“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;”

Psalm 24:1





 They say that April showers bring May flowers. There are wonderful things that happen in May like finally seeing the leaves open on the trees, the green of the shrubs and seeing beautiful flowers everywhere you look. By May the days are getting long and the sun is warming the earth. In the month of May we also celebrate Mother’s Day and Memorial Day, so May is a month of remembrance and celebration as well as experiencing the beauty of God and the earth that he created. Truly, “the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;”

This is also the time of year where hope begins to spring up in people’s hearts. There is no doubt that there is something very special about the renewal of the earth as it comes alive again right before our eyes. This renews our hope and our faith.

Some might say that we have come through a tough winter and I would definitely agree with them. There have been many challenges that we have all faced over the last year and a half, but praise God, things are beginning to turn around and I don’t think there is any better time than spring to have new beginnings.



 There is quote by Alexander Pope that goes, “Hope Springs Eternal.” That saying really seems to fit in with this time in history. This spring we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ and in May we will continue our journey with Jesus as we look at the new beginnings that sprung up when Jesus ascended into heaven and charged his followers with the Great Commission. Jesus told them to “go into all the world and preach the gospel” and that is exactly what they did. The book of Acts is full of movement, power and new beginnings. It is exciting to see the hope that is spread abroad as Jesus life and ministry continues to turn the world upside down: and still does today.

I urge you this month to get out and enjoy this beautiful world that God created and I also urge you to reach out to someone to give them hope through the Good News that hope still springs eternal in the hearts of men and women when they belong to Christ.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Ruth Blais