
How much of a bitch or a bastard are you? Take the test here as well as many other cool ones.

People who have taken tests:

Slut Test

Purity Test
Christine...72% pure
Danielle M...63% pure

Bitch/Bastard Test

Sex Test
Danielle M...will have sex with 2 males, but will only love one, 1st at age 16 in hotel room and will have 71% chance of dying durin sex, eek!
Mike N...will hav sex with 7 girls (playa! lol jk) but will only love 2, first time at 17
Christine...will have sex with 5 guys, but will only love 2 of them, first time at 19 in lover's bed

HAHA, wonder if these are really true...

Wanna be added to this list??? Let me know....

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