles as a combination crop rotator on alternate tuesdays.
> "Sorry, never heard of the place," the girl waved
> her hand dismissively.
Xach: And she said that with a hand wave. Is there no one who talks with their mouth in this story?
> "But maybe you could help us?"
> "Uh...." Ryouga swallowed. "I'm not certain about
> that, what do you need."
Noe: HEAD!
Dan: I dunno, but you need a question mark. Badly.
Zenith: Mad passionate sex in all available forms, no?
Triad: A good beating might help too.
> "We're looking for a Ranma Saotome."
Dan: Not a specific Ranma Saotome... any will do.
Xach: [Clerk] Mindless crossovers, incomprehensible plots, and Ranma Saotomes, aisle 3. Thank you for shopping at FanficMart.
> The girl
> blinked as Ryouga took on a sudden change.
Xach: Because when Ryouga Hibiki hears the words 'Ranma Saotome', he undergoes a strange transformation...
Triad: [Dumps Water on Ryoga] See.
> "Ranma...Saotome!" he growled. "Let me guess, 
Cyrus: [Ryouga] The password is 'Two fish in the twilight'.
Xach: [Ryouga] This isn't the droid I'm looking for.
Noe: [Ryouga] Yokozuna is back, and contending for the belt.
Triad: [Ryouga] The one-armed man did it.
Zenith: [Ryouga] You've replaced the entire cast of 'Friends' with Folger's Crystals.
Dan: [Ryouga] FF9 is going to break off the science trend seen in the last two games, and be much more fantasy-oriented.
Kyo: The guessing sketch, ladies and gentlemen.
> your
> father here..." The girl lifted one red leather boot
Zenith & Triad: o/~ These boots are made for walking, and walking's what they'll do... o/~
> and slammed it into his foot before he could finish.
Cyrus: [Ryoga] Ow ow! Stilletto heels! Ow!
Zenith & Triad: o/~ One of these days, these boots are gonna walk all over you! o/~
[Triad steps on Cyrus]
Cyrus: OW!
> He looked down, and then said in a resigned voice,
> "What did you do that for?"
> The girl blinked as she tried to figure out why
> that hadn't hurt him. She'd smashed toes through
> steel plated boots before.
> "This baka isn't my father," she snapped irritably.
> "He's my husband."
> "Leaf,
Kyo: [Tommy Chong] ...Tree.
Noe: Your obscure reference for the evening?
Kyo: Yeah.
> why don't we just go on, he doesn't seem
> trustworthy to me." Leaf glared at him out of the
> corner of her eyes. Then held her hands out in front
> of her and concentrated.
> "I call upon the power of the gnomes," she mumured,
Dan [give]: I summon...a pointy red hat!
Cyrus: I summon the spirits of silence!
Dan: ... ??? !!!
Cyrus: Ha! It worked. [dispells silence]
Xach: What's that have to do with gnomes? Replica's right, you are a Clueless.
Replica: Of course I'm right, Xachary. I'm *always* right.
Zenith: When did you get here?
Replica: Never mind that. [vanishes]
Cyrus: HEY! I never said it had to do with gnomes. I'm clearly the only one here who has seen Chronicles of the Heroic Knight.
Triad: [Anthy] I call upon the Power of Dios, Grant me the Power To Bring the World Revolution!
[Triad pulls a sword from her chest]
Others: o.O
Cyrus: Where'd the hell you get the Soul Sword from?
Kyo: ...Can we *please* get back to the story?
> as a light grew between her hands and tentacles
> erupted from the ground to grab the man.
Cyrus: [snorts] Oh, I'm so impressed. The Pink Wienerschnitzel did that better anyway.
> He grabbed
> the weapon off his back and started swatting the
> things ineffectually. "You're not one to talk about
> trustworthy."
> "Okay so why are you looking for Ranma Saotome?"
> "Because my baka husband here sent our daughter
> after him and his father ten years ago while I
> was....stuck somewhere."
Dan: Rule #1 of fantasy writing: Every important plot point happened ten years ago.
> Ryouga glanced again at the weapon the man was
> using to smack the tentacles around his feet.
> "Excues me, is that a spatula?"
Cyrus: Behold the new talent for star search.
Zenith: Well, we've got the stars... now, let's take them for all they're worth.
Triad: You want Talent? [smirk] you got talent. [bounces her chest under Cyrus' nose]
> *bleep**bleep*
Cyrus: Bad language!
Noe: When did I Suroe get into this fic?
> A slim hand reached from underneath the blankets
> and cast about for the source of the sound. After
> about ten more seconds of incessant bleeping 
Zenith: Yeah, I can get pretty pissed when I wake early too.
> the hand found the necessary button.
> "Hello?" a muffled voice spoke from under the
> blankets.
Kyo: She didn't pay a lot for that muffler.
> "Detective Kiyone?" There was a stifled growl from
> under the blanket. The bed's occupant reminded
> herself that THIS was why she bothered with keeping up
> the rent on their apartment. Headquarters couldn't
> contact them there unless it was an emergency. If it
> was an emergency her earring would have been blaring.
Dan: Well, her earing isn't blaring, so it mustn't be an emergency. But GPH can't contact her at her apartment if it isn't an emergency, so it must be. But her earing isn't blaring, so it can't be an emergency. But if it isn't an emergency...I'm getting a headache.
> "Speaking, make it quick, its really early."
> "There have been some inquiries into your
> whereabouts."
Triad: H! How could you SAY THAT!?
> ~Great, just what I need,~ Kiyone thought. ~I
> wonder what that's all about.~ "Do you have a name?"
Dan: [voice] No! I want to remain nameless! This way, I'll get out of the fic early, and my record will remain untarnished.
> "Let me see here a moment," there was a shuffling
> of papers and then the man read a name. The blankets
> were silent for a long moment. "Detective?"
> "I'm not certain I heard that correctly," Kiyone
> said, head coming out from under the blankets 
Noe: Much to Tenchi's dismay.
Cyrus: [GLARE]
Noe: [Innocent] What?
> as she
> turned to face the communicator. It was a blank
> screen, she generally left it set to audio only while
> she was asleep.
Kyo: Ever since the unfortunate flashing incident.
> "Could you repeat that name?"
Kyo: [voice] Regis Philbin.
Xach: [voice] John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt.
Dan: [voice] Phil Lashio.
Triad: [voice] Chiba Mamoru.
> "Certainly," the other officer said. Kiyone was
> certain she'd heard it correctly this time. She
> leaped out of bed and looked about her room. The area
> was quite clean compared to Mihoshi's quarters, but
> there was certainly room for improvement.
Zenith: And your home can be improved too, in the next issue of 'Detective Kiyone's Living'!
> "STALL HER!!! I NEED MORE TIME!!!" Kiyone rushed
> about in a cleaning frenzy.
> "Detective," the voice on the communication screen
> asked. "Is this some criminal coming for you?"
Zenith: [Kiyone] YES!! And I need to look my best when he gets here!
Kyo: Everyone falls for Arsene...
> "No! That's my mother!"
> *******************************************************
> "What? Ranchan is gone?" Ukyou shouted. 
Xach: [Kasumi] He left this note...
Noe: [Shampoo, reading] Screw you guys, I going to Okayama...
> "Is true?" Shampoo demanded. Kasumi nodded,
> smiling happily.
Cyrus: As opposed to smiling UNhappily?
Kyo: You can smile maliciously.
Zenith: [Kasumi] Finally, that worthless freeloader is out of my house! Now I can set my master plan in motion!
> "Yes, he and my sisters went to visit his mother's
> family."
> "Oooo, she's a sneaky one that Nabiki," Ukyou
> snarled.
Kyo: [Basil Fawlty] And next on Master Mind, Ukyou Kuonji. Her category: Stating The Bleeding Obvious!
> "Pardon?"
> "Well, Akane is too rash for this kind of plot,"
> Ukyou explained. "But Nabiki on the other hand, get
> Akane and my Ranchan off alone together with Ranma's
> family. Let her start to feel like part of the family
> and then...bang."
Triad: Good idea. Some C4 can take them all out in one fell swoop.
Zenith: Dark... I like it!
> "Akane fall in love with Ranma and stupid Airen
> marry violent girl," Shampoo growled.
> "We have to put a stop to this plot!" a new voice
> declared. They turned to see a leotard clad girl
> standing on a light post just outside the doorway. "I
> will show the pitiful Akane Tendo and her devious
> sister that Kodachi, the Black Rose, and the Black
Cyrus: Cover your ears before it's too late!
> Rose alone, is the one for my beloved Ranma. And
> where, pray tell did Ranma leave to?"
> "I believe it is a shrine in the country," Kasumi
> said. "Wait a moment, I think I have the address." 
> Kasumi disappeared into the house.
Dan: Fanfic convention sense... going wild!
Kyo: [Kasumi] Zim zim zalavim!
[Kyo vanishes]
Dan: ...weird.
> "You two hussies can leave now," Kodachi informed
> them arrogantly. "There is no need of you."
> "Crazy girl think she only one get address?"
> Shampoo growled. "Shampoo learn address and then she
> free airen from violent-girl."
> "Are you two out of your gourds," Ukyou laughed 
Kyo: [Darth Vader] I find your lack of question marks disturbing.
> "I've got the best chance of us all,
Zenith: [Ukyou] I've got the remote.
> he doesn't even
> like you two!" Weapons were brandished.
> "Hello girls," Soun called out as he walked past
> the door.
> "Hello Mr. Tendo," all three said cheerfully.
> "Now, where were we?" 
Noe: Weapons being brandished...
> Ukyou said. "Oh yeah that's
> right." The dust cloud erupted at that point.
> "Ah here's that address," the paper was immediately
> snatched out of Kasumi's hand by a ribbon.
Xach: Bitch-laugh dead ahead!
Zenith: Earplugs are ten cred, or equal monetary units. Get 'em before it's too late!
[all get earplugs or try to cover their ears as best as they can]
[Kyo falls out of his seat]
Xach: Tsk, tsk.
Noe: I just had a vision of Naga, Kodachi, and Aeka in the same room. [visible shudder]
Dan: Don't say things like that!
> Too slow girls!" 
Noe: Nothing wrong with slow girls. Easier to catch.
> Kodachi bounced off, Shampoo and Ukyou in pursuit."
> "Oh my, I wonder if we should send them a warning."
> Kasumi considered it and shrugged, Ranma would be
> expecting it.
Cyrus: Let the insanity begin...
Triad: [looks around] In-chan? WHERE?!
Triad: HEY! He's mine!
Triad: NO! He's mine!

> Family Trees - Chapter 3
> Ripples in the Water
Zenith: We made the 'drown the author' joke already, right?
Dan: If we're lucky, it's the water in Crystal Lake.
Cyrus: That's no ripple. IT'S A TIDAL WAVE!!!
Kyo: A tidal wave of inanity.
> Standard Warning and Disclaimer:
Kyo: Your clothes are too restricting. Take them off at once.
[Xach starts to unbutton his shirt]
Cyrus: Mana of all creation, become the fires of distruction! [Flames hit Kyo, who is now covered in ash]
Dan: Kyo gets burned. How ironic. Not that he's that Kyo, of course.
Kyo: *cough* Just let me say this - "Ow~!"
Noe: [Gives Xach a spork shot to the head] Stop that!
> None of this stuff
> belongs to me,
Zenith: That bothers you?
Dan: [author] I'm just borrowing it.
Kyo: [author] I swear! It was my evil twin!
> and be careful in reading seriously
> lest it twist your mind into new and interesting
> shapes.
[An x-ray screen is passed in front of Xachary's head to reveal a balloon animal.]
[An x-ray is also passed before Triad's head to show us a plushie]
> *This time I hope the comp doesn't long me
> off when I get half-way through*
Cyrus: We do, though.
> Last Episode: Ranma, Akane, Nabiki and Nodoka arrived
> at the Masaki shrine and climbed lots of stairs, at
Noe: And noticed a flying red hat...
[Triad sings Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku]
> least that's Nabiki's opinion. Ryouga encountered the
> elfin "girl" her name is leaf,
Triad: Who? Why are we so scared?
Dan: ...come to think of it, I've no idea.
Zenith: Let's just pretend it never happened.
> and her husband
> apparently weilds a big spatula.
Kyo: o/~ Spatula City, we sell spatulas, and that's all! o/~
[There is a faint *ding!* sound in the distance]
> Kiyone learns that
> her mother is looking for her and freaks out, the
> slayers crew arrives in Nerima, and the fiancees leave
> in pursuit of Ranma.
Dan: This run-on is nothing! I've read the entirety of Do-Gooders!
Cyrus: With the exception that that is a good fanfic...
Zenith [Narrator]: Meanwhile, in a different stream of consciousness...
> "MARRIAGE!?! Do YOU want to know what I think about
> It is foolishness! I was married once,
Zenith: [voice] And look at me now! My arm came off!
Triad: Care to demonstrate? [grabs hold of Zenith's left arm]
Zenith: No, thank you. Too much trouble getting it back in place. [shakes out of Triad's grasp]
Triad: Aww....
> in my younger days when I didn't no any better. I am
Dan: He "no"'d so badly the priest took it for the opposite response.
> certainly not get married again just because someone
> older than me says I have to! A married person is a
> fool. And someone who WANTS..."
Cyrus: (singing) Do you need anybody? Don't you want somebody to love?
> "Hey, Wu Fei, wouldn't that make you a fool then?"
> the ranter turned to face the speaker,
Triad: Which suddenly started blaring out NIN at 130 dB, bursting his eardrums.
Kyo: Hey, that's Standard Listening Volume.
> a lounging boy,
> smirk across his face, dressed in something that
> belonged on a catholic priest.
Dan: ...this is my punishment for making a bad Gundam Wing joke earlier, isn't it?
Triad: OUR Punishment, ALL of us, not just you ¬.¬
Kyo: Speak for yourself. Bad entertainment is my life.
Zenith: The catholic priest, meanwhile, was not enjoying the sudden draft.
Cyrus: Black clothing is not the same as clothing of a catholic priest.
Dan: It's 'cause Duo has that reverse collar, don'cha know! Which, frighteningly, reminds me of the first episode of Mork and Mindy.
[Triad dresses Duo as a priest]
> "SILENCE DUO! I need no commentary from the likes
> of an air-headed OVER-dramatic blow hard like you!" 
Cyrus [Duo]: Oh, yeah? Well, I, my own self, think you are full of grade-A prime baloney! [normal] Damn, I sounded like Rat Trap when I said that.
[Dan installs a "Special Beam Cannon" on the Deathscyth Hell.]
Cyrus: Nice how you just Hacked that in there.
Zenith: People, please stop rewriting the fic.
Triad: Aww...
> This comment dragged several, "do you listen to
> yourself" stares
Noe: They're nowhere as potent as the "You're weird" stare, though.
Triad: Or my patented "You're going to die soon, in a variety of awful ways" stare. [Uses it on Noe]
> towards the ranter. "Now..where was
> I?"
> "Ohhhkaaaay," Sally crossed her arms
Cyrus: [Sally, very drawn-out and distorted voice] Wwwhoooo iiiiissss pplllaaaaayyyinnnggg mmmeeee aaattt hhhaaaalllff sspeeeeeeeddd?
Kyo: He's broken again...
Noe: [Whacks Cyrus with a battle spork]
Cyrus: What was that for?!
Noe: He's fixed now.
Cyrus: ...
Kyo: So he runs on Spork power?
Noe: [Brandishing his battle spork] The only tool you need!
> and arched an
> eyebrow as she entered what was supposed to be a
Triad: Vat of Jello pudding.
> tactical planning session.
Triad: That too.
Dan: What kinds of planning sessions can you have in a vat of jello pudding?
Kyo: Oh, you'd be surprised...
Noe: We want details!
Cyrus: [backhanding Noe] No we don't!
> "Who mentioned marriage."
Dan: No, Who's on first.
Cyrus: I don't know!
Cyrus & Dan: Third base!
Noe: It'll be crowded when Heero and Duo get there...
Cyrus: [Clubs Noe with Zero Hour's hilt]
Zenith: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...
Zenith: Yes, Silence Woman! Protecting libraries, computer labs and classical concerts from the likes of talkers, coughers and snorers!
Kyo: Or it's just another one of Cyrus' spells.
Triad:[Kuno] Mock Not My Awesome Magic ¬.¬. Tissue...... SLAVE!
[A Huge Box of Tissues falls on Kyo]
Kyo: I shall repeat - "Ow~!"
Xach: That's the most useless spell I've seen since the Meatier Shower.
[Ground beef falls from the sky]
Xach: Dammit! I wasn't casting!
Triad: It's handy if you have my author's sinus problems -.- [casts Get Life on Xach]
> I'm trying to expound my point
> here!"
Xach: Okay, I know how to pound things, but how do you EX-pound something?
Triad: [flattens Xach with a mallet] Like this.
Dan: Just need to use a little of your super meter.
> "No one mentioned marriage,"
Xach: [Heero] But since you brought it up... you wanna, eh?
Triad: [Sally] Eh?
Xach: [Heero] Great! It's a date!
Triad: [Duo] But Heero, What about us!
> Heero informed her
> quietly, in his
> "let-me-do-my-mission-or-I'll-kill-you-several-times-very-painfully"
> voice. "Quatre was drawing a
Zenith: Yaoi doujinshi.
Xach: These guys know all about that business.
Dan: I don't need to hear this.
> parrallel of our
> situation to greek mythos and upon saying the word
Kyo [Heero]: Antidisestablishmentarism.
Dan [Heero]: Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious.
Xach [Heero as a KWSN]: NI!
> amazon, he started talking." Wu Fei turned to, really
> open up on the other pilot, and paused, trying to
> figure out
Zenith: Where all these commas had come from.
> where Heero's gun was. 
Xach: It's a game of "Where In The World Is Heero's Gun?"
Kyo: We travel to Monaco first.
Cyrus: Fortunately for Wu Fei, it had fallen though a Plot Hole and out of this fic.
> "You DO NOT know what I had to put up with,"
Zenith: [Heero] Turtles. Lots and lots of turtles. Flying turtles, mecha turtles, giant turtles, giant flying mecha turtles...
Dan: Ninja turtles?
Zenith: [Heero] No.
Dan: Just asking.
> he
> snapped, gruffly, though not nearly so loudly as with
> the others. "Thank the GODS for inter-dimensional
> worm holes!" Everybody stared blankly at him for a
> moment, Duo turned toward Heero.
Noe [Duo]: No more acid for YOU, young man...
> "Heero, you no longer hold the position of the
Cyrus [Duo]: Psychotic leader. [gestures toward Xach] Meet Xach.
Noe: We don't need to hear about Heero and Duo's positions!
> least sane Gundam pilot," Duo regarded the barrel of
> the gun in his face, ~where DOES he keep that?~ "Just
> kidding buddy."
Triad: Don't ask. WHATEVER you do, don't ask Heero where he keeps his gun.
Cyrus: How the heck would you know, eh?
Triad: You REALLY REALLY want to know? [whispers something in Cyrus' ear]
Cyrus [looking ill]: Does the word "rhetorical" mean anything to your?
Triad: What? Rhetorical? What's that?
Kyo: [sagely voice] Your sarcasm leaves much to be desired. Come back later when you have learned to wield it effectively.
Triad: [pulls out a Sexy Elf girl] [Sarcasm] Hey! Where are the Bishies!
[Triad hits Kyo with her]
> "Just kidding buddy."
> Nabiki smirked as she materialized just over the
> rise outside of her companions line of sight. Useful
> trick that, should make it a little easier to earn a
> few yen here and there.
Triad: Teleportation for fun and profit!
Kyo: Zim zim...
Cyrus: We've done that joke enough.
Kyo: Dammit. [crosses his arms]
Cyrus: That one too.
Zenith: I wonder if I can persuade the Reader to teach me...
Dan: Somehow the idea of a greedy, kleptomaniac bug girl being able to teleport around sounds very dangerous to me.
Zenith: Hmpf. [bops Dan with a cushion] Meanie.
> "Hmm, interesting," Nabiki whirled to see an old
> man sweeping the tiles of the shrine. He hadn't been
> there a moment ago,
Xach: He had been to the can. Damn lazy old codger, always sneaking off.
> she could have sworn it. "Are you
> perhaps the fiancee my daughter's postcard mentioned?"
Dan: I might make a case for paragraph breaks, here.
Triad: What? Oh. Sorry, I'd forgotten what they were. o.o
> "Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm just her sister,"
[Kyo and Noe snicker]
Kyo: That one's too easy.
Noe: Just like...
Cyrus: HEY!
Triad: Touga?
> Nabiki answered, resisting the urge to ask where he'd
> come from.
Xach: Sorry, you're not old enough to know. That sorts under the Adult Conspiracy.
> "Hey where'd Nabiki go?" Akane asked as the
> Nerimites began to appear coming up the stairs.
Dan: "Nerimites"?
Xach: Yeah. They're wood-eating bugs, and their nests produce a large quantity of methane.
Dan: Those are termites.
Xach: Oh. Then the Nerimites are a race of people that trace way back to the Old Testament. There was Jacob, Joseph...
Dan: Those are Israelites.
Xach: Oh. Then the Nerimites are the bodies of dead Espers that allow mortals to learn magic spells and-
Dan: No. That's Magicite.
Xach: Wasn't Nerimite one of Beryl's generals, and he was able to read the stars-
Triad: No, you're thinking of Nephrite.
Xach: Oh. Then what are Nerimites?
Dan: ...let's move on, shall we?
> "Over here sis," Nabiki smirked, the other three
> Nerimites looked at her confused. "Perhaps you three
> should do some more speed training, if a poor little
> untrained girl like me can beat you all the way up
Triad [Nabiki]: With whips and chains. OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHOHOHO!!
[Triad pulls out her whip and cracks it at the Screen. Kyo falls out of his chair.]
Cyrus: [baps Triad on the head with a sqeeky mallet] Don't do that again.
Triad: What?
Cyrus: That laugh. We're probably going to get enough of that as it is.
> those stairs without you seeing me." She resisted the
> urge to look at the old man, but she could almost tell
> he was amused.
Triad: [Old Man] How amusing. Nabiki's a faster than three martial artists. Hah ha.
> They all ignored the explosions taking place along
> the hillside, the old man noticed this with interest. 
Zenith: He busted a gut laughing.
Noe: [Old man] They're not even noticing the explosions! Man, how dense ARE they?
> Most people that visited here found Ayeka and Ryoko's
> fights unnerving to say the least.
Zenith: Especially so since the day Aeka insisted on using whips and lots of leather...
Xach: Yeah, she likes that, doesn't she? [big smile]
Cyrus: Don't talk about Aeka-chan that... waaaaaaait a second this is TV series continuity, isn't it. Carry on then.
> "How'd she do that?" Ranma asked pointing at Nabiki
> and looking at the other two martial artists.
> "Ah Nodoka, its good to see you after all these
> years," the old man declared with a serene
> cheerfulness. Akane and Ranma watched him move and
> were impressed.
> ~He's good.~ Akane thought.
> ~Wow, haven't seen chi control like that outside
> Cologne and Happosai.~
Cyrus: And exactly how can they tell this by how he moves?
