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Information on Past Issues

Who has contributed to my magazine?

Issue #1: This issue was mostly reprints from various teen-published magazines: Keight Bergman of Pink Tea, Cassie Freeman of Mustard, Ashley Gatewood of She Locked Herself Up In a Lemon, Claire Stoscheck of Morning Mists and Canadian Mark Palm of Screaming at a Wall. Some people (Jaymee Klemenhagen, Courtney Huff, Nicole Pietz, and Jami Kehoe) sent me original work though. And of course, there's some of my work.

Check out some of the writings:

Issue #2: People with their own magazines (Anne of The Vegetable Inside Us All, Ginger Vytis of Yesturday's Mistake, Samantha Johnson of Literary Thoughts, and Kelly Phelan of e-zine Xenith) let me reprint their work. Some people let me reprint their work from offline magazine Literary Thoughts and e-zines Xenith, Authentic, PoiNtLesS ChaOs, expression, and Carpe Diem. Some people (Suzy Davidson of Pottsie Nation Publications, one of my friends, and two of my pen pals) even submitted original work. And, i wrote a few articles and my brother let me use some poems he had written for a school project.

Check out some of the writings:

Issue #3: This issue was mostly reprints from e-zines (Xenith, revelation, HeLLo WoRLd, Spank Daily, periwinkle, by the Candlelight), but there were original submissions and a reprint from Suzy Davidson's Everyone Can Kiss My Ass 2

Check out some of the writings:

Issue #4: There are some reprints here as well as many original submissions. Though short on poetry, there are many well-written articles and more writings from me than i had expected. Featured writers include Kimra McPherson of Noodle zine, Alyson Propes of Sopha zine, Zasha Russell and Meria Helma. Features including "i am" and "Soundtrack of my Life" were filled in this issue.

Check out some of the writings:

Issue #5: YOU? The theme of #4 is action. If you're 21 or under, go with that any way you like and send it to me. Click here for a list of features that need writers.

If you want to see a back issue, click on the quill and paper and send me your home address. I'll e-mail you back with mine so you can send me $2 (per issue). Believe me, they're well worth the price. Issue #1 is 28 pages long and though it has slightly less content than the 32 page Issue #2, Issue #1 has an interview with author Norma Fox Mazer and a much larger zine review section (though Issue #2 has a giant children's book review section and a large section reviewing books and magazines helpful to writers). Issue #3 is slimmer (only 18 pages) and not as well formatted or proofread as the others because i was rushed to get it finished in time for Beantown Zinetown 3, but i'm slowly getting over my dissatisfaction with it and have gotten good responses from people about it. Issue #4 is the thickest yet and though it too was rushed for Beantown Zinetown, i am fairly proud of how it has turned out.
