“Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning. Rend your heart and not your garments.” Joel 2:12-14.




 We have already begun the season of Lent and in four weeks will be celebrating Easter. Lent is a time of personal reflection and drawing close to the Lord as we take our walk toward the cross.

This scripture in Joel touches my heart because it is a call to return to the Lord with all our heart. This past year has been a trial for many. There are churches that have remained closed with on-line services and churches like Christ Community that have services with a reduced attendance. This puts a strain on individuals and causes me to pray that they can stay steadfast in their faith.

Many times I have heard the story about what happens when you take a hot coal out of the fire and set it aside. Eventually that coal gets cool and if it doesn’t get near the flame again it gets cold. As Christians we need to stay close to the flame so that we can stay spiritually alive and well.

During Lent many people fast and pray. It doesn’t matter what you decide to fast but it is making a decision to do something that will bring you closer to God. I know someone who is taking one item of clothing each day and setting it aside for the homeless. Each time that is done it is given up to Jesus. That is an act of faith and love and a prayer in itself.

Jesus isn’t looking so much at our sacrifices but at the condition of our hearts. I pray that during this season of Lent that we will turn our hearts toward Christ and return with all of our heart. That is a wonderful call from our Heavenly Father. Come on home, come back to me.

I pray that you are blessed during these next few weeks as we continue to follow Christ and remember all that he has give for us.

God bless,

Pastor Ruth Blais