Kyo: I'd be severely disturbed if Yosho was INSIDE-- [Noe covers Kyo's mouth]
Noe: Bad mental image.
> "I am sorry that did return earlier," Nodoka said
Kyo: What returned earlier?
Cyrus: A big honking typo, by the looks of it.
> quietly. "Especially when Achika
ALL: Gesundheit!
> died." Yosho nodded grim-faced.
> "I think I understand your reasons," he said
> softly, clapping her on the shoulders gently. "And
> this must be your son."
Xach: [Nodoka] No, he's a reclamation.
Others: [blank looks] ...
Xach: Okay, so I suppose it doesn't make much sense without the first part
of the joke.
> "Ranma Saotome...or whatever," Ranma shrugged. "So
Cyrus [Ranma]: I have no idea what the hell my name is.
Dan: Too many blows to the head, I'd wager.
Triad: [Akane] SHAMPOO! WHAT did you do to Ranma!
> you're my mom's pop?"
> "Ranma!" Akane was aghast. "At least try to be
> polite."
Dan: Akane forgets who she's talking to, methinks.
> "What did I say?!?"
> "Don't you have ANY social graces?"
> "Oh like a tomboy like you would know anything
> about that," Ranma waved it off. Everybody watched as
> Akane's aura flared, and she reached up into the
> dimensional pocket that she kept her mallet.
> *crunch*
Dan: Fun fact! Akane's mallet was given to her by Kasumi! It's true! It's true!
Triad: IT was? How? and Why would Kasumi have a mallet ANYWAY... [ hears far off OHOHO!-ing] Oh. THAT'S why.
Dan: What is?
Triad: I will not say her name. For fear of what will happen if I do. It involves lots on tight leather and calling her Queen.
Dan: Oh, you mean Sofia?
Triad: No. [whispers something that sounds vaguely like "Ridkeenkasumi"]
> "You'll have to excuse Ranma and my sister," Nabiki
> said dryly. "They have a unique form of interaction."
Cyrus [Nabiki]: To be blunt, they're flipping nuts.
Kyo: With a skillet.
Dan [singing]: Chestnuts roasted over an open fire! Sleigh bells singing in the snow!
Cyrus [smacks Dan and Kyo]: Just because I won't swear doesn't give you the right to riff my riffs.
Dan: [gains life back by Just Defending] You're no fun.
Kyo: ...that counts as "Two".
Cyrus: Two what?
Kyo: You'll see.
> "I'm not so old as to not remember the passions of
> youth," Yosho said, amused.
Cyrus: Riiiiiight. Unless you're the obligatory dirty old man.
> "What? No...there's nothing like that!" Akane
> waved her hands in desperate denial.
> "Hell no, I'd never do that before we're married."
> "Right!" Akane and Ranma blinked. " if
> I'm actually going to marry YOU."
> "Ahh, who'd want you anyway!" they hmphed and
> turned their backs on each other. The thought ~close
> call~ floating through their heads.
Dan: Fanfic convention sense... melting brain!
> "I was merely commenting on how emotional the young
> get,"
Xach: Read: Randier than rabbits.
> Yosho smiled slightly. "I never meant to imply
> anything specific."
Kyo [Yosho]: Just talking about the passions of youth. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Say no more. Say no more.
> "Uh...oh," Ranma and Akane said, blushing.
> ~I like this guy,~ Nabiki thought to herself. 
> ~I'll bet he could give daddy-demon a run for his
> money.~
Triad: [Nabiki] Yea, I bet he could win the Eternal Shogi Game, too.
[places a bet on Yosho]
Zenith: Stakes are three to one for Yosho. [accepts Triad's money]
> "Hey Grandpa," a young man's voice called out. 
> They turned to see someone just about Ranma and
> Akane's age appear at the top of the stairs.
Dan: Everyone's teleporting these days.
> He was
> slim and wiry with dark hair. "Sasami says lunch is
Xach [Tenchi]: Best served cold. [pause] No, wait... that's vengeance...
> almost ready and Washu keeps complaining about
> dimensional anomalies. Oh hello..."
Cyrus: Oh, yeah like she doesn't create those herself.
Zenith: They're probably the ones she's complaining about, the lazy bitch.
> Nabiki saw a few similarities between him and
Triad: Spiro Agnew.
> Ranma, mostly body type and the martial artist walk,
Kyo: He walked the walk, and he talked the talk.
> but Ranma was marginally bulkiet. Perhaps that came
Cyrus: What's bulkiet? Sounds like a European cuisine.
Zenith: Spelling riffs? [derisive snort]
Cyrus: Only when it's begging for it.
> from his father, the picture that Nabiki had finally
> gotten a look at certainly showed a very muscular
> individual.
> "Let me guess," Akane said. "You're Tenchi right?"
> "How'd you guess?"
Dan [Akane]: It was the name tag that read, "Hi. My name is Tenchi Masaki. Enjoy the fintoozler."
> he asked seriously. On cue the
> fighting girls suddenly appeared nearby. One of them
> had spiky silver hair,
Dan: Looks like Shion Nys has gotten herself a new hair style.
Triad: Can't be her. Not bouncy enough.
Cyrus: I don't want to know.
Triad: Guess.
Kyo: Triad has a copy off the Universal Bounce Index, at a guess. And don't ask how I know that either.
Triad: Nope. I've met her at Anipike.
> she just materialized out of
> nowhere, the other had long purple hair and sort of
> stalked out of the woods dressed in a ripped gown that
> HAD been very ornate and elegant.
Triad: [Purple Haired girl] DAAAAAAAAARLING!
> "Miss RYOKO," Ayeka shouted in a scandalized voice.
> "How DARE you, this is a very expensive piece of
> clothing!"
> "You should have thought of that before you tried
> to take me princess!"
Zenith: [Aeka] You could at least have given me time to take it off...
Dan: Kinky. All Pretty Sammy's fault, though, I'll wager.
Cyrus: That had better not show up in this story.
> "Oh, you met Ryoko and Ayeka," Tenchi said simply.
> "TENNCHIII!!!" suddenly both girls were glomped
> onto the boy. Then they glared at each other and the
> fight erupted again around the boy.
> "Wow, this is creepy," Ranma said.
Triad [Ranma]: I've seen myriads of exotic fighters, ghosts, demons, and monsters, but THIS creeps me out! Yup! It suuure does!
Cyrus: Hey, if you found out that someone else had a life almost exactly like yours then I'd wager it'd creep you out, too.
Triad: Not really. Yawn.
> "I wonder if its genetic," Akane growled.
Xach: It's all in the genes. Trademark genes. [winks]
> Nabiki
> watched them closely for several moments, tapping her
> chin, before smirking and laughing low and evilly.
Dan: Me, I'm wondering just when Nabiki became Satan.
Triad: Shiori? WHERE?!
Cyrus: I didn't notice that she grew a 'fro. Wait, wrong Satan.
Cyrus [Roger Rabbit]: Look! Stars! Ready when you are, Raul.
> Xellos stopped and looked around nervously.
Dan: [Xellos] Where DID I put that CD?
> "Anything wrong, Xellos?" Amelia asked, keeping as
> much of her concern out of her voice.
Zenith: [Amelia] Must. Not. Act.
Triad: [Amelia] We Are the AmeliaBorg, prepare to be assimilated for Love and Justice.
> She was still
> mad at him.
Kyo: [Boney M] She's crazy 'bout her daddy.
> "I just felt like somebody walked over my grave,"
> he said.
ALL: We should be so lucky.
Triad: Never mind that when you die, they'll probably draw and quarter you, then bury you in five graves, Xel-kun. Then we'll let a horde of Fangirls in.
> *******************************************************
> Tenchi managed to find his way out of the battle
> "So how many fiancees do you got?" Ranma asked,
> casually, as if it was a common question for him.
Kyo: Which it isn't, but to hell with that...
Xach: [Tenchi] Well, Ryoko and Aeka...
Dan: [Ranma] That's not much. I've got a full FOUR!
Xach: [Tenchi] Then there's Washu, Mihoshi, Sasami, Tsunami, that girl from the tree, that girl in Tokyo, there's--
Dan: [Ranma] Plus a number of guys, a spirit cat, a ghost...
Xach: [Tenchi] Damn. It's a draw.
Triad: Mihoshi, Washuu, and Tsunami don't count. Washuu just wants to experiment on him in kinky, kinky ways. I dunno what Mishoshi wants and Tsunami doesn't need Tenchi for anything.
Noe: Plus Tsunami and Sasami are the same person.
Dan: I'm not sure Mihoshi knows what Mihoshi wants. Or 2+2, for that matter.
Cyrus: Since this is based on the first TV series, then Mihoshi IS interested in him. And Tsunami and Sakura won't exist here.
Triad: You mean Sakuya right?
Cyrus: Yeah, her to.
Dan: Iie, iie. Mihoshi only liked him in the OAVs.
Cyrus: Five words: Adventures in Space and Time. Any more debate can be saved for later.
Zenith: [sotto voce] I'll just have you all know that if you keep overanalyzing the riffs, I'll have you chopped up and sold for spare parts.
Kyo: Ticked?
Zenith: A bit.
Kyo: Can I help with the chopping then?
Zenith: >_<
> "Actually I don't have any fian..." Tenchi paused
> and blinked. The fighting girls even stopped at the
> question.
Noe: And got some flapjacks.
> "Excuse me, I don't believe I heard you properly,"
> the purple haired girl said. "Did you say fiancees?"
Cyrus [Ranma]: Uh... I actually said... "pie."
Dan: No, he said "iinazuke". You are in Japan, you know.
> "Plural?" Ryoko blinked. Nabiki checked her watch.
> "Two hours."
> "What does she mean by that?" Tenchi asked.
> "To tell you the truth we don't really understand
Cyrus [singing]: Cause she's so HIIIIIIII-EEIIIIIIGH, high above me...
[Kyo whaps Cyrus]
Kyo: Bad man! Bad music!
> Nabiki," Akane said. "We just sort of watch for her
> out of the corners of our eyes."
Triad: Nice save...
Kyo: 3.. 2.. 1..
Triad: ...NOT.
> Nabiki smirked.
> "Okay, you were about to explain this multiple
> fiancee thing," Ryoko interjected.
Zenith: With pie charts and slides.
> "Ranma's step father had an interesting idea on how
> to make money," Nodoka explained.
Zenith: You call that a plan? I came up with better scams when I was five!
> "And everything else," Akane noted grimmly.
Dan [Akane]: He believes that for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows.
Triad: Stupid optimist.
Kyo: Hooray for tautology!
> "Yeah, we're going to have a talk about that pretty
> soon," Ranma cracked his knuckles.
Triad: Growing flowers?
Noe: [Genma] Ranma, I think it's time we talk about flowers and bees...
Kyo: [Ranma] Not screwing, then?
> "Uh...right.." Tenchi said. "Sounds like you'll
> fit in around here.
Xach: [Tenchi] There's a hole in the wall that needs plugging up.
> What were your names again?"
> "This is Ranma Saotome, and his fiancee, Akane
> Tendo."
> "ITS NOT OUR CHOICE!!!" they both shouted at once.
Zenith: [blinks] If it bothers you so much, why not get new names?
Triad: [Ranma] I am now... He Who Has Too Many Fiancees And Turns Into A Girl.
> "Wait, we already established that," Akane said.
Triad: [Ranma and Akane] We're from the Redundancy Department of Redundancy.
Triad: And there goes the Fourth Wall.
Kyo: It was standing this long?
Triad: Yes, they broke down the first Three Walls first.
> "Oops," Ranma said, and everybody else
> sweatdropped.
> *******************************************************
Cyrus [sings]: Starry, starry, niiiight!
> "Hello?" The girl answering the phone had long
> brown hair tied in odango like hoops.
Xach: Anyone up for croquet?
> "Yohko?" The cold voice at the other end of the
> phone surprised her.
Zenith: [Yohko] C-c-cold!
Dan: Wow. The "plot" "thickens".
Kyo: I think it's curdling.
Zenith: Or maybe congealing.
Xach: Congealed text. Mmm.
[Cyrus gags]
Cyrus: I didn't need that mental image.
Triad: o.o
> "Iako?! Why are you calling here?" Yohko
> sweatdropped. ~What if she wants to challenge me
> again?~
Noe: I thought her name was Ayako...
Dan: This reminds me. I still have to see Devil Hunter Yohko 6.
Triad: See Utena.
Zenith: Plug time, everyone! See Love Hina.
Triad: UTENA!
Dan: I've seen Utena. Not Love Hina, though. That ain't SoftCell or nuthin', is it?
Triad: Who said ANTHING about SoftCel? I mean the ful 39 eps and the movie. All SoftCel has is the FIRST Arc.
Dan: SoftCel's brand of anime...ain't my thing.
Zenith: Sucks to be you, 21st Century Boy.
Triad: Softcel is crap. Watch Good Fansub.
> "I just wanted to tell you that apparently there is
> another soul-weapon
Kyo: Oddly enough, this one's a broom.
Dan: It's Shinnosuke!
> and another branch of Manos," her
Dan: Hands of Fate?
Triad: Sword of Dios?
Cyrus: The Soul Edge?
Triad: Touga's.. Sword?
Cyrus: Ok, that's the second time his name was said, who is Touga?
Triad: Good looking Red Head in Utena. President of the Student Council.
Duellist. Akio's Sex Toy.
Dan: Kangaroo boxer.
Triad: He only did that ONCE!
Cyrus: [Touga] I'm not a kangaroo addict. I can quit when I want to.
> cousin said calmly. "At least they used to be Manos,
> I think the name has changed since then."
Xach [Iako]: He now calls himself, "Fred, The Honest Mechanic."
Zenith: But Torgo is the same old.
> "Oh that's good, makes it easier on the rest of us
> then," Yohko could almost feel the irritation from the
[Kyo opens his mouth]
Cyrus: No.
Kyo: ...I was going to say... "fire ants."
> other end. Iako still believed in only one true
> demon-hunter apparently.
> "Actually, apparently this branch has a history of
> insanity and comingling with demon races," Iako said. 
Triad: Insan-chan? WHERE!? I wanna to kill him! [looks around and sees Dan] Never mind. [sulks]
> "And I don't mean the ally races either."
> "Okay, that's not good," Yohko agreed. "So why are
> you calling me about it?"
Zenith: [Iako] I'm in France and I'm calling collect, RIVAL! OOOHOHOHOOOHOHOHOO!
[Kyo falls out of his chair]
Cyrus: Don't you start, too.
[Noe falls out of his chair]
Cyrus: ...
Kyo: [from floor] Damn you, Evil Bitch Laugh!
Noe: [weakly from floor] medic...
[Triad cracks her whip at the fallen guys]
> "Because I just dragged the story out of the old
> fart," Iako growled. "It seems their weapon was
> recently stolen by a group of girls in gymnast suits. 
Dan: "It's the entire St. Hebereke Rythmic Gymnastics team!"
> So when she mentioned it I suspected another 'greatest
> nemesis of the Mano clan.'"
> "Oh wonderful."
Dan: Ranma, Tenchi, Slayers, Lord of the Rings, Gundam W, and now Devil Hunter Yohko. It's like this series is concieved with the sole intention of torturing me. Why, God, why?
Triad: The Author hates you. And there is no God.
Dan: Thank you, Trieze.
Triad: You're welcome ¬.¬ [Glares]
Zenith: You silly monkeys and your 'religion'...
[Cyrus starts singing "Losing My Religion" by REM]
Dan: I'm sure God would understand the jokes we're making.
Cyrus: Ok, I need a break, anyone else?
Zenith: Good idea. [yawns]
Dan: I dunno. Do we have to come back?
Triad: Let's break out! Destroy the Theater! GIGA....... SLAAAVE!!!!
[They are all crisped and blown out of the theater, except for Dan who crosses his arms over his face and just takes chipping damage.]
Dan: Heh. [does a Bishonen Hair Flip] I'll exploit Fighting Game Physics for all they're worth. [turns to walk out and is knocked on his face by a piece of falling debris] Ow.
Zenith: I suppose it was worth a try. [brushes plaster out of her hair]
[Kyo stands up from beneath the rubble and looks up]
Kyo: I swear, you're confusing me with someone else...

> Family Trees - Chapter 4
> Ripples in the Water
Cyrus: I feel like I'm in a time warp.
Xach: o/~ Let's do the time warp again... o/~
Zenith: Looks like the author didn't want to spring for a new title. I could have cut 'em a deal, too.
Dan: New ideas were too tough. Looks like new titles got to be, too.
Triad: Why is it rippling? Ranma got tossed into it?
> Same Warning and Disclaimer: I don't own any of this
> stuff...
Zenith: Honest! I just found it somewhere! And I wasn't going to sell it to the highest bidder, either!
Dan: I wouldn't want to claim any of this is mine, either.
> and don't take this fic too seriously.
Zenith: Or intravenously.
Xach: And don't take any metal suppositories, either.
> Last Episode: Wu Fei is set off on a rant about
> marriage by the mention of the word "amazon." The
Dan: Which, of course, was never actually mentioned in the last chapter. If Shamps is his ex-wife, I may need to shoot myself.
Cyrus: I could think of something much worse than that.
> Nerimites meet Tenchi, his grandfather, Ryoko and
> Ayeka. Nabiki notices something. 
Cyrus: [The Author] But I have no idea what she noticed.
> Xellos feels someone walk over his grave.
Kyo: That's what happens when you get buried alive.
> The Masaki crew are
> given the short version of fiancee situation. The
> Mano cousins discuss a traitor branch of the family.
Dan: The author lists a bunch of things in an uninspired manner. The author avoids elaboration, or even sentence variation.
Triad: What? What? What's happening? What's going on? where Am I? [Realizes] Oh. DAMN!
> *******************************************************
> "Yes, its a spatula why do you ask?"
Kyo: Well, it sure beats talking about the weather for an ice breaker.
Triad: Would how many people I've killed in the past few days suffice?
> Leaf said, her
> husband still busy trying to extricate himself from
> her spell. A blue aura began to grow around the boy,
> and she stepped back ready to repell a spell. She was
Xach: Hey! That rhymes!
Kyo: [Fezzik] Yes, yes... Some of the time.
Dan: (sings) She was a... HOTEL DETECTIVE! She's a... HOTEL DETECTIVE! She's a... HOTEL DETECTIVE! Why don't you... CHECK HER OUT!
> surprised when the boy took his umbrealla off his pack
> and stuffed the point in her husband's face.
> "Then you're Ukyou's parents?" Ryouga asked,
> seemingly calm, looking down at the tentacles wrapping
> around the man's feet.
Dan: Now, hold on one minute. This isn't the sort of fic I agreed to watch.
Noe: Hah ha.
Zenith: Hey, that looks like one of those Genetixcorp refugees... I thought I tracked them all down last month.
[coconuts fall on Triad, Noe, and Dan.]
Cyrus: Heh.
Dan: How'd you do that?
Voice: [VO] I did it.
Cyrus: Darn it Barri, I was wanting to confuse them! [coconut drops on his head] Ow.
Barri: [VO] Shut up. I'm out of here.
> "You know Ukyou?" Leaf shouted eagerly, ignoring
> the obviously threatening position the boy was
> directing her husband. After all he was a kid,
> whatever he could do was nothing more than what Jiro
> deserved.
Noe: [Leaf] Oh, a psychotic teenager with a huge battle aura is threatening to kill my husband. It's CUUUTE...
Triad: HAAAI! It's soo kawaii, ne? Ne? NE?
Cyrus: Take a chill pill.
> "Where can we find her?"
> "So he's the one made her pretend to be a boy and
> chase after Ranma?
Kyo: Oh, so Ukyou was only pretending to chase Ranma?
Cyrus: [Author] Ah! Sentence structure! We meet again, my arch-enemy!
> You're the reason I'm constantly
Xach: [Ryoga] -belching showtunes in my sleep?
> getting clobbered over the head with a giant spatula?"
Kyo: [Jiro] No, I'm the reason you end up in every girl's bedroom during lemon fics.
Noe: And in Ukyo's bed in more than half of them.
Dan: Lemon staple #54.
Cyrus: I think you guys know too much about these things.
Zenith: o/~ You're the reason... God made Oklahoma... o/~
> "Excuse me," Leaf paused and glared at her now very
> nervous husband. "Jiro, you made her pretend to be a
> boy?"
> "I had a reason," he swallowed.
Xach: [Jiro] I was stoned out of my gourd.
Triad: >)
[Triad Stones Jiro and they bounce back in Cyrus's direction]
Cyrus: [dodging] HEY WATCH IT! *clonk* ow.
> *******************************************************
> "Hmm, excuse me a moment, father, Mr. Saotome,"
> Kasumi said
Others: ...
Triad: Oh wait, false alarm. Never mind.
Others: ...
Triad: I said never mind!
Others: ...
Triad: WHAT?
Cyrus: Are you on any medication?
Zenith: Well, you should be... [takes out a black bag] Let's see here...
Dan: Zenith, you can't peddle drugs in here!
Zenith: I'm a licensed pharmaceutic, okay?
Dan: Really?
Zenith: Yes, really. [crosses fingers behind her back]
> as she breathed through the house to
Cyrus: Why can't she breath though her mouth like a normal person?
Zenith: She was related to the Big, Bad Wolf, you see.
Kyo: [Kasumi] I'll huff! And I'll puff! And I'll BLOW THE FRONT DOOR DOWN!
> answer the door. She found a small crowd on the other
> side. "Oh my, I help you?"
Dan [Kasumi]: Normal Kasumi actor sick. Shampoo filling in!
> "Is Sylphiel here?" Kasumi looked down toward the
> red-head who was standing in front of the group. She
> looked to be about twenty-five years old or so. 
> Though she had that same look in her eyes of greater
> age that Cologne and Happosai had. Almost all of them
Xach: -wore clogs.
Zenith: [Woman] Ding-Dong! Door-to-door Riverdancers!
> had that same look however,
Noe: That's what you get when the cel painters start cutting corners.
Triad: Ick, crappy, sloppy animation @_@;;
> the blonde woman and
> purple haired man more than the others. The lone
> exception was the fortyish looking blonde man that was
Dan: ...since when is Gourry 40?
Zenith: Now, apparently.
Noe: Since Lina's 25 apparantly...
Cyrus: Or maybe it's just a fortyish cosplayer with a Gourry wig.
Triad: Ew. I've SEEN those.
Cyrus: Now do you understand my comment about Amilia age earlier?
> obviously with the red head.
Noe: Heh heh.
Triad: Touga? WHERE!?
Cyrus: [subdued] Down, girl.
> "You are here to see Sylphiel Tendo?" Kasumi said
> quietly.
ALL: SYLPHIEL TENDO?!? [assorted spittakes]
> "Sylphiel TENDO?"
Cyrus: See? Even the CAST can't swallow THAT one...
> the odd blue-skinned man toward
> the back repeated. "Yes, well I suppose her name
> would change if she got married."
Zenith: Oh, one of those funny ancient little traditions.
Dan: This is present-day Japan.
Zenith: Present day to you, 21st century boy.
Cyrus: We still do that in the 22 century, bug lady.
Zenith: I had no idea you were that ancient...
> "Well where is she?" the red-head demanded again.
> "I'm sorry, but my mother has been dead for many
> years now."
