Summer 2005 Newsletter
A publication of Christ Community Church of Blackstone
In This Issue:
A Call for Parish Nursing
Parish Hall Kitchen Now Meets Code
Mission Update from the McCombs in Kenya
Quaker Meeting House Lists 2005 Schedule
From the Pastor’s Pen
Is it true that summer is just around the corner? Certainly could have fooled me. But on June 19, we change to our summer schedule (Worship at 9:30 a.m.) and take a break from Sunday School, so it must be true.
As I look back upon the year since September, it certainly has been packed with activity and excitement. I have been working through the materials from our discussions in the Envisioning Committee, and as I have “reheard” our discussions, I can only say that we have a very good group of committed people here at Christ Community Church who have a strong desire to se the ministry here in Blackstone grow. I am looking forward to the future with great anticipation.
The Adult Sunday School class this year studied Rick Warren’s best seller, The Purpose Driven Life. Since in the envisioning group we read a good portion of Warren’s The Purpose Driven Church, for many of us I think it has been a double dose of asking ourselves “What is your purpose?” or “What is your vision?” I think this has been a very good question with which to search ourselves.
The year has not been all work, however. In April, Pat and I were able to spend two weeks in a place called Carefree (how I love that name!), Arizona. Pat spent the first weeks in a Parish Nursing seminar, while I did nothing but read, fish, and visit with Dan and Donna Langlois. Dan and Donna relocated a year and a half ago, and it was good to see that they are doing well.
Dan and Donna Langlois at their home in Carefree, Arizona.
While in a very real sense things slow down around the church for the summer, I do have a lot to accomplish this summer. On the 26th of June at 2 p.m., I will be speaking at the Quaker Meeting House on Elm Street in Blackstone. I will also officiate at three weddings (two here at the church and one offsite). In addition, there are many plans that have to be made, not only for the coming year, but hopefully plans that will set our course for several years. All this will begin, however, only after my canoe trip in Maine with two of my sons and a nephew!
There is one sad note that we have to relate. Time certainly moves quickly. It seems like only yesterday we were welcoming Lubomir Ondrasek, his wife Daniela and his daughter, Daniela, as he assumed the position of Associate Pastor. We welcomed his energy and his vision. While we knew that he would be continuing his education at some point, that time has arrived quickly. They will be departing soon as Lubomir begins his doctoral studies at the University of Chicago. We pray that as they go forth, the Lord would go before them and prepare the way.
May the Lord bless you all, and may he grant you a safe summer. And in the midst of your summer, may you keep your thoughts on Him.
[Submitted by Pastor Denis Hardy]
A Call for Parish Nursing
From April 17 to 23, I had the privilege to attend a week-long Parish Nursing seminar in Carefree, Arizona. It was an amazing week of lectures, prayer, worship, and fun. There were 17 nurses and three wonderful instructors, and it was a fruitful time of learning and growing. Having said that, I will now say with confidence that He has called me to work within the church structure in this capacity.
Parish nursing services are designed to build on and strengthen capacities of individuals, families, and congregations to understand and care for one another in light of their relationship to God, faith traditions, themselves, and the broader society. The practice holds that all are sacred and must be treated with respect and dignity. In response to this belief, the parish nurse assists individuals to become more active partners in the management of their personal health resources.
The parish nurse is a resource person, a personal health educator, a community liaison, and role model between one’s faith and health. Parish nurses do not provide home health care but may make a referral to a home health care agency for a parishioner. As a health educator, the parish nurse is available to lead or arrange programs on health-related issues, provide health-wellness information, and promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. As a referral source, the parish nurse is aware of available community resources and assists members to utilize and understand the health care system. The parish nurse recruits and coordinates volunteers within the congregation willing to assist others in need. As a personal health counselor, the nurse is available to discuss health concerns or make home, hospital, and nursing home visits as needed or requested.
The ministry of Jesus was always to the entire person—never to just a body or soul alone. The church’s mission is one of health and salvation.
Volunteers will be needed to form a health and wellness committee to assist with the ministry of health within our church. If you feel like you have gifts in that direction, please call or e-mail me. We will meet monthly at first as we plan what Christ might want us to do as we move forward.
