A Message from Pastor Ruth

““To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1


 As we begin the New Year, we may find ourselves a little bedraggled from the year that has just passed. As we look at the scripture in Ecclesiastes, we see that there is a time for everything under the sun. We may not like what the times are handing us right now but we also know that there is a time for everything under the Son (Jesus). Everything that we have gone through in the past year, Jesus has been right there with us. He knows, fully well, what we have encountered in 2020 and what we will encounter in 2021.

Right now, we are in the season of winter. Although things look drab and lifeless, that is not the case at all. Under the snow and the frozen ground lie seeds that will germinate and sprout when the warmer weather comes. There are all kinds of life hibernating in the ground and in nests just waiting for Spring to come.

That’s also the way God works. He is working behind the scenes where we cannot always see what he is doing. This calls for faith on our part that God is about His business and will bring us to another Spring and give us what we need. The Lord’s Prayer says: “Give us this day our daily bread.” This may be a challenging time for all of us but we must remember the goodness of God and that He will take care of his flock.

Unfortunately, we have had to close the church for services for two weeks. We are planning to resume services on the 17th. Until them the Sunday morning message will be on the website. Even though we are not together physically God is working behind the scenes and the day will come when we can all worship together in Spirit and truth. Until then stay safe and love one another as Christ has loved you.

Blessings in Christ

Pastor Ruth Blais