Kyo [Lina]: Oh, that's your excuse for everything. "No, I can't go to the dance club tonight. My mother has been dead for many years now." LIVE A LITTLE!
> "Your mother? She's dead?" The black haired woman
> had been holding herself aloof up to that point, and
> now she suddenly looked very guilty.
Dan [Naga]: The poison fruitcake I sent one Christmas was a JOKE! I SWEAR! She wasn't supposed to actually eat it!
Triad: [Naga] OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! You pathetic Girl with small Breasts!
Zenith: [Lina] Fire-ball. [clobbers Triad into the back row]
> "I'm afraid so, would you like to come in?" Kasumi
Dan: [Kasumi] Yep, Mom's dead as a doornail. Tea?
Cyrus: OK, you're taking that to its most extreme reading.
> moved herself to the side and gestured for them to
> come in.
> "Certainly, thank you miss-?"
Dan [Kasumi]: Tendo. Duh. Haven't you been paying attention?
Triad: [Guy] Hmm? what did you say? And what was your name again?
Cyrus: They were assuming that she was the house keeper, not an actual member of the family.
> "Kasumi," she answered the tall blonde woman. "If
> you'll excuse me
Xach: There is no excuse for you!
Zenith: [Lina] Why? What have you done?
Triad: [Washuu] Oh nothing, just turned the can opener into a Boomer.
> I was just making dinner..." There
> was a blur as the red-head and the blonde man zipped
> past.
Kyo: Gourry! Close your zipper!
> "Lina-san," the black haired woman gasped in
> embarrassment.
> "Uh...Kasumi," her father called from the dining
> room. "Who are these people over here?"
Zenith: [Kasumi] Door-to-door Riverdancers, father.
> "Friends of mother's, father," Kasumi answered as
> she let them in. 
> "OH My Late wife," Soun sniffed. "HOW I MISS YOU!
> WAAAAHH!!!!"
Xach: You know... I miss my ex.
Noe: That's rather touching.
Xach: That's what I get for buying a military surplus sniper rifle.
Noe: ...
Dan: [through clenched teeth] Fanfic... convention...
Kyo: Breathe, Dan!
Zenith: Yeah! You can't pay your debts if you're dead!
Kyo: Well, you're a regular ray of sunshine.
Zenith: I'm a predator and I'm proud of it.
Cyrus: So how many "Hard meats" have you killed?
Zenith: Dead people are lousy customers. Work out the math.
> As the black-haired woman and the purple-haired man
> past she reached out to stop him, politely and
> unaggressively, but still firm. "Excuse me, are you
Xach: ...interested in online porn?
Triad: ...Dale?
Kyo: ...the One?
Cyrus: [Zathras] The One! No, not the one.
> a
> relative of my mother's?"
> "No, why do you ask?" he said, turning closed eyes
> toward her.
Dan: Eyes closed, he sees everything. How zen.
> "You bare a slight resemblance to my sisters,"
> Kasumi answered.
Cyrus: [Kasumi] You cover up that resemblance right now! It's impolite!
Noe: Resemblance??? [In Korean with subtitles] I guess I still don't understand English slang...
> "Surprise, sur..."
Kyo: C'mon. Say it. "...prise."
> the black haired woman paused
> and looked at the man. "SISTERS? Plural? Something
> I should know about, Xellos?"
Xach: [Xellos] That's a secret.
Triad: [Xelloss] Sore wa... Himitsu DESU! [finger waggle]
Cyrus: *groan* I knew this'd come up eventually.
> "Now, now, Ame-chan, now's not the time," he
> pointed at Kasumi.
Zenith [Kasumi]: I'm Kasumi.
Dan [Xelloss]: Oops. (points at Lina) Now, now, Ame-chan, now's-
Triad [Lina]: I'm Lina.
Dan [Xelloss]: Oops again... (points at Soun) Now, now, Ame-chan, now's-
Kyo [Soun]: You're just grasping at straws here, aren't you?
> "Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be discussing our
> personal matters in front of you like this," the woman
> bowed formally.
> "It is perfectly all right," Kasumi answered.
Zenith: [Kasumi] I really, REALLY like finding out other people's secrets!
Cyrus: So that's Nabiki's source for blackmail.
> "I
> thought I recognized him as mother's...friend anyway. 
Noe: Yeah. Friend. In the biblical sense.
Triad: Or just in a hentai sense.
Cyrus: I hate to say it, but I think that's maybe right.
Zenith: Do people fear sex where you come from, VanGuard?
> I should apologize to you from questioning him here in
> front of you."
Zenith: [Kasumi] But I won't, so there! OOOOHOHOHOHOHO!
Triad: AIEEE! [ducks, then comes up again] Never, EVER, do that again.
Zenith: Depends... on how much you pay me.
Cyrus: You are definitely going to have to explain your reaction to us... well maybe not me.
> "Perhaps I should talk to you later, Kasumi-san,"
> Amelia said as Xellos fake cringed past them. Amelia
> knew he was enjoying the meal, and it irritated her a
> little more.
Zenith [Amelia]: Watching him eat sukiyaki puts me in a white-knuckled rage! EEGAAAAAH!
> Though of course he had never seriously
> hurt her, well never intended to.
Dan: Yes, the destruction of the universe isn't really anything to worry about.
Triad: hai hai.
> *******************************************************
Xach: o/~ Jesus Christ, Ninja Star... o/~
> "Who won?" Akane asked as Ranma and Tenchi came
> into the house for dinner. She blinked as she saw a
> sopping wet Ranko walk in behind her fiancee's shell
> shocked cousin.
Noe: They really should stop leaving exposed wires everywhere.
> "Does anybody have any hot water?" Ranma-chan
> asked.
> "Certainly," Sasami said, surprised but non-pulsed.
Triad: No pulse? So she's dead, then?
Kyo: So she was so surprised, she fell over dead.
> She sure they'd explain where Akane-san's fiancee
> went in moment.
Cyrus: [Author] Now Shampoo doing job of author! Aiya!
> She stepped up and drifted off to the
> kitchen happily.
Kyo: Uh... does she float like that on a regular basis?
Xach: [Cheech] Only when she smokes the good stuff, man.
> "Who is that girl and what's she doing with Lord
> Tenchi?"
Kyo: [Azaka] Chapter five of the Kama Sutra, miss Ryoko.
Noe: [Ryoko] Which page?
Kyo: [Kamidake] All of them, miss Ryoko.
[Triad THWAP!s Kyo and Noe]
> "Oh, Ranma, just why were you fighting near the
> lake?" Nodoka shook her head sadly.
> "Smooth move, Saotome," Nabiki noted.
> "I wasn't!" he snapped. "There was a mop bucket!"
> "Come on, girl," Ryoko stood up growling. "Who are
Triad [Ryoko]: The four members of "The Monkees?"
Xach: No.
Kyo: Huh?
Xach: I said no.
Noe: ME?!
Zenith: I'd be severely surprised if ANYONE gets that one.
> you and what are you doing with Tenchi?"
> "Oh it'll be obvious in moment," Ranma started. 
Dan: Oops. Bad line. BAD line.
> Ryoko launched out with a fist, which Ranma blocked
> almost absently. 
ALL: Boo! No-sell!
Cyrus: I wonder if he's related to MMK.
Dan: Now there's food for nightmares.
> "What the...?" Ryoko found she couldn't press her
> fist forward even an inch, and the red-head didn't
> seem to be having trouble at all.
Xach: Behold, the power of *cheese*!
Dan: Ranma Saotomoe is... THE INCREDIBLE HULK!
Noe [Ranma]: RANMA... SMAAAAASH!
> "Sorry, I don't fight girls," Ranma-chan said
> simply.
Cyrus: It's good to have morals, but--
Zenith: [smirking] More-all? What's that?
Cyrus: [glares at Zenith] --buuuut that'll get him into a bind if the Author decides to include Sailor Moon. [thinks for a moment] Well maybe not.
> Tenchi was still trying to process
Zenith: Unfortunately, his Windows had crashed, so he had to reboot.
Dan: Does Microsoft still suck rocks in the future?
Zenith: Oh yes.
> the recent
> event. He'd seen some strange things, but this had to
> top them. Washu leaned back and arched an eyebrow
> with curiosity and amusement.
Dan: It's certainly MUCH stranger than turning Ayeka and Ryoko into Kappa, after all.
Cyrus: That's water sprite.
Kyo: Don't you two start that again.
> "Here's your hot water miss..." Ranma-chan took the
> kettle and upended over her head.
Xach: Ranma promptly melted into a family-size ramen meal. A sad fate for a hero, but at least the rest of the household was well-fed.
[OTHERS just stare at Xach]
Xach: What? Do I have something on my chin?
> "HOT!!!HOT!!!HOT!!!!" Ranma, now a he, danced
Kyo: o/~ Everybody dance now! o/~
[Everyone gets up and boogies for a bit]
> around trying to cool off. All the Masaki crew aside
> from Tenchi, Washu and Yosho face faulted.
Triad: Because they were watching Sailor Moon and missed the whole spectacle.
Noe: Sailor Moon? CHUGÒ!!! [Subtitle] DIE!!!
> "How the heck did she...he...uh you do that?"
Xach: Practice. Practice and lots of vaseline. *CRASH* Ow.
> "Its a curse," Akane explained as Ranma blew his
> hands cool. "He fell into the Jusenkyo pool of
> drowned girl, so when he gets what he becomes a girl."
Dan: [raises hand] I know, I know! Hit with cold water!
Cyrus: Very good. Here's a cookie. [hands Dan a white chocolate and macadamia nut cookie]
> "This is...strange," Tenchi said finally. Yosho
> laughed, amused. He'd heard of the springs before,
Kyo: But he just thought they launched their victims into the air in a funny way.
> but he'd never thought that he'd see a victim, or that
> it would be his own grandson.
Noe: [Yosho] Make that grand_daughter_. Tenchi, you know the procedure...
> "Uh, why is she looking at me like that?" Ranma
> asked pointing at Washu. The Masaki crew
> sweatdropped.
Cyrus: [Tenchi] Run, Ranma, while you still can!
Noe: [Nodoka] Son, we need to have a little talk...
Zenith: Hmm... interesting. She's like that? mmm-hmm...
[Triad carefully moves away from Zenith]
> "Hmm, THAT will make an interesting wedding night,"
[Kyo, Noe, and Xach chuckle pervertedly. Cyrus growls at them.]
> Nobuyuki sniped. Ranma and Akane resisted the urge to
> smash him into the ground. After all, they were the
> guests.
> "You get used to it," Nabiki said. "Lots of the
> gang back home is cursed, including one of the
> fiancees." Nabiki checked her watch. "Speaking of
> which."
Zenith: [Nabiki] I just gave away a lot of valuable information for free! Oops! [normal] I'd say. IDIOT!
> "Speaking of which what?" Ayeka snapped. "Speak
Xach:, or forever hold your peace.
Triad: Any piece in particular?
> plainly if you can!"
> "Patience, sister," Nabiki snickered. 
Triad: Nabiki and Ayeka are sisters?!?
Cyrus: Nabiki as ruler of Juria... THAT'S a scary thought.
> "Remember I when said two hours?"
> "Yes and why do you insist on calling me sister? 
> And what does this have to do with anything?"
> "Consider it a display of female solidarity,"
Noe: I'm all for a little female solidarity... wink wink nudge nudge...
Cyrus: [clubs Noe with a kendo stick] Bad. [looks at kendo stick] Where the frell did this come from?
> Nabiki said. "And as for the comment two hours, I
> believe I said that...abouut...two hours ago...NOW!"
> *THUD*
Dan [Dilbert]: Now are you talking about "*THUD*... Ouch!" or just "*THUD*?"
> "What was that?" Tenchi asked.
Zenith: Avon calling!
> Ranma and Akane
> looked sick.
Triad: Looks like the arsenic-laced sashimi is finally starting to work.
> *THUD*
> *THUD*
> *THUD*
Cyrus: It's Stomp.
> The wall collapsed in a shower of dust.
Cyrus: This must be a delayed fourth wall break.
ALL except Cyrus: BREAK IT DOWN! [does odd motions]
Cyrus: I'm the only sane person here...
Xach: Guess you're the minority, then, berk.
Triad: Eeew. Insan-chan's brother Sanity was the messed up one.
Cyrus: ...
> "Nihao!!"
> "Get away from my Ranma-darling you Gaijin hussy!!"
Zenith: Yeah, Dan! Get away from Ranma! [snicker]
> "Hey Ranchan, I'm here to save you from that
> heartless Nabiki!" Nabiki arched an eyebrow.
Kyo: [Nabiki] Know your role and shut yer mouth, Jabroni.
> "Sorry about this," Ranma moaned.
Triad: [Ranma] OH! OH! OHHHHHHH!
Zenith: [Akane] AH! OH! AH AH AHHHHH!
Kyo: [Nodoka] What are you two doing?!
Noe: At the table, no less.
Cyrus: Guys, come on. I think we used our quota of hentai riffs.
Xach: Quotas are meant to be broken. Or is that rules?
> "You know what?"
Dan: Diet coke tastes just like regular coke.
Zenith: If you have a job you love, you needn't work a day of your life.
Kyo: The dot over the letter 'i' is actually called a 'tittle'.
Cyrus: The book '101 Things To Do With Trolls' is pretty much overrated.
Noe: The fifty-seventh position mentioned in the new Kama Sutra is physically impossible.
Xach: This week's password is 'nostril'.
Triad: The Beatles are reuniting.
Cyrus: Exactly how are they going to do that?
Triad: Three more bullets. [pats her gun]
> Leaf tapped her feet angrily. 
Cyrus: OK, that's an interesting picture.
Xach: Leaf's foot: Tap for blue mana.
> "This bridge looks awfully familiar."
Triad: Oh no! That bridge is stalking them!
> "I'm doing the best I can ALRIGHT!!" Ryouga
Noe: o/~ I'm doing the best I ever did/I'm doing the best that I can o/~
> shouted.
> "This is the fifth time we've been here," Kuonji
Cyrus: Boy, can we EVER relate...
> noted, then whistling innocently when they both glared
> at him.
> "Just let me find someone to ask directions,"
> Ryouga complained looking around for a sign of
> anything familiar. It was a futile gesture, Ryouga
> wouldn't recommend a structure unless it was on top of
> him.
Dan: It seems that not only does Ryoga have a bad sense of direction, he's no eye for good workmanship, either.
> Suddenly Leaf's eyes widened in sudden fear.
Dan: She had spotted one of her own fanfics!
> "Eveyrbody hide!" they scattered to various
> positions as what seemed to be a cute blonde girl
Kyo: O_o That's not who I think it is, is it?
Cyrus: No. Last I saw, Skribulous and the Emperor were going to throw her in the Blue Gecko pool in a sack of stones.
[A train can be heard in the distance, followed by a crash.]
Cyrus: Rats. It didn't work.
> skated by, humming happily to herself. ~All that evil
> and darkness can't be coming from that girl, can it?~
Xach: Oh yes it can.
> Suddenly the blonde girl stopped and stared at stop
> sign.
Cyrus: Not A stop sign, but Stop Sign. Apparently some unfortunate sod.
Xach: Unfortunate?
Cyrus: Wait and see.
> "OH!! What a CUTE stop sign! Lisa-Maria come home
> with Azusa?" The cute girl ripped the sign out of the
> ground and happily skated back the way she came.
Xach: ...I see.
> Leaf sweatdropped.
> "Is she gone?" Leaf looked over to see Ryouga
> shaking in fear high in a leafy tree.
> ~If I hadn't felt her I'd be calling him a wuss,~
Xach [Leaf]: So I'll just call him a namby-pamby poo-poo head instead.
Noe: Felt her? You hardly even know her?
Cyrus: NOE!
> she said. ~Wow, I wonder what she is.~
Dan: Sugar and spice, and everything vomit-inducing.
Cyrus: These were the ingredients that Professor Utonium chose to make the perfect, annoying girl.
[Triad poses kawaiily]
> "What's the big deal about that girl?" her husband,
> Jiro, asked.
> "She wants to take me home and put me in her
> collection of cute things," Ryouga whispered. "Is she
> gone?"
> "I don't see her anywhere," Leaf said. "Now can we
> PLEASE get to this place and find my daughter?"
> "Just a moment," Ryouga said. "I see somewhere we
> can ask directions."
> "Hello," Ryouga said as the door opened. "Can you
> direct us to..."
Dan: [Ryoga] Funkytown?
> "Oh...hello Ryouga," Kasumi said sweetly. "Ranma's
> not here, he went with Akane, Nabiki and his mother to
> visit his family."
> "Well I'm not here to...WHAT...Akane AND Nabiki? 
Kyo: [Ryouga] AND his mother! The pervert!
> Does he know no shame? RANMA SAOTOME PREPARE TO..."
Triad: Finished?
Dan: [panting] Yeah.
Triad: Good. [tosses him into the wall] Now SHUT UP!
Dan: x_X
> "Jiro, spatula." 
Dan [Jiro]: Pleased to meet you.
Cyrus [Spatula] Likewise.
> Leaf pointed at Ryouga who was
> preparing to leave.
> "Yes, maam."
> *clang*
Cyrus: (sings) Clang clang clang went the trolley...
> "HEY!"
> "I'd be glad to let you run off it get lost, that
> is AFTER you help me find my daughter."
> "Ukyou hits harder than him," Ryouga noted
> critically. 
Triad:[Ryoga] Screws better too.
Dan: Lemon staple #23.
>Leaf blinked and started laughing
> hysterically.
> "That's not funny," Jiro Kuonji whined.
> "Excuse me, would you like to come in," Kasumi
> asked, as the "girl" started to calm down. "I was
> just serving dinner, and we would welcome more
> company."
Zenith: [Axe Murderer Kasumi] Anything to fill the pantry with is welcome. [psycho giggle]
Triad: Stooop iiit! I wanna have some fun tooo!
Cyrus: [edging away from Triad] You're weirding me out here, girl.
> "That sounds..." Jiro was cut off by a look from
> his suddenly serious wife.
Triad [Leaf]: I forbid you to eat!
> "Sorry, but we have to go find our daughter..."
> "Do you mean Ukyou?" Kasumi asked. Leaf and Jiro
> blinked. "Well she does take after you, and that man
> is wielding a giant spatula."
Xach: Brilliant observation, Kasumi. But don't you think she'd know, seeing as she's MARRIED TO HIM?!
> "So do you know where she is?"
Kyo: [Kasumi] She's off to see the wizard.
Dan: [Ryouga] Oh, perfect. She's Quiet again.
> "She went with the other fiancees to go after
> Ranma," Kasumi said sweetly. "It shouldn't take you
> long to get there, perhaps you'd want some rest and
> food first?"
Dan [Jiro]: Yes, please! I-
Triad [Leaf]: NO FOOD FOR YOU!
Dan [Jiro]: ...yes, dear.
> "Hey Kasumi, what's with inviting people to
> dinner?" Ryouga asked, confused.
Cyrus: Yeah. We all know what a cold-hearted bitch Kasumi is.
Kyo: [Kasumi] It's called being in character. You should try it sometime.
> "Well, okay just for a little bit," Leaf said
> finally.
Cyrus: Get ready for a food eating contest between at least three people.
> "Well it is moderately boring without Ranma
> around," Kasumi said quietly. "So I was hoping to
> make do. Mother's friends are certainly interesting,
> but I certainly wouldn't want to turn out such a good
> friend of the family as Ryouga or Ukyou's parents."
> "Is there enough food?" Jiro asked.
Noe [Kasumi]: Yes, I-
Xach [Jiro]: Not anymore! *CHOMP* *CHOMP* *CHOMP*
> "Oh, I'm used to cooking for Ranma and his father,
> well, step-father as it turns out," Kasumi said. 
Cyrus: Like they really need to know this.
Noe: [Kasumi] Don't mind my little asides, I'm just driving the plot points home with a sledgehammer.
> "Genma is here, and two of mother's friends certainly
> have healthy appetites, but I think I can make do." 
Cyrus: Healthy? Try gluttonous.
> She smiled sweetly.
> "Yeah, yeah," LEaf sighed as she accepted the 
Triad: Who's LEaf? Leaf's Twin sister?
Dan: [worried] There are two of them?
Cyrus: Be afraid, be very afraid.
> offer
> and walked into the house. "Garrick always said
Xach [Garrick]: Look what I can do with my eyeballs! Boingy boingy boingy!
Zenith [Leaf]: Garrick forgot his medication a lot, you see...
> a
> mercenary should be ready to eat whenever they can. 
> That was ONE thing he was right about at least."
Dan: Someone please tell me this is a reference to something else, and Deep Space Nine isn't being brought into this.
[Xach opens his mouth]
Cyrus: Garrick is a fellow mercenary that usually works with Leaf.
Xach: ...damn. You just had to do that, didn't you?
Cyrus: Yes.
> "Hey look, Lina, its an elf!"
> "I'm only half-elf you dolt!" Leaf snapped.
> "We've become a dungeons and dragons convention
> Saotome," Soun noted wearily. Jiro stepped in, saw
> Genma and growled.
Triad: [Leaf] Down, boy!
Kyo: Genma then hit him on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper.
Xach: [Jiro] (whimpers and yaps)
Kyo: [Genma] Does Jiro need to go walkies?
> "Ah...Kuonji," Genma swallowed. "Long time no
> see."
> "SAOTOME PREPARE TO DIE!!!" Jiro charged forward
> spatula upraised.
> "Hey you spilled my food! FIREBALL!"
Xach: I just love magic spells with those simple names that you just have to call out, with no regard for the complex machinations of structured magic. Like 'FIRE 3'. So simple.
Cyrus: Sarcastic?
Xach: Well, duh.
Triad: HEY! Don't. mock. Magic. FIREBALL!!!
[Xach is crisped.]
> Kasumi smiled as the chaos continued.
Triad: [Chaos] Does this skirt match my pumps?
> Now it
> seemed more like home again, she walked to the
> telephone to contact the contractors.
Cyrus: [Kasumi] [uses hand like an Inspector Gadget's phone] Hello? This Old Dojo Contractors? This is Kasumi Tendo, could you...hello? Helloo-oo. I guess I have to call them back.
> "There, finished," Kiyone said wearily, looking
> about the last bit of the ships quarters.
Dan: She's been stocking up, in case she finds a machine with 'SNK vs. Capcom'.
> It had
> taken long enough to do the job, but now she was done.
Noe: She would never have to lose to Stephanie McMahon again.
> Everything looked perfect.
> "Hey, Kiyone," Mihoshi called to the swiftly
> calming detective. 
> "What is it Mihoshi?"
Kyo: [Mihoshi] How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Triad: [Kiyone] He would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, would a woodchuck chuck wood.
Noe: [Looks confused]
Cyrus: Can you do it any faster than that?
> "What if she tries to show up at the apartment?" 
> Kiyone blinked. "I mean we haven't paid the rent in
> two months, and last time we were there the place was
> a wreck from the fight when everybody visited last
> time."
Zenith [Kiyone]: KIYONE... SMAAAAASH! [crushes her seat] Oops. How fragile. [takes another seat]
> "Hey why don't we have headquarters give her
> Tenchi's address and meet her there?" Kiyone fought
> to get a grip on herself. When MIHOSHI was thinking
> clearer than she was, it was a BAD sign.