Please fill out the enclosed survey in this newsletter and return to Pat Hardy or put it in the collection plate. Pray for God’s will in the ministry that His church might be healthy spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
[Submitted by Pat Hardy, RN]
Pat Hardy (second from left) at the Parish Nursing seminar.
Parish Hall Kitchen Now Meets Code
The fire suppression system at the Parish Hall has been updated by North East Fire & Safety. This new wet chemical fire suppression system now meets state, local, and insurance codes. A certificate has been sent to the Blackstone Fire Department.
[Submitted by Property Committee chair Bill Hoyle and Church President Sandy Maclennan]
Mission Update from The Newcombs in Kenya
The following was received on May 16 from the Newcombs:
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
I pray that you’re all doing fine and living in the blessings of God. I want to thank everyone who has stood with us as we try to spread the word of the Lord and to lift up our Kenyan brothers and sisters to new heights in serving our Lord Jesus.
Umoja Primary School Update: Great News! Starting this June, because of all your help and love of the Lord, we will begin to feed all 650 children a day. It was very painful for us to feed some children while others looked through the windows. I can’t wait for June. Thank you.
Sunday School students share Students at Umoja Primary Students get ready for lunch.
a meal after church. School.
Reconstruction of the buildings is under way, and so is the landscaping. Hopefully by the end of the year, we will have something good to show you. By the way, if anyone knows of a mission team that takes on building projects, please tell them about Umoja School. We would be happy to receive them.
Landscaping of the school grounds. The current state of the fallen classrooms.
We need to repaint and add lighting The children eat in our rebuilt lunch room.
to the rooms.
Prayer Mountain: Not much progress on Prayer Mountain since our last newsletter. But we are waiting on the Lord to provide the funds needed to finish. When it comes to building such a place as a prayer center, there must be some kind of struggle with darkness.
The Churches: The churches are still going on well, and soon Rehoboth Worship Center could be recognized by the Kenyan government as an official church body. This means that long after we leave the church, the work will continue for the glory of the Lord. Also, we will be able to give missionaries work permission to serve in Kenya.
Our Tigoni Church is made of young Our youth sport outreach has been
people. winning football championships
throughout Kenya.
TV Ministry: We have recently finished filming two children’s movies. I was so happy for our children whom I found had a lot of natural talent. Right now, the movies are going into editing. Our daughter Candice had a small role in the first film. We are looking forward to going on the air before the end of the year. Let’s reach the multitude for Jesus!
Family Update: Candice is happy for the newest member of our family, her sister Faith. Faith turned 15 years old a few months ago. Eunice is now in the States and will be heading to Korea for a missionary conference. She also needs an operation. Please pray for a quick recovery. Our family needs her back home with us.
Candice is now 10 and enjoys Candice and Faith.
playing the piano.
It is with a loving heart that we say thank you for making the Lord known in Kenya. We miss you all very much.
Sincerely yours,
The Newcombs
Quaker Meeting House Lists 2005 Services
The East Blackstone Quaker Meeting House and Cemetery Historical Association will sponsor four ecumenical services in the 2005 season. On May 22, the Rev. Robert Sheldon, senior pastor at Easton Baptist Church, served as guest speaker. On June 26, our own Pastor Denis will preach in the historic meeting house with the worship team providing special music.
Other services will be held on September 18 and the annual Thanksgiving service on November 20. All Sunday services begin at 2 p.m.
The annual Christmas caroling service will be held on Friday, December 9 at 7 p.m. For more information on any services, please see association member Jonathan Steele.
[Submitted by Jonathan Steele]
Friends Meeting House, 1812
Elm Street, East Blackstone
Christ Community Church of Blackstone
Christ Community Church
P.O. Box 487
Church Street
Blackstone, MA 01504
Christ Community Church
Parish Hall
Main Street
Blackstone, MA 01504
Phone Numbers:
Church and Office
(508) 883-7885
Parish Hall
(508) 883-3142
Christ Community Church of Blackstone is a Bible-based, Christ-centered, Christian church affiliated with
the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference.
Denis Hardy, Pastor
Summer Hours:
9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship
June 19 – September 4
Regular Hours:
9:15 a.m. Sunday School
10:45 a.m. Sunday Worship
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