Cyrus: It's the first sign of the Apocolypse.
Xach: One that was, for some reason, reading 'No trespassing in left-hand pocket'.
> "That's a good idea Mihoshi, let's do that," she
> noticed a frame sitting on the control center. There
> were several individual pictures inside the glass. 
> Mihoshi must have pulled it out while they were
> cleaning. She glanced at the picture of a younger
> Mihoshi, and her mother. 
> Kiyone had met the woman once or twice, and
Zenith: -she had the bruises to prove it. [Rimshot.]
> remembered she had a tendency to talk about future
> events as if they were history. She guessed it had
> something to do with being FROM the future. Still Bra
Zenith: Still Bra, the wonderful garment that prevents unwanted jiggling!
Xach: [grouchy] Now where's the fun in that?
Cyrus: Does he really need to bring Dragon Ball into this crossover?
[Triad murders the icky icky unwanted crossover]
Others: o.O
Triad: Drag-on Ball Zzzzzzz.
> was almost as big a ditz as Mihoshi. Still there were
> some people there she didn't recognize.
> "Hey Mihoshi who are these other people here in
> these pictures?"
> "Well, that's my younger brother," she pointed to
> an angry looking boy in a black, sleeveless t-shirt. 
Xach [Mihoshi]: That's Boxers.
> "And our younger sister." The girl she pointed to was
> a red-head wearing metal bracers about four years old.
Xach [Mihoshi]: That's Panties.
> There was a crushed piece of pipe in her hands, and
Dan: No... no... first DBZ... and then *A-KO*? And they're not actually in the scene?! AAARGH!!
Cyrus: Wait, Mihoshi has blonde hair. I pray what I'm thinking right now isn't going to be true in this...
[Triad attempts to destroy the fic]
Zenith: Ngh... okay, that's IT!
[Zenith grabs Triad in mid-spellcasting, tosses her into the wall, and proceeds to stamp her savagely. It soon degenerates into a small brawl.]
Others: o_O
Cyrus: this what they call a 'catfight'?
Kyo: No... those tend to be a bit more mild.
Zenith: [returns to her seat, bleeding and torn, but still looking composed] Had enough?
Triad: [returns to her seat, similarily beaten] Hmpf.
> she embarrassed. Kiyone noted that Mihoshi would have
> been about eighteen when this picture was taken so
> that was maybe seven years ago.
> "And in this picture?" It was a young couple. One
> was an opportunistic looking woman with blue hair
> wearing a tee-shirt that said "capsule" across the
> front. The other had an angry expression similar to
> Mihoshi's brother, and wild, spiky black hair.
> "Oh those are my grandparents that aren't born
> yet," she said as if it was no big-deal.
Xach [Mihoshi]: They're Mouthguard and Noseplug.
> "And this
> guy over here is my dad." Kiyone had thought that the
> individual in question wasn't supposed to be there
> actually, since his back was turned to the camera. He
> seemed to be scratching his head in confusion though,
> and knowing Mihoshi it fit.
Cyrus: I'm not sure I want to find out specifically who her father is. We really don't need anything else crossed into this.
Dan: I really can't adequately denegrate the preceeding sequence.
Zenith: Denegrate? I can't PARSE it!
> "I can't wait to meet your family!" Mihoshi jumped
> up and down in delight.
Dan: Oh. So we're going to meet Kiyone's family, not Mihoshi's. So that whole deal with the photo and the cameos... was... my head hurts.
Cyrus: Probably setting up them appearing later.
> "Yeah, well let's make those calls, then," Kiyone
> sat down and turned to the communications controls.
Dan: [Kiyone] 'S fine there, controls?
Kyo: [controls] 'S fine.
> supposed to be there
> actually, since his back was turned to the camera. He
> seemed to be scratching his head in confusion though,
> and knowing Mihoshi it fit.
Dan: Whoa. Deja vu.
> "I can't wait to meet your family!" Mihoshi jumped
> up and down in delight.
> "Yeah, well let's make those calls, then," Kiyone
> sat down and turned to the communications controls.
Triad: o.O ano na........
Cyrus: KYAAA! He sent us through another time warp!

> Family Trees - Chapter 5
> A Shift in the Stream
Noe: Preferably away from us.
Dan: The title gets out of neutral.
> Same Warning and Disclaimer: I don't own any of this
> stuff...and don't take this fic too seriously.
Dan: If you don't own it, then what's it doing on your page?
Cyrus: [Art Buchwald] But if you ignore everything else I say today, don't forget the sunscreen.
> Last Episode: Leaf and Ryouga get annoyed with Jiro
> Hibiki. The Slayers crew shows up at the Tendo
> household looking for
Kyo: The One Ring.
Triad: The plans to the Death Star.
Xach: Love, in all the wrong places.
> Sylphiel. Ranma's curse is
> revealed to the Tenchi crew. The fiancees arrive. 
Noe: Some would argue that Ranma's fiancees ARE his curse.
> Leaf, Jiro and Ryouga arrive at the Tendo houshold.
> Kasumi and Amelia discuss Xellos.
Triad: With a big knife, I hope.
Cyrus: That's 'dissect'.
Triad: So they were taking him apart and--
Cyrus: That's 'disassemble'.
Triad: Oh, then they were soaking him in acid until--
Cyrus: That's 'dissolve'.
Triad: I think I'll need a dictionary.
> Jiro tries to kill
> Genma.
Dan: Join the club, Jiro.
> Kiyone plans to direct her mother to the
> shrine and discusses Mihoshi's family.
> *******************************************************
> Most people would approach a war zone with the
> utmost of caution. In fact, most people would not
> even bother to approach.
Triad: The same could be said of a certain fighting tournament. [snicker]
[ALL pound Triad.]
> They would turn around and
> run at the first sight of an impact crater Partially
> destroyed structures and still smoking energy blast
> burns tended to have that effect on people. 
Triad: On wimps, at least. WIMPS!
Kyo: You're just saying that because you're used to it...
Triad: I CAUSE craters and warzones.
> Kiyone and Mihoshi barely noticed the damage at all.
Xach: Oh, I see a connection.
Triad: HEY!
> "Hmm, Ryoko and Ayeka REALLY got into it didn't
> they, Kiyone?"
Zenith: [Kiyone] The narrator said that we didn't notice, you goof.
Cyrus: [Narrator] CUT! CUT! From the top, people...
> Mihoshi asked. Kiyone paused to pull
> something out of a tree.
> "A spatula?" Kiyone blinked, and looked around. 
Xach: Yes, the spatula tree is fairly common in Xanth.
Triad: Oh, GOD... land of bad puns...
Triad: Discworld is SO much better anyway.
>A brown haired girl stepped out of the trees then and
> snatched it from her. Kiyone noted the huge spatula
> strapped to her back.
Kyo: [Kiyone] Hey... is that a spatula on your back, or are you just happy to see me?
> "Thanks, I was looking for those," the girl said,
> unconcerned about Kiyone's presence. "Seen any more
> of these? I'm missing like three still."
Zenith: [commercial host voice] We've secretly replaced Ukyou with a valley girl. Let's see if the others notice.
> "Excuse me," Kiyone said calmly. "Who are you?"
Kyo: [Ukyou] I am... THE Iron Chef.
Cyrus: So there's five of them. Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian, and Whoopass.
Dan: [Ukyou] I'm Batman.
Xach: [Ukyou] I'm the Leprechaun!
Kyo: [Ukyou] The Good Humor man. Would you like a popsicle?
Triad: [Ukyou, raspy voice] Kiyone... I'm your father.
Cyrus: [Ukyou] I'm your worst nightmare.
Zenith: [Kiyone] Can't be. You look nothing like Mihoshi as the ruler of the world.
> "Oh, I'm Ukyou Kuonji," the girl said cheerfully. 
Zenith: Oh, she's on the good stuff.
Triad: SHTUFF.Good SHTUFF. Learn to speak drunk and stoned DAMMIT!
[Anna Dammit Sneezes]
> "Who are you two, more of that Tenchi's girlfriends?"
> "What?!" Kiyone sputtered. "Whatever gave you that
> idea?"
Xach: [Ukyou] Well, the barcode label and the tattoo reading "Property of the Masaki household" was a good clue...
> "Tenchi's girlfriend," Mihoshi laughed. "What
> a...oh hello Ryoko and Ayeka." Mihoshi waved
> cheerfully to the angry girls.
> ~Oh no.~ Kiyone sighed and turned to face a fuming
> Ayeka.
Triad: Lina lit her on fire! WOOHOO!
Cyrus: Remember, always fumigate your main cast to maintain best hygiene.
> "Detective Kiyone," she said tightly. "What is she
> talking about?"
Dan: [Kiyone] That Tenchi is one bad-
Kyo: [Ayeka] SHUT YO' MOUTH!
Dan: [Kiyone] I'm just talkin' 'bout Tenchi.
Kyo: [Ayeka] I can dig it.
> "And what do you think about Tenchi?" Ryoko growled
> at Mihoshi. Mihoshi, being Mihoshi, took the question
> on face value.
Zenith: An expert evaluation would give you a much better price, dear.
Triad: HEY! Mihosi IS a genius, she just had a mental breakdown and she protects herself with the Ditz Mode.
Kyo: Just keep telling yourself that.
> "Well, let's see, he's cute, nice, polite, calm..."
> She looked up and the subject left her head. "Ooo,
> look at how pretty the stars are tonight!!"
> "Grrr! You two know I don't feel anything for
> Tenchi," Kiyone growled. "Now, why are you here?"
Cyrus: [blinks] Because they live there?
Noe: [Ukyou] Well, one night, my mommy and daddy...
> "I'm here to save my Ranchan from that witch
> Nabiki," Ukyou said cheerfully. Her next movement was
> a swift dodge to the side, without changing her basic
> stance or expression. Where she had been standing a
> gymnast's club smashed into a tree.
Dan: [yawns] Oh, fancy moves. We're impressed... not.
> "Why you peasant!" The speaker was a pale-skinned
Xach: [Ren Hoek] Albino Cave Lizard!
> gymnast. "How dare you
Triad: [Kodachi] ...plow the fields, raise crops and milk the cows?
> presume to chase my
> Ranma-darling!
Zenith: [Ukyou] It's okay, I'm just pretending.
Triad: [Kodachi] Oh. Carry on, then.
> There is no way that he would even
> consider such a commoner as yourself. Not when he has
> Kodachi Kuno, the Black Rose of St. Hebereke, ready to
> give herself to him. OHHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Everybody
> excepting Ayeka cringed.
> "Is there something wrong with that laugh," she
> asked curiously.
Kyo: [Kiyone] Why else would we call it the Double-Barreled Roaring Bitch Laugh(tm)?
Dan: Oh, GOOD way to--
Dan: I--
Dan: Will--
Dan: --never mind.
> Kiyone face faulted as somebody tried to smash the
> dark-haired, pale girl with a bon bori.
Triad: "Bon bori"? Is it some kind of French attack phrase, like "Bon appetit"?
Dan: Please, don't make me recall those French martial artists...
> The gymnast
> leaped out of the way and 
Dan: ...yes?
Cyrus: Something's missing here...
Zenith: Maybe you're supposed to write your own material here?
Noe: Allow me! "...and landed in a big vat of jello."
Cyrus: Shut up, Noe.
> "Neither of you marry Airen," the blue haired girl
> declared. "Amazon law say,
Zenith: [Shampoo] "Do not remove tag from matress."
> he Shampoo groom, so Shampoo marry!"
> "Nobody invited you three," a fourth voice nearly
> growled as another girl walked out of the trees. She
> tossed Ukyou the missing three spatulas.
Triad: Which, unfortunately, severed Ukyou's head. Akane, filled with grief and shock over having killed another human being, went insane and killed everyone else, thus ending the crossover. The end.
Dan: No.
Triad: Please?
Dan: I appreciate the sentiment, but that's not the way to end a fic.
Triad: Yes it IS!
> "There's
> your spatulas Ukyou."
> "Hey, thanks Akane," Ukyou said cheerfully.
> "Why you play nice-nice with pathetic violent-girl
> when she try steal Airen!"
Dan: Carbon-copy line coming up in three... two... one...
> "Why would I want that baka freak!?" Akane shouted.
Dan: And we have liftoff.
Xach: [Ayeka] So I guess we just fade into the background, then?
Kyo: [Kiyone] Pretty much. "Newsweek?"
Xach: [Ayeka] Don't mind if I do.
> "By the way, Auntie Saotome was sharpening her sword,
> something about truce-breakers."
Kyo: Never mind that we haven't heard a word about any truce...
Cyrus: Maybe it's one of those things that always happen offscreen.
> "Shampoo behave."
> ~Just wait until I figure out the manner in which
> this little beauty operates,~ Kodachi smirked as she
Zenith: ...looked at Akane with interest.
Others: O_O
> fiddled with a bracelet. "Excuse me, I have to find
> the rest of my clubs."
Kyo: [Kodachi] Especially the gymnastics, the theater performance, and the economics clubs. They keep holding their meetings in the strangest places.
> "Shampoo go set up tent."
Noe: [snicker] Shampoo's going to pitch a tent. [snicker]
> Both girls vanished into
> the trees again.
> "Okay this is weird," Kiyone growled. "What's
> going on?"
Zenith: A whole lotta Tubthumping.
Noe: o/~ I get knocked down/But I get up again o/~
> "Oh, sorry," Akane said politely. "That Baka idiot
> my dad has me engaged to is Katsuhito's grandson,
Dan: [Akane] Making him my inazuke fiance, you know.
Cyrus: [Akane] Come, I'll introduce you my oneesan sister, and Ranma's okasama mother.
Zenith: Department of Redundancy Department, in effect.
Triad: That joke is getting redundant.
Zenith: Well, that's the point...
> we're visiting for a little while, these three
> followed us."
> ~More descendants of the Jurai? Hmm, maybe I
> shouldn't ask Mom to come here just now.~
Kyo: [Kiyone] After all, mother's terribly allergic to Juraians.
> Kiyone
> looked hard at Akane. "There's something familiar
> about you."
Zenith: [Kiyone] You were "Snot-nose Akane" from kindergarten, right? Right?
> "You know, I was thinking the same thing about
> you," Akane said curiously.
> "Hey, everybody!" Mihoshi shouted. "Kiyone's
> parents are coming to visit too!"
> ~Great, so much for not asking mom to come here."
> "Is that so?" Ayeka arched an eyebrow. "Who are
> your parents Detective Makibi? And why can they not
> find their own lodgings?"
Kyo: [Kiyone] They got separated and never found the way back. I told them to use the ball of string I gave them, but noo...
Zenith: Apparently, Ayeka's afraid that her parents are going to fall for Tenchi, too.
Xach: [Kiyone's Dad] Tenchi, you sex-ay thang!
[Triad mistakenly casts Bigby's Groping Hand on Xach]
Noe: O_o
> "Yeah, we don't need more freeloaders," Ryoko
> agreed.
> "Be, careful about accusing people of freeloading,
> Ryoko!"
Zenith: Oh, like you're one to talk, little miss princess.
Xach: And when did you pay your rent last time?
Zenith: What makes you think I ever paid one?
> "If freeloading is all my father gets up to it'll
> be a miracle," Kiyone muttered.
> "Is it just me," Akane asked. "Or is this getting
> weird?"
Triad: We've long since stepped out of The Twilight Zone and into The Fucked-Up-Shit Zone.
> "Weird? around us?" Ukyou said dryly. "You've got
> to be kidding suger."
Noe: [Lead singer of System of a Down*] Suger!
Triad: Who is this Suger person, and why should Akane kid him?
> In the Nerima, 
Dan: A suburb of the Tokyo, in the Japan.
> in a similar scene of battle scars and smoking ruin,
Zenith: As opposed to a tuxedo ruin.
Triad: --
Xach: [Throws a rose at Triad] I, Tuxedo Ruin, am here to save you!
Triad: ARGH! Deity Goddess Power..MAKE UP!
[Triad turns into Deity in a flash of fanservicey special effects]
Triad/Deity: Omnipotence Attack!
[A giant sign reading Deity falls on Xach]
[Triad/Deity Detransforms]
> another group of people were quietly
> have tea. Aside from the panda and spatula weilding
> martial artist lying unconscious in pile outside.
> "We should apologize for the state of your house,
> Kasumi-san,"
Cyrus: [Amelia] But we're not going to! So nanny nanny poo poo!
> Amelia said politely. "Lina can get
> quite active at times."
Xach: [Gourry] Very active, if you know what I mean.
Cyrus: Xach, I'm warning you...
Noe: [Zelgadis] You wouldn't believe the tricks she'll do...
Cyrus: And you too, Noe...
Zenith: [Naga] I simply don't know how she keeps up!
Cyrus: [looks around indecisively, then sits down and mutters] I'll get you, I'll get all of you...
> "Oh, its no problem at all," Kasumi said as she
> filled her pot of tea. "Ranma's fiancees and rivals
> destroy the house on a regular basis.
Zenith: [Kasumi] Yes, it's so nice to see Ranma and his good, good friends try to kill each other.
> Isn't that
> right father?" The man nodded from behind is paper.
> ~Just pretend nothing's happening,~ he thought as
> he scanned the paper, not noticing it was upside down.
Triad: Or a "Playgirl" magazine.
Kyo: [Gourry] You're spending an awful long time looking at Mr. October there, Mr. Tendo...
> "Will you be staying for the night?" Kasumi asked.
> "In this mess?" Gourry asked surprised.
> "Jellyfish-brains!"
Triad: They ate all the yoghurt?
> Lina whacked him upside the
> head. "We made the mess, so don't go complaining
> about it!"
> "Oh this will be fixed in little while," Kasumi
> said.
> "How is that...?" Zelgadis was interrupted by what
> seemed to be a flash of red light that whipped 
Noe: Whip it! Whip it good!
Triad: Okay! [takes out her whip and cracks it]
Noe: Um... on second thought, forget it. Michhin nyòn!*
*Crazy bitch!
> through
> the damaged portions of the house. Somebody seemed to
> step out of the flashing light for a moment, a slim
> man in a red jumpsuit with lightning bolts on it. He
Xach: As opposed to... Lightning Blots!
[a large Lightning Blot hits the screen]
Xach: Oops. These spells are more volatile than I thought.
Dan: So not even Wally West was able to avoid this mess... [sighs]
Triad: Joel Hodgson is... THE MAGNIFICENT MISTER!
> seemed to flicker off and on while the red blur
> continued zipping about the house.
> "What happened here?" he asked Kasumi. "I don't
> see any of the normal sources of damage, oh wait,
> there's Ryouga." The bandanna wearing boy absently
> waved from where he was comparing methods of
> depression with Zelgadis.
All: [unconvincingly] Ha... ha... haha.
> "Some friends of my mother's are visiting," Kasumi
> said sweetly. "And there was an argument over some
> spilt food.
Kyo: [Kasumi] I told them that there was no use crying over it, but would they listen? Noooooooo...
Zenith: [Axe Murderess Kasumi] But we ended that argument quickly, didn't we? And now we have food... hehehe...
Triad: Eeeeek...Let ME have som fun.
[Triad steals Zenith's axe and begins to chase the perverts with it]
Zenith: Hmm... should I tell her it's just a rubber prop?
[A distinct 'BOING' sound is heard from offscreen]
Zenith: ...nah.
[Sounds of severe retribution is heard from offscreen]
> Thank you for coming, I wasn't certain
> you'd come out this hour."
Kyo: 'Cause usually he's locked in a closet with Vanna White all night long.
> The man in the red suit
> nodded momentarily, flickering again, as if saying, oh
> I see.
Triad: Santa o.o?
Xach: Can't be. There's no catgirls around for him to molest.
> "Hey, this is good exercise," the man said before
> vanishing into the blur again. "I'll have this
> finished in a moment." The last sentence seemed to
> come from everywhere, then suddenly the blur just
> vanished
Kyo: When you're moving at supersonic speeds, friction burns are more than just painful.
Triad: ...ouch.
> and the house was in perfect condition again.
Dan: I've heard of fixing something in a flash, but having something fixed by the Flash is stretching it a bit.
> "What was that?"
Xach: [Kasumi] Deus ex Machina. More tea?
> "The contractor," Kasumi said simply. "Will you be
> staying the night then?"
Cyrus: [confused] Leaf has the power to stop time?
Dan: So bad are her fanfics.
> "Not me," Leaf said standing up, after blinking
> away the surprise from the rapid fix up job. "I don't
Xach: In fact, she overdid it and Blinked the surprise to the sun. What a waste.
> have the time to be sitting around here much longer. 
> As soon as my husband wakes up we're out of here." 
> She blinked in surprise. "Oh by the Gods, I sound
> like SPARK!"
Triad: [Leaf] And if I keep this up, I'll sound like BOING and SCHPLURNT, too!
Triad: [Flea] SPORK!
Noe: If you insist. [Whacks Triad with his Battle Spork]
Triad: OW!
> "And I'm going with you!" Ryouga shouted. "Its my
> only chance to get to Ranma before he does something
> terrible to Akane!"
Xach: [Ryouga] Or Nabiki! Or his mother, the fiend!
> "Whatever," Leaf waved the comment aside. They had
> all been variously breifed on the fiancee/rival
> situation. Leaf would have felt sorry for the poor
> boy if it weren't the fact that
Kyo: ...she couldn't fake pity if her life depended on it.
> one of the fiancees
> was her daughter. "Wait a minute, that gives me an
> idea."
Zenith: [Leaf] Let's hire a dozen jobless losers without a life, have them come up with a few hundred new Pokemon, and make millions from the merchandising!
Triad: [Leaf] I'll become one of Ranma's fiancees, too! It'll be fun!
> "Huh?" Ryouga looked nervous as the half-elf
> smirked, recognizing Ukyou's "I've got a plan" smile.
> *******************************************************
> "See who's at the gate, Sasuke," Kuno ordered. "I
> must prepare for my trek to face the evil sorcerer
> Ranma."
Noe: [Kuno] Have I packed enough lube?
> "Yes, master," the ninja strolled to the front of
> the estate and out to the gate. Outside he saw a pair
> of nearly identical girls. 
Triad: Oh, good. That saves on character design.
> Both wearing long, double
> pony tails coming out of a braided loop. One was
> dressed in tight, dark-colored clothes and had a
> rather venomous look on her face.
Dan: She's the daughter of Eddie Brock, and she's mad as hell!
> The other was fidgeting and appeared rather
> irritated and anger. The tight discipline in other
> seemed to not at all be present in the second girl. 
> This one was wearing sweats and a t-shirt that showed
> more skin but revealed less than the other girl's
> apparel.
Cyrus: Mr. Blackwell would not approve.
> "Is this the Kuno estate?" the fidgety one asked
> irritably.
> "Yes it is," Sasuke said. "How may I help.."
> "Who is it Sasuke?" Kuno stepped out into the
> estate's yard.
> ~Oh...what a BABE!~ Yohko thought practically
> drooling, and ignoring Iako's palpable irritation.
Zenith: [Yohko] Ninja manservants make me mellow-mellow!
Noe: [Jafar] Patience, Iako.
> ~What a ditz,~ Iako thought shaking her head. 
[Triad makes rattling noises]
> ~When is she going to learn to apply discipline
> outside of combat?~
Xach: Apply dicipline, rinse, repeat.
> "Two young women, I think they're sisters," Sasuke
> said. The the solemn girl arched an eyebrow at that. 
> Yohko's latest crush didn't survive Kuno opening his
> mouth again.
[All blink audibly]
Zenith: What, did he eat it or something?
Dan: Can we get a working parser over here?
> "Ah, doubtless they have come to seek the
> incomparable grace and majesty of Tatewaki Kuno, the
ALL: o/ 142nd Fastest Gun In The West! o/
> Blue Thunder of Furinkan High. Alas but my heart
> already belongs to the pig-tailed goddes and the
> virtuous Akane Tendo.
Zenith: Not anymore. They hocked it on eBay.
Kyo: Along with your soul. It was the "Soul free of charge" offer.
> Still such persistance should
> be rewarded," Sasuke stepped back from the open
> entrance as the two girls looked at each other for a
> moment. "Very well I shall....ACCK!!! ARGGH!! EEEK!
> AEIIII! OW!! OW!! OW!!"
[All cheer]
Kyo: [Kuno] And if you ladies are lucky, I might even OUCHIE! and MY GOD, MAKE THE SWELLING STOP!
> "It seems the rumors of insanity were correct,"
> Iako said cooly.
[Triad suddenly aims her Buster Cannon at Iako.]
Triad: Where. Is. HE?!
> "Hey, where do you think you're going, toad?!"
Kyo: [Sasuke] Er... the pond? Ribbit, ribbit...
> Yohko shouted, a small blast of magical armor passed
> in front of the ninja. "We have some questions to
> ask." Iako's whip flashed out and caught the ninja,
> bringing him back towards them.
> "We are looking for one Kodachi Kuno," Iako said.
> "What a coincidence," a new voice said.
Triad: [Juri] There are no such things as coincidences.
> They turned around to see a woman in
Xach: A clown suit.
> her late twenties with
> long red hair and sparkling red eyes.
Zenith: What you get if you meld Rei and Asuka together.
Noe: Hmm... I'd pay to see that.
Cyrus: Or maybe it's our own Ayanami with a dye job and a seURK! [suddenly finds himself on the floor with Xach's boot against his throat]
Xach: Did you say something about my friend?
> She was dressed
Noe: ...more's the pity...
> in a manner similar to Iako, but with much brighter
> colors. "So am I."
Triad: [blinks] Is she replying to the narraration?
> "And who are you?" the woman handed her a card. 
> "You-gen-kai-sya? Ayaka Kisaragi?"
Cyrus: Deep breaths, Dan. Slow, deep breaths.
> "Oh I've heard of you," Iako sneered, holding the
> ninja out at arm's length. "Mystical investigations,
> you work for money."
Zenith: I'm really uncomfortable with the idea of working for money being strictly taboo.
> "Family talents for swordsmanship and magic," 
Dan: Make that "really-long-lipsticksmanship and magic".
> she
> shrugged. "Might as well use it to make a living. 
Dan: Or not, if the running gag in the anime was any indication.
Zenith: If you prefer... I prefer to use my skills to make a killing. [gets hit with the flat side of the Zero Hour] Ow.
Cyrus: Keep the bad puns to yourself.
> And you two I guess are Manos,
Dan: The Hands Of Fate.
> lack of battle dress notwithstanding."
Kyo: Well, that's standard for Yohko, isn't it?
> "Yeah, so what are you doing here?" Yohko asked.
> "The musuem hired me to recover a supposedly
> mystical item," she shrugged. "Thanks for going
> through the gymnast's ahead of me, made it easy to get
> information."
> "Speaking of information," Iako said levelly. All
> three looked to a nervous Sasuke.
> *******************************************************
> "This is starting to turn into a family reunion
> weekend," Nabiki said cooly. Behind her Akane 
Triad: Nabiki bought Akane?
> and Nodoka were going through family photo albums. Ranma
> was supposedly doing the same, but it looked more like
Xach: He was trying to remember Jack Carver's phone number.
> he was sleeping. "How long has it been anyway?"
> "You remember the hell brat?" 
Noe: I?
Triad: Chibi-Usa?
Cyrus: My sister?
>Kiyone asked.
> "Yep," Nabiki nodded. "That's right, didn't see
> the whole thing though."*
[All blink.]
Dan: Did we miss something?
> "Think we should warn him?" Kiyone asked, glaring
> at the younger girl. Both thought about it for a
> moment.
> "Nah."
> *******************************************************
> Xellos glanced about nervously,
Xach: [Xellos] Where IS that dolphin?
> that sense of
> impending doom had just deepened.
> "Xellos, what is it this time?" Amelia demanded
> irritably. He had been on the verge of "convincing"
> her not to be mad anymore when suddenly he's looking
Cyrus: o/~ For love in all the wrong places. Looking for love... o/~
> for threats again. ~Hmm, wonder if we need a new
> game.~
Kyo: Yeah, that Monopoly board is really worn out. And you've lost the little boot and the dog.
> "Must be my imagination, Ame-chan," he smiled
> cheerfully.
Dan: His imagination is a threat?
> "Ooo, Shampoo get see Airen's family!" Shampoo
> plopped down on the table,
Noe: [Shampoo] Sorry. Shampoo not able to hold it any longer.
> oddly enough it fell rather
> round under her feet, and snatched up the book.
Dan: I've read this sentence three times, and I still not sure what it means.
Xach: Here's what happened. Shampoo takes a dump on the table. The table wipes it on Shampoo's feet. It then grabs a book because...
Triad: It needed toilet paper.
Xach: ...yeah! It needed toilet paper! And wouldn't you know... she uses the one sheet that has a Nannichuan recipe on it! It's funny!
ALL: (dryly) Ha.
> "Hey, what do you think your doing?" Akane
> demanded.
> "That certainly wasn't polite," Nodoka agreed.
> "Grrr."
Dan: Woof.
Kyo: Awoo...
Zenith: Yip yip yip!
> "What that noise?" Shampoo asked then shrugging.
> "Excuse miss...Shampoo," Sasami said quietly,
> pointing down.
Noe: [looks confused] Why are we supposed to excuse her?
Cyrus: Looks like more words went missing...
Dan: [Shampoo] Aiyaa! Shampoo play two parts at once! She so good actor!
> "Oh, Shampoo land on Airen head," she giggled. 
Triad: Yeah, he's an airhead, all right.
> "Sorry." She flipped off, driving Ranma's head back
> into the table again, and landed on a couch with the
> book. She flipped through several places and stopped.
Dan: You know, I'm surprised it isn't Ranma who's sturdier than Ryoga, considering he gets hit every five minutes whether he deserves it or not.
Triad: Let's test that theory, shall we?
[Triad bonks Dan on the head.]
Triad: Now count to 300 and tell me when you're done. [grins evilly]
> "Shampoo, we were looking at that," Akane yelled. 
> "Now give it back and go off and cook up some Ramen or
> something."
Xach: [Akane] Go and do something stereotypical and In Character!
Triad: [Shampoo] And what if I not?
Xach: [Akane] Then I'll go into the kitchen and act stereotypical and In Character!
> "Who's that?" Shampoo asked turning the book
> towards Nodoka with a pale expression. She was
> pointing to a slim angry looking young man standing
> between a younger Nodoka and some other girl.
> "Oh him?" Nodoka said. "That's my brother Wu Fei,
Dan: That's her brother Woofer?
Zenith: [Nodoka] He was killed by a stray comma. It's sad, really.
> we haven't heard from him since he went to China
> several years ago."
> "Airen's uncle name Wu Fei?" Shampoo asked quietly
> looking at Ranma.
> "Why you asking me?" he responded. "I just found
> out about all this stuff." The amazon looked at the
> picture and turned a lovely shade of green.
Zenith: Oh, it goes wonderfully with her hair.
Triad: It clashes with her clothes, though. She should wear something blue.
Xach: So this is what happens when you eat all your greens. Thank god I stopped listening to mom years ago.
> "Excuse me, Shampoo go be very sick now," and with
> that the amazon vanished through the hole in the wall.
Zenith: o/~ Break on through to the other side! o/~
> Well, Washu, HAD just fixed it, but Shampoo solved
Cyrus: The mystery of the Loch Ness Monster.
Triad: [Shampoo] Shampoo used Nessie for ramen meat. Oopsie.
> that problem easily enough.
> "ARG!!! Ryoko and Ayeka are bad enough!" the pink
> scientist shouted. "I haven't seen this much damage
> since my ex was learning black magic. Grrr, a blind
> man practicing attack spells indeed." 
Dan: ...this bodes evil.
Triad: Yep.

> Family Trees - Chapter 6
> A River Redirected
Dan: Flooding homes and killing livestock. I hope you're happy.
> Warning and Disclaimer: I don't own any of the
> characters aside from Jiro Kuonji, but he's more of
Dan: You mean Ukyo's father, who had a small speaking part in the manga and is thus a Rumiko Takahashi creation?
Zenith: [Author] Rumiko Takahashi! What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Triad: [Rumiko] Well, I'd...
Zenith: [Author] Would you give me ownership rights to Jiro Kuonji for a chocolatey Klondike bar?
Triad: [Rumiko] Throw in a Fudgesicle, and you got a deal.
> a punching bag than a character. 
Noe: Kinda like I.
Zenith: Kinda like you?
Noe: No! My friend, I!
Zenith: Oh, right.
> Oh yeah, before I
> get any comments, in Ruin Explorers,
Zenith: A good anime that's soon to be tainted and scandalized...
> Wiccan is a race of
> cat people 
Noe: Catgirls!? Where?!
>(assuming Fam is typical member) NOT a
> religion.
Xach: Oh, and here I really thought Fam was a religion.
> [I'm going to finish here for the moment though this
> part is kind of short...I]
Noe: You what?
Cyrus: He is unable to finish his sentences, apparently.
> Last Episode: Kiyone arrived at the shrine in time
> to meet the fiancees looking for lost weapons in the
> woods. The Tendo contractor flashes by 
All Except Dan: [throwing various objects at the screen] BAD!!!
Dan: What? I can come up with a better pun than that in my...
[Dogpile on Dan]
> to repair
> the after battle mess back at the Dojo. Leaf comes up
> with plan that doesn't involve waiting for her
> husband to wake up.
Xach: [Leaf] Let's put his hand in warm water.
> The Manos maul Tatewaki
Triad: [Kuno] We shall fight Mano a Mano!
Others: [Manos] Hai! [mauls Kuno (Triad)]
> Kuno and meet Ayaka Kisaragi. Nabiki and Kiyone
> discuss family, and Shampoo makes a sickening (for her)
> discovery.
Zenith [Shampoo]: Ranma watches professional wrestling! AIYAAAAH!
Dan [Ranma]: Oh, you didn't know? Yo' ass better CAAAAAAAAAAAL SOMEBODY! That's right! It's me! It's me! It's the S-A-O-T-O-M-E!
> *******************************************************
> "There is NO way I'm going to cast the spell,"
> the woman shouted at her youthful seeming friend. 
Zenith [woman]: It's, you know, all icky and stuff. Eww.
> Youthful seeming, and still annoyingly youthful
> acting at times.
> "But Ihrie...
Noe: Iria?
Cyrus: No, Ihrie...
Noe: Illyria?
Cyrus: Ihrie...
Noe: I?
Cyrus: IHRIE.
Noe: Iris?
Cyrus: Ihrie! Pay attention Da... [Catches himself]
Noe: [to Kyo] Almost got him...
> I'll just mess up!" The "girl's"
> tail twitched nervously.
> "Why couldn't I pair up with an elf," Ihrie
> wondered to herself, she was approaching her
Dan: Because you might have wound up stuck with a bad fanfic writer. It was just too much of a risk.
> mid-thirties with an old scar on her cheek. Her
> long purple hair stuck out at odd angles, as if she had
Zenith: Stuck her head in a blender.
Xach: presents, "Ruin Explorers Blender!"
Triad: OOH! OOH! Dilandau cosplayer! OOH!
> never even heard of a brush before. "They may stay
> young longer even than you wiccans, but at least
> they don't ACT like kids."
> "Oh come on Ihrie," Fam whined. "We have plenty
> of your pills. 
Zenith: Ah, the good stuff. I wonder what kinds they had back then?
Xach: [Mr. Mackie] Drugs 'r bad... hmmkay?
> And you're a much better magician than
> I am and this involves
Kyo: Lots and lots of whipped cream.
> time AND dimension travel and I
> don't think I can do it right." 
> Ihrie growled,
Triad: Uh, oh... looks like Ihrie's rabies are acting up again.
Zenith [Fam]: Oh, no! Where's the rolled-up newspaper when I need it?
> of course Fam was only half right.
> Raw power and theoretical superiority didn't help
> much when
Dan: You're facing off against a munchkin.
> you only got one spell in each battle. Plus
> Fam knew all her spells and a several more besides that
Kyo: Could slice, dice and make julienne fries!
Zenith: And if she casts now, she'll get, at no extra MP cost, this lovely set of Ginzu knives!
> Ihrie's curse had made impossible for her to 
Cyrus: One word and you die, Kyo.
Noe: ...have an or-- *CRASH!* OWW!
Cyrus: They're everywhere...
> learn properly.
> "Fam, you once cast a spell in a place normal
> spellcasting should have been impossible," Ihrie
> said rubbing her temples irritably. "Even if it was just
> a simple illusion, you can handle THIS,
Triad [Fam]: But this isn't THIS. It's [THIS!]
Zenith [Ihrie]: Damn. I thought it was a [THAT.]
Cyrus [Victor Borge]: Those are "thats," and these are all "thises." Thus...
> besides she's
> your kid, not mine." ~And to think I rejoiced when
> you finally stopped whining about Lyle. 
Kyo: The effiminate heterosexual?
Triad: What color is his hair?
> Last time we
> visited your daughter we ended up getting chased
> around by some psycho with blue hair.~
Noe: [Heavy sarcasm] Well that narrows it down.
> "Well...okay, if you say so Ihrie."
> "Just cast the spell."
> *******************************************************
> "Back so soon, Shampoo?" Cologne said as Shampoo
> sort of shuffled into the Nekohanten.
Xach: Cool, she's doing the Electric Slide.
> "Is something
> the matter, great-grandaughter?"
> "Yes," Shampoo snatched a bowl of ramen and sat
Dan [customer]: ramen...
> down heavily, sort of poking at the noodles before
> eating experimentally.
> "Is the son-in-law..." Cologne ceased speaking,
> as Shampoo pushed away the bowl of ramen.
Noe: [Cologne] He's PREGNANT!
[The others curbstomp him.]
> The color
> drained out of her face
Dan: Thus rendering her manga version.
> and then returned in shades
> of green. "What is it Shampoo?"
Zenith [Shampoo]: It's a male individual who becomes a part of the family by marrying one of your children, but that's not important now.
> "Ranma is family," Shampoo said, standing up
> calmly, and then making a mad dash for the public
> restroom.
Dan [customer]: HEY! This is the men's room!
Xach [customer]: Ever hear of knocking first? Sheesh...
> "This complicates matters," Cologne said to
> herself.
Dan: Depends. How far is your family removed from any sort of royalty?
Zenith: Tonight on the Jerry Springer Show: Amazon Rednecks.
Triad [Jeff Foxworthy]: If you press a button on the remote control, and it shatters into a thousand pieces, you MIGHT be an Amazon Redneck.
Zenith [Jeff Foxworthy]: If you use your 300-year-old grandmother as a bowling ball, you MIGHT be an Amazon Redneck.
> *******************************************************
> "Decisions, decisions," Nabiki said to herself,
> watching Ryoko and Ayeka fight off into the hills. 
Triad: Over the hills and into the woods, to granma's house we fight!
> Tenchi was in the fields doing chores,
Noe: Some very special chores, according to some lemons...
> this early
> in the morning, Ranma was still asleep. Nabiki had
> seen Akane in the dining area in the process of
> waking up. She must have had a long night, 
Noe: Thus explaining why Ranma was still asleep...
> Akane wasn't
> usually that tired in the morning. Still, her
Noe: Heh, heh.
> asking how Kasumi had gotten so short was quite amusing.
Noe: Did I miss something here?
Zenith: Maybe she shrunk in the washing.
Xach: [Duke] Nice legs, Kasumi. I'm going to take them with me. *SNAP*
Triad: [Kasumi] OW! I'm USING those! Besides, you're in the wrong fanfic!
Xach: [Duke] Listen... it's either hanging out with you or with... [shudders] ...the Radioactive Streaker.
> Ryoko had no money that she could determine, so
> it
> was useless selling the little information she had
> gleaned to the pirate. She doubted Ayeka would be
> willing to believe it, so blackmailing her was out
> of the question.
Noe: However, Nabiki was still contemplating spanking.
[Triad THWAP!s Noe with a large cardboard cutout of Nabiki in a bikini]
Zenith: so you ARE like that, are you....
> "Now, Xellos on the other hand," Nabiki pondered
> that. How much farther could she push him before he
Triad: Fell off a cliff?
> called her bluff.
Xach: [Xellos] You're a bluff!
Triad: [Nabiki] Noooooooo!!!
> "So you noticed her too?" Nabiki turned to
> Kiyone,
> who was suddenly just there. Nabiki wasn't
> surprised, she hadn't felt a teleport, but that was probably
> because Kiyone hadn't teleported. 
Kyo: Good reason.
Zenith: The author's logic is impeccable. She hadn't felt Kiyone teleporting... BECAUSE SHE WASN'T. Hoo boy... [rolls eyes]
> "Of course YOU never thought of getting a little
> advantage from that," Nabiki said, dryly.
> "Knowing you, you've already found excuses to
> avoid the schemes that would really hurt her," Kiyone
> said. "And have gone on to, 'let's get daddy.'"
Dan: I tried to work out a logical reason for this plot development, but had to stop before my head exploded.
Zenith: Oh, it's simple. Kiyone's pointing out how wussy and OOC Nabiki has become for not taking advantage of something that could, possibly, harm her sister. And I agree fully.
> "Its hard to make any money with you around,"
> Nabiki said. "Its too much like actually having a
> conscience."
> "By the way," Nabiki turned to face her. "How
> did you get him to teach you the teleport thing?"
Dan: ...the heck? Kiyone a disciple of Xelloss?
Zenith: Oh, great. He's gone from "Sore wa himitsu" to "Pimpin' Ain't Easy."
Triad: NOW Xel-kun gets killed. BAD Mazoku-pimp! BAD!
> "What do you care, you've always been happy
> without
> magic," Nabiki commented.
Zenith: That'd be because of the drugs, yes.
Dan: I think you spend too much time hanging out with Feng.
> "Hell, even I only drag
> the stuff out of him for a little oneupmanship."
> "Curiosity, and I could have used the "
Kyo: You could have used the quote mark for what?
> "Payment for getting me and Akane out of town."
> "From the sounds of it you were already coming
[Dan grabs Kyo.]
Dan: It won't parse. It... just... won't... parse... [sobs]
Kyo: ...there, there.
> here," Kiyone said. Then she smiled. "I can't 
Xach: o/~, I can't talk... o/~
> to see his reaction to that."
Noe: [Wiping his ear] ...Todaech'e mwò ya?
Subtitle: What the f***?
Triad: [Examining Noe's ear] It appears your brain has liquified and is leaking out of your ears...
Dan: Just like that guy from the OR...
Xach: I didn't think that was really possible... sweet!
Noe: [Licking his fingers] Tastes like soju...
Triad: [gets some on one of her fingers and tastes it] Insan-chan's blood tastes better.
Triad: What?
[Zenith holds up a sign reading 'gratuitious brain-eating scene']
> "KIYONE!!" the teal-haired woman face-faulted as
> Mihoshi called out in search of her. "Where are you
> Kiyone!?!?? Oh there you are! I've been looking
> everywhere for you."
> "Incoming!" Nabiki shouted pointing up into the
> sky at the descending body. Kiyone saw it, judged the
> trajectory and smirked a little.
Triad [Kiyone]: People plummeting to their doom always cracks me up.
> Tenchi returning
> from some morning chores looked up and sighed.
Cyrus [Tenchi]: Why, God? Why me?
Xach [God]: WHY NOT?
> "What now?"
> "Oh sorry, Mihoshi, didn't mean to be avoiding
> you
> or anything," Kiyone said nervously. The falling
> person approached with rapid speed.
Cyrus: It's the Living Bullet! Scatter!
Xach [Living Bullet]: FIRE ME, BOY!
> "Well you should be more look
> at the cool rock!" 
Triad: Rocks can't cook. Get over it. [*THWAK!*]
> Mihoshi bent down to pick up said
> rock
> as the falling person zoomed past her towards a
> wide-eyed Kiyone. "Hey, Kiyone, what happened to
> you?"
Zenith [Kiyone]: Suddenly, this isn't funny any*WHAM*...more.
> "Is that a giant spatula?" Nabiki asked pointing
> at
> the unconscious pair.
Noe: No, he's just happy to see you.
> "You IDIOT!!! Now we'll have to find out where
> he
> landed!" This was followed by a sleeping Ranma
> landing in the courtyard by Akane express.
Xach: [Conductor] Next stop Kyoto, Osaka, and Kiyone's face!
Cyrus: [singing] When you hear tomboys come 'round the bend,
You know that Kiyone's consciousness is about to end
With a lot of pain and much distress
'Board the Akane, Spatula and Ranma Express!
[Zenith's eyes light up.]
Zenith: [quietly] VanGuard my friend, do I ever have a grand future in showbiz for you...
Cyrus: [blinks] Did you say something?
Zenith: Oh, not at the moment. But I'd like to talk to you later.
Cyrus: [dubious] Okay then...
Zenith: [quietly] Gotta prepare a contract...
> "Ever alert martial artist," she hmphed.
Triad [Ayeka]: You haven't finished your vegetables!
> "COME AND GET ME SLOW POKE!!!" Ryoko shouted
> back. 
> ~Hmm...she's getting better at this.~ Everybody
> watched them pass and sweatdropped. Ranma snored.
Zenith: After all, highly-trained martial artists ALWAYS sleep through danger.
> "Hey, what's with all the noise?" Ukyou walked up
> to the rest of the crowd stretching out the kinks
Kyo: Heh... Ranma really loves Ukyou's kinks.
> from
> sleeping on the ground. She looked back to where
> Kiyone was coming around underneath the the human
> bullet.
Xach: Whoa. We were RIGHT.
Cyrus: And off in the distance, there was a singular shout of, "SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!"
> "Dad?"
> Shampoo, who had disappeared sometime last night,
> and Ukyou had refused to impose on anybody as
> uninvited guests and set up camps. Nobody knew
> where
> Kodachi had ended up. 
Kyo and Noe: [In unison] Let's keep it that way!
> "I'm sorry, but he irritated me!" 
Cyrus: [glaring at Noe and Kyo] Don't say it!
Xach: A night of wild passionate monkey love will do that to a woman...
[Cyrus facepalms and sighs]
> The Nerimites
> looked at each other and groaned. Akane noted a
> bucket of water and started in that direction.
> "Grrr...Mihoshi!" Kiyone staggered to her feet 
Xach: Seeing as they had gotten knocked off earlier.
Dan: [Duke] Hey, more for my collection! Thanks!
Zenith: [Kiyone] Hey! Put those down, you lousy thief!
> in time to see Akane splash Ranma awake. 
Triad: Too late did she realize the bucket contained hydrochloric acid. Hmm, brings back memories...
> "What did you do that for?" Ranma-chan shouted.
Zenith: [Akane] It was time for my obligatory act of bitchiness.
Triad: [Ranma] Oh. Carry on, then.
> "What the...huh? Wow, interesting wedding
> night."
Noe: Too easy...
> "Dady's little girl," Nabiki smirked, ignoring
> Kiyone's growl.
Kyo: Now Kiyone's got rabies! It's contagious!
> "Hey, who's the new girl?" the non nerimites
> facefaulted as they tried to figure out how Mihoshi
> had seen it happen and still didn't figure it out. 
> "She's cute." This, on the other hand, surprised
> them.
Dan: And the last bit didn't?
> "Ah Ha!" Nobuyuki shouted. "I knew it!"
> "Quick! Turn me back to a guy!"
> "Mihoshi! You're giving us a reputation!"
Kyo: Too easy...
> "Ah ha!! There he is! RANMA SAOTOME PREPARE TO
> DIE!!!"
> "Hmm? Ryouga great to see you man!"
> "Shut up, Ranma, I'm here to punish you for your
> mistreatment of women!" This resulted in two
Noe: Turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree.
> roving
> fights.
> "Do those two ever give it a rest?" Ukyou asked
> watching the pair of martial artists take their
> explosive match into the hills.
Zenith: Shame, really. They could've made some serious green by taking it into a Pay-Per-View.
> "No." Tenchi and Akane said at once, then looked
> at each other and blinked.
Xach [Tenchi]: JINX! You can't speak! Neener neener neener!
> "Great now I lost them both, hold it," Leaf
> scratched the tip of her ear. "If that was Ranma
> Saotome, that means we're here."
Triad [Leaf]: Because if that wasn't Ranma Saotome, we'd be in Detroit.
Kyo: Well, I guess that ma-
All: HUH?!?
Zenith: This week, on "Surreal Geographic..."
> "MOM!" Ukyou shouted in surprise. ~Wow she looks
> just like she did when she left, how does she do
> it?~ 
Zenith: Oil of Olay. LOTS of it.
> "Ucchan!" the elfin girl, about Ukyou's height,
> but a little slimmer. "I found you!" The two hugged
> and jumped up and down amid numerous sweatdrops.
Noe: Bouncy bouncy?
Triad: Not compared to this. [jumps in her seat. Gainaxing ensues.]
Noe: Thanks. Now I can die a happy man.
[Triad Breast Bashes Noe]
Triad: >) Shi'ne!
> "Dad said you were dead!"
> "Yeah, well, he's an idiot," Leaf said. "Umm,
> what happened to your ears?"
Zenith [Ukyou]: Shrapnel incident in 'Nam. I'd rather not talk about it.
> "Oh, yeah," she blushed and shifted her hair to
> let the pointed ears show.
> "Ukyou!?" Akane shouted in surprise.
> "Ukyou's an elf?" Nabiki blinked in surprise.
Triad [Ukyou]: (sarcastically) No. I just stuck my ears in a pencil sharpener! OF COURSE I'M AN ELF! DOES THAT MAKE ANY LESS SENSE THAN ANYTHING ELSE THAT GOES ON AROUND HERE?!?
Zenith [Akane]: Take it easy. I know how you feel. I'm actually an orc, and Nabiki's a demon boar.
> "Dad said they'd attract too much attention,"
> Ukyou said shyly. Leaf glared at the unconscious Jiro. 
Dan: Yes, trust the words of a man who instructs you to dress up as a guy for ten years, I'm sure.
> "What happened to him anyway?"
> "He accused that Ryouga boy of taking advantage
> of you," Leaf said.
Dan: Been reading fanfics again.
> "How'd he know I tried to...uh...oops." 
Noe: Mwò rae?
Subtitle: What did you say?
> Leaf
> leveled a look at her making Ukyou realize she had
> just given too much away. "Accident with a love
> potion?"
> "Grrr..." Leaf fumed. "I'll talk to him, AFTER I
> talk to you about some things."
Noe: I think she already knows about those things.
Dan [Leaf]: Let's talk about flowers and bees...
Triad [Ukyou] Not about sex, then?
Dan [Leaf] Uh, yes. Sex.
Triad [Ukyou]: Okay. So what do you want to know?
> "Like what?"
> "Like immortality for on thing," all the Nerimans
> present, with the notable exception of Nabiki, face
> faulted.
Dan: ...I don't get it.
Kyo: Me neither.
Zenith: Guess it must be a Nerimite thing.
Triad: But she's not like that! I KNOW Nerimite! I met her when I was working for the Dark Kingdom!
> *******************************************************
> "No, we are not sisters," Iako said crisply. 
Triad: [Iako] I'm Yohko's evil Demon Clone who was created by Washuu from a mixture of all the other girls at the Masaki Shrine and Tenchi's sperm plus Mass.
Others: ...
Zenith: If you pull another contrived run-on like that, I'll have you dismantled and turned into tuna cans.
> "Why do people keep asking us that?"
> "Hey, you too look so identical that HAS to be
> the next thing on most people's minds."
Noe: Heh, And we all know what the first is.
Xach: Yes. Kung-Fu Cyber Clones.
> "Well, we AREN'T sisters," Yohko insisted, though
> she really wouldn't mind it very much.
Kyo [Yohko]: Maybe then Iako would stop ogling me and asking me out.
> "My point exactly," Ayaka said.
> "We should be getting on with travelling to look
> for the Kuno," 
Cyrus: Which one?
Xach: Not just A Kuno, but THE Kuno. The one and only.
Triad: But there are like four Kunos.
Kyo: Sweet! One for each season!
Zenith: Spring Kuno is very decorative, but Summer Kuno has to be the most favorable.
> Iako said puzling over her comrades'
> abilities to waste time. "But since you insist on
> pestering us." Iako pulled a photograph from a
> pocket that seemed to be in her clothes some
> where though nobody could figure out where. 
Noe: [Opens his mouth]
Cyrus: No.
Xach: Can we make guesses, though?
Cyrus: NO!
> "Hey, Iako what are you doing with a picture of
> my father?" Iako blinked. 
Triad: So she she blinked that. Is it Morse Code again?
> "Grrrr."
Dan: The rabies is spreading! Run for your lives!
> "Ha!" Ayaka declared. "I knew you were sisters.
> "Oh my Iako, isn't this great?" Yohko smiled at 
> who was turning out to be her half-sister.
> ~By the first devil-hunter!~ Iako thought. 
> ~She's going to hug me...she's GOING TO hug me!" 
Triad: [Iako] EEEEEEEEEEK! Cooties! Yohko cooties! RUN!
Cyrus: [smacks Noe] Bad!
Noe: What'd I do?
Cyrus: I doubt you were leaning towards the screen with a goofy grin to read fine print.

> Family Trees - Chapter 7
Zenith: Incest. A sport the whole family can enjoy.
[The others STARE at Zenith.]
Zenith: Hm? Let's see the rest of you make heads or tails out of this 'fic.
Triad: Well, I know many many incestuous brothers...
Skrib: [O.S.] If you can't keep it in the pants, keep it in the family!
ALL: ...
Xach: Skrib, what the hell are you doing up there?
Skrib: [O.S.] Um... bye! [static noises for a second]
> A Change in the Tide
Triad: WHEN will this author get more creative titles?!
Dan: High tide will be at 6:05 this morning, rather than 5:55 as reported yesterday. And always remember to wear sunscreen.
> ****************************************************
> Last Episode: Ihrie and Fam discuss casting a gate
Dan [gate]: What's my motivation?
> opening spell to visit Fam's child. Kiyone and Nabiki
> discuss another person.
Xach: How wonderfully specific.
> Leaf finally finds Ukyou. 
Zenith: [Leaf] Would you believe she was under the seat cushions all the time?
Triad: [Kasumi] You shouldn't be picking under there, might find the dead bodi... nothing.
> Iako comes as close to panicking as she's ever been on
> discovering that Yohko is her half-sister.
Zenith: Knowing Yohko, I would panic too.
> *******************************************************
> In the hills about the Masaki shrine two battles
> were raging
Cyrus: ...against the machine.
>. Two girls and two boys, one of whom was
> a girl at the moment, were fighting as if to kill each
Dan: Wouldn't that make it three girls and one boy, then?
Xach: You're thinking about this logically, Dan.
Dan: Oh. My mistake.
> other, of course if they had REALLY been trying to
> kill each other there would have been a lot more
> devastation.
Zenith: Or, perhaps, a body or two? [rolls eyes]
Triad: Or three or four or five..
> One of these battles was no where near close, Ryoko
> was easily Ayeka's superior. Though Ryoko had to note 
Triad: ...that the author was playing favorites in this story. I hate it when they do that.
> that she was getting much better at taking care of
> herself than she had been when they first starting
> living at the shrine. 

Dan: Yes. Being obviously outmatched is a great improvement over simply being able to put up a shield that blocked all of Ryoko's blasts.
> Ranma and Ryouga, on the other hand, were at the
Xach: Nearest Starbucks, binging on mocha latte.
Zenith: I'm glad that corporation was destroyed in the franchise war...
Triad: Who won? Time-Warner?
Zenith: [gets suddenly teary-eyed] Don't... don't mention those.
Triad: Uh... sorry?
Zenith: My poor stock...
> point that it took an interruption to actually finish
> their fights. Either that or the unlikely event of
> Ryouga deciding he didn't really want to kill Ranma. 
[Cyrus holds up a empty piece of paper. The others look at him expectantly.]
Kyo: Yes?
Cyrus: I'd just like to point out that this piece of paper has more dimensions than the characters we're reading about.
> The case in this point was an interruption.
> RYOKO!!"
> "Yeah right you can take me."
Noe: Take me! Take me now!
Zenith: I wouldn't take you even if I was paid to, monkeyboy.
> /"Come and get me, Princess!"
Dan: The innuendo-meter is going off the scales...
> "LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!!" Who exactly shouted was
> lost in the following collision. Resulting in a huge
> explosion and a pile of four stunned combatants.
Triad: Ho-hum. The usual.
Zenith: So, what's on RAW?
Triad: Who cares about wrestling, let's get drunk.
Zenith: Great! Kegger at The Blue Gecko! Drinks are on Triad!
Others: WOOHOO!
Triad: Sure, drinks are-- Hey, wait a sec...
Xach: Since when did the Gecko charge for drinks?
Zenith: Well, that spoils the fun in that.
Triad: [smirks] Le's get trashed anyway.
[Triad grabs Zenith and tries to escape]
> *******************************************************
> Everybody turned away from the mother and daughter
> reunion to see the geyser of earth and power erupt
Dan: [grinning evilly]'s a Power Geyser? [Dan is showered in seat cushions]
> into the sky in the hills. Well except for Ukyou, who
> was trying to process the comment about immortality,
Noe: Aren't we all...
> and her father, who was still unconscious. Then there
Dan: She's making Soylent Okonomiyaki! Soylent Green is made of people! People!
Triad: [returns] BAKA! *THWAP!*
Zenith: The door's locked again. Damn.
> was quiet.
> "Wow, that was big," Nobuyuki commented
> intelligently.
Noe: Something he wishes Achika said more often.
[Cyrus drives him two feet into the ground with Zero Hour's hilt]
> "Oh! I hope nobody was hurt!" Sasami gasped.
Zenith: We've secretly replaced our regular Sasami with Kasumi... Let's see if they notice.
Dan: Sasami and Kasumi combine to form... SASUMI!
Cyrus: [Sasumi] Oh my!
Triad: [Announcer] We just replaced them both with Psycho Kasumi, fun for all the victims!
> "Those bakas," Akane hmphed. "Well I guess
> somebody has to go check on them."
Zenith: [Akane] They might have some money in their pockets.
> She started
> stalking off into the hills.
Cyrus: Five years ago, three students vanished into the area surrounding the Masaki shrine in search of the Akane rumored to stalk the area...
> "Anybody else coming along?" Tenchi asked, turning
> to follow her.
> "You're kidding right?" Leaf said, pointing at
> Ukyou and blinking.
Dan: [Tenchi] Um... miss? I'm over here.
> "Listen I have about three
> months, less now, to cram sixteen years of knowledge
> down her head before she has to make her choice, and
Xach: [Leaf pressing down on Noe's(Ukyou's) head] Just a little more cramming and it'll fit... [Lets go] There!
Noe: Are you done?
Xach: I think so.
Noe: Good. [Spork to Xach's face]
> you want me to leave?"
Noe: [Tenchi] Yes. You smell funny. Just go away.
> "I'll go!" Mihoshi shouted, cheerfully. Kiyone
> imagined Mihoshi applying first aid to anybody and
> facefaulted.
Kyo: A little mouth to *OOF*!
Cyrus: [Removing his elbow from Kyo's abdomen] Stop it.
> "Umm, Mihoshi, I'm not certain that's a good idea."
> "But I thought I recognized that guy that attacked
> that cu.." Kiyone slapped a hand over Mihoshi's mouth.
> "What did I tell you about making comments like
> that around other people?" Kiyone whispered, 
Dan: I think the author is hinting at something.
Noe: I don't think hinting is the right word.
> almost
> growling.
Xach: How romantic, to growl sweet nothings into your ear...
> Then she laughed nervously at the people
> staring at them.
Noe: [Kiyone] No, we're not the most obvious lesbian couple since Kei and Yuri, really.
Triad: [Mioshi] Oh Kiyone! Let's sing more Karaoke!
> "I'm not asking," Akane declared before heading
> back towards the site of the explosion.
> "I've never bothered to either," Tenchi agreed,
> continuing as well.
Noe: You're not fooling anyone, Tenchi!
Triad: A 17 year old boy who's not interested in a little girl-on-girl luvluv... is he dead?
Zenith: Or an enunch.
Triad: He could be gay.
Dan: You tell that to Ryoko and Ayeka. I'll go arrange your funeral in the mean time.
Triad: We'll just have to see about that. [cracks her knuckles]
> "Tenchi, wait up!" Sasami called out. "Azaka,
> Kamidake, we got to go help." The three of them and
> the logs faded away into the woods.
Cyrus: The logs being Azaka, Kamidake, and Mihoshi?
Xach: Well, Mihoshi already has the brains...
> "What's this about immortality?" Ukyou asked,
> confused. "And a choice?" Ukyou watched her mother
> laugh nervously.
Xach: Your choice is: Have your soul devoured by a three-eyed little girl, eat a carnivorous mermaid, or go around permanently afraid of people wanting to cut your head off. What will you choose?
Triad: Or she could become a Shinma and have Miyu go after her with Larva.
> "Okay, no time for dawdling about," Leaf said,
Xach: That's for at night when you're thinking about Ranma.
Cyrus: [Thwaps Xachary] She said "Dawdling" not "Diddling."
Triad: And so, Ukyo's painting became world reknowned and immortalized. It was called A Doodle I did When I Was Supposed To Be Acting In A Bad Fanfic.
> getting a hold of herself. A dimensional pocket
> appeared in front of her.
Xach: Unfortunately all it contained was some dimensional pocket lint.
> "Looking for some privacy?" Nabiki asked levely,
> with a smirk. 
Cyrus: [Glaring at Noe and Kyo] No.
>Ukyou face faulted as she worked
> through the implications of Nabiki with such powers. 
Triad: [Ukyou] Oh, great. Someone went and made Nabiki God AGAIN?
> Then stood up narrowing her eyes.
> "What's the catch?" Leaf demanded, narrowly.
> "Yeah, Nabiki you never do anything without a
Kyo: Small forklift.
> profit margin in mind," Ukyou added, Nabiki smirked.
> "I'll just put it on your tab Ukyou," Nabiki said.
> "Tab?" Leaf blinked. "You owe her money?"
> "Everybody owes her money," Ukyou said irritably.
Kyo: Debt collectors. They're everywhere.
Zenith: Oh, yes. Speaking of which...
Kyo: Can I pay you back in cows?
Zenith:, no.
Triad: Um, about the thing I owe you for... could I pay you back in Disposable Gundams?
Zenith: Can I get tax reductions on them?
> "I'm an honest business woman," Nabiki insisted.
Zenith: Your point being?
> "Like I said I'll put the entrance fee on your tab."
> "And how will you know when we want out?"
> "Just call out, I'll hear you," Nabiki said. ~At
> least sticking annoying alarm clocks in there doesn't
> help my ears much.~
Noe: That. Didn't. Make. Any. Sense.
Dan: Author tried to make a humorous aside.
Kyo: Well, he failed.
> "If this is a trick I'm going to skewer you girl,"
> Leaf promised Nabiki.
Triad: Nabiki-On-A-Stick!
> "I'll do everything I promised to do," Nabiki said
> eyes closed and head pointed to the ground as she
> leaned against a tree. "I swear."
Xach: And so do I...
[Dogpile on Xach]
> As Ukyou and her mother cautiously stepped into the
> dimensional pocket and it closed behind them, Kiyone
> slipped up next to Nabiki.
Noe: [Kiyone] Care to join Mihoshi and me later tonight?
> "So what is the trick?"
> "I forgot to mention that I put the exit fee on her
> tab as well," Nabiki said, smirking. "By the way,
> shall I start a tab for you as well?"
> "What are you talking about?" Kiyone asked
> nervously.
> "About a week stuck in our parents' homeworld, and
> the noises after hours. EVERY night," Nabiki smirked
> as Kiyone blushed. 
Triad: More like your parents were complaining about you and Mihoshi. >_>
[Various catcalls from the perverts.]
Cyrus: There's no hope for you.
Dan: There's no hope for the prose, either.
>~I told you I'd get you back for
> having to sleep in that stable.~
> *******************************************************
> "Well, here we are Fam," Ihrie said. "Which way
> now?" She'd heard Fam cast the spell, and she had
> done it properly, well she had done it half-properly. 
> They should at least be in the proper vicinity of
> Fam's daughter. Which time of the girl's life, on the
> other hand, Ihrie had no idea.
> "Well, I don't know," Fam said, looking about at
> all the trees. At that point the explosion erupted a
> mile or so below them.
Kyo: Worm sign!
Cyrus: Earthquake!
Xach: It's the big one! Everybody hold on to something!
[The theater shakes, throwing everyone about. Triad is "accidentally" grabbed by numerous perverts]
Triad: Shi'NE!!
> "Think that's them?" Ihrie asked drly.
> "She did turn out to be rather violent didn't she,"
> Fam said sadly.
> "Your fault for trusting a prince like THAT one,"
> Ihrie said.
Dan: Yeah, you can't trust Utena giving directions.
Triad: Well movie Utena anyway, I have no idea how anyone finds ANYTHING in that damn MC Escheresque constantly movie school.
> "He seemed nice enough," Fam said embarrassed.
> "So does my father by all reports."
> *******************************************************
> "Well here we are, the Masaki shrine," Iako said
> glancing at the steps irritably.
Zenith: [Iako] Pah! Lowly peasant steps!
> Ayaka and Yohko
> looked toward the top and swallowed. ~Yohko's my
> sister, damn, at least I'm not half-demon or
> something.~
Dan: The way this fic is going, you never know.
Zenith: I'm just waiting for the author to toss in Sailor Moon, Minky Momo, and Cowboy Bebop.
Cyrus: Shh! Don't invite fate!
[There is a knock on the theater door]
Triad: Oh great.
> ~I hope this means we don't have to fight anymore,~
> Yohko thought. ~But then it didn't seem to help our
> grandmothers.~
> "That's a lot of steps," Yohko stated simply upon
> seeing the stairs.
Kyo: Gee, master of perception, isn't she?
Triad: [Detective] I'm from the Stating the Obvious agency and we are here to investigate whether or not that is a lot of steps. Step aside please, Lady with Brown Hair.
> "I knew a shouldn't have gotten out of bed today,"
Zenith: Oh? Did you have something more fun in there?
> Ayaka whined. Iako growled, knowing they were both
> easily capable of making the climb in flash. "All
> this climbing and sweating is going to ruin my
> youthful complexion!" Both Manos blinked and looked
> at the woman after that remark.
> "I wouldn't worry about that," Yohko said politely.
Triad: Take that however you want. I'm not going to take it at all.
> *******************************************************
> "Thank you for your hospitality, Kasumi-san,"
> Amelia bowed to her as they left the building. "You
> certainly seem to have inherited some of the best
> traits of your mother."
Xach: [Amelia] I had no idea you could make so many dishes from boiled bread.
> Kasumi bowed slightly, still
> smiling.
> "Yes, well I am sorry she can't still be here to
> see you," Kasumi said, politely. "She was certainly a
> very loving woman." If Nabiki had been here she would
> have translated the exchange into the following.
Kyo: Gneep snikka bwo bwo waa.
> "At least you're not a man-stealing tramp like your
> mother."
[Everyone gasps.]
Triad: This is Kasumi?!?
> "Well, at least she was more than woman enough to
> hold a man or two."
Dan: That made no sense whatsoever.
Zenith: Oh, she's just saying that Syphiel was a real Mack Mommy, unlike Amelia, who couldn't get a man if her life depended on it.
Dan: Oh. That's really...
Zenith: OOC, yes.
> Of course, Xellos, Filia and Zelgadis understood
> the exchange, sweatdropping. Lina, Gourry and Soun
> were completely clueless.
Kyo: They weren't the only ones.
Dan: But, then again, when isn't Gourry clueless?
Cyrus: In battle, maybe? [/sarcastic]
> "Hey, we've got a month before we have to leave,"
> Lina said loudly. "And I'll bet we can come back to
> visit later."
Triad: [Lina] But we'll wait a few months until you've restocked your larder.
> "Yes, certainly," Amelia said, smiling. "And
> perhaps I'll be better company." Roughly translated. 
> "Okay, I deserved that." 
Noe: Any resemblance between this scene and a logical, well thought out piece of writing is purely coincidental.
>The slayers individually
Dan: Slayers Individually? Is that the next season?
Zenith: Yes.
Dan: Thank you, all-knowing girl from the future.
Triad: Echowarrior? KILL!
[Everyone stares at Triad.]
Triad: ...what? Why did I say that,anyway?
Cyrus: I see someone here who needs to lay off the Sprite.
> thanked the Tendos for their hospitality and turned
> down the street.
Triad: [Lina] No, I don't like that one, this street is so much nicer.
> "Well, come on where is this place we're going to?"
> Lina demanded.
> "Its a shrine outside the city," Amelia said as
> they walked away. "Its supposed to have a demon
> sealed away inside it."
Cyrus: Yeah, Just on the other side of the island.
Zenith: Details, details.
> "Shouldn't take too long to get there," Zelgadis
> said. And in the next moment six bodies were flying
> through the town. This was only moderately surprising
> to the citizens of Nerima. 
Cyrus: People fly through Nerima everyday.
Kyo: But rarely by their own power.
Noe: Reader keeps telling me we need to visit this Nerima place.
> *******************************************************
> "Hey, you okay?" Ayeka blinked awake to see
Zenith: [Ayeka] Liberace? NOOO!
Dan: I wish my brother George were here.
Triad: Why?
> someone standing over her. As her vision cleared she
> saw that was some strange boy about Lord Tenchi's age
> wearing a bandanna and looking at her with concerned
> look on his face. Only pieces of this filtered
> through her punch-drunk thinking.
Cyrus: Don't you just hate when some idiot spikes the punch, and everyone ends up drunk?
> "AHH!! Pervert!!" The next thing Ryouga knew 
Xach: ...was the location of Jimmy Hoffa's resting grounds.
> there
> were a bunch of little logs surrounding him. 
> "What the...?" Then the electricity started. As a
> result when everybody else arrived Ayeka was the only
> one still
Triad: ...alive.
> awake.
Triad: Dammit.
> "Wow, somebody actually woke up before Ranma and
> Ryouga?" Akane blinked.
> "Is that THIS pervert's name?"
> "Damn did I get in the way of battleship?"
Dan: No, we're fine. I was about to sink a frigate. A-6!
> "When did Cologne stop by?" Ranma-chan groaned. 
> Then she looked to see Ryouga "still" unconscious. 
> "Hey Ryouga, wake up, you're giving us a bad name
> man."
Noe: No, it was Jesse Zamora who did that.
> "Errggg," Ryouga groaned intelligently.
Noe: Ng!
Xach: Arg!
Kyo: Nn!
Zenith: Ghh!
Cyrus: [confused] Er...
Triad: Urg!
> "Ryo-chan!" Ryoko blinked.
Xach: They're STILL signaling things with their eyes?
> "I must really have been hit hard," the space
> pirate
Triad: Arr! Shiver me timbers, matey!
> said after a moment. "I could have sworn that
> I just heard...."
> "Fam, wait up! I'm not a kid anymore you damn
> wiccan!"
Noe: Yeah, damn Wiccans...
[Noe is suddenly buried under an avalanche of billiard balls]
Keori: [Offstage] Watch it!
> "Oh great," Ryoko whined, then waved cheerfully. 
> "Hi mom." 
Dan: Has anyone told Washuu about this?
Cyrus: Actually...
Dan: Yes, yes. I know. It's just a joke.
> Everybody looked at the cat girl 
Noe: Mmmmm... Catgirl... H_H
[Triad smites Noe]
> in the white
> outfit running down through the trees
Dan: Making a lot of holes.
Triad: *CRASH* Ow... *CRASH* ow... *CRASH* ow...
> ahead of a woman
> in her early thirties or late twenties, with untamed
> purple hair. Then they looked back at Ryoko, who
> seemed both older and much taller.
> "That's your mother?" Tenchi asked, surprised.
> "She seems so..." Ayeka started.
> "Naive?" Ryoko asked.
> "Ryo-chan!" Fam glomped onto her daughter. "Its
> been so long!"
> "Is that bounty hunter anywhere around?" Ihrie
> asked, out of breath as she finally reached everybody
> else.
> "Does she mean Nagi?" Tenchi asked.
[A second Triad sits down next to Zenith]
Triad 2: Yes as a matter of fact time travel is annoying.
Zenith: Who are you?
Cyrus: And what are you talking about?
Triad 2: Shit... [Fizzles out of existance.]
Kyo: That was weird.
Triad: I hate it when that happens. _ _;
> "Mommm...I..caan't breathe," Ryoko gasped.
> "Is it just me or have there been a lot of
> coincidences recently?" Ranma asked.
ALL: [sarcastic] Naaah.
> "Why do you seem familiar?" Ihrie asked Ayeka,
> confused.
Zenith: [Ayeka, teary-eyed] Have you forgotten? It was just one night, but...
Cyrus: Hold it right there.
Noe: No, go on!
> "Actually, I was about to ask you the same thing,"
> the princess said. "But when would a disreputable
> creature like you ever be able to encounter a princess
> of Jurai."
Zenith: [gritting her teeth] I. Can't. Stand. Nobility. First against the wall they were, and good riddance...
> "You'd be amazed who hires mercenaries," Ihrie
> said, glancing at Fam and Ryoko. "Besides it wasn't a
> princess that we had problems with, just the Crown
> Prince."
Noe: Hoo boy...
> "What do you mean by that?" Ayeka asked.
> "Yeah, what DO you mean by that?" Ryoko repeated.
> "Ihrie!" Fam snapped surprised, releasing Ryoko.
> "Oh shit...and I always thought Fam ran off her
> mouth," Ihrie laughed once. "Ignore I just said
> anything."
> "Do you guys sense an incredible coincidence
> happening," Tenchi asked.
Xach: [Author] Quick, hide the plot! They're on to us!
Dan: WHAT plot?
> Akane and Ranma nodded,
> Ryouga sat up, blinking.
> "Well you, see," Fam said nervously. "Your father
> is the Crown Prince of Jurai."
Zenith: Meaning that... [counts on her fingers, then facepalmes] And I thought Yohko and Iako a was bad match.
Dan: I just want to know how Washuu fits into the equation.
Triad: Almost everyone is Tenchi Muyo is related. EVERYONE except Kiyone. And the actual Earthlings.
> "Was, Fam," Ihrie reminded her. "By now he'd be
> the king. Time travel is annoying."
Triad: We'll see about that. [Fizzles out of existance.]
> "WHAT!!!" Ayeka and Ryoko face faulted.
> *******************************************************
> "And now at last I can have the power to win my
> Ranma-darling's heart! OHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" 
[Dogpile on Zenith]
Zenith: My... forward... aren't you?
> Kodachi yelled. "And the purpose of my ancestors will
> finally be complete to throw in the bargain!!"
Xach: Now how much would YOU pay?
Zenith: For Kodachi? I'd trade her for some Texan waterfront property.
> ~Its interesting that after all those bunglers that
> tried to call my power,~ a demon lord pondered as it
> waited to be released. ~That it would take marrying
> into a family of demon hunters to finally fulfill my
> release. 
Noe: I don't want to know.
Zenith: I fear that it's the principal talking.
Dan: Aloha, keiki!
[Triad fizzles back into existance.]
Cyrus: Will you stop doing that?
Triad: It's not MY fault my author keeps going out of circulation!
>I'll have to thank the Manos before I kill them.~
Triad [Yohko]: You're welcome!
Zenith [Iako]: Yohko!
Triad [Yohko]: What? I'm just being polite!

> Family Trees - Chapter 8
> A Current Moved
Cyrus: Well, I'm less than 'moved' by this piece of claimed literature.
Zenith: I'm not getting paid enough for this...
Triad: We're not getting paid AT ALL for this.
> Warning and Disclaimer before: any guess as to when
> the characters are going to find a way into the real
> world to rip me to pieces...
Dan: Warning and Disclaimer after: it was at 2:15 on Wednesday. Oh, God, the pain!
> Last Episode: The roving disaster areas collided,
> Nabiki gave Ukyou and Leaf some private space to talk,
Xach: She forgot to give them oxygen to go with the space, though. It ended kinda messy.
Triad: Hai!
> she then decides to blackmail Kiyone a little. Fam
> and Ihrie tell Ryoko about her father. And virtually
> everybody else is about to hit the Shrine.
Dan: What did the Shrine ever do to them?
Triad: It hit on them. [dodges]
> -------------------------------------------------------
> "This is driving me CRAZY!!"
Dan: When are you coming home?
> Akane shouted. Then
> she turned back to look between Ihrie and Ayeka. 
Kyo: Who, in turn, wondered what she was looking at.
Noe: She could be looking for the plot...
Cyrus: I think that the plot, insofar that there ever was one in existence in the first place, was bound, gagged, tied in a sack... and thrown into a deep, deep hole.
Triad: And given Cement "galoshes".
> "Every since I got here I've had this feeling
Zenith: ...feeling of love... ahaha.
Triad: ...of pure hate for this story.
Dan: my hand! It's a lemon, lemon, LEMONed I scream!
> I should
Triad: Kill it and everyone in this story.
Kyo: Do the Macarena!
Triad: Don't you dare!
> know you and that green haired lady back there, and
> now YOU show up."
> "Well, she does sort of act like Kodachi,"
> Ranma-chan noted.
> "Like that...that..arrogant...lunatic?" Ayeka
> sputtered in rage.
Cyrus: Funny, I'd never have taken her for being a Garou...
Dan: Mark... of the Wolves!
> "Certainly seems to fit you, Sis," Ryoko smirked.
> "You be quiet!"
> "We REALLY shouldn't have said anything, Ihrie,"
Triad: [Fam] If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.
Kyo: So be quiet.
> Fam noted. ~Wow, for once I'M the responsible one.~
Dan: And at that moment, P-chan flew by on wings of gossamer.
> "I know, I know," Ihrie practically growled.
> "Even if that's how SHE'S familiar, how about
> Makibi-san, or her? I mean until now I only got this
> feeling from Nabiki!"
Zenith: That's your libido speaking, dear. You're just being a randy monkey.
Cyrus: [pale] ZENITH! I- I-
Zenith: [smiling sweetly] Yes, VanGuard?
Cyrus: Never... EVER... do that again.
Zenith: If that's what you want...
Cyrus: Good, that's--
Zenith: ...but now you owe me a favor. [smiles evilly]
Triad: you ARE a good businesswoman...
> "Don't ask me," Ihrie said. "Last time I felt
> anything like it was with an old love interest."
ALL: ...
Xach: Zen, I thought you were making it up.
Zenith: So did I!
Triad: Hai hai... @_@
> "That Ashram person right?" Ryoko froze letting
> people pass her for a moment.
> "Is something wrong, Ryoko?" Tenchi asked.
> "Yeah, Oneechan," Sasami noted. "You just turned
> white as a sheet."
Triad: Been going a bit heavy on the bleach, Ryoko?
> "Sasami! She is NOT our sister!!"
Kyo: [Ryoko as Darth Vader] Search your feelings... you know I'm true. I AM your sister.
> "Umm...that cat-girl," now Ranma stopped and took a
> good look at Fam, before taking off
[Noe, Xach and Kyo lean forward]
[Triad hits them with a flurry of cushions]
Xach: [Frothing] THAT'S IT! Didn't anybody in Android School ever tell you not to Screw With The Crazy Man? That maybe, just maybe, that Screwing With The Crazy Man was not a good idea?
All: ...
Xach: That's it! Eat Justice Fist! [Xach goes into Mary Sue, and pounds Triad handily]
Kyo: ...Justice Fist?
Xach: ['Normal' again] ...There's nothing wrong with Justice Fist... ^^;
> at a run down the hill.
Noe: ...Damn.
Triad: Hah! Take that!
> Ryouga laughed nervously as Akane glared at
> him. "Heh, imagine that, and I thought he'd already
> noticed."
Xach: [Ryouga] I mean, anyone can see she's been replaced with Folger's Crystals.
> "I'm sure," Akane left to chase after Ranma. "Get
> back here you baka!! She's NOT a cat!"
Kyo: No, she's a lot more fun.
> Everybody looked at Ryouga for a moment.
> "Ranma's afraid of cats," he snickered viciously.
> "Ohhhhh kay," and they turned back to staring at
> Ryoko.
> "Do you know Ashram, Ryo-chan?" Fam asked.
> "Tall, serious, dark-hair?"
Zenith & Triad: Yes, please!
> "Yeah," Ihrie said, nervously. "Why?"
> "Do you know where he is now."
> "Well, he just sort of left one day, don't know
> where to. He took the news that my father was some
> kind of demon pretty hard," Ryoko took a look at her
> hair for a moment.
Dan [Ashram]: Parn! Parn! Hey, it's me, Ashram! You really don't like me, right? If I were to give you the opportunity to kill me, you'd do it, right?
Triad: [is about to hit Dan but stops] I thought you said porn.....
Dan: Well, that says something about you, doesn't it?
> One his way to the shrine, Xellos suddenly felt
> VERY nervous.
Kyo: [Xellos] Man, if I don't find my trig notes...
> *******************************************************
> "I don't have that much money," Kiyone protested.
> "Oh, please I just wanted to see you squirm,"
Zenith: Odd request, but I've catered to weirder than that.
Cyrus: Feel free not to reminsce.
Zenith: Why... was that a request?
Cyrus: No, it was a generous offer to remain breathing.
Zenith: Fair enough.
Triad: Zenith... you DO that?
> Nabiki snickered. "Still a little information here
> and there would be useful."
> "Like what?"
Dan [Nabiki]: Where are the Galaxy Police radar traps? I just got my license and Daddy would be really mad if I got a ticket.
> "Like the name of anybody that's every crossed
> paths with Genma Saotome, or at least any recorded
> encounter."
> "Deal," Kiyone agreed, with the Yagami's computers
Dan: Wow, Iori's gone corporate?
Kyo: That's another thing we don't need crossing over.
> that would be easy to find. She imagined her mother's
Xach: This is so full of innuendo, it's not even funny.
Cyrus: ...someone should scrub your mind with soap. >_<
Triad: I'll scrub it with a wire brush!
> reaction to finding out that her daughter had
> inherited "Dad's" roaming eye.
Xach: One of my bloods had a roaming eye. It kept ending up behind the couch...
Kyo: Then he had no trouble looking there.
Triad: >_< Bad...
> "Ugh, what hit me?" Nabiki and Kiyone turned to
> Jiro Kuonji pulling himself up from his enforced nap.
> "According to reports you pissed off the walking
> earthquake and then took a swan dive into Kiyone
> here," Nabiki said simply.
> "Uhh," he tried to consider this. "Did you see a
> brown haired girl with pointy ears..."
> "Your wife and daughter are in a dimensional pocket
> discussing matters," Kiyone explained hostilely, after
> all this guy had missed Mihoshi and bowled into her. 
Triad: [Kiyone] Or they should be if they had any air...
> ~Not bad looking for an older guy though, hmmm.~
Dan: ...
Cyrus: Let's just move on. There has to be an end to this.
Noe: Optimistic...
> "Oh that guy is awake!!!" Mihoshi yelled loudly. 
Kyo: Yes, indeed! Yelling is rarely soundless! [facepalms] D'oh!
> She bounced over and stuck her face into Jiro's. 
> "Hey, do you know what the name of the guy that thew
> you was?"
> "Uh...Ryouga.." he said.
> "YATTA!!" Mihoshi yelled happily, jumping up down
> happily. "Hey Kiyone!! You can meet my brother!!
> Ooo
Cyrus: Behold, a mutant emoticon.
Others: [assorted ooh's and aah's]
[Triad catches it in a Pokéball]
Others: ...
Triad: What? I collect them...
> I wonder if A-Ko is here too!!" Kiyone sweatdropped.
> ~Mihoshi's family??~ Kiyone wondered what she had
> down in her
Zenith: ...pants. It felt furry, and distinctively... slithery.
Triad: Zenith! Bad Girl! BAD! [fwap!s Zenith repeatedly]
> previous life to deserve this.
> "Ah HA!!" Nabiki turned to the diminuitive pink
> haired scientist that had seemingly appeared out of
> nowhere. "I found that anomaly." A surprised
> half-elf, quarter-elf fell out of thin air as Washu
> typed on her console.
> "Hey! They paid me for that!" Nabiki said as the
> elf-bloods disappeared again.
> "That pocket is messing up my calculations!" 
> Mother and daughter popped into existence.
Xach: Pop goes the weasel!
> "People expect to get what they pay for!" Leaf and
Zenith: Oh yes, they do. They certainly do.
> Ukyou popped out again.
> "You compare money to scientific discovery?!?"
> "I made a deal, and I'm HOLDING that deal!" 
Zenith: And that, friends and foes, is the unyielding rule.
> Kiyone, Mihoshi, and Jiro watched as Ukyou and Leaf
> kept appearing and disappearing with hardly a time to
> get a word in.
> "QUIT IT!!!" Leaf and Ukyou shouted at once over
> several pops.
Triad: They cloned Genma? AAAAAH!
> "You two are pathetic." Most people didn't notice
Xach: The aspects of feet. There's more than meets the eye.
Dan: You sure? I thought that was Transformers.
> the phrase, but Kiyone and Nabiki, feeling a now VERY
> familiar sensation, both turned in the direction and
> groaned. Nabiki's distraction resulted in a fuming
> pair of girls about reading to tear into Washu and
> Nabiki.
Triad: We do NOT need a Marvel Comics Crossover too!
> *******************************************************
> Xellos suddenly felt irrationally paranoid, almost
> as if some cosmic force were out to get him.
Dan: The Goddess of Destruction, baby?
Triad: I don't recall being mentioned in the fic.....
[Others stare]
Triad: Just kidding..
Xach: 'Droid, I've met the Goddess of Destruction. I've had tea with the Goddess of Destruction. I've made out with the Goddess of Destruction. Trust me, you aren't the Goddess of Destruction.
> "Umm, Ihrie, you didn't sleep with him or anything
> did you?" Tenchi 
Dan: [tapping his finger] Did someone white-out parts of the fic or something?
> "Ryoko that's a rather rude question."
Kyo: And that requires a rather rude answer, doesn't it?
[Cyrus slowly raises the Zero Hour]
Kyo: Or... not.
> "Oh please Lord Tenchi, as if she knows ANYTHING
> about social graces."
> "What's going on?" Ryouga scratched his head, but
Zenith: [Ihrie] You've got dandruff there.
> decided not to go off anywhere since he'd probably
> just get lost.
> "NO, I did not sleep with him, not that it is any
Triad: ...improvement.
> of your business," Ihrie said.
> "Your father wouldn't happen to be Xellos
> Metallium," Ryoko asked, ignoring the looks she was
> getting. "Would he." Ihrie suddenly felt a little
> scared.
> "Yes," Ihrie said nervously. "Why?"
Zenith: [Ryoko] Rat bastard owes me money.
Cyrus: The world doesn't revolve around money, you know...
Zenith: Just keep telling yourself that.
Triad: He has a lot to learn. It revolves around Mass Destruction!
> "Metallium-sama?" Ayeka blinked. "He was a friend
> of my mother's." Ihrie and Ryoko took a moment to
> look at Ayeka, and then nodded.
Dan: [Ryoko] No doubt about it. It has to be butter.
> "Suddenly the hair makes sense," Ryoko mumbled. 
> Then she blushed and turned back to Ihrie. "Well
> isn't it funny what travelling over time and
> dimensions can cause."
Xach: Lady, you don't know the half of it. I mean, you go back in time, you kill one little archbishop, and all of a sudden, everybody gets all pissed. Jeez...
> "No its not," Tenchi put in, remembering his own
> experiences with alternate universes.
> "What is it Ryoko," Ihrie asked angrily.
> "You shouldn't be mean to Ryo-chan, Ihrie!" Fam
> retorted innocently.
> "Well, you see, Ashram is my son," Ryoko started,
> pointing her fingers together.
[Zenith takes out a notepad and scribbles furiously]
> "IHRIE!!" Fam's voice reached painful tones. "That
> was my GRANDSON you were flirting with?"
[Zenith sighs and shreds the paper]
Cyrus: Trying to keep track of all relations?
Zenith: Yes... [weeps into her hands]
Triad: [patpats Zenith] It'll be okay... We'll survive this thing.
Zenith: [peeks up] Do I get your stuff if we don't?
> "Ah HA!!" Ayeka pointed. "You see what kind of
> woman she is Tenchi, she's just not fit for you! 
> There is NO way this demon woman is blood of Jurai."
> "Ayeka," Tenchi said wearily. "Not right now."
> "Ah Akane, I was almost back to house anyway!"
> Ranma-chan's voice whined.
> "You are going to stay here and be polite to your
> cousin's girlfriend's mother!" The surprising thing
> was that Akane didn't find that an awkward statement. 
Dan: She's desensitized.
Kyo: I fear we'll soon join her.
Noe: Oh, yes. I wouldn't even blink now if someone told me that Cyrus is the love child of MMK and the Wyvern.
Cyrus: [pale-faced] DIEEEE! [attacks Noe]
> "Ranma no Baka!!"
> "But she's a c-c-c-c-c..."
> "Oww!"
> "I'm sorry, did we miss anything?" Akane asked
> sweetly as the Tenchi crew, Fam and Ihrie all blinked
> at her.
> "The scarred girl was dating the silver-haired
> girl's son."
> "Oh, so?"
> "It gets worse," Ryoko said, nervously. Everybody
> looked at her. "Ashram's father is Xellos Metallium."
> Ihrie turned green and really silent for a moment.
Triad: AGH!
> *******************************************************
> Xellos was not certain he had actually heard that,
> but it made him nervous anyway.
> *******************************************************
> "Anybody you know?" Nabiki asked, as everybody
> turned to the shout. They had been talking to the
> three exorcists about one Kodachi Kuno when the shout
> rang out.
Xach: [Lurch] YoU rANg?
> "Nope, that's a new voice," Kiyone said. "I wonder
> what the purple-haired breeding program left behind
> this time." 
Zenith: Oh, shut up. [brushes back her own purple hair]
Triad: I wish I could get rid of this stupid pink hair... Ah, well. It makes me more menacing.
Xach: And my orange hair is the hair the ladies love! Right? ...Right? ...damn.
> The green-haired woman had her shoulder grabbed and
Triad: [green-haired woman] My shoulder! Come back with it, you lousy thief!
Dan: [Duke] But it's for my collection!
> she was twisted about to look at a snap shot. The
> angry twin was holding it and looking down with barely
> restrained anger. Kiyone sweatdropped while Nabiki
> shrugged.
> "Oh, we recognized what you two were when hit the
> top of the stairs," Nabiki said.
Zenith: Scientiologists.
Xach: Riverdancers.
Cyrus: Mooncalves.
Triad: Starlights.
> "I'm Yohko's sister AND I'm half demon," Iako
Triad: Aww, close...
> muttered. Then she did something she had never, in
> her life of martial and supernatural discipline, ever
> done.
Cyrus: Read a book.
Kyo: Got a dye job.
Noe: Made sweet, sweet l-- OW!
> She fainted.
Kyo: Damn!
> Ayaka Kisaragi snatched the
> picture as it drifted down and looked at it again.
> "You know I thought he looked familiar," she said. 
Zenith: [Ayaka] This was the guy I bought the Tokyo Tower from!
> "My parents know him and his oath-bound, well wife I
> guess."
> "Hey, he's one of the top people on my ex's home
> dimension!" Washu declared looking at the pic.
> "I think its time to have a little family
> discussion," Kiyone said to Nabiki.
> "Unfortunately so," the younger girl sighed. "I
> was hoping not to let Akane find out about this."
Triad: [Nabiki] You know what she thinks about interdimensional rednecks.
> *******************************************************
> "So if you felt this familiar tug towards your
> half-brother," Ranma's mouth was working him towards a
> grave.
Noe: My god! His mouth is possessed! Like that hand from the Evil Dead movies!
Triad: Ranma's never had control of his mouth. [Thinks, thwaps herself]
> "Why'd all three of you feel it towards each
> other?" He looked around and realized he had just
> said something stupid.
Kyo: And that's honestly more perceptive of him than his origin lets on.
> Akane, Ayeka and Ihrie regarded each other
> curiously. Ihrie had it pretty much figured out by
> now, but the other two took a little longer.
> "This has to be some cruel joke," Ayeka said.
> "Well I can think of someone who can probably
> answer some questions."
> "Oh?" Ihrie asked.
> "I as well," Ayeka noted. "Since I am thinking of
> someone else that I've felt that same 'tug' as you
> call it with before."
> "NABIKI!!!""KIYONE!!!" And they as a crowd rushed
> towards the shrine.
Dan:, is there anybody who isn't related to everybody else? I've lost track.
Zenith: I think the Jyusenkyo Guide is spared so far. And PenPen. And the cast of Iczelion, but I might be overly optimistic on that one.
Triad: Actually, the cast of Utena has also been saved, as has the casts of Card Captor Sakura, Saber Marionette Series, and Evangelion.
Dan: I wouldn't mention them, then. Remember what happened when I made an Gundam W joke?

> Family Trees - Chapter 9
> Wind and Sea Mix
Dan: I was hoping for the techno-house mix, myself.
Triad: I was hoping for the Free Drink Free Food mix.
> Warning and Disclaimer: don't take this too seriously and don't really own 
> any of these characters.
Noe: OK we won't.
Dan: It's too late! I own them all! You hear me, you misappropriated, out-of-character, 2D losers? I OWN you! I own ALL OF YOU!
> Last Episode: Ayeka, Ihrie and Akane begin to figure out why they all
> feel sort of familiar to each other. Ihrie finds out that her old
> boyfriend was 
Dan: Kinky.
Cyrus: [stares]
Dan: What? Hell, you know someone was going to do it.
> Fam's grandson and her half-brother. The Manos discover that
Noe: Diet Pepsi doesn't taste like regular Pepsi.
> they're 
> half-demon. Ryouga is revealed as Mihoshi's brother. And Nabiki and Washu 
Dan: Yoiko?
Yoiko: Yes?
Dan: ...
[Yoiko vanishes in a puff of smoke]
Dan: That's made even stranger by the fact the Yoiko was Ranma in disguise.
Xach: Surreal, isn't it?
> have an argument over dimensional pockets.
Zenith: Take your hands out of your dimensional pockets! It looks sloppy.
Triad: Yeah! All four of them!
Noe: You never know what you'll find in those things.
[As if to illustrate the point I Suroe groggily sticks his head out of Kyo's backpack, looks around, and goes back to sleep.]
Kyo: How did he get in there?
Noe: You don't want to know.
> *******************************************************
> "What's the matter Skuld?" Urd asked her rather frantic sister. The 
> younger goddess looked up from her scanner.
> "LOOK AT THIS!! There are multiple time-distortions all in one place!! 
[All starts shuffling nervously]
Triad: You think... she's looking at us?
Dan: Well, I admit I have a punctuality problem, but still...
> How did this happen?" Urd took a moment to look and then put her own
> powers 
Xach: In one basket.
> to the test.
Kyo: But she failed, and had to take history all over.
> "Oh, that explains it," Urd said finally. Skuld looked at her sister 
> questionably. "Sis's great-grandaughters."
Dan: I can't say I like the look of that look.
Noe: Belldandy has children? But that means she's had se... CHUGÒ!!!
[Rushes the screen. Xach and Kyo hold him back.]
> "Oh please," Skuld sniffed. "Her grandaughter wasn't even born on this 
> world, besides aside from this Keiichi person you want to hook her up
> with she hasn't had a boyfriend in millennia. If her relatives really
> really were here there'd be..." Skuld looked at her scanner and slumped.
> "Multiple time-distortions all in one place?" Urd smirked.
Zenith: [Urd] Ha! Gotcha!
Triad: Phew... she wasn't looking at us.
> "Okay, Okay, but THESE three have been here all their lives," Skuld 
> pointed out. "And they haven't set off any of my scanners....well two of 
> them are half-mazoku, but that's a different story...
Noe: With some luck, one we won't have to read.
> and what about them and that half-elf!?!"
Cyrus: I've heard they're part of an invading alien fleet.
Triad: I've heard they're sentient dinosaurs who built the pyramids and hide in human society.
Zenith: I've heard they're trying to invent the ultimate sandwich.
Xach: I've heard they're giant chickens!
[All stare at Xach]
Kyo: Jeezus, Xach. What are you ON?
Xach: Giant chickens! It's true, I tell ya!
> She looked at her scanners a little longer. "HOW MANY 
> HALF MAZOKU ARE ON THIS PLANET!??!? SAIYAN?!? They haven't even evolved 
> yet!!! ARRGGG!!!"
Cyrus: Good God! She's frenzying!
> Urd was unsuccessfully trying to hold in her laughter. This whole set up 
> was well worth
Zenith: the $300 she paid for it. Or so the salesperson said...
> the look on her youngest sister's face.
> "Oh my," Urd stopped laughing and turned to face her sister. "Perhaps we 
> should pay them a visit."
Zenith: Perhaps you should pay the audience for sitting through this sludge.
Dan: Perhaps you should have thought about that earlier.
Zenith: Perhaps I should beat you for that smart-aleck comment.
Dan: Perhaps you should think twice before threatening me.
Zenith: Perhaps.
Triad: [to Dan] She'll beat you anyway.
> *******************************************************
> While Nabiki and that green-haired woman were talking to the three 
> exorcists, 
Noe & Kyo:[exorcists] The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!
>Ukyou and her mother had their own discussion. Jiro sat off to 
> the side looking rather nervous and annoyed.
> "You mean I could stay young FOREVER?"
Dan: o/Forever young, I wanna be forever young... o/
> Ukyou asked, her eyes began take on the appearance of stars.
Noe: They soon grew several billion miles wide, and immediately incinerated the planet. The end.
> "Hey, this is not as great as it might seem!" Leaf snapped.
> "What could be bad about living forever?" Ukyou asked, confused. Leaf 
> sighed expressively.
Kyo: [Leaf] For starters, it'll cost your soul...
Xach: [Leaf] Then there's a bunch of people who want to cut off your head. Pretty annoying.
> "Well there is the tendency to outlive many of the people you care
Zenith: Hmm... on the other hand, you'd be able to outlive many of the people you just can't stand. I'd say it evens out.
Triad: What if they also sell their souls? Then you have to spend eternity with them.
Xach: Hell is being trapped for all eternity in a small room with Jean-Paul Sartre.
> both turned to look at Nodoka and blinked.
> "Err, how would you know what that's like?" Leaf asked, confused.
Cyrus: [Nodoka] Duh. Haven't you seen "Highlander"?
> "Oh, I'm about three hundred years old," Nodoka said serenly. Ukyou face 
> faulted, while Leaf tried to figure out what she was. "I'm Father's
> oldest child you see, at least as far as I know."
Zenith: [Nodoka] I'm really ignorant. I don't know why.
> "How!?" both demanded at once.
Kyo: [Nodoka] Well, one night, daddy loved mommy a lot... OW!
Cyrus: Stop your explanation right there.
> "The power of Jurai," 
Noe & Kyo: [exorcists] The power of Jurai compels you! The power of Jurai... [Both get dropkicked by Cyrus and Dan respectively]
> a new voice said. Leaf irritably turned to face the 
> older man. "It keeps our people young for a long time,
Triad: Like Oil of Olay, only without the smell.
Zenith: Power of Jurai: leading brand of natural preservatives for 30,000 years running.
> I myself have been 
> around for several thousand years, and been on Earth for a little over
> eight hundred years."
Xach: [Older man] I'm hiding. They found out I wrote "Zentraedi just want to have fun".
Triad: [Leaf] YOU wrote that annoying song?!? SHI-NE!
> "Okay, I'm glad to meet another few long-lived people, but this is a 
> family thing so SHEW!!" Leaf waved the intelopers away doing her best to 
Dan: Really big shew.
Zenith: [Nodoka] Well, shew you too!
> ignore the amused looks on their faces. She turned back to see her
> daughter smirking conspiratorily.
Kyo: [Ukyou] Wait 'til they find out I blew up the house.
Dan: [Leaf] Now that that's out of the way, do you like sushi?
> "That means all I have to do is outlive Akane! If that's Ranchan's mother 
> and grandfather he could live practically forever too!"
Zenith: One-track mind?
Xach: Brilliant example thereof.
Dan: That's kinda what is to be expected of crappy fanfiction.
Triad: It could be worse.
Dan: Yes, she could have a no-track mind.
> ~Great, I wonder if she'll by able to hear the other consequences now.~ 
> Leaf sighed expressively, this was going to take longer than she thought. 
> Privacy would be nice but she was not about to trust that greedy girl
> again. 
Cyrus: I share that sentiment. [looks at Zenith]
Zenith: I've never asked you to trust me, VanGuard. Only to pay me.
Cyrus: Fine. Take this. [tosses Zenith a card]
Zenith: What's this?
Cyrus: A gift card worth 1 million credits good for a shopping spree anywhere in my reality. ^_^
Zenith: [clutches the card tightly] That's... quite something, I'd say. But I need to get there first, and... [grins very wide] Hey, Xach. How would you like a vacation?
Cyrus: [grins] You're not going to be able to get through the multi-dimensional barrier that easily, though I could provide you with around trip to it... for a price.
Zenith: [raises an eyebrow] A price? [a feral grin creeps over her face] Exactly what did you have in mind, VanGuard?
Cyrus: Maybe we should work out the details later.
Zenith: Yes... I have some other things to discuss as well.
Cyrus: I'm not sure I like the sound of that...
> Even supposing her intentions were good.
Cyrus: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Xach: Nope. The road to hell is paved with tar, rusty nails, glass shards, and broken bones, which is a lot more painful than 'good intentions'.
> *******************************************************
> After being shewed away by the irritated half-elf, Nodoka walked over and 
> stared at Jiro Kuonji.
Dan: So much for the well-mannered Nodoka we all knew and loved.
Kyo: Eh, she's just trying to explode his head again.
> Having been on the recieving end of a lot of abuse 
> lately this made him very nervous.
Xach: Work a little harder on improving your low self-esteem, you stupid freak.
Zenith: [singing] I love you cuz you're scared of me, I love you cuz you're meek...
> "You are Ukyou's father then?" she asked.
Kyo: [Jiro] No, I'm Batman.
Noe: [Jiro] Yes, I'm Ukyou's father. Did you have wax in your ears when I introduced myself?
Dan: [Jiro] Yes, but it's "Jiro", not "Then".
> "Uh yes," he shifted nervously, aware that this was how a lot of bad 
Dan: Fanfics began.
> things had started recently.
> "So I assume you met my husband through the children."
> "Well, actually no," he said, sweatdropping. "We both were taking this 
Zenith: [Jiro] Box of dinner bagels, and neither wanted to let go.
Triad: [Jiro] donut from this big yellow guy....
> class on parenting and ethics, I guess Ukyou and Ranma started their 
Noe: Blood ritual to the pagan gods.
> friendship while waiting around for us."
> "Parenting and ethics?" Nodoka blinked. "He took a class and still turned 
> out as hideous a parent as that?"
Cyrus: I wouldn't be surprised if he skipped class.
> "Considering my wife's reactions I'm beginning to think I didn't quite 
> soak all the information either."
Dan: Fortunately, the teacher was only doing 2d6 of damage.
Zenith: [thwaps Dan with a cushion] Bad martial artist! No mixing game systems!
> "What was the name of this class?"
> "Parenting and Ethics, like I said," Jiro hmphed in frustration at the 
> obtuseness of women. "The instructor's life has even been made into an 
> American sitcom."
> "Oh really, and what is this instructor's name?" Nodoka asked, curious.
> "Al Bundy, I think," the elder Kuonji shrugged.
[Massive facefaults abound.]
Dan: Now, I think I'd like to hit someone with a shoe.
Zenith: I'd like to KILL someone with a shoe. Or a javelin.
Triad: [rummages under the cushions] Ahah! Stilleto heels!
> "By the way," Nodoka arranged her kimono momentarily. "You are aware that 
> Genma is Ranma's stepfather, are you not?"
> "No," he said slowly, looking at her nervously. "Why do you bring that 
> up?"
Noe: [Nodoka] Kimch'i breakfast. *burp* Sorry.
> "Well, you see the only engagements Ranma really has an obligation to 
> uphold are those that I agreed to," she noted. "And I believe that the
> only one I was aware of until recently was the Tendo agreement. You see
> I left my 
Zenith: [singing] ...heart in San Fransisco, but I left my legs in New Orleans...
> son's martial arts training up to my husband, but I kept control
> otherwise." 
> Jiro blinked for a moment.
Dan: You know, both Genma and Ranma seem to get that a lot...
> "Nabiki!!" the named person turned to see her sister stalking out of the 
Dan: Now, now. Paragraphs are our friends.
Zenith: Apparently her sister has no name anymore. I wonder what happened with it?
Kyo: Given that Nabiki's in the scene, maybe she sold it.
> woods. Following her were the princess, and a third girl, who, surprise, 
> surprise, felt familiar.
Noe: They, too, had no names.
Cyrus: Tragic.
Triad: Now we just wait for them to be killed in a freak accident.
> Behind them came virtually everybody else, aside from Ranma, Sasami
> and Ryouga.
Triad: They were busy hiding their names in the cellar.
Kyo: [Ranma] She will not have them! No way!
> However, the occaisional, "Ryouga-san you're 
> going the wrong way," or "THAT WAY STUPID!!" could be heard.
> "Detective Kiyone! You know something about all this I know you do!!"
Triad: [Kiyone] I do?
> "Yohko Mano," Nabiki said dryly to the demon-hunter that was still
> trying 
> to wake up her sister.
Xach: She should try the Snowhite method.
Noe: [nods vigorously]
[The guys look attentively at the screen]
Cyrus: [facepalms] Argh.
> "Meet more of your sisters."
> "Huh?" Yohko blinked letting Iako's head fall back to the ground.
Noe: *THUMP!*
Xach: Slapstick!
Zenith: That was actually funny.
Dan: Well, compared to the rest of this drudge...
> The 
> more serious demon hunter woke up and snatched Yohko down to face her.
Triad: Then she kissed her full on the lips and shot her.
Noe: Don't tease us like that!
> "Let's find the Kuno and get out of here," she growled.
> "In case you're interested," Kiyone said as the crowd began to approach 
Kyo: With torches and pitchforks.
Zenith: Oh! Good idea. I'd better stock some for later.
Kyo: Later?
Triad: When we raze the author's house.
> them. "Our father is supposed to be here with my mother to visit in a
> little while."
> "In that case we can probably stay a little while longer," Iako said with 
> a vicious smile that drew sweatdrops from Yohko and Kiyone.
Xach: I got a pair of sweatdrops, what do you have?
Noe: Three of a kind.
Zenith: Full house!
> "Okay, ONE of you two has got to know what's going on here," Akane 
> snapped. "You've been getting along well since we got here!"
Triad: [Akane] This is anime! You're supposed to beat the snot out of each other for little or no reason! So get a grudge running NOW!
> "Yes, Detective Kiyone, almost like you know each other from somewhere," 
> Ayeka put in. Nabiki and Kiyone glanced at each other. Kiyone sighed 
> expressively and hesitantly handed Nabiki a wad of cash.
> "Well, Akane, you see Mother....had an affair," Nabiki said quietly. 
> "We're not Daddy's children, not genetically at least."
> "WHAT!!?" Akane blinked.
Xach: She's got the loudest eyelids in the entire district.
> "Finally got here," Ranma muttered as he and Sasami guided Ryouga into
> the courtyard. Upon hearing Akane's shout he and Ryouga leaped over.
Zenith: Hop, hop, hop! [giggles]
Cyrus: [announcer] We've replaced Ranma and Ryouga with bullfrogs. Let's see if Akane notices.
Triad: [singing] I say HEY!
> "What's going..."
Triad: [singing] ...on?
> "RYOUGA-CHAN!!" Ryouga barely had time to register the voice before he
> was glomped. "I'm so HAPPY to see you again!!"
> "AGGG!! Mihoshi??" Ryouga sputtered, trying to breathe. "You're crushing 
> me, could you calm down please?" Everybody paused a moment to watch,
Triad: [Akane] Sadism is fun!
Zenith: [Ayeka] I like to watch...
Noe: Please don't start singing that damn song...
> Ranma 
> and Akane's jaw dropped. Somebody was squeezing Ryouga hard enough to
> cause pain.
> "But I like my hair blonde," Mihoshi whined.
Kyo: Coming up next is Mihoshi, in "Natural Blonde Killers".
> "Hurts, hurts, calm..."
> "Well, okay, if you really want me to," Mihoshi released a breath
Xach: [Mihoshi] Fly free, little breath! Fly free!
Triad: o/~ fly like an idiot, with his brains going free...o/~
[Triad hides]
> almost 
> like a spoiled child who is reluctantly doing what she is told. She let 
> Ryouga go, and calmed down. All the Tenchi group jumped as Mihoshi's
> blonde hair darkened to black. The Nerimans just looked to where Ryouga
> was trying to get his breath back.
Triad: [confused] So Mihoshi took Ryouga's breath and released it into the wild?
Kyo: And now he's trying to get it back.
> "Damn, she's strong," Ranma muttered.
> "I like blonde hair," Mihoshi whined holding her hair in front of her
> face.
> "What just happened?" Kiyone asked, everybody was distracted from the 
> former discussion. Washu did some quick calculations.
> "Hey, its gone!"
Noe: No, it's in her sleeve.
> "What's gone," Tenchi asked, blinking.
> "That energy field around Mihoshi," Washu explained. "The one that I 
> always attributed some of her clumsiness to."
Triad: Have you checked under the seat cushions? All my energy fields keep ending up there.
> "Oh please, like everything that idiot does can be explained by some 
> energy field," Kiyone noted.
> "I did say SOME, not all, or even MOST," Washu noted. "This is 
> interesting."
> "Its not fair, me and A-Ko are the fighters," Ryouga grumbled. "And that 
> ditz figures it out first?!"
Dan: Well, I'd put her and Goku on a similar mental level.
> "Come on girls," Nabiki noted. "Shows over and we have our own problems 
Noe: Do you ever.
> to attend to." She waved over the various girls. "You come too, Ranma,
> this has to do with you."
Zenith: [Nabiki] You're going to get made into spam.
Xach, Noe, & Kyo: o/~ Spam spam spam spam / spam spam spam spam / Lovely spam wonderful spam o/~
> "I think Ryoko and Fam should come as well," Ihrie noted.
> "Umm why?" Kiyone asked suddenly nervous.
> "Because Fam is Ryoko's mother," Ihrie explained. "And Ryoko had a kid 
> with on Xellos Metallium." Kiyone turned a slight shade of green, Nabiki 
> noticed.
> "Problem, sis?"
> "Great, of all the things I didn't want to share with Dad," Kiyone 
> muttered. 
All: ...
> "KIYONE!!" Ryoko shouted as everybody looked at her wide-eyed. Nabiki 
> and Ayeka smirked.
> "Oops, uh, sorry Ryoko," Kiyone laughed, embarrassed.
> "It was one time!" Ryoko protested. "I was drunk around Jupiter and she 
> pulled me over. Next thing I know I wake up next to her."
Xach: Oh, yeah. Happens all the time, ain't it right, (V)ajin? [nudges Cyrus]
Cyrus: ... [sub-zero glare!]
Xach: Ouch... ^_^;;
> "You forgot about karaoke night with me and Mihoshi," Kiyone noted, 
> enjoying the teasing now that she could do a little. ~Well if one story
> is out its all coming out.~ 
> "Ryo-Chan!" Fam gasped.
Zenith: [Fam] OXYGEN!
> "You, and Kiyone?" Tenchi blinked.
> "Oh come on, Tenchi," Kiyone said. "You know I can pretty persuasive, 
> something a picked up from dad."
Triad: [Ayeka] How could you! And you didn't invite ME?!
> "Incidentally, that duplication trick of hers is great." Ryoko blushed 
> with the renewed attention. "Though Washu has some...interesting skills
> as well."
Cyrus: ...I can never watch this show again.
Triad: Oh... my... god...
> "What about Ayeka," Ryoko asked, noticing that the princess hadn't been 
> mentioned yet.
> "What are you implying Ryoko!?" Ayeka snapped.
Xach: [Ryoko] Baby, I've been sleeping with your sister.
Zenith: [Ayeka] Oh! Which one?
Xach: [Ryoko] All of them!
Kyo: These people belong on Jerry Springer.
> "Hey, I'm a blood relation of Ayeka's," Kiyone said. Everybody blinked at 
> her. "Well, I think so anyway."
> "No you are not!!" Ayeka snapped.
> "So who haven't you slept with?" Tenchi asked, trying to recover from the 
> relevations.
> "Sasami and Ayeka," Kiyone admitted. Everybody turned to look at Yosho 
> and Nobuyuki who were standing a ways back. "Sasami's way to young."
Triad: ...Like that'll stop you?
> "I could give you a longer list," Nabiki added dryly, remembering nights 
> in a stable trying to escape the noise.
Cyrus: That's a lot of effort to just avoid a web page.
> "Wait a minute," Tenchi said, sort of green. "Why are you so disgusted by
> sleeping with the same person as your father, and then go around with MY 
> family?"
Cyrus: Wait, if she's blood related to Aeka, shouldn't she be blood related to Tenchi, Sasami, Nobuyuki, and Yosho as well?
Dan: The way this fic is going there's probably some way around it.
> "I won't be imagining you three as my mother when I go to sleep tonight,"
> Kiyone noted. Ryoko thought about that a moment and turned green.
> "As you can see," Nabiki coughed. "Our sister Kiyone has inherited some 
> of Daddy's....habits."
Dan: I see the author thinks well of Kiyone.
Noe: What's his name again, I think Yun would like to have a few words with him.
> "If Yohko had more courage," Iako noted snidely. "She'd have a fairly 
> long list as well."
> "I refuse to believe that I can be related to such a...a...hussy!" Ayeka 
> snapped.
> "You are," Washu said, revealing a few scans. "The seven of you are all 
Cyrus: [Washu] Republicans.
> at least half-sister to each other."
> "Wait a minute," Ranma said. "If you're not really Soun's daughter, then 
Zenith: You must be...
[long pause]
[massive facefaults]
> the Tendo promise doesn't apply to you!"
> "You're HAPPY about that baka!?" Akane shouted.
> "Don't you see," Ranma said. "We can get married now because we want 
> to...not because of some STUPID agreement." Akane blinked.
> "You're right!" Nabiki looked on in mild shock as Akane and Ranma jumped 
> up and down happily. "It's OUR decision now!!" This she hadn't expected.
Dan: Wow. Ranma and Akane are really in love with each other and decide to get married on their own. That sure doesn't happen often in fanfiction.
Zenith: Sarcasm doesn't befit you, Mastriani.
Cyrus: Well, it's over now... finally. I can see a light in the end of the tunnel.
Xach: And it's an oncoming train.
Cyrus: Very funny. Now--
[In the distance] *CHOO! CHOO!*
Dan: Uh oh...
Triad: Take cover?
Dan: Yes!
[Everyone leaps into the back rows a split second before the west wall explodes and a large train barrels through.]
Card: Aw, I missed. Tee-hee! [The train leaves through the east wall]
All: ... [climbs out of the back rows]
Cyrus: I thought Barri was supposed to be "reforming" her.
Kyo: Let's just leave.
[All leave]
